Exploration and Analysis of FedAvg, FedProx, FedMA, MOON, and
FedProc Algorithms in Federated Learning
Jinlin Li
Swjtu-Leeds Joint School, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu, Sichuan, 611756, China
Keywords: Federated Learning, Non-IID Data, Algorithm Performance, Communication Efficiency, Contrastive
Abstract: In the data-driven modern era, machine learning is crucial, yet it poses challenges to data privacy and security.
To address this issue, federated learning, as an emerging paradigm of distributed machine learning, enables
multiple participants to collaboratively train a shared model without the need to share raw data, effectively
safeguarding individual privacy. This study delves into federated learning, analyzing key algorithms such as
Federated Averaging algorithm (FedAvg), Federated Proximal Algorithm (FedProx), Federated Matched
Averaging (FedMA), and Prototypical Contrastive Federated Learning (FedProc). These algorithms offer
unique solutions to core challenges within federated learning, such as dealing with non-independent and
identically distributed (non-IID) data, optimizing communication efficiency, and enhancing model
performance. This paper provides a comparative analysis of the performance of these algorithms, discussing
their advantages and limitations in addressing specific problems and challenges. A comprehensive
understanding of modern federated learning algorithms suggests that selecting an appropriate federated
learning algorithm requires consideration of specific application needs, data characteristics, and model
In today's data-driven era, the importance of machine
learning is self-evident, yet it brings forth severe
challenges to data privacy and security. With the rise
in individual data security awareness and the
implementation of privacy protection regulations, the
question of how to perform effective data analysis and
model training while protecting user privacy has
become a key issue (Smith & Roberts, 2021).
Federated Learning (FL), an emerging distributed
machine learning paradigm, has emerged to tackle
this challenge. FL allows multiple participants to
collaborate on training a shared model without the
need to share their raw data, thereby achieving
effective machine learning model training while
protecting individual data privacy (Jones et al, 2022).
The concept of federated learning was first
introduced by Google in 2016 and quickly garnered
widespread attention in both academia and industry.
Its core idea is to enable multiple devices or
organizations to jointly participate in the training
process of a shared model, without the need to upload
their data to a central server (Lee & Park, 2020). This
approach not only effectively protects data privacy
but also significantly reduces the need for data
transmission, particularly in fields with high demands
for data privacy and security, such as healthcare,
finance, and telecommunications, showing great
potential for application (Chen et al, 2021).
However, federated learning is not without its
challenges. One of the main challenges is how to
handle non-independent and identically distributed
(non-IID) data, which refers to the significant
differences in data distribution that may exist across
different devices or organizations (Zhang & Yang,
2021). This inconsistency in data distribution poses
difficulties for model training and generalization.
Additionally, communication efficiency is a crucial
issue, especially in mobile devices and edge
computing environments (Patel & Sharma, 2021).
Since each model update requires data transmission
between multiple devices, designing an efficient
communication strategy to reduce communication
costs and delays while ensuring the efficiency and
accuracy of model training is a problem that must be
addressed in federated learning.
In response to these challenges, the academic
community has proposed a variety of federated
Li, J.
Exploration and Analysis of FedAvg, FedProx, FedMA, MOON, and FedProc Algorithms in Federated Learning.
DOI: 10.5220/0012836400004547
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Data Science and Engineering (ICDSE 2024), pages 172-176
ISBN: 978-989-758-690-3
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
learning algorithms. The initial Federated Averaging
algorithm (FedAvg), proposed by McMahan and
others, is one of the most fundamental algorithms in
federated learning, which trains the global model by
simply averaging local updates (McMahan et al,
2017). Subsequently, to address the shortcomings of
FedAvg in handling non-IID data, researchers
proposed various improved algorithms such as
Federated Proximal Algorithm (FedProx), Federated
Matched Averaging (FedMA), etc. (Liu et al, 2022).
These algorithms attempt to improve performance on
non-IID data by introducing regularization terms,
adjusting local update strategies, or employing more
complex aggregation strategies. More recent research
has focused on how to further optimize
communication efficiency and enhance the
generalizability of models, such as the emerging
algorithm Prototypical Contrastive Federated
Learning (FedProc) (Nguyen et al, 2021). The advent
of these algorithms continues to push the boundaries
of federated learning technology, enabling it to cope
with more complex and diverse application scenarios.
