A Bibliometric Analysis of Green Accounting, Environmental
Accounting and Green Business Publications in a Global Perspective
Hamide Özyürek
Department of Business Administration, OSTIM Technical University, OSTIM OSB, Yenimahalle, Ankara, Turkey
Keywords: Green Accounting, Environmental Accounting, Green Business.
Abstract: This study aims to conduct a comprehensive review of research on green accounting, environmental
accounting and green business. The methodology employs advanced bibliometric techniques such as co-
citation analysis, trend topics, thematic evolution. A total of 1603 documents from the Web of Science,
spanning the period between 1991 and April 23, 2024, were screened and analyzed using R program. The
findings revealed six thematic clusters: Social and environmental accounting, emergy, green business, green
innovation, environmental accounting, and green accounting. The most cited authors are Boyd and Banzhaf,
Cho and Patten, and Laufer. The findings indicates that the journals with the highest number of articles and
citations in this field are Journal of Cleaner Production, Sustainability, Ecological Economics, and Accounting,
Auditing & Accountability Journal. When considering the number of articles and citations by country, China,
the USA, and Italy emerge as the leading contributors.
Green accounting is a discipline that deviates from
traditional accounting methods by integrating
environmental factors into financial reporting. This
approach entails assessing the environmental
impacts, costs, and benefits of economic activities,
with the goal of reflecting the true value of natural
resources and promoting environmental sustainability
in financial statements (Sadiku et al., 2021). It
emphasizes the importance of recognizing
environmental costs generated by businesses, such as
resource depletion and pollution, and links this
recognition to the necessity of implementing
sustainable practices for ensuring long-term business
continuity (Yoga and Sastri, 2020). It aims to offer a
comprehensive view of companies' operations and
their impact on sustainability by advocating a
performance evaluation perspective that encompasses
economic, social, and environmental dimensions
(Pandey and Kaur, 2014). Green accounting
significantly contributes by integrating
environmental costs into financial results, facilitating
resource allocation, and promoting sustainability
(Yelgen, 2022). It enhances environmental practices,
such as analyzing environmental activities and waste
management, by improving evaluation processes to
increase the availability of relevant information for
stakeholders (Chairia et al., 2022). However,
challenges may arise in the introduction of green
accounting due to differences from traditional
accounting and implementation difficulties
(Alexander, 2023). The success of green accounting
relies not only on accurately categorizing costs but
also on reducing environmental impacts arising from
business activities. Green accounting and
environmental accounting share a common goal of
integrating environmental costs into financial
reporting (Remya and Rupini, 2023). Both
approaches emphasize the importance of considering
environmental factors alongside traditional financial
metrics and aim to integrate the environmental
impacts of business activities into financial results.
While green accounting focuses on factors such as
resource management, environmental impact, and
company revenues and expenses, environmental
accounting specifically addresses internalizing
environmental costs within businesses' financial
results (Rizki et al., 2023).
Green accounting and environmental accounting
practices help companies demonstrate their
Özyürek, H.
A Bibliometric Analysis of Green Accounting, Environmental Accounting and Green Business Publications in a Global Perspective.
DOI: 10.5220/0012845000003764
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Smart Business Technologies (ICSBT 2024), pages 115-122
ISBN: 978-989-758-710-8; ISSN: 2184-772X
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
environmental responsibility, attract investments, and
promote sustainability and environmental
conservation (Katiyar, 2015). Green business
strategies encompass environmentally and socially
responsible practices aimed at addressing
environmental and social issues while meeting
customer needs and ensuring profitability.
Companies are developing products and processes
that minimize environmental impact, and maintain
stable and collaborative relationships with suppliers
and customers related to environmental conservation
(Begum et al., 2023). The adoption of green strategies
not only benefits the environment but also opens up
new opportunities for entrepreneurs to develop
innovative products, increase efficiency, and reshape
business models (Castillo-Benancio et al., 2023;
Kanchan et al., 2015).
