Towards Semantic Data Management Plans for Efficient Review
Processing and Automation
Jana Mart
and Marek Such
Faculty of Information Technology, CTU in Prague, Prague, Czech Republic
Data Management Plan, Semantic Annotation, Ontology, Machine-Actionable, Human-Readable, DMP
In recent times, Data Management Planning has become increasingly crucial. Effective practices in data
management ensure more precise data collection, secure storage, proper handling, and utilization beyond the
primary project. However, existing DMPs often suffer from complex structures that impede accessibility for
humans and machines. This project aims to address these challenges by converting DMPs into formats that are
both machine-actionable and human-readable. Leveraging established DMP templates and relevant ontologies,
our methodology involves analyzing diverse approaches to achieve this dual functionality. We assess machine-
actionability through comparative evaluations using AI and NLP tools. Furthermore, we identify gaps in
ontologies, laying the groundwork for future enhancements in this critical area of research.
The primary objective of this project is to pro-
pose a way of capturing Data management plans
(DMPs) that are both machine-actionable and human-
readable. This goal aspires to bridge the gap be-
tween conventional review procedures and the poten-
tial for automation. Unfortunately, current DMPs of-
ten suffer from convoluted composition, which im-
pedes their accessibility to human readers, and their
structure fails to align with machine-friendly pro-
cessing. In recognition of this challenge, our pro-
posal focuses on the development of a DMP template
that harmoniously combines a human-readability and
machine-actionability while considering the existing
work that has been done in terms of funder templates
as well as machine-actionable DMPs specification.
To accomplish this, we set the following partial steps:
G1. find and review 3 suitable DMP templates
G2. manually annotate the parts/questions from each
selected DMP templates using ontologies and
vocabularies related to the DMP or defined suit-
able terms
G3. use formats combining the machine-
actionability and human-readability to cap-
ture existing DMP enriched with semantic
G4. evaluate the usability and correctness of the pro-
posed solutions
Machine-readable and human-readable documents
each serve distinct purposes, necessitating unique
characteristics, structures, and potential technolo-
gies for their creation and interpretation. Machine-
readable documents, designed primarily for auto-
mated processing by computers, prioritize structured
data, often employing formats like XML, JSON, or
CSV, enabling seamless data extraction and analy-
sis (Open Knowledge, 2015).
In contrast, human-readable documents cater to
human comprehension and are typically presented in
a visually appealing format with rich content, includ-
ing text, images, and multimedia elements.
On the other hand, machine-actionable data, as
described in (Data Documentation Initiative, 2023),
refers to structured data that machines or computers
can be programmed against its structure. Moreover
by (ELIXIR, Research Data Management Kit, 2021),
Martínková, J. and Suchánek, M.
Towards Semantic Data Management Plans for Efficient Review Processing and Automation.
DOI: 10.5220/0012837900003756
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications (DATA 2024), pages 543-550
ISBN: 978-989-758-707-8; ISSN: 2184-285X
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
machine-actionable data fosters semantic and syntac-
tic data integration, particularly among datasets shar-
ing similar experimental conditions or variables.
There are formats that try to combine the capa-
bilities of machine processing without losing human
capabilities. These include, for example, RDFa or so-
called microformats.
2.1 RDFa
Resource Description Framework in Attributes
(RDFa) (RDFa Working Group, 2013) is a W3C
recommendation that enables the representation of
structured data by utilizing attributes in Hyper Text
Markup Language (HTML) elements. By incorpo-
rating RDFa into web pages, it becomes possible to
embed semantic annotations while maintaining the
human-readable content of the web page.
2.2 Microformats
Microformats (Khare, 2006) are a collection of pre-
defined HTML classes that empower data formats to
be enriched with semantic meaning. These HTML-
classes allow for the inclusion of machine-actionable
data directly in web page content.
2.3 Microdata
Microdata (Web Hypertext Application Technology
Working Group, 2023) share similarities with Micro-
formats, but a key distinction lies in their general-
ity. Unlike Microformats, Microdata is not prede-
fined, providing greater flexibility by allowing the use
of various ontologies and vocabularies according to
the author’s preferences. This makes Microdata well-
suited for scenarios requiring the annotation of di-
verse data within a single document.
2.4 XSL Transformation
XML (eXtensible Markup Language) (Bray et al.,
2008) plays a pivotal role as a versatile format for
both machine-readable and human-readable docu-
ments. While primarily designed for machine read-
ability, XMLs intuitive markup is also accessible to
humans, especially when properly formatted.
