between the user and kernel spaces, thus increas-
ing the throughput of the file transfer.
• Authentication Improvement: Authentication of
the encryptor sides is not currently quantum re-
sistant if pre-shared PQC keys are not used. This
extension would add a certification authority and
certificates with PQC elements for authentication
to mitigate the potential man-in-the-middle at-
tacks by a quantum adversary.
• Hardware Acceleration: The software may
be adapted to be compatible with hardware-
accelerated solution described in (Ricci et al.,
In this article, we introduced an open-source
quantum-resistant encryption system for real-time
data transfer that can be used in site-to-site settings.
The system utilizes a combination of several differ-
ent quantum-resistant key-establishment methods to
add extra layers of security. The software can be used
as a low-cost demonstrator and experimental tool for
testing PQC. This could also be used for system
demonstration to companies seeking high throughput
before purchasing high-speed solutions like FPGA-
accelerated solutions. Therefore, it serves as a tool to
raise awareness and support of post-quantum cryptog-
raphy deployment and integration to existing systems.
The implementation of the proposed system is freely
accessible at (Tuma and Havlin, 2024).
Funded by the European Union under Grant Agree-
ment No. 101087529. Views and opinions expressed
are however those of the author(s) only and do not
necessarily reflect those of the European Union or Eu-
ropean Research Executive Agency. Neither the Eu-
ropean Union nor the granting authority can be held
responsible for them.
This work is supported by the Ministry of the Inte-
rior of the Czech Republic under Grant VJ01010008.
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Open-Source Post-Quantum Encryptor: Design, Implementation and Deployment