Design Features for Data Trustee Selection in Data Spaces
Michael Steinert
, Daniel Tebernum
and Marius Hupperz
Fraunhofer Institute for Software and Systems Engineering ISST, Dortmund, Germany
Keywords: Design Features, Data Spaces, Data Trustee, Design Science Research.
Abstract: As the world becomes increasingly digital, data is becoming a critical resource. When used effectively, it can
lead to more accurate forecasts, process optimization, and the creation of innovative business models. The
necessary data is often distributed across multiple organizations, and its full value can only be realized through
shared collaboration. Data spaces provide organizations with a platform for sovereign and secure data sharing.
To enable legally secure data sharing and ensure compliance with regulations, data trustees play a critical role
as trusted intermediaries. However, choosing a suitable data trustee that meets the needs of the participants
who want to share data with each other is difficult. Our study seeks to elucidate the process by which
participants of a data space can choose an appropriate data trustee. To this purpose, we have implemented a
whitelist approach. We report on the results of our design science research project, which includes design
features to facilitate the integration of our whitelist approach into different data space instantiations. Potential
shortcomings were identified and addressed during an expert workshop. By providing verified design
knowledge, we help practitioners in the data space community to incorporate the concept of how to select the
most appropriate data trustee.
This paper describes the design features (DFs) needed
for the selection of a data trustee in a data sharing
scenario. Therefore, we utilize the Eclipse Dataspace
(EDC) as connectors for data spaces.
The proposed data trustee whitelist extension allows
each EDC-based data space connector to maintain a
whitelist of trusted data trustees to enable data sharing
with other actors trusting the same data trustee.
The development of the data trustee whitelist was
driven by the need for a reliable mechanism to
manage and control access to data, ensuring
compliance with agreed terms during data exchange.
This necessity arose from insights gained through
discussions with data space experts, highlighting the
challenges in existing access and usage control
We aim to enable data sharing scenarios utilizing
data trustees, like in automotive (Caruso, 2024),
mobility (BMDV, 2024), or agriculture (Azkan et al.,
2022). In such scenarios, the primary goal of the data
trustee is to establish trust (Schinke et al., 2023).
Therefore, a data trustee needs to be an independent
third party, that coordinates usage rights and can
receive, own, and store data, as well as to offer and
send data to potential data users (Doan et al., 2022;
Ghayyur et al., 2020; Maaß, 2022; Potoczny-Jones et
al., 2019). As (Schinke et al., 2023) propose, that a
data trustee can be part of a data space or even enable
it in the first place. Therefore, we are driven by the
following research question:
RQ: What are design features that assist
practitioners in the secure and sovereign selection
process of finding a data trustee in a data space?
To answer this research question, we conducted a
Design Science Research (DSR) project in which we
created a solution in the form of a software artifact
and extracted fundamental design knowledge in the
form of DFs from it.
The remainder of the paper is organized as
follows. First, in Section 2, we establish the
underlying knowledge required for comprehension.
In Section 3, we outline the research design we
employed to answer our research question. The
Steinert, M., Tebernum, D. and Hupperz, M.
Design Features for Data Trustee Selection in Data Spaces.
DOI: 10.5220/0012851400003756
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications (DATA 2024), pages 559-570
ISBN: 978-989-758-707-8; ISSN: 2184-285X
Copyright © 2024 by Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
results are shown in Section 4 in the form of DFs and
an EDC extension. Furthermore, in Section 5, we
provide our findings in a use case based on a real data
space project that focuses on large language model
(LLM) training. Details and findings of our
evaluation are covered in the following Section 6. In
Section 7, we then review our findings and explore
the theoretical and practical implications. In Section
8, we finally conclude our work and discuss
limitations and future work.
Data spaces are a novel data management approach to
collect large-scale heterogeneous data distributed
over various data sources in different formats (Gieß
et al., 2024).
Connectors enable peer-to-peer data transfer in a
data space and offer storage and processing
capabilities, as well as data access for other
participants and usage control capabilities (Brost et
al., 2018; Hupperz & Gieß, 2024; Munoz-Arcentales
et al., 2019).