XSL (eXtensible Stylesheet Language) (W3C,
2017) complements XML by enabling the transfor-
mation of machine-readable XML data into more
human-readable formats. XSLT (XSL Transforma-
tions) (Kaz, 2017) is a key component of XSL, pro-
viding a powerful mechanism for converting XML
documents into different output formats, such as
HTML, PDF, or plain text.
XSD (XML Schema Definition) (W3C, 2012)
plays a crucial role in ensuring the integrity and valid-
ity of XML documents. XSD provides a set of rules
and constraints that define the structure and data types
within an XML document. This schema validation
maintains data consistency and reliability, indirectly
enhancing human readability.
DMP is a document that facilitates efficient data man-
agement throughout a project. It outlines the lifecycle
of the data created or collected during the project, de-
tailing how the data will be handled and providing in-
formation about their future usability and availability.
Effective data management practices lead to more ac-
curate data collection, secure storage, and proper han-
dling, elevating their potential value and relevance in
diverse research domains. (Smale et al., 2018)
A DMP is commonly structured using a standard-
ized template to ensure all essential components are
covered, although certain sections may be adapted
based on the project, funding source, or organization.
In this work, the Horizon Europe, Science Europe,
and National Institutes of Health (NIH) DMP tem-
plates are described in more detail to fulfill the G1
goal. These templates were selected due to their ex-
tensive adoption on a global scale.
Science Europe Template (Science Europe, 2021)
includes essential details and a table that links differ-
ent DMP sections with individual Findable, Accessi-
ble, Interoperable, Reusable (FAIR) principles.
Horizon Europe Template (European Commis-
sion, 2020) covers all the necessary parts of the data
knowledge and includes questions explicitly aligned
with the FAIR principles, organized according to the
structure of those principles.
National Institutes of Health Data Management
and Sharing Plan Template (National Institutes of
Health, 2023) is very simple, which can lead to insuf-
ficient information being filled in. It completely omits
the connection with the FAIR principles and further-
more does not cover the areas of legal requirements,
data storage security and allocated resources for data
management in the project. On the other hand, its
brevity should not discourage the data steward from
completing this plan at the beginning.
In order to obtain all the necessary information,
the National Institutes of Health Data Management
and Sharing Plan Template (National Institutes of
Health, 2023) is insufficient. On contrast, the Sci-
DATA 2024 - 13th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
ence Europe Template (Science Europe, 2021) and
the Horizon Europe Template (European Commis-
sion, 2020) cover all the crucial details required by
the DMP. From the user’s perspective, the Science
Europe Template (Science Europe, 2021) provides
a more pleasant experience, as its questions do not
place strong emphasis on the FAIR principles. In-
stead, they prompt the data steward to consider how
they approach various issues within the project, rather
than immediately focusing on applying the specific
FAIR principle in question.
According to (DataCite, 2021) Machine-actionable
data management plans (maDMPs) play a pivotal
role in fostering the exchange of information by es-
tablishing connections between metadata and various
sources, including repositories and institutions.
The primary objective of the DMP Common Stan-
dard (DCS) Working Group, under the purview of
Research Data Alliance (RDA), centres on the estab-
lishment of well-defined processes for research data
management, a robust data management infrastruc-
ture, and, most importantly, a universally accepted
standard (Miksa et al., 2021) in the form of a data
model to represent DMP information. Its implemen-
tation ensures seamless interoperability between sys-
tems engaged in producing or consuming maDMP,
while concurrently permitting the assimilation of ad-
ditional information from diverse systems, such as
organizational or repository-related data. Within the
framework of the DCS Working Group’s endeavours,
a JSON serialization of this application profile has
been generated, offering practical utility.
However, as noted by (Cardoso et al., 2022), sev-
eral aspects of this profile present challenges. Fore-
most among them is the absence of direct, explicit
linkages to existing ontologies or vocabularies. Addi-
tionally, DCS covers only essential parts of the DMPs,
omitting crucial elements such as the provenance of
reused or generated data, project objectives, data ac-
cess embargo, or the access protocol.
While the profile is designed to be extensible, a
discernible mechanism for segregating the founda-
tional specification from its extensions is not yet de-
fined. Pertinently, while the profile aims for machine-
actionability, limitations arise due to certain elements
within the structure accommodating text fields.
The DMP Common Standard Ontology
(DCSO) (Cardoso et al., 2022), an ontology
grounded in the RDA’s DCS standard specification,
addresses these concerns.By consolidating terms into
a comprehensive ontology intertwined with several
pre-existing ontological constructs, the DCSO signif-
icantly enhances interoperability within the realm of
the RDA DCS working group standard.
