House Price Prediction and Feature Analysis Based on Multilayer
Perceptron (MLP)
Mingwei Xu
School of Future Science and Engineering, Soochow University, Suzhou, 215222, China
Keywords: Real Estate, Forecasting Housing Prices, Multilayer Perceptron, Data Processing, Neural Networks.
Abstract: Within the ever-changing real estate sector, accurately forecasting housing prices is crucial for different
entities. This study aims to enhance forecasting models for housing costs by utilizing the benefits of Multilayer
Perceptron (MLP). This research aims to improve the precision of real estate price forecasts by utilizing the
sophisticated data processing capabilities of MLPs to assess the significance of different attributes. The
chosen approach focuses on crafting an MLP model, intricately structured with various layers and activation
mechanisms, to decode intricate connections in assorted housing market data. Findings indicate a notable
enhancement in forecasting precision, as the MLP model surpassed traditional regression models, attaining
more than 90% accuracy. Such results are crucial for the real estate industry, empowering key players such
as purchasers, vendors, and evaluators to make better-informed choices. Implementing MLP effectively in
this scenario improves understanding of the market and highlights the expertise of neural networks in
predictive analytics in diverse fields.
Lately, the real estate industry has risen to
prominence, exerting substantial economic effects.
Precisely forecasting housing prices is crucial for
prospective purchasers and vendors, along with
economists and decision-makers, to assess market
patterns and economic vitality. While conventional
regression models are vital for forecasting housing
prices, they frequently fail to accurately reflect the
intricate and ever-changing dynamics of the real
estate market.
The emergence of sophisticated computational
methods has transformed fundamental presumptions,
favoring more complex approaches in predictive
analysis. The Multilayer Perceptron (MLP), an
artificial neural network variant, is celebrated for its
remarkable capacity to handle intricate data
configurations and reveal non-linear data links.
Machine learning, leading the charge in these
developments, is gaining favor due to its proficiency
in handling intricate and diverse data collections.
Take, for example, the real estate sector in China,
where neural networks have shown remarkable
proficiency, attaining a notable average relative root
mean square error rate of 1% in predicting prices in
various cities (Xu & Zhang, 2021). A study in
Australia, employing forty-seven diverse algorithms
such as time series and deep learning models,
revealed significant differences in predictive
precision depending on the selected algorithms and
the duration of the research (Milunovich, 2020). The
application of the Random Forest method to Boston's
property data showed a significant error margin of
±5%, highlighting its proficiency in forecasting prices
(Adetunji et al, 2022). The Group Method of Data
Handling (GMDH) algorithm in Isfahan accurately
predicted the prices of urban homes, indicating an
overall upward trend (Nazemi & Rafiean, 2020).
Employing XGBoost regression, with a focus on data
preprocessing and one-hot encoding for categorical
attributes, highlights the growing intricacy of
predictive models (Avanijaa, 2021). Conventional
regression methods, such as Multiple Linear, Ridge,
and LASSO, have been crucial in examining how
physical characteristics and geographical positioning
influence housing expenses (Madhuri et al, 2019).
Furthermore, the incorporation of Gradient Boosting
and Ada Boost Regression in the real estate sector
marks a transition to more complex models,
facilitating well-informed choices for both sellers and
buyers (Madhuri et al, 2019). Research indicated that
although the precision of forecasts fluctuates based on
Xu, M.
House Pr ice Prediction and Feature Analysis Based on Multilayer Perceptron (MLP).
