Figure 4: Experimental setup for sniffer for packet analysis.
6.1 Observations with Bluetooth Sniffer
Using the Bluetooth sniffer, we have made the follow-
ing key observations:
• Oneplus headsets and buds respond to adver-
tisement requests and cease transmission once a
connection is established. This observation led
to the development of our l2connect attack and
l2connect flooding attack. Detailed findings are
presented in Table 4.
• BoAt headsets behave differently, sending adver-
tising requests and accepting connections from
other devices even after a connection. This be-
haviour suggests that the l2connect attack is inef-
fective on the BoAt headsets. Detailed results are
presented in Table 2 and Table 4.
Our work analyses various DoS attack mechanisms
on Bluetooth devices. DoS attacks generally utilize
the basic version of l2ping. However, it lacks com-
prehensive DoS attack analysis capabilities. We de-
veloped our testbed, ”Bluedos”, to address this limi-
tation using the Bluez Linux protocol stack. Our ex-
periments involve sending l2ping requests and l2ping
request flooding to target devices and studying the at-
tack’s impact on various parameters like device re-
sponse time.
Observing the device’s behaviour, we introduced
two novel attacks, the l2connect attack and the
l2connect flooding attack. We successfully demon-
strated the attack’s efficacy against the Bluetooth de-
vices under study. The flooding attack disconnected
devices and prevented them from connecting to any
other device, rendering them unusable. We also exe-
cuted a D-DoS attack to analyse the impact of mul-
tiple attacking devices, which successfully discon-
nected the Boat headset, previously impervious to dis-
connection by a single attacking device. We attribute
this behaviour to a feature that allows devices to con-
nect with multiple devices simultaneously.
Finally, the Bluetooth sniffer allowed us to cross-
validate all observations and provide reasoning for the
behaviour of the Bluetooth devices in response to var-
ious packets and attack mechanisms used for the DoS
attack analysis.
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BlueDoS: A Novel Approach to Perform and Analyse DoS Attacks on Bluetooth Devices