One of the assessments of the DCSO is conducted
through the maDMP Evaluation (Foidl and Burgger,
2021). This investigation involves the transformation
of openly available maDMP instances into DCSO in-
stances using the dcsojon tool, generating JavaScript
Object Notation for Linked Data (JSON-LD) repre-
sentations. By applying predefined SPARQL Pro-
tocol and RDF Query Language (SPARQL) (Harris
and Seaborne, 2013) queries based on the evalua-
tion methodology outlined in the International Align-
ment of Research Data Management (Science Europe,
2021) DMP template, the study assesses the expres-
siveness of the SPARQL queries against the evalua-
tion rubric criteria.
The challenges in expressing certain criteria via
SPARQL queries often stem from the fact that the
concept is either not covered or only partially covered
by the fundamental DCSO, thus remaining absent in
the transformed DMP DCSO.
To accomplish the defined objectives of this study,
we initiated the annotation of existing DMP instances
with terms extracted from diverse ontologies and dic-
tionaries, as elaborated in Section 5.1, aligning with
the fulfilment of G2. After these annotations, we pro-
ceeded to implement them in various formats, thor-
oughly evaluating their advantages and drawbacks, as
detailed in Section 5.2, thereby achieving G3. Finally,
the manually implemented maDMP underwent com-
prehensive assessment through multiple approaches,
as outlined in Section 6, to meet the objectives of G4.
5.1 Annotations
During the development of a machine-actionable and
human-readable DMP, terms from various ontolo-
gies and dictionaries were gradually grouped to pro-
vide a sufficient semantic description of the informa-
tion contained in the DMP. Throughout the annota-
tion process, approximately nine common ontologies
and vocabularies were employed. Even in this initial
phase, it became apparent that not all known existing
ontologies and dictionaries were sufficient. For this
reason, problematic areas are described below, along
with proposals on how to address them. In connection
with term proposals for annotations, a fictional non-
existent ontology with the prefix ”dmp:” was created.
Towards Semantic Data Management Plans for Efficient Review Processing and Automation
Terms in the DMP with this prefix represent proposed
terms that could be used for annotation. However,
they are not properly defined.
Furthermore, existing DMP were manually anno-
tated. It was found that although the wording of ques-
tions in DMP templates may be unambiguous, the an-
swers do not always contain or cannot contain the de-
sired information. As a result, while the annotations
of individual existing DMPs are based on grouped
terms from the previous step, in some cases, they had
to be adjusted or supplemented to correspond to the
information in the existing DMPs, thus providing a
true semantic description.
5.1.1 Core Elements of a DMP
The core constituents of the DMP encompass the
DMP document itself, the relevant project, the ensu-
ing data, along with its metadata, and the designated
repository for data storage. Given that a significant
portion of the information within the DMP is inter-
linked mainly with these components, it is crucial to
accurately define and delineate these elements.
Figure published online
a and
anek, 2024) illustrates the annotations of the
fundamental components of the DMP together
with their types, indicating the class to which each
individual or node belongs. The typeof relationship
is represented by a dashed arrow, the object property
relationship is depicted by a solid arrow. Some core
elements are typeof more than one class to meet
the requirements of object or data properties and
inheritance specifications in the term definitions.
The following section addresses the primary chal-
lenges and intriguing aspects associated with annotat-
ing the DMP.
5.1.2 Information About Reusing Datasets
Within the context of the DMP, it is vital to ascer-
tain whether any datasets are reused throughout the
research process. While the DCSO does not provide
an explicit solution, the dcso:Dataset can potentially
have a defined creation date before the project’s in-
ception, which can indicate that the dataset is reused
in the current project. This solution is not very intu-
itive, nevertheless in the commonly used ontologies
there is no suitable solution.
Several solutions were considered for this issue.
The initial approach involved employing the object
property prov:wasDerivedFrom to establish a link be-
tween the resulting dataset and the reused dataset.
However, it is often necessary to explain the rationale
for reuse and specify if certain datasets are ultimately
unused. This information cannot be captured solely
by the prov:wasDerivedFrom property.
Our approach uses the dcat:qualifiedRelation
property to link a dataset to a dcat:Relationship in-
stance, which connects to the reused dataset via
dcat:relation. The dmp:reason property provides the
justification for reuse, and an element can be added
for discarded reuse cases.