DOI: 10.5220/0012832700004547
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Data Science and Engineering (ICDSE 2024), pages 305-312
ISBN: 978-989-758-690-3
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
the duration of prediction and the dependent variable,
linear support vector regressors and basic average
forecast combinations surpass other methods,
particularly in the realm of short-term forecasting
(Milunovich, 2020). The research presented a novel,
reflective method for forecasting housing expenses,
integrating data from public facilities and satellite
imagery. In terms of precision, this system surpassed
other machine and deep learning models due to its
adept understanding of intricate feature
interconnections. Using and analyzing both
conventional and sophisticated machine learning
methods to forecast housing costs, concentrating on
multiple aspects, leads to positive results in precise
price prediction (Wang et al, 2021)(Truong et al,
2020). Analysis of data mining techniques such as
random forest, gradient boosting, and linear regressor
on real estate data from the University of California
Irvine revealed that gradient boosting regression is
the most efficient, exhibiting an average absolute
error rate of 3.92 and a test set that includes 20%
(Uzut & Buyrukoglu, 2020). Collectively, these
research works emphasize the dynamic and
developing aspects of forecasting housing prices,
underscoring the critical need for ongoing
enhancement and progression of techniques to
improve precision and dependability in this
economically important field.
This research primarily aims to enhance the
precision of housing price forecasts using the
sophisticated computational power of MLP. The
focus of this study is on creating a complex MLP
structure, adept at deciphering the complex data
associated with housing markets. This encompasses a
comprehensive examination of property details,
geographical features, and wider economic metrics.
The initial phase entails customizing the MLP
structure to integrate various hidden layers and
activation techniques, to thoroughly understand the
complex connections present in the dataset.
Additionally, the research establishes a stringent
process for both the training and validation phases.
The third phase involves an in-depth evaluation and
comparison of the MLP model's effectiveness against
conventional regression models. Furthermore, the
research highlights the significance of preprocessing
data and formulating strategic guidelines. The
experimental results indicate that the MLP model
attains a precision surpassing 90%. This model's
efficiency is evidenced by its performance,
underscoring the transformative power of MLPs in
altering housing price prediction methods. This
research holds significant practical value, providing
vital understanding for prospective purchasers,
vendors, property analysts, and decision-makers. This
study enhances real estate choices by offering a more
precise and dependable method for forecasting
housing costs.
2.1 Dataset Description and
This research utilizes the "House Price Dataset", a
compilation derived from Kaggle. The dataset
includes a wide range of characteristics relevant to the
real estate sector, addressing elements such as
housing costs, their positioning, dimensions, and
other pertinent details. The database comprises more
than 20,000 records, encompassing a wide range of
details including the count of bedrooms, bathrooms,
living spaces, dimensions of lots, and construction
year. In the preliminary stages of processing, the
research segments the dataset into training and testing
parts, ensuring a consistent division ratio of 4:1.
Characteristics that barely affect property values, like
a random identification number, are excluded. To
make computational tasks easier, categorical factors
such as neighborhood and house style are transformed
into dummy variables. Suitable imputation
techniques are utilized to augment missing data,
tailored to the distinct characteristics of each variable.
Moreover, anomalies, particularly in terms of cost
and size, are pinpointed and eliminated to bolster the
predictive models' resilience. Techniques of
normalization are utilized to normalize the
dimensions of every numerical variable, guaranteeing
a uniform distribution of weights throughout the
modeling phase. The goal of this preprocessing
technique is to improve the dataset to precisely and
efficiently forecast housing expenses.
2.2 Proposed Approach
This research aims to create a robust model for
forecasting real estate values. As demonstrated in
Figure 1, this method includes various systematic
stages, each playing a role in improving and refining
the predictive model. Initially, a range of machine
learning models are presented, encompassing Linear
Regression, Decision Tree Regression, Random
Forest Regression, and Gradient Boosting
Regression. Linear Regression provides a crucial
perceptive perspective on the link between traits and
housing expenses, whereas Gradient Boosting
Regression enhances comprehension via its complex
ICDSE 2024 - International Conference on Data Science and Engineering
Figure 1: Flow Chart Process (Photo/Picture credit: Original).
decision-making mechanisms. The technique entails
an in-depth analysis of these models, employing
measures like Mean Absolute Error (MAE), Mean
Squared Error (MSE), and R2 score. Furthermore, a
graph for comparison is provided to demonstrate
these metrics among various models, ensuring a
straightforward and succinct juxtaposition.