A data trustee is a natural or legal person or a
business partnership that mediates access to data
provided or held by data subjects in accordance with
contractually agreed or legally prescribed data
governance regulations (also) in the interests of third
parties (Blankertz & Specht-Riemenschneider, 2021).
In summary, all concepts allow organizations to
share their data in compliance with their terms of use,
but from different standpoints. A data space is the
infrastructure of an ecosystem, a connector is a
technical gateway for participation in a data space for
organizations, and a data trustee is a middleman in a
specific data sharing scenario. In the following, we
will describe these three concepts in more detail.
We also discuss various approaches to building
trust, such as centralized trust authorities, peer-to-
peer trust, and reputation-based trust. These are
discussed further to compare their effectiveness and
2.1 Data Spaces
Data spaces are still a relatively novel infrastructure
theory, where data providers and data users are
enabled to share their data independently and data
hegemony is denied (Braud et al., 2021; Otto & Jarke,
2019). The core competency of a data space is data
sovereignty, which means that data providers can
allow how their data is used, even if the data leaves
their organizational boundaries. In addition to that,
data spaces offer a variety of advantages, compared
to traditional data sharing infrastructures:
Increased interoperability and seamless data
Enhanced data security and compliance with
usage policies.
Promotion of a collaborative ecosystem among
diverse stakeholders.
In conclusion, data spaces are an infrastructure to
bring data users and data providers together, without
the need for a central keystone (Gelhaar & Otto,
2020). Data spaces are organized by various
participants, storing their data decentral, while being
able to query other participants' databases (Curry,
2.2 Connectors
Connectors are the gateways into a data space and
enable peer-to-peer data transfer (Gieß et al., 2024).
They need to be installed by data providers and data
users and work as data storage, process engine, and
enforcers of usage control (Munoz-Arcentales et al.,
2019). Connectors can run various services to
produce or consume data, as well as for management
functionalities (Hupperz & Gieß, 2024). Currently,
there are several organizations offering connectors
for data spaces
, with the EDC being the framework
on which most of these connectors are built.
The EDC is the de-facto standard for creating data
space connectors, providing a framework for
sovereign, inter-organizational data sharing, utilizing
the IDS Dataspace Protocol (DSP) and relevant
protocols from the Gaia-X community (Eclipse
Foundation, 2024). The EDC are designed to allow
for implementation of different protocols and to be
integrated into various ecosystems
. To establish the
integration into other ecosystems the EDC allow to
write extensions within the community to enable
customization. Examples of extensions are AWS,
Azure, HTTP, SQL, and storage extensions
2.3 Data Trustees
Users can safely delegate the management of their
data to a data trustee, rather than exposing it directly
to products and services, as shown in Figure 1.
Entrusted with this fiduciary duty, the data trustee is
DATA 2024 - 13th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
obligated to oversee the data with a primary focus on
protecting and serving the user's best interests
(Fürstenau et al., 2023).
Data trustees are responsible for the ethical
handling of personal data, maintaining the integrity of
the data rights or beneficial interests assigned by
individual data subjects (Lechte et al., 2023). They
manage the relationship with companies on behalf of
users, ensuring that all data flows are in strict
compliance with the permissions and expectations of
users, and are compliant with legal and regulatory
standards. This responsibility includes not only
protective oversight, but also proactive engagement
to manage, negotiate, and monitor the use of data to
prevent misuse and maintain trust.
2.4 Trust Building Methods
In the following, various mechanisms for establishing
trust will be discussed. Whitelists always play a
central role in this context. By defining clear criteria
for inclusion whether through centralized
verification, peer endorsement, or reputation scores –
a whitelist provides a tangible reference for
participants of a data space seeking trusted data
Figure 1: Data Trustee Data Flow.
2.4.1 Centralized Trust Authorities
A centralized authority, similar to a certification
authority, would be responsible for verifying and
approving participants in a data space before they can
become trusted data trustees (Huang & Nicol, 2013).
These approved entities would then be added to a
central whitelist. This whitelist acts as a catalog of
data trustees that have been recognized as trustworthy
and capable of handling data responsibly.