This study will pave the way for further research
by identifying the most influential articles, journals,
countries, authors, and themes in the field, and
examining the connections between relevant
subtopics within the existing literature. The research
aims to provide a comprehensive overview of green
accounting, environmental accounting, and green
business topics. In this context, it seeks to identify and
analyze existing research to fill research gaps.
This research offers significant insights in
theoretical, methodological, and practical aspects.
Theoretically, our study contributes significantly to
the fields of green business, green accounting, and
environmental accounting by examining predecessors
in the existing literature, exploring established
themes, and tracking emerging trends. The six themes
developed from thematic analysis provide valuable
insights into the current state of research and offer a
comprehensive overview for future studies. In this
context the research questions were formulated as
follows based on the literature review:
1 RQ1. What are the trends in publication research
concerning “environmental accounting” “green
accounting” “green business”?
2 RQ2. What is the thematic map of research in
“environmental accounting” “green accounting”
“green business”?
3 RQ3. What is the scope for future research?
The data for the research was obtained from the Web
of Science database. WoS is used as a citation
database in scientific and academic research (Baghini
et al., 2024). In this study, I utilized the Scientific
Procedures and Rationales for Systematic Literature
Reviews (SPAR-4-SLR) protocol developed by Paul
et al. (2021), which has been used by other authors
(Lim et al., 2022; Raman et al., 2022), to guide the
tasks of assembling, organizing, and evaluating.
Figure 1: SPAR-4-SLR protocol-based research design.
Table 1 reports basic summary descriptive
analysis 1603 documents sourced from the Web of
Table 1: Main information about the document.
Main information
Journals, Books, etc
Annual Growth Rate %
Document Avera
e A
Average citations per doc
words Plus
Author's Keywords (DE)
Authors of sin
le-authored docs
Single-authored docs
er Doc
International co-authorshi
s %
Editorial material
The table reports basic summary statistics for the
1603 documents sourced from the Web of Science.
ICSBT 2024 - 21st International Conference on Smart Business Technologies
To address RQ1 regarding the publication research
trends in “environmental accounting” “green
accounting” “green business”, I conducted an
analysis of the publication trend in this fields using
total publications by year, country, journal and
contributing author.
Figure 2 and 3 illustrate the annual publication
trend of the analyzed studies. The first analyzed study
was published in 1991. It is evident that there has
been a significant increase in the number of
publications after 2005.
Figure 2: Annual scientific production.
The figure displays the distribution of the
analysed by 1603 documents sourced from the Web
of Science over the period 1991-2024.
Figure 3: Average article citations.
The figure displays the distribution of the
analysed by 1603 documents sourced from the Web
of Science over the period 1991-2024.
The figure displays the countries of address out of
1603 documents sourced from the Web of Science. It
can be observed that the most productive countries
are China, USA, and Italy (see fig. 4).
Figure 4: Most Productive Countries.
Figure 5: Most Productive Authors.
The figure displays the authors of address out of
1603 documents sourced from the Web of Science.
Table 2: Top 10 Most cited articles.
Authors, Sources and DOI TC
Boyd and Banzhaf, (2007), Ecological
Economics, 10.1016/J.Ecolecon.2007.01.002
Cho and Patten, (2007), Accounting
Organizations and Society, 10.1016/J.
Laufer, (2003), Journal of Business Ethics,
Wıedmann, (2009), Ecological Economics,
Gray, (2010), Accounting Organizations and
, 10.1016/J. Aos.2009.04.006
Buckley, (2012), Annals of Tourism
Research, 10.1016/J.Annals.2012.02.003
Rızos at all, (2016), Sustainability,
Crossman at all., (2013), Ecosystem Services,
Bebbıngton and Unerman, (2018),
Accounting Auditing \& Accountability
Journal, 10.1108/Aaaj-05-2017-2929
Kolk and Perego, (2010), Business Strategy
and The Environment, 10.1002/Bse.643
The table reports total citations to the 1063
documents analysed in journals indexed in the Web
A Bibliometric Analysis of Green Accounting, Environmental Accounting and Green Business Publications in a Global Perspective
of Science TC per year is calculated for the period
Table 3: Top 10 Most frequent journals.