Concurrently, the feature selection method is utilized
to pinpoint key elements that forecast housing costs.
This method, by concentrating on pertinent elements,
improves the model's effectiveness and sheds light on
the principal factors influencing housing prices.
Additionally, the research encompasses information
derived from both discrete and continuous variables.
The focus of this analysis is on analyzing how these
variables are distributed and how they are
interconnected. The study and improvement of MLP
concentrates on incorporating intricate, non-linear
connections into the dataset. The suggested method
starts with the use of diverse machine learning models
and succeeds through a thorough assessment and
choice of particular attributes. Subsequently, a
thorough analysis of the data is conducted,
culminating in the application of an advanced neural
network model.
2.2.1 Machine Learning Models
This segment encompasses a range of machine
learning techniques for forecasting housing prices,
such as Linear Regression, Decision Tree Regression,
Random Forest Regression, and Gradient Boosting
Regression. Linear Regression, recognized for its
straightforwardness, works well on datasets with
linear correlations, yet its precision can be dubious in
intricate situations. While Decision Tree Regression
is adept at identifying nonlinear connections, it often
leads to overfitting. As sophisticated ensemble
methods, Random Forest and Gradient Boosting
Regressions enhance precision in intricate datasets,
though they require increased computational power
and more exact adjustment settings. The selection of
these models is due to their varied regression
methods, facilitating an in-depth examination of
predicting housing costs. The execution process
entails educating each model using the processed
data, and succeeds by thorough performance
assessments based on measures such as MAE, MSE,
and R² scores, as:
is the predicted value,
is the actual
and 𝑛 is the number of observations, 𝑒
is the
difference between the predicted value and the actual
is the actual value,
is the predicted value,
𝑛 is the number of observations. 𝑦 is the mean of
the actual values, and
𝑛 is the number of
2.2.2 Feature Selection
The main emphasis of this module is on choosing
features, a vital phase in enhancing the model's
accuracy and predictive precision. The statistical
technique (SelectKBest or SKB) assesses the
robustness of the connection between each attribute
and the target variable, ordering features according to
their importance. This method computes the
Collection and
Selection and
and Evaluation
Final Model
and Testing
House Price Prediction and Feature Analysis Based on Multilayer Perceptron (MLP)
correlation coefficient to evaluate the importance of
features, where a greater absolute value signifies a
more direct linear correlation between the feature and
the target variable. These characteristics hold greater
significance for the model. Employing an SKB
function (f_regression or F) efficiently identifies key
elements of regression methods, essential for
enhancing the model's forecasting precision and
interpretative strength. SKB aids in refining the
model by narrowing the feature spectrum, enhancing
its clarity, and possibly increasing its efficiency. This
method is crucial in regression analyses for
pinpointing essential markers of housing costs.
2.2.3 Data Analysis
An in-depth examination of the dataset's discrete and
continuous variables is conducted to comprehend
their spread and how they correlate with the key
variable, housing prices. By employing Matplotlib,
multiple subplots are generated for separate variables,
each illustrating the link between a discrete variable
and housing prices via the Seaborn box plot feature.
Box plots adeptly display the distribution of data,
encompassing median, quartiles, and anomalies,
aiding in the distinct identification of patterns and
anomalies. This graphical depiction aids in
comprehending how categorical data affects housing
expenses. Matplotlib generates subplots for
continuous variables, whereas Seaborn's scatterplot
utility demonstrates their association with housing
prices. Scatter diagrams depict the
interconnectedness of variables, assisting in
recognizing linear or non-linear connections and
pinpointing possible irregularities or trends. The
significance of this analytical method lies in its
capacity to guide the later phases of selecting features
and training models, guaranteeing that the predictive
models originate from a thorough comprehension of
the key data attributes. An in-depth examination
brings satisfaction in understanding the importance of
various factors in forecasting housing costs, thus
contributing to the improvement of the models for
increased precision and dependability.
2.2.4 Loss Function
In this document, MSE is employed as the positive
function, as depicted in Formula 2. The Mean
Squared Error (MSE) is calculated by taking the mean
of the squared differences between the forecasted and
actual data. This method measures the discrepancy
between the model's forecasts and the real data, where
a reduced Mean Squared Error (MSE) signifies
improvs model efficacy. At the heart of MSE is the
implementation of more stringent penalties for major
errors, resulting in a more accurate model. During the
execution of the MLP model, MSE acts as the
principal measure for modifying the network's
weights throughout the training phase.
2.3 Implementation Details
Utilizing Python 3.11, the system amalgamates
frameworks such as TensorFlow for neural networks
and Scikit-learn for a variety of machine learning
models. Improving the data entails standardizing the
continuous variables and amalgamating categorical
variables. The hyperparameters of each model are
carefully chosen to enhance efficiency. This neural
network, uniquely designed with optimized layers
and a dropout mechanism for regularization,
undergoes training with the Adam optimizer. This
procedure takes place in a high-efficiency computing
setting, adeptly managing the computational needs of
various models and extensive datasets.
This section delves into an in-depth analysis and
discussion of research results aimed at forecasting
housing prices using machine learning methods.
Principal focus areas include assessing different
models' effectiveness, gauging the efficiency of
feature selection, conducting thorough analyses on
both discrete and continuous variables, and
implementing a neural network.
3.1 Model Performance Comparison
Figure 2 illustrates a comparative analysis of different
machine learning models, including Linear
Regression, Decision Tree Regression, Random
Forest Regression, and Gradient Boosting
Regression. Regarding housing pricing, four distinct
predictive models display performance indicators:
Linear Regression shows considerable predictive
ability, evidenced by an MAE of 127,486.80, an MSE
of 43,387,526,779.36, and an R2 value of 0.699.
Regarding MAE and MSE, the Decision Tree
surpasses Linear Regression, achieving an MAE of
101,645.92, an MSE of 37,431,735,034.59, and an R2
value of 0.741. Random Forest outperforms other
models significantly, recording minimal error rates
with an MAE of 73,732.31, an MSE of
21,034,065,198.28, and an R2 value of 0.854. In the
ICDSE 2024 - International Conference on Data Science and Engineering
Figure 2: Performance comparison (Photo/Picture credit: Original).
Figure 3. Top ten ratings (Photo/Picture credit: Original).
end, Gradient Boosting leads the rankings, boasting
the top R2 score of 0.857, the minimal MSE at
20,679,414,064.89, and an MAE of 81,600.35,
signifying its exceptional accuracy in forecasting
housing prices. Evaluating these models depends on
measures like MAE, MSE, and R2 scores.
Performance disparities are evident in the graph,
where collective models such as Random Forest and
Gradient Boosting surpass basic models like Linear
Regression. The variances arise from the advanced
models' proficiency in managing the dataset's
complexities and their robustness in resisting
3.2 Feature Selection Effectiveness
Figure 3 demonstrates the effects of utilizing the SKB
feature selection technique via the F function. The
assessments reflect the comparative significance of
different elements in forecasting real estate values.
Significantly, 'sqft living' stands out as the most
impactful, garnering 14,946.99, succeeded by 'grade'
with 12,174.05 and 'sqft above' at 8,862.69. 'sqft
living15' and 'bathrooms' are significantly important,
with respective scores of 7,746.62 and 5,825.01. The
ratings demonstrate the influence of living areas,
property quality, and bathroom count on forecasting
house prices, highlighting their significance in the
model. The method markedly reduces the range of
features, centering on factors that most accurately
forecast housing costs. This technique not only
simplifies the modeling procedure but also enhances
its precision by eliminating components that offer
limited understanding. The findings emphasize the
critical need to choose particular characteristics to
improve the accuracy and clarity of machine learning
3.3 Data Analysis of Discrete and
Continuous Variables
The focus of this segment is on analyzing the effects
of both separate and continuous factors on housing
prices. Insights into the impact of distinct factors on
housing prices are derived using box plots for discrete
data and scatter plots for continuous data, as depicted
Linear Regression Decision Tree Random Forest Gradient Boosting
Performance comparison
Top ten ratings
House Price Prediction and Feature Analysis Based on Multilayer Perceptron (MLP)
in Figure 4 and Figure 5. In the case of specific
variables, the initial spike in housing costs arises due
to the number of bedrooms, followed by a decline
past a predefined threshold. Factors such as the
number of bathrooms, the quality of flooring,
proximity to the water, scenic vistas, the state of the
residence, and its general quality all correlate
positively with housing prices. Regarding continuous
factors, the dimensions of living spaces, and lot sizes,
including both above-ground and basement areas,
construction year, renovation year, and geographic
latitude, have a direct correlation with housing prices.
