Next, the volunteers were presented with pairs of
random frames, one unmodified and one
watermarked (with or without GS), and asked to
identify the modified frame. This task aimed to
ascertain the transparency of the watermark when a
reference frame is provided. Each user received 4
random frame pairs. The watermark was correctly
identified in 62.5% of cases without GS and 56.25%
with GS. These results indicate that the distinction is
not significantly higher than random guessing.
In the paper, we presented a novel QR-based
watermarking approach suitable for real-world
applications, allowing messages to be embedded in
each frame. We demonstrated two modes of our
watermark: a robust mode (without Gaussian
smoothing) and a transparent mode (with Gaussian
smoothing). The quality results were significantly
improved, with LPIPS reduced by a factor of 100 and
PSNR increased by 30dB. This method also features
faster embedding, enabling real-time application.
Additionally, tests with volunteers showed that the
watermarked materials were indistinguishable from
the originals. For future work, we aim to enhance
watermark localization in cases of cropping and
evaluate robustness against a broader spectrum of
attacks while maintaining quality, capacity, and
embedding time.
The research was partially supported by grant number
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