Sources and no of articles
% of
Journal of Cleaner
Production, 84
, 65 4,05%
ical Economics, 57 3,56%
Accounting Auditing \&
Accountability Journal, 46
ical Modellin
, 32 2,00%
Sustainability Accounting
Management and Policy Journal, 30
Business Strategy and
The Environment, 24
Environmental Science and
Pollution Research, 24
Forum, 21 1,31%
Critical Perspectives
On Accountin
, 21
To address RQ2. What is the thematic map of
research in “environmental accounting” “green
accounting” “green business”? I conducted an
analysis of the conceptual map and thematic map.
Figure 6: Conceptual map and keyword clusters.
The conceptual map classifies their articles into
clusters based around general themes using multiple
correspondence analysis.
Cluster 1. Social and Environmental Accounting
In this cluster, the most frequently used terms are
"accountability," "social accounting," "sustainability
reporting," "corporate social responsibility,"
"corporate governance," "social and environmental
corporate," "environmental reporting," "sustainability
accounting," "responsibility," "legitimacy theory,"
"financial reporting," and "integrated reporting."
Environmental accounting encompasses studies on
Figure 7: Thematic map.
Table 4: Thematic clusters.
Cluster CC CD RC RD CF
Social and
0,37 10,7 4 5 361
Emergy 0,35 10,7 3 6 293
Green business 0,55 9,7 5 3 462
Green innovation 0,06 9,5 1 2 23
0,90 8,4 6 1
Green accounting 0,22 9,8 2 4 268
CallonCentrality, CD: CallonDensity, RC:
RankCentrality, RD: RankDensity, CF: ClusterFrequency.
measuring and reporting environmental impacts,
strategies for improving businesses' environmental
performance, and the influence of environmental
factors on business decisions (Nowak et al., 2012;
Hyde and Amacher, 1996; Zrn et al., 2020). This
cluster explain the reasons for sustainable accounting
practices being influenced by corporate governance
mechanisms through stakeholder theory. The
increased awareness of all stakeholders regarding
their responsibilities to society is the most significant
reason for this. The need to preserve the ecosystem
will encourage organizations to implement
environmental and social sustainability techniques
such as Environmental Management Accounting
(EMA), Activity-Based Costing (ABC), life cycle
costing, customer accounting, integrated performance
measurement, quality costing, and competitor
accounting in a manner that benefits society (Oyewo
et al., 2023). Environmental accounting is a method
utilized by businesses to measure, manage, and report
their environmental impacts (Hossain, 2022). An
effective environmental accounting system supports
costs, taxes, and environmental conservation
activities, positively impacting the financial
performance of businesses (Korabayev et al., 2023).
Environmental accounting practices aids companies
in achieving their sustainability goals and enhancing
ICSBT 2024 - 21st International Conference on Smart Business Technologies
their environmental performance. In this context, a
study conducted by Pascual and Boks (2004)
emphasized the tangible economic benefits that
companies can derive from implementing eco-design
practices. Yerdavletova (2016), by examining the
relationship between environmental accounting and
environmental management, demonstrated that
environmental accounting could enhance ecological
conservation activities and provide informational
support for environmental control. The increased
adoption and effective implementation of
environmental accounting are crucial for both
environmental sustainability and business
performance (Susmus and Babacan, 2015).
Cluster 2. Emergy
In this cluster, the most commonly used concepts
include "emergy analysis," "life cycle assessment,"
"energy," "industrial ecology," "sustainability
indicators," "carbon footprint," "carbon accounting,"
and "ecological footprint." Carbon accounting
methods measure emissions associated with various
activities and assess the effectiveness of interventions
aimed at mitigating climate change (Brander, 2017).