This paper aims to provide readers with a
comprehensive understanding of modern federated
learning algorithms. Through an in-depth analysis of
key algorithms such as FedAvg, FedProx, FedMA,
and FedProc, it will explore their strengths and
limitations and analyze how they address specific
issues and challenges. In addition, this paper will also
explore the latest developments in the field of
federated learning, providing insights into future
research directions. In this way, this paper hopes to
provide valuable references and insights for
researchers and practitioners, promoting the
application and development of federated learning
technology in a broader range of fields.
Federated learning, as a distributed machine learning
method, aims to enable multiple participants to
collaboratively train a shared model while protecting
their data privacy. This field has seen continual
progress with the development of various algorithms
to meet different challenges and requirements. Below
is an introduction to different federated learning
algorithms and their performance in various aspects.
2.1 Introduction to Algorithms
2.1.1 Federated Averaging (FedAvg)
Initially and widely used, FedAvg was proposed by
McMahan et al. (McMahan et al, 2017). It involves
training local models on multiple clients and then
averaging these models to update the global model.
This method is particularly suited for cross-device
scenarios where the server distributes the global
model to a random subset of clients to cope with a
large number of participants in the federation. A key
optimization in FedAvg is to adjust the number of
local training rounds and batch size, which can
significantly enhance performance and reduce
communication costs. Figure 1 illustrates the FedAvg
framework, depicting the process where the server
sends the global model to the clients, performs local
model training, and subsequently, the server
aggregates these local models to form an updated
global model.
Figure 1: The FedAvg framework (Li et al, 2021)
Exploration and Analysis of FedAvg, FedProx, FedMA, MOON, and FedProc Algorithms in Federated Learning
2.1.2 Federated Proximity (FedProx)
Developed from FedAvg, FedProx adds an Euclidean
norm (L2) regularization term to reduce the bias
between local updates and the global model. It aims
to address the issues of system heterogeneity and
statistical heterogeneity caused by non-IID data (Li et
al, 2020).
2.1.3 Federated Matched Averaging
Specifically designed for modern neural network
architectures such as Convolutional Neural Networks
(CNNs) and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTMs),
FedMA constructs a shared global model by
hierarchical matching and averaging of hidden
elements (e.g., channels in CNNs, states in LSTMs)
(Wang & Yurochkin, 2020). This method is
particularly suitable for situations with heterogeneous
data distributions, and experiments have shown that
FedMA not only outperforms other popular federated
learning algorithms on deep CNN and LSTM
architectures but also reduces overall communication
burdens. Figure 2 demonstrates the data efficiency of
FedMA in comparison to other methods, showcasing
its superior performance in terms of test set accuracy
under the increasing number of clients, highlighting
its scalability and efficiency in federated settings.
Figure 2: Data efficiency under the increasing number of
clients for different methods (Wang & Yurochkin, 2020)
Model-Contrastive Federated Learning (MOON)
is a straightforward and effective federated learning
framework that corrects local training of various
participants using model representation similarity
(Wang & Yurochkin, 2020). This model-level
contrastive learning method excels in various image
classification tasks.
2.1.4 Prototypical Contrastive Federated
Learning (FedProc)
FedProc is a federated learning framework based on
prototypical contrast (Zhang et al, 2020). It utilizes
prototypes as global knowledge to correct the local
training of each client by forcing client samples to be
closer to the global prototype of their category and
away from those of other categories, thus enhancing
the classification performance of local networks.
In exploring different algorithms in the field of
federated learning, this paper finds that FedAvg,
FedProx, FedMA, MOON, and FedProc each propose
solutions to specific challenges. These algorithms
have their strengths and limitations in handling data
heterogeneity, improving communication efficiency,
and enhancing model performance. This section will
delve into the core characteristics and performance of
these algorithms.
3.1 Dealing with Data Distribution
A major challenge in federated learning is effectively
handling non-IID data. In this regard, although
FedAvg was the first proposed algorithm, it exhibits
certain limitations in dealing with non-IID data.
FedAvg trains local models on multiple clients and
then simply averages these models to update the
global model. While effective in some cases, its
performance may be affected under extreme non-IID
Compared to FedAvg, FedProx introduces an
approximation term in the local loss function to
control the bias between local model updates and the
global model, better-addressing data heterogeneity.
However, FedProx still faces performance constraints
on highly heterogeneous datasets.