While this approach is the easiest to implement, it
has the following limitations. Relying on a single
authority introduces risks such as a single point of
failure if the central authority's systems are
compromised, the entire trust framework could be
compromised. In addition, this model can create
bottlenecks because the approval process can be slow,
and it places a lot of power in the hands of the central
authority, raising concerns about impartiality and
potential abuse of power.
2.4.2 Peer-to-Peer Trust
In this approach, trust is established through direct
interactions and endorsements between participants
(i.e., peers) (Haoyang Che, 2006). In this model,
participants in a data space recommend or vouch for
the trustworthiness of data trustees based on previous
exchanges or interactions. A whitelist in this context
would be dynamically curated based on participant
recommendations and interactions.
The limitations of this approach are that its
effectiveness is highly dependent on the size of the
data space and the activity level of the participants.
There is also a risk of echo chambers or collusion,
where participants endorse data trustees regardless of
their actual trustworthiness. Establishing initial trust
can be challenging without prior interactions, and the
dynamic nature of the whitelist of trusted data trustees
can introduce instability and unpredictability.
2.4.3 Reputation-Based Trust
In this approach, participants in a data space can
assign scores or ratings to data trustees based on their
behavior, history, and feedback from previous
exchanges or interactions (Sänger et al., 2015). These
ratings determine their trustworthiness. A whitelist in
this approach would include data trustees that meet or
exceed a certain reputation threshold, indicating that
they are trusted to act as data trustees.
The limitations in this approach are like the peer-
to-peer trust, where the trust can be manipulated
through fraudulent feedback or coordinated efforts to
artificially raise or lower scores. In addition, new or
smaller data trustees may find it difficult to compete
if the reputation system overly favors long-
established reputations. Reputation metrics must be
transparent and robust to minimize bias and ensure
Design Features for Data Trustee Selection in Data Spaces
Figure 2: Design science research approach based on (Peffers et al., 2007).
To address our research question, we aim to develop
the design knowledge necessary to adequately build a
federated data trustee selection in data spaces.
Consequently, we have investigated our research
question in the context of a DSR project. Although
DSR is originally rooted in business informatics
(Österle, 2010), it is now also often used in software
engineering (Barcellos et al., 2021; Wohlin &
Runeson, 2021) and thus suitable to reach our
objectives. The primary goal of DSR is the iterative
development of an artifact, which “[...] is something
created by people for some practical purpose”
(Wieringa, 2014, p. 29), always taking into account
relevance and scientific rigor.
(Gregor & Hevner, 2013) describe that artifacts
can reach different stages of maturity. In our project,
we decided to develop level 2 design knowledge in
the form of DFs as well as to demonstrate them in a
concrete level 1 instantiation in the form of a software
artifact. Level 1 artifacts contain design knowledge in
implicit form and are perfectly suited for
demonstration purposes, although this knowledge is
very context-specific and bound. Level 2 artifacts, on
the other hand, represent more abstract operational
principles. By providing DFs, we want to make it
easier for practitioners to apply our findings to other
technology stacks in the data space field.
The formulation of our DFs is based on existing
work on design principles (Chandra et al., 2015),
which offers abstract, prescriptive design knowledge
in the form “if you want to achieve Y in situation Z,
then something like action X will help” (van Aken,
2004, p. 227). However, our DFs are more concrete
to enable practitioners to implement them. We will
therefore also provide a more detailed rationale and
description of what the technical implementation
might look like.
The basic concept of (Hevner et al., 2004) has led
to the development of more specific process models
for conducting a DSR project (e.g. (William L
Kuechler et al., 2021), (Peffers et al., 2007), or (Sein
et al., 2011)). As we follow an objectivist/positivist
approach and aim for an adaptation for daily use, we
follow the recommendations of (John R. Venable et
al., 2017) and structure our DSR project according to
the model of (Peffers et al., 2007). We are conducting
a single iteration in our DSR project. From a more
global perspective, we follow the design knowledge
development process of (Möller et al., 2020) by
conducting responsive research. In short, this means
that we first develop an artifact and then extract our
design knowledge from this artifact.
