Predicting Loan Eligibility Approval Using Machine Learning
Guangxuan Chen
School of Information Management and Engineering, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics,
Shanghai, 200433, China
Keywords: Loan, Finance, Machine Learning, Classification, AdaBoost.
Abstract: The survival and profitability of financial institutions are closely related to the recipients of the loan. However,
traditional loan approval methods are struggling to keep up with the diversifying and rapidly growing loan
applications. In this context, machine learning techniques present a promising solution. Previous studies have
only attempted limited models, while this study aims to achieve higher loan approval prediction accuracy by
comprehensively comparing multiple mainstream models. This article selects a publicly available dataset
from Kaggle, conducts detailed data preprocessing, and comprehensively trains eight mainstream models.
The evaluation metrics used are precision, accuracy, and F1-score. Among these models, AdaBoost performed
the best, achieving the highest Accuracy (84.95%) and the best F1-score (0.8957). XGBoost performed the
best in terms of Precision. This study presents a more accurate method for loan approval and demonstrates
the reliability of machine learning in supporting intelligent financial decision-making. This tool helps
financial institutions to efficiently and fairly assess the eligibility of loan applicants, streamline the loan
approval process, and promote financial inclusion.
Financial institutions act as intermediaries,
channeling idle funds to individuals, enterprises, or
projects needing funds. This improves the efficiency
of resource utilization and promotes progress in all
walks of life. Loans, as a core business of financial
institutions, play a crucial role in promoting
economic growth. To improve the loan approval
process, it is necessary to develop new methods that
are more efficient and effective. Traditional methods
for approving loans rely too heavily on credit scoring
models, which are often overwhelmed by the need to
respond to diverse loan applications, consider
emerging financial businesses, and handle large
amounts of data. In the meanwhile, only professionals
can assess the qualifications and loan default risks
associated with applicants using these methods. In
today's complex and competitive financial markets,
traditional methods often come with inefficiencies
and uncertainty in approval decisions. Gupta et al.
state that traditional loan approval is a difficult and
risky process (Gupta et al. 2020).
Loan approval is the process of distinguishing
creditworthy applicants from potential defaulters. It is
important to ensure both efficiency and fairness.
However, traditional loan approval methods may be
hindered by factors such as human subjective
judgment, which can exclude some potential
borrowers from eligibility. As the concept of financial
inclusion grows, it is imperative to ensure that every
potential borrower receives fair and speedy loan
approvals; relative study shows that financial
inclusion can help reduce poverty, increase financial
innovation, strengthen the stability of the financial
sector, and improve the economy (Ozili 2021).
Fortunately, most financial institutions are
digitally transformed today. The integration of digital
technology in the financial industry has led to new
forms of digital finance. Machine learning (ML)
technology has opened up new possibilities for loan
approval. By using large-scale datasets and advanced
complex algorithms for model training, ML can speed
up the approval process and help financial institutions
accurately assess the credit risk of loan applicants. It
also improves the accuracy and fairness of approvals,
achieving more universal financial inclusion.
Its effects and limitations in loan qualification
approvals require further research. Previous research
suggests that banks should use a combination of
Chen, G.
Predicting Loan Eligibility Approval Using Machine Learning Algorithms.
DOI: 10.5220/0012828200004547
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Data Science and Engineering (ICDSE 2024), pages 512-517
ISBN: 978-989-758-690-3
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
multifaceted customer attributes when deciding to
grant a loan using ML models (Sheikh et al. 2020).
Researchers have investigated the application of
several basic models, including Support Vector
Machine (SVM), K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN),
Logistic Regression (LR), and Random Forest (RF),
and have achieved high accuracy in predicting loan
approvals (Singh et al. 2021, Tumuluru et al. 2022,
Saini 2023).
However, most existing research has only tested a
limited number of models. This paper employs a
meticulous data preprocessing technique and
conducts a thorough comparison of various popular
models to achieve high accuracy.
By introducing ML models, this paper offers
financial institutions a fast, straightforward, and
unbiased method to screen qualified loan applicants.
They can make data-driven decisions, improve the
efficiency and accuracy of loan placement, and
reduce manual intervention through the automation of
loan eligibility approval. This is an opportunity for
financial institutions to move towards a smarter future
while also promoting financial inclusion.
This paper adopts the same original dataset on
Kaggle as several references refines the data
preprocessing work through feature analysis, and
comprehensively trains various mainstream models.
