fusion of data from multiple sensors, the application
of transfer learning, and the ongoing demand for real-
time and low-power consumption continue to drive
innovation and practical applications of HAR
technology. For instance, researchers successfully
predicted gait freezing symptoms in Parkinson's
disease using a Support Vector Machine (SVM) with
a radial basis kernel (Kleanthous et al 2020).
However, in-depth analysis and application of sensor
data from single portable devices such as
smartphones still face some challenges, including
differences in data collection between different
devices, the recognition capability for unconventional
complex movements, and the impact of activity data
on distinguishing different participants, improving
recognition accuracy, and assessing activity duration.
These aspects still require comprehensive and in-
depth research.
The objective of this study is to explore the
potential of smartphone sensors in HAR and
distinguish between different users. Firstly, a
comprehensive analysis of sensor data is conducted in
this research, and various models are trained to
validate their recognition accuracy under both routine
and unconventional movements, aiming to identify
the optimal model. Secondly, the study employs the
XGBoost model for performance analysis in
distinguishing between different participants.
Experimental results demonstrate that the XGBoost
model exhibits high classification accuracy, reaching
up to 92.15% in complex scenarios. Additionally,
there is good distinguishability among different
participants. This not only highlights the reliability of
smartphone sensor data but also provides practical
guidance for real-world applications. It offers a solid
foundation for the practical use of smartphone sensors
in activity recognition. Through these steps, this
paper aims to propose a more accurate, convenient,
and cost-effective activity recognition solution,
providing technical support for the widespread
application of smartphones in areas such as human-
computer interaction, anti-theft features, and gaming.
2.1 Dataset Description and
This study primarily involves two datasets: The first
dataset was collected from 30 participants engaged in
daily activities such as walking, climbing stairs,
descending stairs, sitting, standing, and lying down
(Kaggle. 2023 a). Participants wore a waist-mounted
smartphone equipped with inertial sensors
(accelerometer and gyroscope) to collect data. The
age range of participants in the study was set from 19
to 48 years old. Each person wears a smartphone
(Samsung Galaxy S II) around their waist for six
activities. The sensor of the mobile phone captures
data on three-axis linear acceleration and three-axis
angular velocity at a constant frequency of 50
samples per second. The dataset includes
preprocessed sensor signals, initially subjected to
noise filtering, followed by fixed-length interval
sampling with an interval length of 2.56 seconds and
0.5 overlap (each interval contains 128 readings). The
Butterworth low-pass filter is used to separate the
accelerometer signal into body acceleration and
gravity acceleration. Gravity, considered as low-
frequency components, was filtered using a cutoff
frequency of 0.3 Hertz. This dataset identifies
different activities and participants separately. The
second dataset records similar activities as the first,
with additional activities such as cycling, playing
soccer, swimming, playing tennis, jumping rope, and
doing push-ups (Kaggle. 2023 b). These activities
also involve body movements recorded through the
smartphone's accelerometer and gyroscope sensors.
Similar to the first dataset, basic data preprocessing
steps were applied. This dataset only identifies
different activities.
2.2 Proposed Approach
The core focus of this article is to discuss the potential
of using only smartphone sensors in the HAR field.
In terms of feature dimensionality reduction and
visualization, Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
and t-distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding (t-
SNE) are used to study the label distribution of data.
Subsequently, models are trained for the six
fundamental activities in dataset one and the same six
activities in dataset two. A comparative analysis is
conducted to verify the impact of different devices on
model accuracy. Additionally, training is performed
on the entire dataset two, encompassing the basic six
activities and an additional six sports activities, to
assess whether these models can still maintain high
accuracy. Finally, the research explores the
distinguishability among participants in human
behavior recognition, examining identification
accuracy and the time required to achieve high
accuracy for different participants. The process is
shown in the Figure 1.