The Game of One More Idea: Gamification of Managerial Group
Decision-Making in Software Engineering
Hannes Salin
School of Information and Engineering, Dalarna University, Borl
ange, Sweden
Gamification, Managerial Decision-Making, Group Decisions, Software Engineering, Game Design.
Gamification is widely used and explored for improving learning and increase motivation. However, it has
not been further explored in the context of software engineering managerial decision making, as a supportive
tool in engaging both the individual and the team when making managerial group decisions. By applying a
framework for game- and study design, we develop a card-based game for managerial group decision making,
specifically for software engineering management teams. Our study is an industrial exploratory case study at
the Swedish Transport Administration, where the decision-making game is tested on a management team. The
aim of the study was to evaluate the perceived effects on the team’s engagement and overall decision-making
process. Our experiments showed that the perceived engagement and confidence in making group decisions
using the game was improved. Although difficult to conclude general remarks, the results give indications that
the decision making process could benefit using the card game.
Managerial decision-making is a crucial part of any
organization, covering a wide range of decisions from
daily operational tasks to strategic decisions that can
make long-term impact. In the field of software
engineering (SE), making these decisions becomes
even more complex. Depending on the organizational
structure, engineering managers not only have to lead
their teams but also be part of important technology
choices, security strategies, development methodolo-
gies; being technical as a manager is expected and
also proven to be a success factor (Kalliamvakou
et al., 2019). Moreover, soft skills such as team col-
laboration and communication is also highly impor-
tant to consider (Galster et al., 2022). Combining
these required soft and technical skills with the com-
plex landscape of decisions to be made, SE managers
would benefit by using supportive tools or decision
frameworks that support their decision making.
Although not typically used in the context of pro-
viding decision-making support, gamification could
potentially be used for putting more focus on a task
(Pedreira et al., 2015). Gamification refers to using
game-like elements in non-game situations to make
tasks more engaging and effective (Deterding et al.,
2011). It is extensively applied to induce behavioral
changes across individual, cultural, and social con-
texts (AlMarshedi et al., 2017). The methodology is
in particular used for increasing motivation and ef-
ficiency in learning, e.g., within the e-learning con-
text (Khaldi et al., 2023), but also in improved knowl-
edge creation (Elidjen et al., 2022). Further, in Khaldi
et al., (2023) it was also concluded that gamification
as analyzed from a general management perspective
implies that it incorporates fun, engagement, learn-
ing, and data-driven decision-making. Hence, the
methodology have the potential to increase the en-
gagement and efficiency in the managerial context.
However, contrasting results are also found where
managerial gamification has indicated demotivation
and less performance (Liu and Wang, 2020). There-
fore, with unclear results in how this methodology can
impact group decisions, we consider yet one more di-
mension: the software engineering manager context.
Thus, given the decision making complexity for the
SE manager, introducing gamification into manage-
rial decision-making could therefore be explored if
better and more efficient decision making is possible.
By better we primarily refer to the notion of reflexive
as coined by Alvesson et al., namely to think criti-
cally about one’s actions and decisions, and the un-
derlying assumptions that provide guidance (Alves-
son et al., 2016). This is not equivalent to simply re-
Salin, H.
The Game of One More Idea: Gamification of Managerial Group Decision-Making in Software Engineering.
DOI: 10.5220/0012845400003753
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Software Technologies (ICSOFT 2024), pages 59-66
ISBN: 978-989-758-706-1; ISSN: 2184-2833
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
flect on one’s decision and the potential outcomes, but
also think critically about the options and what leads
to one’s conclusions. We use this notion and apply it
to managerial group decision making, as the ability to
be more reflexive within a management team, hence
implying a more dynamic group reflective process.
This paper provides preliminary experiment-
based research using a developed prototype card
game, supporting managerial decision making. The
primary aim of the game is decision support to SE
management teams, where managers collaborate in
a wide range of decisions. By adding a gamifica-
tion element into such management team, we perform
experiments in how the chosen game could improve
the ability to increase the individual engagement of a
manager, and how the perceived improvement of man-
agerial group decision making is affected. Our study
consists of a case study of a managerial SE team in
one of the larger Swedish public sector agencies.
