The Impact of Natural Population Growth Rate and per Capita GDP
on Life Expectancy in China
Zhengyun Chen
Department of Financial Mathematics, Xi’an Jiaotong Liverpool University, Suzhou, China
Keywords: Life Expectancy, Natural Population Growth Rate, Capital GDP.
Abstract: With the development of modern society, the quality of people’s lives has become better and people pay more
attention to life quality. Food and clothing are no longer the most concerning issue for people, while how to
live longer and healthier has become a heated discussion. The main factors that impact life expectancy is one
of the key research topics today. After searching for relevant information, the research finds two variables
that may affect life expectancy. So the research topic of the article is the relationship between the population
growth rate, per capita GDP, and life expectancy. The research method of this article is as follows. First, the
data of natural growth rate, per capita GDP, and life expectancy in China from CEL data. Then, adopting a
suitable model of the variables and doing the tests to check the degree of fit. Finally, performing regression
analysis on data and getting the result to conclude. The research finds that the natural population growth hurts
life expectancy and the per capita GDP has a positive impact on life expectancy in China. The article also
provides an in-depth analysis of the reasons for this result. To increase life expectancy, people need to solve
the problem of retirement and strengthen infrastructure construction to help solve the health problem with the
help of the government and the family.
In recent years, China’s national strength is steadily
increasing and people have lived a happy life. With
the rapid development of the Chinese economy,
pursuing health and longevity has become the most
beautiful vision in the heart of the people of the whole
country (Guo 2022). To realize this vision, scientists
are searching main factors that may affect life
expectancy. According to Wang Xiaolei , the GDP
has a critical impact on life expectancy (Wang
GAFLT). With the growth of the economy, people
can learn more about ways to stay healthy, and
medical security can become more comprehensive
which is beneficial for people’s longevity. So per
capita GDP is the main factor that can not be ignored.
In recent years, the natural growth rate in China has
been low making the population structure tend toward
aging (Li GAFHBU).
At the same time, with the increase in the elderly
population, retirement has become a major societal
issue in recent years (Wu CSHE). The age structure
causes young people can not take good care of the
elderly because they also have the pressure to take
care of the children. Meanwhile, the lack of
caregivers in nursing homes can also lead to issues
with elderly care. Based on these facts, the research
uses the natural growth rate as an independent
variable to find the relationship between it and life
expectancy in China. However, the deep reasons why
these two variables affect life expectancy need further
discussion. The research is based on the data from
CEI data to analyze the impact of natural growth rate
and per capita GDP in China and attempt to place hot
issues under the test of objective data. The research
will summarize the data from 2014 to 2021. Using
natural growth rate and per capita GDP as the
independent variables and using life expectancy as a
dependent variable. Then applying the data to
calculate the regression model and used the result to
analyse the fitting degree. Finally deriving the
relationship between the three variables and using
relevant data to analyze the deep reasons.
Chen, Z.
The Impact of Natural Population Growth Rate and per Capita GDP on Life Expectancy in China.
DOI: 10.5220/0012825900004547
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Data Science and Engineering (ICDSE 2024), pages 98-101
ISBN: 978-989-758-690-3
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
2.1 Data Description
This study mainly explores the relationship between
life expectancy, natural population growth rate, and
per capita GDP in China from 2014 to 2021. The data
set is sourced from CEI data. The database provides a
reliable function for our study because it is controlled
by the government of China. Employing sample data
aims to find the relationship between life expectancy
and two explanatory factors and whether the natural
population growth rate and per capita GDP in China
influence life expectancy.
2.2 Data Analyze
To find the relationship, a regression model is used:
Y=β0+β1X1+β2X2+ui (1)
Here, X1 and X2 serve as the independent
variable, Y serve as the dependent variable,β1, and β2
denote the regression coefficient and ui serves as the
error term. Y is life expectancy in China, X1 is the
natural population growth rate in China, and X2 is the
per capita GDP in China.
Input data into the computer and use Excel to get
the regression.
Table 1: Regression coefficients.
Coefficients Standard error
Intercept 74.9515232 1.03475241
X Variable 1 -0.1247191 0.06489231
X Variable 2 0.04078889 0.01256032
Table 2: Regression statistics.
Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.98670885
R Square 0.97359436
Adjusted R Square 0.96303211
Standard error 0.14837689
As shown in Table 1, the regression is
Y=74.95-0.12X1+0.04X2. (2)
The same as
Life expectancy=7495-0.12*Natural
population growth rate + 0.04 *Per capita GDP (3)
According to Table 2, the R Square is 0.97, the
Adjusted R square is 0.96 the standard error is 0.15. It
indicates that the linear correlation between variables is
very close, and the fitting validity of the regression
equation is high.
Table 3: Hypothesis test.
t Stat P-value
Intercept 72.4342578291421 9.49942522182486E-09
X Variable 1 -1.92193942921116 0.112648212569879
X Variable 2 3.24744069216676 0.0227604296678813
Then, doing the hypothesis test. There is a close
relationship between natural growth rate and life
expectancy. So proposing verfiable hypotheses.
