Chinese Text Summarization Based on Multi-Layer Attention
Jiecheng Jiang
Software School, Southeast University, Nanjing, China
Keywords: Text Summarization, Sequence to Sequence, Long Short-Term Memory, Deep Learning, Neural Network.
Abstract: The increasing volume of textual data on the internet leads individuals to spend more time sifting through and
identifying crucial information within texts. Automatic summarization technology emerges as a method to
extract key information from lengthy texts, reducing the time required for information retrieval in the age of
information overload, thus garnering increased attention from researchers. Automatic summarization
technology can be categorized into extractive summarization, which relies solely on the original text content
and has its limitations, and generative summarization, which offers greater flexibility. However, challenges
persist in maintaining sufficient information integrity during text initialization and ensuring the generation of
high-quality summaries in Chinese. This paper proposes a Multi-Layer attention model to solve Chinese text
summarization. This model obtains a 39.51 ROUGE-1 score and 37.25 ROUGE-L on the LCSTS validation
dataset. In addition, a model acceleration method is proposed, which uses 1x1 convolution kernel to replace
the linear layer in encoder-decoder to reduce size of the neural network and improve speed of summary
Text summarization involves condensing the
essential information from a text to create a brief and
logical summary while maintaining the core concepts
and essence of the original text. It involves
condensing a longer document, such as an article,
research paper, or news story, into a shorter version,
typically by selecting and rephrasing key sentences or
paragraphs. Text summarization can be approached
through two primary methods: Extractive
Summarization (Dorr et al 2003) and Abstractive
Summarization (Chopra et al 2016).
In Chinese text summarization, some of the
technologies are based on TF-IDF (Tao and Chen
2020), some of the technologies are based on
Word2vec (Chengzhang and Dan 2018), and most of
technologies are based on attentional encoder-
decoder models (Li 2020). Most technologies include
only single-layer attention. The author proposes a
new Multi-Layer attention model to solve Chinese
text summarization. There is a small uptick in the
parameter count and the training time remains almost
unchanged. There has been a visible improvement in
the performance of the model. This model obtains a
39.51 ROUGE-1 score and 37.25 ROUGE-L on
LCSTS validation dataset. The author also proposes
another optional solution, in which the author uses a
1x1 convolutional kernel to replace the linear layers
in the encoder and decoder. The use of convolutional
kernel can make the model smaller, but according to
the experiment, the performance has hardly decreased.
2.1 Word Segmentation
Chinese word segmentation is more challenging
compared to English word segmentation because the
segmentation of words in English involves directly
utilizing spaces and punctuation marks. Using Jieba
library can solve this problem (Xianwei et al 2019).
The word segmentation process is as follows.
1) Employing a prefix dictionary for streamlined
scanning of word graphs, which produces a
directed acyclic graph (DAG) encapsulating
various potential word formations from Chinese
characters within a sentence.
2) Employing dynamic programming to
systematically seek out the most probable path,
determining the optimal segmentation
combination by considering word frequencies.
Jiang, J.
Chinese Text Summarization Based on Multi-Layer Attention.
DOI: 10.5220/0012839000004547
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Data Science and Engineering (ICDSE 2024), pages 565-568
ISBN: 978-989-758-690-3
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
Figure 1: LSTM’S structure (Picture credit: Original).
3) In cases of unrecognized words, implementing
an HMM model that leverages the intrinsic
capability of Chinese characters to form words,
with the application of the Viterbi algorithm.
2.2 Neural Network Model
The neural network model is based on the encoder-
decoder network (Sutskever et al 2014 & Neubig and
Graham 2017). Each unit is a bi-directional LSTM
unit (Staudemeyer et al 2019). The LSTM structure is
shown in Figure 1.
2.3 Encoder Module
At each decoding step t, e
is declared as the
attention score of the hidden input state (Niu et al
2021). e
should be based on the hidden input state
and the decoder state at each decoding step. While
Romain Paulus (Paulus et al 2017) decides to use a
bilinear function, the author chooses to use a gate-like
unit to compute the attention score of the encoder
attention score. The attention score can have multiple
layers sharing some weights. The author conducted
many experiments and found that when the W
between two layers are set to be the same, the new
model can reduce training parameters while ensuring
good results. The first and second layers of the
network are calculated as follows: (1) (2).
Where W
and W
are different weights to capture
different information in the encoder. For example, the
first level of attention concentrates more on the
importance of word levels. The second level of
attention concentrates on the importance of sentences
or paragraphs. In the Chinese text summarization, it
is important to learn from different lawyers. Two
layers also share the same weight V for the purpose
of simplicity. Add two layer’s attention to get the
attention associated with the input token.