The rest of the paper is outlined as follows: the re-
maining of this section includes related work and our
formulated research questions. Section 2 describes
out chosen research methodology, experiment design,
the game development process and output, and a de-
scription of the target company of the case study. Sec-
tion 3 summarizes the result from the experiment, sec-
tion 4 the discussion and analysis of the results, and
we conclude the paper in section 5.
1.1 Related Work
In general, the idea of utilizing gamification in a man-
agement context is not new; a comprehensive sys-
tematic review in the field categorizes several differ-
ent areas within the managerial context and proposes
a framework for analyzing them separately (Wanick
and Bui, 2019). However, none of the categories
identified were specifically within managerial deci-
sion making in the SE context. Moreover, a case
study in managerial decision making was conducted
(Cechella et al., 2021), but within the banking con-
text. Gamification in the SE context is also heavily
studied, several literature reviews have classified dif-
ferent use case areas and frameworks, e.g., (Barreto
and Franc¸a, 2021; Pedreira et al., 2015; de Paula Porto
et al., 2021). However, the primary focus is on the
software engineer-, developer- and architecture roles
and not managerial decision making.
Using card based games for decision making has
been tested in other contexts than SE, e.g., in mili-
tary decision making (Medhurst et al., 2009). Exper-
iments were conducted where cards revealing pieces
of information was used and presented sequentially.
Players was then using the cards to assess different
scenarios for deciding if escalation was needed or
not. Another context investigated, however not us-
ing cards, is in water governance; it was found that
the creation of game-based methods that facilitate
participatory decision-making is also shaped by the
broader principles of group decision making (Aubert
et al., 2019). These findings along with (Aubert et al.,
2022), (Zhou, 2014) and (Schriek et al., 2016) sug-
gests that gamifying decision making does provide
benefits, however not fully evaluated within the con-
text of SE managerial decision making.
1.2 Research Questions
Since the current literature on gamification in the SE
context does not include managerial decision-making
explicitly, in particular engineering manager group
decisions, we address the following research ques-
RQ1: Can card-based gamification improve the
perceived quality of SE group managerial deci-
sion making?
RQ2: Can card-based gamification increase the
individual engagement in SE group managerial
decision making?
The chosen method is an exploratory case study since
we seek to find preliminary insights of what gamifica-
tion in the managerial decision making within the SE
context can bring forward; hence we are not evaluat-
ing a theory. This approach is suggested by Yin (Yin,
2009) and further elaborated in (Bell et al., 2022).
The case study is over a selected group of managers
at the target company, and thus isolated in their con-
text and working environment. Data collection and
analysis is conducted using a mixed-method approach
(Bell et al., 2022) where quantitative data is collected
using anonymous survey sheets, and qualitative data
is collected via free text surveys and semi-structured
interviews (Bell et al., 2022).
2.1 Gamification Design
As a foundation, we based the construction of our
game using the framework proposed in (Aubert et al.,
2019) and further tested and adapted in (Aubert et al.,
2022). In essence it provides a procedure where the
game construction is build upon the “what, why, who,
when and where” questions, leading to a game-based
approach, specifically the game’s context. The ”why”
ICSOFT 2024 - 19th International Conference on Software Technologies
question focuses on the aims and results of the game,
while the ”who” question mainly considers the indi-
viduals involved and their processes. The ”where and
when” questions delve into the situation’s context,
shaping the design encapsulated in the ”how” ques-
tion. This framework thus enables one to design the
most effective game-based approach in order to reach
the targeted outcomes of the gamification, but also
be able to assess it adequately (Aubert et al., 2019).
Hence, the questions provide the context which leads
to defining the game and what type of study is needed
for the assessment.
As noted in (Aubert et al., 2022) we also con-
sider the challenge of individualism vs. collectivism,
namely to balance the competitive factor such that de-
cisions made are not solely driven by individual agen-
das, but instead towards team achievement. Using
the gameficiation ontology proposed in (Garc
ıa et al.,
2017) we outline our game-based approach using the
framework from Aubert et al. as follows:
What. Managerial group decision making
within the SE context, specifically decisions
relating to technology adoption/investment, re-
organizational matters, tools and software devel-
opment strategies etc. Since the organization con-
sists of several SE units, the management team
needs to collectively make such strategic deci-
sions and then implement them throughout the or-
ganization’s different hierarchies.