Furthermore, the data property dmp:reusingData
has been introduced. Although this may seem like
duplication of information capture, it serves for in-
stances where there are no reused datasets or the in-
formation is unknown. As a result, it captures only
the values Yes, No, or Unknown.
5.1.3 Information About the Purpose of the
Data and Its Relation to Objectives of the
In the DMP is usually captured the purpose of the re-
sulting data together with its relation to the objectives
of the project. However the DCSO doesn’t cover this
aspect and there are no terms for capturing objectives
and their relations in common ontologies.
Hence, additional terms were introduced into the
hypothetical dmp ontology. The object property
dmp:hasObjective with a range of rdfs:Resource was
established to express a project’s objective. To link a
dataset with the project objective, the object property
dmp:fulfillsObjective was also added.
5.1.4 Metadata Elements
When detailing the metadata associated with datasets
within the DMP, it is crucial to explicitly specify the
used metadata schema or the individual metadata el-
ements employed. In the case of the former, well-
known ontologies adequately address this require-
ment but expressing individual metadata elements be-
comes challenging. To overcome this limitation, the
data property dmp:containsMetadataElement was in-
troduced to express the individual metadata elements.
5.1.5 Information About the Trustworthiness of
the Data Repository
In the DMP the trustworthiness of the used data repos-
itory(ies) are usually captured. Unfortunately, preva-
lent ontologies lack suitable solutions to encapsulate
the trustworthiness. In practice, repositories estab-
lish trustworthiness by adhering to the TRUST prin-
ciples (Lin et al., 2020) or obtaining dedicated certifi-
cates. Unfortunately, the DMP do not usually specif-
ically ask for the reason for trustworthiness. In such
DATA 2024 - 13th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
cases, information could be easily annotated using an
object property linking the repository to the trust cer-
tificate or the evaluation of TRUST principles. How-
ever, responses in the DMP commonly only state
”Yes, the repository we use is trusted”.
To address this, the data property dmp:isTrusted
was introduced to describe the repository with values
restricted to ”Yes,” ”No,” or ”Unknown.
5.1.6 Availability and Accessibility of Data and
Within the DMP, multiple inquiries focus on the
availability and accessibility of both data and associ-
ated metadata. Upon examining various DMPs, it be-
comes apparent that researchers often provide similar
answers or similar key ideas to these questions. Some
questions cover multiple aspects, making it challeng-
ing to comprehensively address each point and result-
ing in insufficient DMP outcomes.
In this critical aspect of DMPs, it would be ben-
eficial to explore a more structured approach to ob-
tain this valuable information, perhaps even incorpo-
rating semi-controlled vocabulary options in certain
sections. To annotate this area a whole new approach
was designed as shown in the figure published on-
a and Such
anek, 2024). It’s impor-
tant to bear in mind that this is just an initial proposal.
The primary goal of this work was not to create a new
ontology for DMP, but during this work, several defi-
ciencies in the existing options were identified.
To facilitate annotation, we established classes
and properties within a hypothetical DMP ontology.
The design of this structure primarily revolves around
defining two key concepts: availability and accessibil-
ity, in alignment with the Common DSW Knowledge
Model (DSW Team, 2018) used in the Data Steward-
ship Wizard (DSW) (Pergl et al., 2019).
5.1.7 Common Ontologies and Vocabularies
In comprehensive DMP templates, the question arose
about using ontologies and vocabularies in the data
context. Since a specific term for ontology or vocab-
ulary wasn’t found, a concept was created in the hy-
pothetical dmp: ontology, as can be seen in the figure
published online
a and Such
anek, 2024).
5.1.8 Cost and Its Funding
The DMP typically addresses the resources neces-
sary to meet FAIR principles. For quantifying the re-
sources allocated to make data FAIR, we employed
the object property schema:estimatedCost with a
range of schema:MonetaryAmount, specifying value
and currency. To signify that this amount pertains to
enhancing data FAIRness, we utilized the sioc:Topic.
To annotate how these expenditures will be
funded, the object properties schema:funder and
foaf:fundedBy were employed.
5.2 Different Formats
In this study, three potential formats, as described
in Section 2, were considered to capture annotations
within a human-readable environment DMPs. This
section details their capabilities and assesses their
suitability for the intended purpose.
5.2.1 XSL Transformations
Utilizing Extensible Markup Language (XML) for
annotation and subsequent transformation to human-
readable text using Extensible Stylesheet Language
Transformations (XSLT) is not entirely suitable for
our requirements. The main problem is with the or-
ganization of DMPs. Questions are often grouped by
topic rather than by core elements, resulting in scat-
tered references to datasets throughout the document.