The aim is to compare the strengths and weaknesses
of existing methods more intuitively, which will help
in selecting the optimal solution.
2.1 Data Collection
A dataset was collected from Kaggle, containing 11
applicant characteristics and their final application
status (Loan Prediction Problem Dataset 2019). Prior
research has been conducted using this dataset. For
example, Uddin et al. constructed an ensemble
learning model by using the voting method to
combine the three best-performing ML models out of
the nine they tested, achieving an accuracy rate of up
to 87.26% (Uddin et al. 2023). In contrast, Orji et al.'s
experimental results showed that Random Forest
outperformed the other five models they used in terms
of accuracy score (Orji et al. 2022). Additionally, the
results of Mridha et al. showed that logistic regression
had the highest accuracy of 80.43% (Mridha et al.
2022). The previous research on this dataset indicates
that it is valuable and representative for studying the
prediction of loan approval.
2.2 Exploratory Data Analysis
2.2.1 Data Overview
The original dataset comprises thirteen fields, some
of which have missing values. A summary of the
original dataset is shown in Table 1.
The 'Loan ID' field serves as the primary key,
which means that each record is unique. This implies
that the dataset contains no duplicates, but the
primary key is not useful for further research and
should be considered for deletion.
Table 1: Overview of the dataset.
Attribute Name
Non-Null Count Type
Loan ID 614 String
Gender 601 String
Married 611 String
Dependents 599 String
Education 614 String
Self-Employed 582 String
Applicant Income 614 Integer
Co-applicant Income 614 Integer
Loan Amount 592 Integer
Loan Amount Term 600 Integer
Credit History 564 Integer
Property Area 614 String
Loan Status 614 String
Predicting Loan Eligibility Approval Using Machine Learning Algorithms
Furthermore, there are missing values in the fields
'Gender', 'Married', 'Dependents', 'Self-Employed',
'Credit History', 'Loan Amount', and 'Loan Amount
Term', and different treatment strategies are
employed based on the characteristics of each field.
2.2.2 Univariate Analysis
Histograms were plotted for numerical variables with
missing values to observe their distribution and
characteristics (Fig. 1).
(a) Loan Amount (b) Loan Amount Term
Figure 1: Histograms of numerical variables with missing values (Photo/Picture credit: Original).
It was found that the values of 'Loan Amount
Term' were concentrated at 360 (>83%), indicating
that this variable does not differentiate between
different applicants and is not useful for subsequent
prediction. Therefore, it was decided to delete it
'Loan Amount' is left-skewed and not normally
distributed, so it is appropriate to use the median to
fill in the missing values.
2.2.3 Bivariate Analysis
This section focuses on examining the statistical
relationship between the categorical variables with
missing values and loan status. Several bar charts are
plotted in Figures 2 & 3.
(a) Gender (b) Married
(c) Dependents (d) Self-employed
Figure 2: The distribution of loan status across categorical variables (Photo/Picture credit: Original).
ICDSE 2024 - International Conference on Data Science and Engineering
(a) Credit History (b) Correlation Matrix Heatmap
Figure 3: Distribution of loan status by credit history; correlation matrix heatmap (Photo/Picture credit: Original).
Figure 3 demonstrates a strong correlation
between 'Credit History' and 'Loan Status', as
different values of the former lead to opposite
proportions of the latter. The calculation of the
correlation matrix also reflects this, so it would be a
good idea to delete the record with the missing 'Credit
History' value instead of blindly populating it. Blind
filling can largely destroy the correlation, resulting in
poorly fitted prediction models.
In the meantime, the proportions of 'Loan Status'
are similar across the values of the other variables that
have missing values. Therefore, the mode was chosen
to fill them.
2.2.4 Discrete Attribute Encoding and
Dataset Splitting
The categorical variables of the dataset have been
numerically encoded for model training. The 'Gender'
column has been transformed by assigning the value
0 to 'Female' and 1 to 'Male'. Similarly, the 'Married'
and 'Self-Employed' columns have been converted to
numeric representations, with 'No' corresponding to 0
and 'Yes' corresponding to 1. Additionally, the
'Education' column has also been transformed, where
'Not Graduate' is now represented by 0 and 'Graduate'
by 1. In the case of the 'Dependents' column, the
string category '3+' has been replaced with the
numerical value 3 to simplify analysis. The 'Property
Area' column, which was originally categorical, has
been replaced with dummy variables.