FedMA handles data heterogeneity more
effectively through hierarchical matching and
averaging of hidden elements. It performs superiorly
in uneven data distribution scenarios, particularly in
deep neural network structures like CNNs and
LSTMs. This method helps maintain model accuracy
while reducing performance loss due to data
ICDSE 2024 - International Conference on Data Science and Engineering
3.2 Communication Efficiency
In terms of communication efficiency, the original
FedAvg algorithm has certain advantages in reducing
communication rounds. However, its efficiency may
be challenged as the model becomes more complex or
the number of clients increases. FedProx has similar
communication efficiency to FedAvg, but the added
regularization term may increase the computational
FedMA adopts a different approach to reducing
communication costs. By performing hierarchical
matching and averaging at each layer, FedMA
reduces the amount of data transmitted between
clients and the server, particularly beneficial for
scenarios using deep network structures. This method
not only improves communication efficiency but also
maintains model performance.
3.3 Model Performance and Accuracy
Although FedAvg provides a solid foundation, it may
encounter performance bottlenecks when dealing
with complex and deep learning tasks. FedProx
enhances accuracy on non-IID data by introducing
additional constraints in local updates, but this could
increase the computational load.
In contrast, FedMA is especially suitable for deep
neural networks, showcasing stronger performance in
environments with data heterogeneity. Through
hierarchical matching and averaging of hidden
elements, FedMA effectively boosts the performance
of deep learning models, particularly in image and
natural language processing tasks.
MOON optimizes model performance in handling
non-IID data through contrastive learning at the
model level. It exhibits outstanding performance in
image classification tasks and demonstrates strong
adaptability to non-IID data.
FedProc further improves model performance on
non-IID data through prototypical contrast learning.
This method enhances the robustness of the model in
the face of data distribution heterogeneity by
strengthening the association of each sample with its
category's global prototype, especially in image
classification tasks.
3.4 Application Scope and Suitability
Regarding the application scope, FedAvg and
FedProx are suitable for a variety of standard machine
learning tasks but may not be applicable for deep
learning applications that require processing complex
data structures or high performance. They perform
well on simple regression and classification problems
but may be limited when dealing with more complex
data or architectures.
The design of FedMA makes it particularly
suitable for deep learning applications, capable of
effectively handling various complex datasets and
neural network structures, especially in scenarios with
highly heterogeneous data distributions.
MOON and FedProc exhibit superior capabilities
in handling highly non-IID data, making them
particularly applicable for complex tasks such as
image classification and natural language processing.
These algorithms can process more complex data
structures and provide higher accuracy and
This paper has provided a comprehensive analysis of
several key algorithms in the field of federated
learning: FedAvg, FedProx, FedMA, MOON, and
FedProc. Each of these algorithms offers a unique
solution to the core challenges in federated learning,
such as dealing with non-independent and identically
distributed (non-IID) data, communication efficiency,
and enhancing model performance.
FedAvg, as a pioneering algorithm in the realm of
federated learning, has laid the groundwork for the
basic architecture and principles of federated
learning. It has achieved significant effectiveness in
simplifying communication and reducing the
interaction frequency between servers and clients.
However, FedAvg exhibits limitations when dealing
with highly heterogeneous data sets. To address this,
FedProx builds upon FedAvg by introducing an
additional regularization term to mitigate the impact
of non-IID data on model performance. This
improvement has enhanced the model's stability and
accuracy in the face of data heterogeneity, albeit at the
cost of increased computational complexity.
Furthermore, FedMA is dedicated to improving
the federated learning effectiveness of deep learning
models, particularly in complex network architectures
like CNNs and LSTMs. Through an innovative
strategy of hierarchical matching and averaging
hidden elements, FedMA effectively reduces the
performance degradation caused by data
heterogeneity while also enhancing communication
The MOON algorithm, with its model-level
contrastive learning approach, improves the
performance of federated learning models on non-IID
data. It leverages the similarity between model
Exploration and Analysis of FedAvg, FedProx, FedMA, MOON, and FedProc Algorithms in Federated Learning
representations to increase the accuracy of models,
especially in complex image classification tasks.
Meanwhile, the FedProc algorithm offers a new
perspective on non-IID data issues through
prototypical contrastive learning. By reinforcing the
association of samples with their category's global
prototype, FedProc significantly enhances the
robustness and accuracy of models in tasks like image
In summary, while these federated learning
algorithms all aim to improve model performance and
communication efficiency and address non-IID data
issues, they each have their strengths and suitable
application scenarios. Selecting the appropriate
algorithm requires considering specific application
needs, data characteristics, and model complexity.
Future research may further explore the optimization
and applicability of these algorithms in different
application scenarios and how their advantages can be
combined to develop more efficient and precise
federated learning solutions.
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ICDSE 2024 - International Conference on Data Science and Engineering