Why. The main purpose of the game is to in-
crease the individual engagement in the group de-
cision making process, and to enable the group
to be more reflexive (Alvesson et al., 2016) in a
more structured way. Namely, enable the group
to be more engaged and at the same time thinking
more critically and aiming for data-driven deci-
sions. The goal is to contribute with as many in-
puts and ideas as possible to drive the reflexivity
Who. The players are engineering managers, re-
sponsible for the software development teams and
operations. The management team lead, the head
of the department, is also part of the game, acting
as the entity allowed to make any final decisions
when there is no consensus in the group.
When. The game should be played any time
there is a group decision to be made, and typi-
cally during the normal management team meet-
ings that occur weekly. Moreover, free form meet-
ings with no agendas also occur weekly with the
goal of catching new or un-planned events; these
meetings can also be used if group decisions are
needed on an ad-hoc basis. However, temporal
contraints are needed, e.g., time-boxing so that
decision are not stalled.
Where. The game is suited for co-located teams,
however future research should implement and
evaluate digitized versions of the game to under-
stand effects in distributed teams.
The details of the development of the game rules
and structure is described in subsequent sections.
2.2 Development of the Game
2.2.1 Planning Poker
The game was developed with inspiration from the
classic planning poker card game used in agile sprint
planning (Grenning, 2002). Although planning poker
does not have a gamification parameter (no player
can really win against the others), it provides other
effects such as reducing optimism bias (Mahni
c and
Hovelja, 2012). Moreover, as summarized by Mah-
nic and Hovelja (2012) planning poker builds upon
the Delphi method which is a structured communi-
cation technique that uses rounds of anonymous sur-
veys to collect data from experts on a subject, aiming
for consensus or insightful predictions on complex is-
sues. However, in planning poker there is no elements
of anonymization. Our proposed game uses the same
foundational structure as in planning poker by allow-
ing all players contribute with their perspective (al-
lowed to play cards that indicate an idea, perspective
or opinion). Another structure is that each round en-
forces a group discussion aiming to reach consensus
or majority after a number of iterations of gameplay.
2.2.2 Card Game Design
The competitive element in our game is based on the
idea of using cards, having in mind that the game
should be possible to digitize if needed, e.g., for dis-
tributed teams; some research indicates that specif-
ically trading card game design fulfills this transi-
tion if needed (Marchetti and Valente, 2015). Now, a
competitive game aiming for collective decision mak-
ing should avoid promoting a single solution in it-
self, but instead allowing participants to freely share
their thoughts or providing them with an overview of
various potential compromises (Aubert et al., 2022).
Hence, our construction emphasises this concept by
adding a rule of being able to express either ideas by
playing idea cards, or express the need for more dis-
cussion by playing brainstorming cards. These two
rules will allow the players to be able to share opin-
ions in a structured way, and ensure more time if nec-
essary. To balance the players’ freedom, an overall
The Game of One More Idea: Gamification of Managerial Group Decision-Making in Software Engineering
Game design
Planning poker
Exploratory case study
Study design
Aubert et al. framework
Figure 1: The overall methodology, where the framework by Aubert et al., (2022) is the foundation and planning poker
inspired the game structure. The game was evaluated in an exploratory case study with a selected SE management team.
game master is needed, whom is able to have the fi-
nal saying in situations where players get stuck or no
majority/consensus is reached. Finally, the gamifica-
tion element is of collecting points by achievement,
where each player is rewarded a point (or token) for
every new idea that is presented in the discussion of
a problem/decision. This will enforce creativity and
The cards were designed in Affinity Designer and
all graphics were generated using DALL-E (OpenAI,
2021). When generating the card pictures (figures and
symbols), a gender diversity perspective was consid-
ered to spread to occurrence of female and male de-
pictions evenly. A simplified overview of the chosen
methodology is depicted in Fig. 1.