Code Example 1: Example of XML annotations.
This data set has following distributions:
<title>Distribution A</title>
has size
<bytesize>10 MB</bytesize>
<availability> Yes, all data will be
made openly available.֒
However, XML is structured and once an element
is in the document, it cannot be repeated. In exam-
ple 1, there are two dataset elements, even though, in
the context of the DMP, we are referring to only one
dataset. This limitation led us to explore alternative
approaches rather than continuing with this method.
5.2.2 Microformats and Microdata
Microformats prove to be unsuitable for our work due
to the diverse nature of information within the DMP.
On the contrary, Microdata is highly suitable, offer-
ing the flexibility to use any ontology or vocabulary
for semantic annotations. However, Microdata cannot
create Resource Description Framework (RDF) blank
nodes. Since various elements in the DMP lack prop-
erly defined identifiers but are referenced in multiple
sections, blank nodes become valuable. They enable
Towards Semantic Data Management Plans for Efficient Review Processing and Automation
the aggregation of information about, for example, a
reused data set mentioned in different parts of the en-
tire DMP. Even without explicit identifiers, the use
of blank nodes allows the connection of information
related to the same dataset.
5.2.3 RDFa
RDFa emerges as the optimal solution for our work,
offering the flexibility to utilize any ontology or vo-
cabulary for text annotations. It also facilitates the
creation of blank nodes, allowing the connection of
information to these nodes via object or data prop-
erties throughout the document by assigning them a
node identifier within the local resource.
Code Example 2: Example of RDFa annotations.
<b>Will you re-use any existing data?</b>
typeof="dcat:Dataset schema:Thing">֒
<span property="dmp:reusingData">No </span>
data will be re-used.֒
In the code example 2, the previously defined
dataset as a named blank node allows for contex-
tual connections, linking all information related to the
dataset irrespective of its position within the docu-
ment. This leads to the choice of RDFa as the pre-
ferred format for annotations in our work.
The assessment in this study involved comparing
semantically annotated DMPs against Natural Lan-
guage Processing (NLP) and text-mining methods, in-
cluding ChatGPT, applied to human-readable (non-
annotated) DMPs. A foundational list of approxi-
mately 20 questions, covering all aspects of the DMP,
served as the benchmark for testing these approaches
on both annotated and non-annotated DMPs. The an-
notated DMPs and the list of evaluation questions are
published online
a and Such
anek, 2024).
The evaluation involved two distinct methodolo-
gies applied to non-annotated DMPs. Initially, the
open-source NLP tool, the Hugging Face Trans-
former (Wolf et al., 2020), and ChatGPT (OpenAI,
2022) were utilized. Each tool was tasked with query-
ing the DMPs using questions in natural human lan-
guage, and the provided responses were manually
evaluated comparing the information contained in the
DMP. For semanticaly annotated DMPs, SPARQL
queries aligned with the set of questions were utilized.
A comprehensive evaluation was conducted on a
total of 5 DMPs: 2 following the Horizon Europe
template (European Commission, 2020), 2 adhering
to the NIH Data Management and Sharing Plan (Na-
tional Institutes of Health, 2023), and just one DMP
aligning with the International Alignment of Research
Data Management (Science Europe, 2021). The se-
lection of only one DMP in the latter case stems from
the observed discrepancy between the DMPs avail-
able online and their original templates, rendering
them unsuitable for the evaluation process. The small
number of DMPs is due to the fact that performing de-
tailed annotation manually is a lengthy process; nev-
ertheless, we still managed to achieve results.
The table 1 displays the percentage of correctly
answered questions for each method and each indi-
vidual DMP. Initially, the proportion of 20 evaluation
questions that could be answered for each DMP, indi-
cating the presence of this specific information in the
DMP, was determined. All results from the evalua-
tion methods are calculated based on this percentage,
not the total of 20 questions.
6.1 Evaluation Questions
A set of approximately 20 questions was devised
to encompass aspects related to the reuse, result-
ing data, metadata, their availability and accessibil-
ity, resources for ensuring FAIRness, and legal and
ethical considerations. To assess annotated DMPs,
corresponding SPARQL queries were formulated.
The full list of evaluation question is published on-
line (Mart
a and Such
anek, 2024).
6.2 Hugging Face Transformer
The Hugging Face Transformer (Wolf et al., 2020)
provides a framework and pre-trained models, sim-
plifying the performance of the NLP and especially
for our work the method of Question answering.