We now explain in detail the steps of the process
model proposed by (Peffers et al., 2007) and its
application within our research.
The initial motivation for our DSR project was
gained through a careful examination of existing data
space initiatives, from which we derived the need for
a federated data trustee integration in data spaces. Our
findings clearly showed that there is currently no
agreed-upon procedure for participants in data spaces
to select a data trustee in a secure and sovereign
manner (see Introduction).
Our objectives are drawn from a data space
initiative, involving secure and sovereign data
interchange for training LLMs. There, we are
collaborating in partnership with other stakeholders,
who are experienced in the conception and
development of data spaces. The objectives include a
working approach for selecting a data trustee in data
spaces, as well as a practical implementation.
Furthermore, participants valued the knowledge's
reusability and ability to be applied to other data space
technology stacks. As a result, an EDC extension
should be developed, and the design knowledge
gained should be documented in the form of DFs.
Our artifact design was carried out in two steps.
To generate design knowledge for selecting a data
trustee in data spaces, we first built a prototype in the
form of an EDC extension, which was successfully
tested and used as the foundation for extracting DFs.
The process of extracting the DFs was characterized
by continuous reflection by the authors. The resulting
and final set of DFs as well as information about the
EDC extension can be found in Section 4.
DATA 2024 - 13th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
To demonstrate the DFs' practicability, we
instantiated a minimal viable data space that is
grounded in the LLM training use case of our data
space initiative described earlier. In Section 5, we
describe how the EDC extension and thus the DFs
function in this context.
The DFs were evaluated at a workshop with
experts. We based our evaluation strategy on the
ontological expressiveness developed by (Recker et
al., 2011). We are thus ensuring that no DFs are
missing that cause significant phenomena in the
environment (deficit), as well as that no additional DFs
are triggering irrelevant phenomena (excess). We also
ensure that a DF does not handle multiple phenomena
(redundancy) and that no more than one DF addresses
each phenomenon (overload) (visualization in Figure
4). This type of evaluation has already been applied to
design principles by (Janiesch et al., 2020). We have
adapted this method for our evaluation of DFs
because, in our understanding, DFs are on the same
level of design knowledge as design principles
according to (Gregor & Hevner, 2013), but are just
more concrete. See Section 6 for further information
about the evaluation, participants, and its outcome.
Finally, we communicated our results by making
the EDC extension publicly available and presented
our DFs and analytical approach in this publication.
The proposed concept introduces a novel approach to
establishing trust within dataspaces through a Trusted
Participants Whitelist Extension for EDC data space
connectors. Central to this concept is the creation and
management of a whitelist of trusted data trustees,
individually maintained by each connector. This
system differs from traditional models by placing the
establishment and verification of trust directly in the
hands of data space participants, rather than relying
on a centralized authority or the collective assessment
of a community as described in Section 2.4. We will
now describe in more detail the software artifact we
4.1 Trusted Data Trustees Extension
The Trusted Data Trustees Extension for the EDC
operationalizes a paradigm in which trust is explicitly
determined by the direct actions and decisions of data
space participants. This approach avoids reliance on
a single authoritative body or collective community
judgment, thereby mitigating the risks of centralized
power, manipulation, and bias inherent in alternative
The whitelist is created dynamically based on
criteria defined by the data space participants
themselves. These include compliance with security
standards, data protection compliance, existing
ratings, and reliable handling of data in the past.
Entities wishing to become trusted data trustees must
meet these predefined criteria to ensure that trust is
both earned and verifiable. This participant-centered
approach offers several distinct advantages:
By allowing participants to define the criteria
for trust, the approach ensures that the whitelist
reflects the specific needs and expectations of
the data space community.
Eliminating a central authority reduces
vulnerability to single points of failure and
avoids bottlenecks in the verification process.
The whitelist can be updated and adapted as
participant needs and external conditions
evolve, ensuring its continued relevance and
The EDC extension is available as open-source
and can be used in data spaces built using
the EDC.