Carbon accounting encompasses various forms of
information from different actors, combining them to
address a problem while considering its physical,
political, market-enabling, financial, and/or socio-
environmental dimensions (Mota-Nieto et al., 2024).
Cluster 3. Green Business
In this cluster, the most commonly used concepts
include "environment," "development,"
"sustainable," "performance," "green economy,"
"circular economy," "climate change," "eco-
innovation," "green marketing," "green business
models," "entrepreneurship," "green growth,"
"management accounting," and "environmental
strategy." Climate change and environmental
challenges have led to a strong pressure to green our
businesses, resulting in increased interest in the
profitability and value of green business and green
business models in our societies. Regulations
concerning various aspects of green practices are
becoming increasingly stringent for businesses with
each passing day. The regulations also encompass
aspects such as energy and water consumption, the
type of energy utilized, greenhouse gas emissions,
waste management, material and resource usage,
material recycling, collaboration types, and the latest
fulfilment of the United Nations' 17 Sustainable
Development Goals. Today, many businesses are
motivated by both society and stakeholders to design,
restructure, and enhance green business models
(Lindgren et al., 2021). There will always be
components, dimensions, business models, business
model portfolios, businesses, business model
ecosystems, and business model innovation processes
that can be innovated to be greener (Lindgren, 2020).
Business restructuring aims to cost-effectively
address social, economic, and environmental issues
related to the business and ensure sustainability.
Green business models are frameworks established
for this purpose. Essentially, green business models
aim to enable businesses to achieve environmental,
social, and economic sustainability (Maas et al.,
2016). Green business models aim to establish a
sustainable cycle from the inception to the final
output of business practices (Lamptey et al., 2021).
Cluster 4. Green Innovation
Green innovation" refers to innovative solutions
aimed at reducing environmental impacts or
preserving natural resources. Such innovations are
developed based on sustainability principles and aim
to minimize environmental impacts. Examples of
green innovation include the development of energy-
efficient technologies, waste reduction, and the
establishment of recycling systems. These
innovations contribute to progress towards
sustainability by providing both environmental
protection and economic benefits. In this cluster,
"green innovation" and "green business strategy"
topics stand out. Increasing environmental issues
compel businesses to engage in environmentally
responsible practices. A sustainable perspective
necessitates businesses to acknowledge their
relationships with the natural and social environment
and develop strategies for conducting business in
harmony with the environment. In this context,
businesses are required to make fundamental changes
in their operational practices, management policies,
and product development processes, as these changes
enable them to adopt business practices that do not
harm the environment or cause minimal harm (Yahya
et al., 2021). Transitioning to a sustainable business
model is influenced by numerous internal and
external factors. Internal factors are related to the
internal dynamics of the business, such as its culture,
entrepreneurial orientation, and proximity to
suppliers. External factors, on the other hand,
encompass influences from the business's external
environment, including the rise in green consumers,
existing regulations, and market conditions
(Leonidou et al., 2017). These factors play a decisive
A Bibliometric Analysis of Green Accounting, Environmental Accounting and Green Business Publications in a Global Perspective
role in the formation and development of sustainable
businesses (Dicuonzo et al., 2020).
Cluster 5. Environmental Accounting
In this cluster, the most frequently used concepts
include "sustainability accounting," "sustainable
development," "environmental management,"
"environmental performance," "environmental
policy," "environmental sustainability,"
"environmental costs," "environmental management
accounting," "social responsibility," and "water
accounting." Due to the increasing needs of both
external and internal stakeholders, sustainability
issues have gained strategic importance in corporate
practices (Vanini and Bochert, 2024). Given the
considerable value attributed to environmental
preservation and social responsibility by investors,
lenders, and other internal and external stakeholders
worldwide, firms' engagement with sustainability has
become a crucial issue (Ozili, 2022). Corporate
sustainability is defined as meeting the needs of
current direct and indirect stakeholders of a company,
such as shareholders, employees, customers, interest
groups, etc., without compromising the ability to
meet the needs of future stakeholders (Brundtland,
1987). Companies implement sustainability
management accounting systems to strengthen their
competitive position and address environmental and
social issues (Vanini and Bochert, 2024). Research
has shown that the implementation of green
accounting practices can lead to increased profits,
reduced insurance and capital costs, and lower
production costs, ultimately enhancing a company's
financial performance (Mondal et al., 2024).