= e
+ e
In the experiment, the Chinese text summarization
always has many repetitions, reducing readability. In
order to punish the high-score tokens to avoid
repetitions (Paulus et al 2017), new temporal scores
are defined:
) 𝑖𝑓 𝑡=1
Then compute the normalized attention scores and
get the context vector c
2.4 Decoder Module
In order to capture more information in the previous
decoding steps, multiple layers mechanism should
also be used in the decoder attention to improve the
quality of text summaries. For each decoding step t,
use the following equations to compute the first layer
attention. Similar to the encoder, the network layer is
defined as follows: (5) (6).
= V
Where W
and W
are different weights to capture
different information in the encoder. Two layers also
share the same weight V and W
for the purpose of
simplicity and effectiveness. Note that V, W, b in the
decoder attention and the encoder attention are not the
ICDSE 2024 - International Conference on Data Science and Engineering
same. Integrate attention mechanisms from two
additional layers to compute the attention score for
the hidden output state.
+ e
Using softmax function to normalize the focus
score of the already generated output token at each
moment and get the context vector c
2.5 1x1 Convolutional Module
A 1x1 convolution, as described in reference
(Badrinarayanan et al 2017), possesses unique
characteristics allowing it to serve purposes such as
reducing dimensionality, creating efficient low-
dimensional embeddings, and applying non-linear
transformations subsequent to convolutions. In the
Chinese text summarization, the encoder and the
decoder attention are linear layers. 1 x 1
convolutional kernel can be used to replace linear
layers. To reduce parameters and apply non-linearity
in the model, when using 1 x 1 convolutional kernel,
only the first layer attention should be used.
The next token mainly depends on c
and h
. The probability distribution is
calculated by the following equation.
 𝑐
3.1 Dataset
The author assesses the model's performance using
LCSTS, a dataset for large-scale Chinese short text
summarization derived from Sina-Weibo, a Chinese
microblogging platform. LCSTS comprises more
than 2 million authentic Chinese short texts, each
accompanied by a brief summary provided by the
respective author. The dataset is curated by the
Intelligent Computing Research Center at the
Shenzhen Graduate School of Harbin Institute of
The LCSTS has been divided into three parts. The
training dataset has 1048575 short text, summary
pairs. The validation dataset has 10666 short text,
summary pairs which is human labeled. The test
dataset has 1103 short text, summary pairs.
3.2 Results
The author evaluates the Convolutional-Layer
mechanism in the encoder attention and in both
encoder and decoder attention and the Multi-Layer
attention mechanism on the dataset.
After doing supervised learning, the experiment
chooses a relatively good model (evaluate on
validation set) and use the reinforcement learning to
improve the performance of the model. Romain
Paulus (Paulus et al 2017) define a mixed objective
Where choose γ=0.75 and it can receive relatively
good results. The overall results after doing ML+RL
are shown in the following two tables. The evaluation
indicators act on the validation and testing sets.
As shown in Table 1, the Multi-Layer attention
achieves better ROUGE scores on the validation
dataset compared to other three models, especially in
ROUGE-1. Multi-Layer attention can reach 39.51 in
ROUGE-1. The convolution-Layer mechanism can
make model smaller, but its performance is only
slightly inferior to the original linear-layer model.
Table 1: Quantitative results for 4 models on validation dataset.
34.06 16.46 33.83
Convolutional-Layer in encode
32.99 17.15 31.81
er in both 33.28 15.82 31.66
Multi-Layer attention 39.51 17.59 37.25
Table 2: Quantitative results for 4 models on test dataset.
31.87 15.47 30.93
Convolutional-Layer in encode
31.09 13.07 30.55
er in both 35.18 17.39 34.19
Multi-Layer attention 36.81 16.39 33.74
Chinese Text Summarization Based on Multi-Layer Attention
As shown in the Table 2, the Multi-Layer
attention achieves better ROUGE-1 scores. When it
comes to ROUGE-2 and ROUGE-L, the
Convolutional-Layer mechanism in both the encoder
and the decoder attention achieves better scores
compared to the linear layer.
The Multi-Layer attention performed well on the
ROUGE-1 both on the validation dataset and test
dataset. And the improvement is relatively visible.
The training time of the Multi-Layer attention model
has hardly increased, which means this method has
practical application significance.
This paper proposes a new Multi-Layer attention
model to solve Chinese text summarization. There is
a small uptick in the parameter count and the training
time remains almost unchanged. But there has been a
visible improvement in the performance of the model.
This model obtains a 39.51 ROUGE-1 score and
37.25 ROUGE-L on LCSTS validation dataset.
Attentions in different layers can have different
learning task in the input sequence, while sharing the
same weight in the decoder’s hidden state. The author
also proposes another optional solution, in which the
author uses a 1x1 convolutional kernel to replace the
linear layers in the encoder and decoder. The use of
convolutional kernel can make the model smaller,
according to the experiment, the performance has
hardly decreased.
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ICDSE 2024 - International Conference on Data Science and Engineering