4.2 Design Features
In the following parts, we will present the DFs that
we created. As described in Section 3, we applied a
reflection process to extract the design knowledge
from the concrete level 1 software artifact. The DFs
thus identified were discussed among the authors.
They were also evaluated through a workshop with
experts (see Section 6). The final DFs can be found
here. The template of (Chandra et al., 2015) will be
utilized to describe the individual DFs. We will also
give input on additional important information
regarding the how and why.
DF1: Decentralized Trust Architecture. To
avoid a single point of failure and reduce reliance on
central authorities (goal), while selecting a data
trustee in a data space (context), adopt a decentralized
or federated whitelist approach (mechanism).
Each connector in the data space must maintain
its whitelist according to externally defined rules.
This adoption of a decentralized or federated
architecture avoids single points of failure and
reduces reliance on central authorities, mitigating
both technical and antitrust risks (Deng et al., 2023).
Design Features for Data Trustee Selection in Data Spaces
Figure 3: Operational Overview of Trusted Data Trustees Extension.
DF2: Hash-Based Integrity Checks. To
maintain the security and reliability of the whitelist
(goal), while selecting a data trustee in a data space
(context), its hash value should be computed and
transmitted along with the whitelist itself
This allows the integrity of the whitelist to be
verified after transfer, ensuring its authenticity, and
protecting against unauthorized changes. Regular
integrity checks are essential to maintain confidence
in the validity of the whitelist (Ferguson & Schneier,
DF3: Transparent Whitelist Management. To
promote trust and clarity in the data trustee selection
process (goal) within a data space (context), the
criteria and processes for whitelisting should be
openly documented and accessible (mechanism).
The process for adding or removing a data trustee
to or from the whitelist must be articulated, detailing
the necessary conditions, such as cost considerations,
performance ratings, compliance with security
standards, privacy policies, and required
certifications. Transparency in whitelist management
fosters an environment of trust, ensuring that all
participants understand and can rely on the trustee
selection process. This openness is essential to
maintaining fair and defensible selection (Lucy et al.,
DF4: Verifiable Credentials for Data Trustees.
To establish the authenticity and reliability of data
trustees (goal) in a data space (context), trustees must
present credentials that are verifiable and subject to
independent audit (mechanism).
These credentials
, which may include certify-
cates of compliance, accreditation, or other forms of
validation, must be verifiable by data space
participants or third-party auditors. This level of
verification ensures that the trustees meet the required
standards of the whitelist and maintain trust within
the data space. The ability to audit credentials is a
fundamental aspect of a trusted and resilient data
space (European Union Agency for Cybersecurity,
2022, p. 40).
DF5: Interoperability and Open Standards. To
ensure efficient integration and transfer of the
whitelist across different data spaces (goal), within
the multi-data space ecosystem (context), adherence
to open standards and protocols is essential
Where interoperability is required (Aliprandi,
2011), the whitelist must be carefully managed to
ensure that only data trustees approved by the
originating data space can be transferred and trusted
in the receiving data space. This restriction preserves
the integrity of the individual trust paradigms of the
data spaces and prevents potential misinterpretation
DATA 2024 - 13th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
of trust relationships. Such governance is critical for
maintaining privacy and consent in the exchange of
data trustees between data spaces, thereby enhancing
the security of multi-data space interactions.
The Trusted Participants Whitelist Extension,
designed to strengthen the security and privacy of
collaborative data sharing, has been instantiated into
a real-world use case. This use case involves the
process of fine-tuning foundation models using
research data, a critical step in the advancement of
machine learning and artificial intelligence.
Specifically, the scenario described here involves the
fine-tuning of an LLM under the guidance of a
selected, mutually trusted data trustee. This selection
process is a safeguard to ensure that the resulting fine-
tuned foundation model, as well as the sensitive
research data, both of which require significant
computational resources, are accessible only to a
mutually agreed upon and trusted data trustee. The
goal is clear: to prevent valuable intellectual property
from being compromised or misappropriated. The
following prototype describes the workflow of the
EDC extension we implemented and demonstrates its
practicality in the real world.