2.2.3 Rules of the Game
In the proposed game, each manager is equipped with
a deck of cards at the beginning of each (weekly)
management meeting. The deck includes the cards
”Low Risk, ”Medium Risk, ”High Risk,”, ”I Agree,
”I Disagree, a variety of ”Let’s Brainstorm” cards,
”Coffee Break”, ”Parking Lot”, ”Final Decision, and
”Idea” cards. When a decision is needed and the dis-
cussion starts, the gameplay starts. One player is cho-
sen as the game master (GM) (who has the highest
mandate to make decisions). The game is divided
into two phases: discussion and decision, where for
former is iterative and the latter is the step where the
final decision is made. We outline the two phases as
Discussion Phase: the team time boxes the dis-
cussion into 10 minute blocks. During a block the
team discusses the matter and each player may
play an idea card if an idea for solution, a new
perspective or a question that follows by a new
collective insight is given. After the 10-minute
block ends the team goes round the table and
play one risk card each to indicate the individual
perception of risk involved in the current status
of their decision making process. After all risk
cards are played, another round the table is run
where everyone has the opportunity to play a cof-
fee break card indicating the need for a pause, a
final decision card indicating the need for making
a decision now without having more blocks, or a
brainstorming card indicating the need for at least
one more round of discussion. The GM either de-
cides to continue the discussion and thus accept-
ing any brainstorming cards played or switch the
game into the decision phase. If there is diversity
in the perceived risk, i.e., many players have very
different opinions on what risk level the matter has
(from the first round the table), the GM can decide
to run another block regardless of the outcome
of the second round the table. Before the block
ends, each player gets a token or point for every
idea card they played during the block. At any
time during the discussion, any player can play
the parking lot card indicating that the current dis-
cussion has deviated and should be ”parked” for
later. Similarly, the agree- and disagree cards can
be played at any time to indicate a player’s opin-
ion towards an idea, risk opinion or other situa-
Decision Phase: If the team reaches a state where
a final decision is needed to be made, the deci-
sion phase starts. Everyone count the number
of tokens or points collected from the previous
phase. At this stage there should be at least one
proposed decision. The GM makes the final deci-
sion and if that turns out to be a previously played
idea from any of the players, that player receives
one more token. The game ends by that deci-
sion and the player with the most number of to-
kens wins. Preferably, the tokens should be saved
and collected incrementally every time the game
is played. Thus, the team can have monthly or an-
ICSOFT 2024 - 19th International Conference on Software Technologies
nually milestones rewarding creative and engag-
ing individuals.
Figure 2: Example card design, a coffee break card and high
risk card. All graphics are prompted in DALL-E.
To summarize: players play idea cards to present
new suggestions and other cards to express their opin-
ions on the discussions. The game progresses with
players contributing ideas and reactions, culminating
when the final decision card is played, otherwise di-
versity in perceived risk or the collective need for
further brainstorming, drives the game into another
iteration. The player who has used the most num-
ber of idea cards by this point wins, emphasizing ac-
tive engagement but also rewarding creativity in the
decision-making process.
2.3 Experiment Design
The experiment is constructed by a series of game-
plays, where each play was not determined before-
hand but instead used on any current decision to be
made in the management group. The head of the team
was GM in all instances. For each gameplay a tem-
plate of data was filled by the GM with the purpose to
provide data for the experiment, e.g., gameplay time,
number of iterations and so forth. All gameplays were
scheduled to occur at the standard team meetings in
Q1 2024.
After each game all participants will be asked to
fill an anonymous survey (pen and paper), indicating
the perceived effect of the game in the decision mak-
ing. Three questions were formulated where the an-
swer scale was i Likert scale from 1 to 5 defined as
follows: 1 = worse compared to not using the game,
2 = slightly worse compared to not using the game,
3 = indifferent, 4 = slightly better compared to not
using the game, 5 = better compared to not using the
game. The survey questions were:
Q1: How was the decision making process (dis-
cussion) compared to not using the game?
Q2: How confident were you in the final decision?
Q3: How engaging were you during the decision
making process (discussion)?
Each participant will also be asked to fill a free
text entry of feedback of the game. After the game-
play phase of the experiment, a series of short semi-
structured interviews was planned with two of the par-
ticipants. The interview scheme was based on the fol-
lowing interview questions:
IQ1: What effects did you experience in the group
decision making when using the game?
IQ2: Did you have opportunities to challenge
other people’s perspective and be challenged
yourself during the gameplay?
IQ3: What were the main benefits and drawbacks
of using the game?
IQ4: Any suggestions for improvements of the
game design, rules, or applicability?