2.3 Modeling
After these preprocessing steps, the dataset was
thoroughly cleaned. Finally, the dataset has been
divided into two separate parts - an 80% training set
and a 20% test set.
This study explores a binary classification
problem using eight well-known ML models: SVM,
KNN, LR, Decision Tree (DT), RF, XGBoost,
AdaBoost, and Gradient Boosting (GBDT). The
effectiveness of these classifiers is thoroughly
evaluated across multiple dimensions.
In the context of financial institutions, significant
losses can occur when loans are extended to potential
defaulters. Conversely, profitability depends on
accurately identifying and approving loans for
creditworthy applicants. In light of this, the study
emphasizes the importance of positive predictive
outcomes. The evaluation metrics used in this study
are Precision, Accuracy, and F1-score. These metrics
were chosen to comprehensively assess the
performance of the classifiers in predicting loan
Table 2 summarizes the Precision, Accuracy, and F1-
Score of each model.
Table 2: Precision, Accuracy, and F1-Score.
Precision Accuracy F1-Score
SVM 0.681416 0.681416 0.810526
N 0.679612 0.646018 0.777778
LR 0.837209 0.831858 0.883436
DT 0.837209 0.831858 0.883436
RF 0.839080 0.840708 0.890244
0.871795 0.831858 0.877419
0.848837 0.849558 0.895706
GBDT 0.837209 0.831858 0.883436
Among them, the highest Precision on the test set
is 87.18% for XGBoost, followed by 84.88% for
AdaBoost. AdaBoost also achieved the highest
accuracy (84.95%) and F1 score (0.8957).
Predicting Loan Eligibility Approval Using Machine Learning Algorithms
Considering all evaluation metrics, the best-
performing model is AdaBoost.
Essentially, the prediction problem is a supervised
learning task that uses ML models to implicitly
capture the underlying patterns in the manual
approval process.
The optimal model obtained in this study is
AdaBoost, which is consistent with the choice made
by previous researchers (Kumar et al. 2022).
Specifically, the performance of this model is
significantly better than the results of Mridha et al
(Mridha et al. 2022). This is due to the ensemble
learning algorithm's excellent generalization
capabilities, which were not examined by Mridha et
al. Additionally, the data preprocessing process
differs between the two studies.
The author notes that XGBoost achieved 99%
accuracy on the training set. This indicates that the
model suffered from overfitting during training,
which explains why the DT-based model while
performing best on Precision, does not perform well
on the metrics of Accuracy and F1-score. One
possible explanation is that the training set was too
Compared to previous studies, this paper's
advantage lies in its finer and more reasonable data
preprocessing. This can be seen from the fact that the
author's model still outperforms Mridha et al.'s model
in terms of logistic regression (Mridha et al. 2022).
Due to the shortcomings of this paper, and the
small size of the dataset, some models face the
challenge of balancing overfitting and underfitting
during parameter tuning. Future studies should select
a more appropriate dataset to fully explore the
intrinsic relationships among these variables.
This paper applies ML techniques to the prediction of
loan approval outcomes. When predicting loan
approvals, financial institutions typically focus on
positive examples. Whether these borrowers repay on
time and with interest determines whether the
financial institution will make a profit or a loss.
Appropriate preprocessing of the collected dataset
was performed and eight models were trained,
including SVM, KNN, LR, DT, RF, XGBoost,
AdaBoost, and GBDT. The performance of the
models was evaluated using Precision, Accuracy, and
F1-score. The author concluded that the DT-based
learning method AdaBoost produced the best
prediction results, with a remarkable accuracy of
This study demonstrates the potential of ML in the
financial sector, specifically in reducing costs and
increasing efficiency. An example of this is the
possibility of building an automatic loan approval
system using the AdaBoost model in the future. This
tool can help financial institutions review loan
applications efficiently and fairly, streamline the loan
approval process, and promote financial inclusion
while improving efficiency.
Also, this research presents an innovative method
for more accurate loan approval in the financial sector
and provides reliable support for intelligent financial
decision-making. The finding extends the empirical
research in financial technology and provides
valuable insights for optimizing decisions during the
current digital transformation in the financial sector.
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Predicting Loan Eligibility Approval Using Machine Learning Algorithms