As described in Figure 3, the core operational
processes of the extension are illustrated, showing
how trust in data trustees is decentralized, managed,
and maintained within a data space. Each step is
numbered to provide a clear reference to the detailed
explanation that follows, capturing the intricacies of
trust establishment in data trustee selection.
The implementation of the DFs described in
Section 4.2 within the extension, which allows the
whitelist to be dynamically adapted so that the
inclusion of trusted data trustees can evolve with the
changing landscape of the data space, is described
DF1: Decentralized Trust Architecture. The
whitelist is based on a decentralized trust architecture,
as evidenced by the multiple connectors Data
Trustee 1, Data Trustee 2, and Data Trustee 3 that
operate within the data space. DF1 mitigates single
points of failure and antitrust risk, which is critical to
maintaining a robust and equitable data sharing
environment. If a data trustee fails or is removed from
the data space, the next matching data trustee is
selected from the whitelist. Redundancy is built into
the whitelist by having multiple data trustees,
allowing other data trustees to take over the
responsibilities of the failed one without disrupting
the requested data exchange.
DF2: Hash-based integrity checks. The hash
(checksum) of the data trustee whitelist is calculated
and sent along with the whitelist. This is done after
the data trustee negotiation (Step 1: Data Trustee
Negotiation) and before any data exchange (Steps 3.1
and 3.2: Data Exchange). The use of a checksum
allows receivers to verify the integrity of the whitelist,
maintaining trust and security throughout the data
space. By using cryptographic hash functions, any
tampering of the whitelist during transmission can be
detected, as changes would alter the checksum,
indicating a breach of integrity. This ensures that only
authenticated and unaltered whitelists are accepted
and processed by our extension.
DF3: Transparent Whitelist Management.
Whitelist management is done with full transparency.
The process for negotiating and adding data trustees
is openly communicated (Step 1: Data Trustee
Negotiation), as is the notification system that
informs relevant participants, such as Data Trustee 1,
of their status (Step 2: Data Trustee Notification).
This ensures that everyone can participate in the trust
environment with confidence and clear understanding
of the selection. In addition, counterparties can see
which data trustees are on each other's whitelists,
increasing transparency. The matchmaking process to
combine both whitelists is also transparent, ensuring
that all parties are aware of how data trustees are
matched and maintained within the whitelist.
DF4: Verifiable Credentials for Trustees. To
participate in the data space as a trusted data trustee,
they must provide verifiable credentials. These
credentials are issued by a certification authority that
is trusted within the data space. They are verified
during the negotiation process (Step 1: Data Trustee
Negotiation) and can be audited at any time by other
participants or third parties, adding a layer of trust
through transparency and accountability. The
verification process uses authentication methods
from the data space in use to ensure the authenticity
and validity of the credentials presented. Regular
updates and checks are required to maintain the
integrity of the credentials over time, providing
confidence in the security and compliance of the
DF5: Interoperability and Open Standards.
The whitelist supports interoperability and the use of
open standards to allow different data spaces and
connectors to integrate seamlessly. DF5 is key to
ensuring that data exchange between Data Trustee 1
and other participants (Steps 3.1 and 3.2: Data
Exchange) is efficient and compatible across different
Design Features for Data Trustee Selection in Data Spaces
data spaces. This interoperability is facilitated using
the JSON data format for transfer within and between
data spaces. In addition, DF5 uses and provides data
models that meet the minimum requirements for data
trustee selection, ensuring consistent and reliable data
trustee integration into the whitelist. These models
include attributes such as the name of the participant,
its unique identification within the data space, the list
of trusted participants, and the selection criteria used
to qualify participants for the whitelist.
As described in detail in Section 3, we will first
provide an overview of the participants in our
workshop. We will then report on our findings.
Four experts, whose roles and areas of expertise
are outlined in Table 1, participated in the workshop.
The experts were identified through personal contact.
The low number of participants is owing to the
general difficulty of acquiring developers and experts
in the data space field. The session lasted 60 minutes
and promoted a focused and in-depth analysis of the
DFs in question.