The main aim of the experiment is two-folded: to
capture the experience of using the game as in per-
ceived support (or no support) when making a group
decision, and to capture the level of increased, de-
creased or non-influenced engagement in the manage-
rial group decision (on an individual level). By using
Q3 with IQ1 and IQ2 we would get indications on
the reflexive dimension, i.e., if the player is pushed
towards thinking over the options with engagement,
and possibly showing increase of creativity. The score
cards will indicate these perceptions, however with
the risk of bias and non-statistically significance due
to the small sample size. Since this case study ex-
periment is more of finding indications in a selected
case study, this experiment could be up-scaled in fu-
ture studies with both control groups and larger sam-
ple size (multiple management teams). Therefore, we
limit this particular experiment run in the context of
the target company.
2.4 Target Group Description
We performed the experiment on a software engineer-
ing management team at the Swedish Transport Ad-
ministration’s ICT division. The team was selected
due to convenience sampling and the team size was
n = 7 individuals. All engineering managers were
responsible for several software development teams,
and one manager was also responsible for two opera-
tion (DevOps) teams focused on 24/7 operations and
incident management of the organization’s applica-
tions. The age spread was between 38 and 61 years
old, and all team members had previous manager
roles. None of the participants had tried gamification
methods previously and was not aware of the tech-
nique. Typical types, and not exclusively, of group
The Game of One More Idea: Gamification of Managerial Group Decision-Making in Software Engineering
decisions the team handled were strategic topics such
as how to manage the growing amount of contractors,
defining team and organizational structures, invest-
ment options such as training or conferences for the
employees and defining key performance indicators.
The experiment was run as a gameplay session on-
site at the target company, with 4 gameplays. The
mean values of the survey scoring from the partic-
ipants are shown in Tab. 1. The management team
was running the game on-site at the company, and at
the time the team’s HR partner was also present but
did not participate in the game. A short introduction
of the rules (5 minutes) was given by the GM before
starting the meeting. The gameplays were then run
every time there was a topic of discussion that needed
a decision to be made. The first round was made in
two blocks and finalized after 18 minutes. One de-
cision was made quickly (under 10 min.) and one
decision was postponed to the next meeting due to
time constraints (after 2 blocks the time was running
out). 4 of the players played idea cards, 2 players
played risk cards during the discussion and 2 play-
ers played agree/disagree cards during the discussion.
One player did not play any cards at all in any game-
play. No one asked for clarifications of the rules or
purpose. After each session the survey score cards
were filled in and collected by the GM. The free text
entries was not filled in by any of the players.
Table 1: The resulting mean values ¯x
for each survey ques-
tion i, for the gameplays in the experiment. Time refers to
mean gameplay time, and mean number of 10 minute blocks
that was used.
Mean time Mean blocks
4.0 4.0 4.4 15 min. 2
Two interviews were made, each took about 10
minutes and was on-site: one with player A and one
with player B. Player A was interviewed the same day
after the experiment, and player B was interviewed
2 weeks later. Although a limitation of the valid-
ity of the study with only two interviews, it would
indicate some directions on how the game was per-
ceived. For each question-response pair, we denoted
keywords (coding) if the response related to any of
the reflexive dimensions such as reflection, creative,
thinking, challenge etc. Not all keywords were men-
tioned. We summarize the answers in Tab. 2 as rep-
resentative quotes from A and B respectively, where
keywords are in bold.
Table 2: Summary of semi-structured interviews with
player A and B, keywords in bold.
Question Summary
IQ1 (A) Helped in being more creative.
Made it fun.
IQ1 (B) Made me think more.
IQ2 (A) Using the cards was tricky at first
but made me think [reflect] more
about options.
IQ2 (B) Hard to asses, maybe. People
seemed creative.
IQ3 (A) It made the meeting more fun.
”Sexifying” the decision-making
part. Unclear to see if the scoring
part will motivate me. To get more
benefits, the game should be run
continuously so everyone get used
to it.
IQ3 (B) It was easier to visualize our deci-
sion process. For people that usu-
ally does not talk much, maybe this
approach could help. Inspire if you
are not too creative.
IQ4 (A) Maybe have a digital version that
can be shared on a screen.
IQ4 (B) Hard to tell if there could be any im-
provements, I need to play more.
The results suggest that the game was improving the
individual engagement in the decision making pro-
cess (high mean values of Q1-Q3) and that the in-
terviewees expressed increase in creativity and fun.