We used the Disilbert model (Sanh et al., 2019)
to analyze unannotated DMPs by posing questions
from the list in natural human language. However, the
tool’s answers were highly inadequate. The tool often
generated entirely unreasonable responses. The ta-
ble 1 in the column labeled ”The Hugging Face Trans-
former” shows the percentages of cases where the
answer closely aligned with the queried topic. One
question that consistently received accurate responses
pertained to the volume of resulting data.
DATA 2024 - 13th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
Table 1: Percentage of accurately answered questions for each method and each individual DMP.
Template Answerable
The Hugging Face
DMP1 Horizon Europe 71.43% 33.33% 86.67% 100.00%
DMP2 Horizon Europe 100.00% 9.52% 90.48% 100.00%
DMP3 Science Europe 61.90% 15.38% 76.92% 100.00%
DMP4 NIH 47.62% 20.00% 70.00% 100.00%
DMP5 NIH 33.33% 42.86% 71.43% 100.00%
6.3 ChatGPT
The ChatGPT is a language (OpenAI, 2022) model,
designated for natural language understanding an
generation. This model was utilized for the analy-
sis of unannotated DMPs by formulating questions
from the list in natural human language. The tool
yields highly accurate and detailed responses, achiev-
ing very high correctness, and the answers can be seri-
alized in various formats upon request. The precision
of the responses to the evaluation questions is shown
in the table 1 under the column labeled ”ChatGPT.
However, there are drawbacks to this solution.
First, it tends to provide lengthy responses, includ-
ing surrounding context. While this can be seen as
an advantage depending on specific requirements, for
machine-actionable purposes, simplicity with a com-
prehensive description is preferable.
The second limitation is that the tool lacks the ca-
pability to count automatically. If the DMP includes
a list of reused datasets, the tool cannot provide the
exact number of reused datasets. It’s important to
note that while ChatGPT occasionally struggles with
poorly described and ambiguous text, this issue is typ-
ically less prominent in the context of the DMP.
SPARQL (Harris and Seaborne, 2013) is a standard-
ized query language for retrieving and manipulating
data in RDF structure. SPARQL queries were used
for the analysis of annotated DMPs by formulating
questions as SPARQL queries. Not surprisingly, this
approach was the most sufficient and provided the ex-
act answers (if they were part of DMP) as can be seen
in the table 1 under the column ”SPARQL.
The incorporation of pre-existing annotations
helps prevent misunderstandings in complex,
semistructured, or intuitive texts where ChatGPT
might otherwise encounter challenges. Contrary
to ChatGPT, the utilization of SPARQL allows
counting operations. Therefore, assessing the number
of reused datasets, the total volume of datasets in
various units or the sum of required resources can be
conveniently obtained.
Three DMP templates were chosen and annotated
based on the semantic meaning of their parts and
questions, aligning with the objectives G1 and
G2.Nine well-known ontologies, including DCSO
were utilized alongside the introduction of additional
terms when needed. Over 20 terms were specifically
The identified gaps among known ontologies
within the DMP domain present future opportunities
to enhance the proposed solution and provide more
comprehensive coverage. The analysis involved cap-
turing these annotations in different formats, with
RDFa chosen to represent all five annotated DMP ex-
amples, fulfilling objective G3.
To fulfill objective G4, a manual evaluation of
usability and correctness took place, involving a to-
tal of 20 questions. The usability and correctness of
the proposed solutions were assessed by testing unan-
notated DMP instances without their semantic mean-
ing using two approaches: The Hugging Face Trans-
former (Wolf et al., 2020) and ChatGPT (OpenAI,
2022). However, both approaches did not achieve as
high percentage of correctly answered questions as
the approach using equivalent SPARQL queries on se-
mantically annotated DMPs.
It is important to note that semantically anno-
tated DMPs contain ontological terms matching the
SPARQL version of the evaluation questions. Be-
cause the infromation caputerd within the DMPs and
evaluation question pertains to the same domain.
These results demonstrate the usability of this ap-
proach, strongly suggesting that combining manual
annotation with NLP or Artificial intelligece (AI)
methods could streamline the process, making it in-
triguing avenue for future exploration.
Towards Semantic Data Management Plans for Efficient Review Processing and Automation
This work was supported by the Student Summer
Research Program 2023 of the FIT CTU in Prague
and by the Czech Technical University in Prague
grant: Advance Research In Software Engineering,
No. SGS23/206/OHK3/3T/18.
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DATA 2024 - 13th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications