3.2 Communication Efficiency
In terms of communication efficiency, the original
FedAvg algorithm has certain advantages in reducing
communication rounds. However, its efficiency may
be challenged as the model becomes more complex or
the number of clients increases. FedProx has similar
communication efficiency to FedAvg, but the added
regularization term may increase the computational
FedMA adopts a different approach to reducing
communication costs. By performing hierarchical
matching and averaging at each layer, FedMA
reduces the amount of data transmitted between
clients and the server, particularly beneficial for
scenarios using deep network structures. This method
not only improves communication efficiency but also
maintains model performance.
3.3 Model Performance and Accuracy
Although FedAvg provides a solid foundation, it may
encounter performance bottlenecks when dealing
with complex and deep learning tasks. FedProx
enhances accuracy on non-IID data by introducing
additional constraints in local updates, but this could
increase the computational load.
In contrast, FedMA is especially suitable for deep
neural networks, showcasing stronger performance in
environments with data heterogeneity. Through
hierarchical matching and averaging of hidden
elements, FedMA effectively boosts the performance
of deep learning models, particularly in image and
natural language processing tasks.
MOON optimizes model performance in handling
non-IID data through contrastive learning at the
model level. It exhibits outstanding performance in
image classification tasks and demonstrates strong
adaptability to non-IID data.
FedProc further improves model performance on
non-IID data through prototypical contrast learning.
This method enhances the robustness of the model in
the face of data distribution heterogeneity by
strengthening the association of each sample with its
category's global prototype, especially in image
classification tasks.
3.4 Application Scope and Suitability
Regarding the application scope, FedAvg and
FedProx are suitable for a variety of standard machine
learning tasks but may not be applicable for deep
learning applications that require processing complex
data structures or high performance. They perform
well on simple regression and classification problems
but may be limited when dealing with more complex
data or architectures.
The design of FedMA makes it particularly
suitable for deep learning applications, capable of
effectively handling various complex datasets and
neural network structures, especially in scenarios with
highly heterogeneous data distributions.
MOON and FedProc exhibit superior capabilities
in handling highly non-IID data, making them
particularly applicable for complex tasks such as
image classification and natural language processing.
These algorithms can process more complex data
structures and provide higher accuracy and
This paper has provided a comprehensive analysis of
several key algorithms in the field of federated
learning: FedAvg, FedProx, FedMA, MOON, and
FedProc. Each of these algorithms offers a unique
solution to the core challenges in federated learning,
such as dealing with non-independent and identically
distributed (non-IID) data, communication efficiency,
and enhancing model performance.
FedAvg, as a pioneering algorithm in the realm of
federated learning, has laid the groundwork for the
basic architecture and principles of federated
learning. It has achieved significant effectiveness in
simplifying communication and reducing the
interaction frequency between servers and clients.
However, FedAvg exhibits limitations when dealing
with highly heterogeneous data sets. To address this,
FedProx builds upon FedAvg by introducing an
additional regularization term to mitigate the impact
of non-IID data on model performance. This
improvement has enhanced the model's stability and
accuracy in the face of data heterogeneity, albeit at the
cost of increased computational complexity.
Furthermore, FedMA is dedicated to improving
the federated learning effectiveness of deep learning
models, particularly in complex network architectures
like CNNs and LSTMs. Through an innovative
strategy of hierarchical matching and averaging
hidden elements, FedMA effectively reduces the
performance degradation caused by data
heterogeneity while also enhancing communication
The MOON algorithm, with its model-level
contrastive learning approach, improves the
performance of federated learning models on non-IID
data. It leverages the similarity between model