The null hypothesis (H0) is β1=0, and the
alternative hypothesis (H1) is β1≠0. Table 3 shows
that the t-statistics are high while corresponding p-
values are small. So rejecting H0 and get the
conclusion that there is high confidence that there
is a strong correlation between the natural population
growth rate and life expectancy in China. Then doing the
hypothesis test of β2, it can also have the same result.
As a result, the regression model concludes that the three
variables in the regression model are significant and two
factors of natural growth rate and per capita GDP have
a significant linear influence on life expectancy.
The Impact of Natural Population Growth Rate and per Capita GDP on Life Expectancy in China
At the same time, using Excel to get VIF to
exclude the problem of multicollinearity. The VIF
between X1 and X2 is 0.52 which is less than 5. It
means that the complex collinearity between X1
and X2 is relatively light. So there is no multicollinearity
problem between natural growth tare and per capita
GDP in China. The equation fitting effect is good.
Figure 1: The changes of Y and predict Y with the change of X1 (Picture credit: Original)
Figure 2: The changes of Y and predict Y with the change of X2 (Picture credit: Original)
Figure 1 and Figure 2 show that the changes of
the dependent variable Y with the changes of the
independent variables X1 and X2. The Figure 1
and Figure 2 made by the computer show the
predicted Y is almost identical to the actual Y. It
means that the model fits very well and the results
are faithful. So the research can draw a conclusion
according to the regression model.
This research investgate two factors that may affect
life expectancy in China, including natural growth
rate and per capita GDP. Using the two explanatory
variables of natural growth rate and per capita GDP
to research the relationship with the dependent
variable of life expectancy.
The impact of natural population growth on life
expectancy. The tables above show that there is a
negative correlation between natural population growth
rate and life expectancy. It means that if the natural
population growth rate is higher, then the life
expectancy is lower. The natural growth rate is an
important factor affecting population structure. To
reduce the degree of population ageing, the Chinese
government is gradually lifting birth restrictions (Guo et
al 2019).
With the higher natural growth rate, the age structure
tends to be younger. However, the main part supporting
the elderly is still the family, so as the pace of age
changes, middle-aged people need to spend more time
with children (Gao 2002). As a result, the time spent
taking care of the elderly will be reduced and many
middle-aged people no longer choose to live with the
elderly which means that old people will receive less
care. Meanwhile, more children mean more household
ICDSE 2024 - International Conference on Data Science and Engineering
expenses, so many middle-aged people have to
migrate. Once there are any health issues with the
elderly, they will not be able to arrive the first time.
Therefore, the natural population growth rate
harms life expectancy.
The impact of per capita GDP on life
expectancy. The tables above show a positive
correlation between per capita GDP and life
expectancy. It means that if the per capita GDP is
higher, the life expectancy is higher. The per capita
GDP is an important indicator for measuring a
country’s economic level. With a higher level of
economic development, the pension benefits are
better (Yang and Chang 2021). It means that more
elder people can be taken good care of and more
difficult and miscellaneous problems can be
solved. Meanwhile, the high economic level means
that pregnant women can have better care and
babies can have a higher survival rate (Zhu and
Liang). At the same time, a more complete social
system can improve the overall quality of people
which can increase life expectancy (Wang and Zhu
2014). People can arrange their daily lives more
scientifically and have a healthier diet.
From another perspective, the per capita GDP
is high means that there is more investment in
medical security (Wang 2021). And the medical
security system can save more lives. For example,
pregnant women can determine the health status of
their fetus through tests and advanced medical
technology can ensure the safety of pregnant
women and children’s lives. At the same time,
more people can afford medical examinations
which can assist patients in knowing their
condition in advance and receiving treatment.
Meanwhile, people also have enough money to
receive treatment. These can effectively reduce the
mortality rate and thus increase the life expectancy.
The research finds a negative correlation between
the natural growth rate and life expectancy in
China and the per capita GDP has a positive effect
on life expectancy in China.
The research evaluates the objective factors
that affect life expectancy in China based on data
analysis. To extend life expectancy, the research
suggests people improve the pension system to
avoid that the elderly can not be taken good care of
due to the pressure of taking care of children. At
the same time, with the rapid growth of the
economy, medical security is getting better and
many complicated diseases can be treated. Though the
government can take action to take care of the elderly
with the improvement of the economy, the family is still
the main part of supporting the elderly.
So the article also suggests people spend more time
with the elderly which is not only aimed at caring about
their physical health, but also good for their mental
health. This research is aimed at finding the main factors
that affect life expectancy. The research can help
scientists find ways to achieve the vision of pursuing
health and longevity. There are still some missing
variables in the study. In future research, further
refinement can be made in the operationalization of the
aforementioned variables to facilitate in-depth research
on this topic. With the development of economic and the
help of the government and the family, people can live
longer and healthier in the future.
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The Impact of Natural Population Growth Rate and per Capita GDP on Life Expectancy in China