Table 1: Overview of experts in the workshop.
Research Focus
Years of Data
Space Experience
Data Trustees 2
Business Models 4
Healthcare 1
To conduct a summative evaluation of the proposed
DFs emerging from our implementation (see Section
4.2 Design Features), an online workshop was
organized and facilitated via Microsoft Teams.
Advance notice of the workshop was distributed to
potential participants, along with an overview of the
methodology from Figure 4 and the DFs to be
This workshop forms the basis of our evaluation,
in which the data trustee experts critically reviewed
and evaluated the success and relevance of the five
proposed DFs. Their feedback is valuable in assessing
the potential for the DFs to be effectively
implemented in real-world data spaces with multiple
data trustees.
Figure 4: Ontological Expressiveness Assessment.
DF1: Decentralized Trust Architecture. The
experts unanimously agreed that DF1 is a significant
strength of the proposed concept. It mitigates central
points of failure and reduces reliance on a central
authority, which is consistent with the current push
toward distributed systems in data management.
There was no evidence of feature deficiencies,
redundancies, overloads, or excess. The experts
emphasized that this approach is well suited to
modern data ecosystems, such as data spaces, that
value resiliency and autonomy.
DF2: Hash-Based Integrity Checks (Modified).
DF2 was originally identified as a feature excess. The
experts were of the opinion that the original approach
to integrity checking – based on the checksum of the
data trustees on the whitelist and transferring of the
individual checksums and, in the case of the counter-
whitelist, hashing the data trustees and then
comparing the checksums so as not to draw any
conclusions about the selected data trustees as long as
they are not on their own whitelistdid not meet user
requirements and was in conflict with DF3. The
modified DF2 now calculates and sends the checksum
of the whitelist along with the whitelist itself to verify
its integrity after transfer. This change was well
received as it simplifies the process while maintaining
the security and trustworthiness of the whitelist.
DF3: Transparent Whitelist Management.
DF3 was well received, indicating clear processes and
criteria for adding and removing data trustees from
the whitelist. Experts appreciated the emphasis on
transparency, which is paramount to building trust
among participants in the data space. The simplicity
and clarity of DF3 ensure that the selection process is
accessible and understandable to all participants, a
key aspect of effective governance and trust.
An additional insight provided by the experts on
DF3 highlighted the automated functionality for
selecting data trustees. This mechanism allows
participants to automatically trust all data trustees that
DATA 2024 - 13th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
meet the criteria they specify in DF3, eliminating the
need to select specific data trustees. Such automation
could prove beneficial to participants without a
preference for specific trustees, ensuring a seamless
and efficient trust establishment process across the
data space.
DF4: Verifiable Credentials for Trustees. DF4
also received positive feedback. The experts
recognized the need for verifiable credentials that
allow data trustees to demonstrate their
trustworthiness and adherence to standards in a
verifiable manner. The strength of DF4 lies in its
ability to provide an audit trail and assurance,
fostering an environment where trust is not only
stated, but also demonstrated. The experts also
emphasized that verifiable credentials are an essential
part of data spaces, realized by one or more trusted
authorities within the data space that issue these
credentials. This structure ensures that credentials are
issued and recognized within an established data
space, thereby increasing the reliability and integrity
of whitelist verification.
DF5: Interoperability and Open Standards
(Enhanced). The original design of DF5 was found
to have a feature deficit with respect to ensuring the
secure and appropriate transfer of whitelisted data
trustees to other data spaces. To address this, a
constraint was added that only those data trustees that
have been approved by the previous data space should
be transferred and used in an interoperable manner.
This addition strengthens DF5 by ensuring that
interoperability does not compromise the customized
trust configurations of individual data spaces. In the
case of an interoperable whitelist, it must be ensured
that only the data trustees in the whitelist are
transferred and used in another data space that the
previous data space also offered. This is because if all
previously trusted data trustees were added, the
participants in the other data space could infer whom
the whitelist previously trusted if their data trustee is
not in the new data space. This inference could lead
to unintended privacy breaches or strategic
vulnerabilities, as participants could identify not only
the relationships, but also the levels of trust or
specific security measures associated with each data
trustee, and potentially exploit this information to
gain undue advantage or undermine existing trust.