These expressed notions could indicate a higher level
of motivation as expected effect from the gamification
method. The reflexive dimension is difficult to cap-
ture, but the mean value of Q3 (level of engagement
in the decision making) was 4.4 and the answers from
IQ1-IQ3 suggests that the players was indeed thinking
more during the game and found it more fun to engage
in the decision making, thus reflecting and weighing
options could partly be factors that are affected. No
feedback was given for the rules or the game design,
therefore we conclude that these factors was not sig-
nificant for this particular experiment. However, on a
large scale study we would expect to find minor ad-
justments on the cards and/or rules.
The mean time of all gameplays (15 min.) can be
considered short, although depending on what deci-
sion is to be made. Only two blocks in general was
ICSOFT 2024 - 19th International Conference on Software Technologies
used for the decisions to be made, with the excep-
tion of one decision that was postponed and the game
had to be cancelled due to time constraints. From
this preliminary data we can suspect that the game
could influence the temporal aspect of the team’s de-
cision making. Without the possibility to benchmark
the decision making speed for the examined group
of study, we would still argue that the time boxing
component of the game contributes to the speed of
progress (Muller, 2009).
One player did not play any card at all during the
whole experiment, and the current experiment design
was not suited for capturing that type of factors. In
the context of digital gamification, the level of partic-
ipation can increase (Barata et al., 2013) by applying
gamification methods, but it is uncertain if this would
apply to our case. Thus, the experiment design could
be further developed into capturing the participation
level, e.g., asking questions on confidence and mo-
tivation to be active in the game. Moreover, it was
less focus on trying to win the game according to the
interviews, i.e., no mentioning of score or competi-
tive perspectives. Instead, just playing the game itself
seemed to initiate engagement and creativity. There-
fore, it would be of interest to investigate further if the
competitive component is necessary or if the cards as
such would be enough to trigger the participants in
engaging more into the decision-making process.
We propose that for future work an up-scale of the
experiment should be made, i.e., run the game in mul-
tiple management teams and preferably have one con-
trol group making decisions without the game during
the experiment. Such up-scale study could indicate
more general results, however if it is still within the
frame of a case study we cannot draw any firm gen-
eralized conclusions. Another suggestion is to adapt
the game further with new perspectives used in group
decision making, e.g., adjustment for teams that are in
different maturity stages (one set of rules for a newly
compiled team, and another set of rules for a more
mature but low-performing team, and so on). Finally,
a thorough study of the game’s effects but digitized so
that distributed teams can use it, would be interesting
since nowadays, especially in post-pandemic times,
the likelihood that the management team is co-located
is not as high as before.
4.1 Threats to Validity
The internal validity can be affected by the fact that
the chosen team in the experiment was via conve-
nience sampling, hence there is a risk that the team is
not representative for a typical SE management team.
Moreover, we did not have a control group to compare
the results, however, since we measured the perceived
effects of the game, it would be hard to calculate dif-
ferences against a control group. This would be rele-
vant for further studies in behavioral SE.
The external validity can be challenged in part
when it comes to generalization. The experiments
were run within in a very specific environment (the
target company) and specific group (the management
team). However, the experiment design is simple
and easy to replicate, thus any further studies could
strengthen the results if applied in other environments
and teams. Following the argument by Ghaisas et al.
(Ghaisas et al., 2013) we could expect some general-
ization by similarity. This means that the character-
istics of the case study use case (size or type of or-
ganization, culture, projects) SE management teams
with similar attributes might respond similarly as in
our study. Hence, while our study does not offer a
complete generalization, it provide insights that could
be relevant in similar settings.
These preliminary results indicate that the game in-
deed improved the selected group’s (perceived) de-
cision making according to the survey and interview
responses. Therefore, we have provided an answer
to RQ1, but with the reservation that further studies
(e.g., longitudinal case studies) are needed for under-
standing underlying factors to the results and improve
the statistical significance. The individual engage-
ment was also increased by using the game in the de-
cision making, the results from Q3 alone strongly in-
dicate this (mean value of 4.4 of 5). Therefore, RQ2
is answered, however we have not provided evidence
that the SE context has any influence. We can there-
fore not conclude if the increased engagement has any
relation to the SE management context or manage-
ment contexts in general. Overall, the game of one
more idea seems to indicate benefits to managerial de-
cision making.
The game is available for free on GitHub:
code/tree/main/decision-card-game with cards
and game rules for printing.
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The Game of One More Idea: Gamification of Managerial Group Decision-Making in Software Engineering
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