The intricate link between longitude and housing
prices is primarily influenced by the dimensions of
adjacent houses and plots, where the living space of a
neighbor plays a greater role in setting housing costs
than the size of the lots. Conducting this analysis is
vital for grasping the intricacies of the housing market
and directing the choice of attributes and models. The
results of this research emphasize crucial factors that
greatly influence housing expenses, contributing to
the creation of more precise predictive models.
3.4 Impact of Neural Network
Utilizing an MLP neural network demonstrates
encouraging outcomes in forecasting real estate
prices. Educated and assessed through metrics similar
to other models, the network showcases its
proficiency in identifying intricate connections
Figure 4: Discrete variables (Photo/Picture credit: Original).
ICDSE 2024 - International Conference on Data Science and Engineering
Figure 5: Continuous variable (Photo/Picture credit: Original).
within the data. The learning process is efficiently
steered by the loss function (MSE), and the detailed
juxtaposition of forecasted and real prices reveals
significant accuracy, underscoring the adeptness of
neural networks in complex regression analyses. The
outcome is depicted in Figure 6.
In conclusion, this section offers an in-depth
analysis of various machine learning methods used in
forecasting housing expenses. Conducting a
comparative analysis of the model's effectiveness,
coupled with an in-depth investigation of both
discrete and continuous elements, provides a crucial
understanding of the determinants affecting housing
prices. Merging feature selection with neural network
deployment bolsters the study's solidity, underscoring
the proficiency of machine learning in analyzing real
estate markets. The results of this study might bear
considerable consequences for those involved in the
real estate industry.
House Price Prediction and Feature Analysis Based on Multilayer Perceptron (MLP)
Figure 6: Assessment (Photo/Picture credit: Original).
The research introduces an innovative method for
forecasting housing prices through sophisticated
machine learning models integrating with MLP. The
goal is to unravel the intricacies of the real estate
industry, offering crucial understanding to those
involved. An essential element of this technique
involves utilizing the non-linear modeling features of
neural networks, particularly the MLP. Such
networks are adept at encapsulating the complex,
non-linear elements of property pricing, which are
shaped by variables such as location, dimensions,
age, and infrastructure. The MLP model's capacity to
autonomously derive and amalgamate key features
from unprocessed data markedly lessens the necessity
for hands-on preprocessing, which includes
comprehensive feature identification and
engineering. This research utilizes a variety of
machine learning techniques, encompassing
conventional models such as Linear Regression,
Decision Tree Regression, Random Forest
Regression, and Gradient Boosting Regression, along
with sophisticated MLP. The models undergo an in-
depth analysis utilizing metrics such as MAE, MSE,
and R2 score. The results emphasize the enhanced
efficiency of models such as Gradient Boosting and
Random Forest Regression in forecasting housing
expenses. Future studies aim to investigate how
alterations in urban planning and zoning affect
property values, leveraging the extensive potential of
neural networks. This study aims to explore wider
economic and social elements using sophisticated
predictive models such as MLP, offering a
comprehensive perspective on the determinants of
housing prices and aiding in the creation of stronger
predictive models in the real estate industry.
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ICDSE 2024 - International Conference on Data Science and Engineering