This research contributes to the field of data
management within data spaces. By focusing on the
DFs necessary for selecting a data trustee, it not only
addresses a practical concern within data spaces, but
also contributes to the theoretical knowledge base by
formalizing these practices into design knowledge.
The development of the Trusted Participants
Whitelist Extension, based on the Eclipse Dataspace
Components (EDC), provides an extension that
establishes trust within these ecosystems, which is
critical for enabling secure and efficient data sharing
across different domains.
The use of connectors supports the secure and
sovereign transfer and management of data across
different stakeholders. The connector implemented
by the EDC supports the technical implementation of
our proposed DFs, thereby enabling data spaces to
effectively manage data trustees. This practical
application of design knowledge helps bridge the gap
between theoretical constructs and real-world
applicability, which is critical for the adoption and
scalability of data space technologies.
The theoretical implications of our research
extend the understanding of data spaces by showing
that decentralized trust architectures can be
effectively implemented using whitelists and
connectors. The DFs derived from both the
theoretical background and practical insights
contribute to the academic discourse on data
governance and management in data spaces. Our
work underscores the importance of design science
research in developing actionable and theoretically
informed solutions that address complex problems in
data sharing. Using a uniform formulation increases
the DFs' reusability, allowing them to be employed in
other study areas as well.
The practical implications of our research
provide a structured, transparent method for selecting
data trustees within dataspaces. By integrating the
proposed DFs into the EDC, we introduce an
extension that enhances trust in data sharing and data
reuse by data trustees. This approach is directly
aligned with the goals of the EU's Data Governance
Act, which aims to increase trust in data sharing and
promote data reuse. In addition, the creation of this
extension allows each connector within a data space
to independently manage a whitelist of trusted data
trustees. This architecture significantly reduces
reliance on central authorities, mitigating risks such
as single points of failure and bias in the selection
process. As a result, practitioners are empowered with
a decentralized, transparent mechanism that provides
greater flexibility and responsiveness to evolving
regulatory and operational environments.
Design Features for Data Trustee Selection in Data Spaces
In this paper, we have investigated how the selection
of a suitable data trustee must look like in a data
space. For this purpose, we conducted a DSR project
in which we developed an EDC extension and
extracted design knowledge in the form of DFs that a
data space connector must implement. The DFs were
validated within the context of an expert workshop
and have already been successfully demonstrated in a
data space initiative grounded in a real-world use
Next, we discuss the limitations of our work.
First, we discuss the internal validity of the results.
It should be mentioned that the authors underwent a
reflection process to construct the DFs. The
possibility of author bias exists within this approach.
We cannot completely rule out the possibility that our
expectations had a disproportionate impact on the
DFs. In addition, the specialists included in the
assessment session were chosen based on our existing
network. The DFs might be impacted by a population
bias because of this. For instance, it's possible that the
participants' attitudes toward us were more favorable
than we would have liked, which would indicate that
some DFs' deficiencies went undetected. Regarding
the results' external validity, while we can see the
findings apply to any data space, it is important to
note that we haven't carried out any additional
implementations, so we are unable to independently
verify the results' generalizability.
When it comes to future work, it makes sense to
consider not only how the connectors need to be
implemented to select a suitable data trustee between
two participants, but also to look at the data trustee
itself. It could be worthwhile to examine which
design principles or design features a data trustee
must implement to further support the selection of a
suitable data trustee in data spaces. It is also possible
to generally look at which design principles a data
trustee must implement. Furthermore, it should be
examined whether the design features can also be
transferred to data spaces of any domain. Although
we assume that this is the case, it requires verification.
By developing a software artifact, our solution can be
used in practice. In the next step, it would be
interesting to observe whether the implemented EDC
extension also achieves broad acceptance in practice.
Particularly interesting is whether data exchanges via
a data trustee between different data spaces can be
The authors acknowledge the financial support by the
Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
of Germany in the project ScaleDTM (project number
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