As shown in the Table 2, the Multi-Layer
attention achieves better ROUGE-1 scores. When it
comes to ROUGE-2 and ROUGE-L, the
Convolutional-Layer mechanism in both the encoder
and the decoder attention achieves better scores
compared to the linear layer.
The Multi-Layer attention performed well on the
ROUGE-1 both on the validation dataset and test
dataset. And the improvement is relatively visible.
The training time of the Multi-Layer attention model
has hardly increased, which means this method has
practical application significance.
This paper proposes a new Multi-Layer attention
model to solve Chinese text summarization. There is
a small uptick in the parameter count and the training
time remains almost unchanged. But there has been a
visible improvement in the performance of the model.
This model obtains a 39.51 ROUGE-1 score and
37.25 ROUGE-L on LCSTS validation dataset.
Attentions in different layers can have different
learning task in the input sequence, while sharing the
same weight in the decoder’s hidden state. The author
also proposes another optional solution, in which the
author uses a 1x1 convolutional kernel to replace the
linear layers in the encoder and decoder. The use of
convolutional kernel can make the model smaller,
according to the experiment, the performance has
hardly decreased.
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