Cluster 6. Green Accounting
In this cluster, "green accounting," "ecosystem
services," "natural capital," "green GDP," "natural
resources," "emissions," "air pollution," and
"welfare" are the most frequently used concepts.
Green accounting involves incorporating ecological
factors such as carbon emissions, resource usage, and
environmental impact into a company's financial
reporting and disclosure procedures. In contrast,
environmental reporting entails disseminating a
company's ecological initiatives, performance
outcomes, and environmental footprint to various
stakeholders, including investors, regulatory bodies,
customers, and the general public (Liou et al., 2023).
As the critical role that companies play in mitigating
the adverse effects of ecological degradation is
recognized, the importance of green accounting
disclosure is increasing. Therefore, the accountability
of businesses for incorporating environmental
impacts and adopting sustainable practices is
increasingly gaining importance, as it constitutes a
key aspect of sustainable development (Chang,
2024). In an era where environmental awareness is
increasing and urgent calls are being made for
companies to adopt greener practices, green
accounting practices have emerged as a responsibility
of firms towards their stakeholders (Żelazna et al.,
To address RQ3. What is the scope for future
research? The literature on various concepts is
extensive; however, there is limited literature
focusing on the relationships between these concepts.
One of the important gaps is the inclusion of
environmental cost accounting in the daily production
and activities of enterprises using methods such as
activity-based costing. There is a need for optimal
management of environmental costs in production
processes, including waste management and resource
utilization, which is currently not being done
optimally. There is a need to reconceptualize
environmental costs based on an ecological
economics perspective, taking into account resource
depletion, human damage and environmental
degradation (Fan et al., 2022; Mondal et al., 2023).
The impact of environmental investments and
innovations on company performance and
competitive advantage can be benchmarked against
competitors. Finally, empirically examining how
companies actually collect, analyze, use and
communicate environmental accounting and green
accounting information internally, what tools they use
to do so, and how the processes between stakeholders
within the company are organized will contribute to
the literature.
Firstly, the search was limited to publications listed
in the Web of Science. Other international databases
such as Scopus could have also been utilized.
Additional analyses such as co-authorship could be
explored. Further keywords may emerge in the future.
To get a more comprehensive view of the global state
ICSBT 2024 - 21st International Conference on Smart Business Technologies
of usability testing publications, future studies could
include publications in languages other than English.
This paper offers an evaluation of global research
trends in publications environmental accounting”
“green accounting” or “green business” from 1991 to
2024. These subjects have constituted a
comprehensive research field since 2015,
characterized by a marked growth in publication
output. This field of study is divided into 6 main
research areas: (1) Social and environmental
accounting, (2) Emergy, (3) Green business, (4)
Green innovation, (5) Environmental accounting, (6)
Green accounting. These studies, subjected to content
analysis, have revealed a common theme
emphasizing the pivotal roles of policy, technology,
and societal interactions across various domains in
combating this fields. The findings underscore the
necessity of considering policy, technology, and
societal approaches collectively to effectively address
of fields. This research has revealed that the journals
with the highest number of articles in this field and
the highest number of citations were Journal of
Cleaner. Production, Sustainability, Ecological
Economics, Accounting Auditing \& Accountability
Journal, Ecological Modelling. In terms of the
number of articles and citations by country in these
fields, the China, USA, Italy, England ranked the
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