A Simulation Analysis of Economic and Environmental Factors in the
Design of an Electric Vehicle Battery Reverse Supply Chain
Melissa Venegas Vallejos
, Andrew Greasley
and Aristides Matopoulos
Aston University, Birmingham, U.K.
Cranfield University, Cranfield, U.K.
Keywords: Electric Vehicle Battery, Reverse Supply Chain, Discrete-Event Simulation.
Abstract: This article presents a study of a discrete-event simulation model of a UK reverse supply chain (RSC) for
electric vehicle batteries. The purpose of the study is to use the model to run a set of simulated scenarios to
explore how different operational strategies affect the RSC design configuration. The performance of the RSC
can be measured in terms of its economic impact (such as the value of material recovered and production
savings) and environmental impact (such as batteries recovered, remanufactured and repurposed, kg of
materials recovered and CO
emissions reduction). A key outcome of the study is that supply chain
participants found that although they were aware of individual processes within the RSC the insights of the
model covering the whole RSC and the metrics generated would enable them to make better informed RSC
design decisions.
Environmental, legal, social and economic factors
have been encouraging manufacturing companies to
adopt greener and more sustainable supply chain
practices and are accounting for the end-of-life (EoL)
of products (Kazemi, Modak and Govindan, 2019).
Consequently, businesses are now looking at supply
chains more broadly and considering the reverse
flow, creating reverse supply chains. A reverse supply
chain (RSC) consists of all the parties and processes
involved in collecting products from a customer to
recover value or dispose of them (Guide Jr. and Van
Wassenhove, 2002).
The automotive industry is one of the industries
experiencing significant challenges in their reverse
supply chains in the coming years due to the rapid
growth of electric vehicle (EV) adoption. Global EV
sales are expected to increase steadily in the coming
years, from 3.1 million in 2020 to 14 million in 2025
(BloombergNEF, 2021). Electric vehicle batteries are
the most critical component of electric vehicles
because they account for a significant part of the
vehicle's cost and are highly relevant for EV
development and adoption. Since EV batteries
typically last between 8 to 10 years, the EOL supply
chain of this component needs to be prepared to
handle the increasing volumes of batteries that are
going to reach their end-of-life in the following
Electric vehicle batteries require unique
management when reaching their EOL for several
reasons. Firstly, the EV battery industry may face a
shortage or rise in the price of some of the critical raw
materials used in battery production (International
Energy Agency, 2018; Moores, 2018). Therefore,
recovering EV battery materials could help save costs
and preserve raw materials. Secondly, lithium-ion,
the most common EV battery type, uses metals such
as lithium, cobalt, nickel, and graphite that may harm
the environment and human health if not disposed of
properly (Winslow, Laux and Townsend, 2018;
International Energy Agency, 2019). Therefore, the
EoL management of batteries contributes to the
reduction of the EV carbon footprint. Thirdly, several
potential risks are associated with battery handling,
and it is necessary to follow careful procedures to
minimise the risks (Zeng, Li and Liu, 2015).
Vallejos, M., Greasley, A. and Matopoulos, A.
A Simulation Analysis of Economic and Environmental Factors in the Design of an Electric Vehicle Battery Reverse Supply Chain.
DOI: 10.5220/0012851500003758
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications (SIMULTECH 2024), pages 399-406
ISBN: 978-989-758-708-5; ISSN: 2184-2841
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
Therefore, assigning this work to professional OEMs
(Original Equipment Manufacturers) and third-party
logistics 3PL providers is essential. Lastly, under the
latest Regulation (EU) 2023/1542 of the European
Parliament and of the Council concerning batteries
and waste batteries that was released in July 2023
(European Commission, 2023), EV manufacturers
are responsible for the environmental impacts of the
batteries used in their vehicles right up until the end-
of-life cycle. The UK is one of the most influential
electric vehicle markets in Europe. The British
government is supporting the electrification of the
automotive sector in several ways.
The UK and the European Union (EU) have
agreed to extend their tariff-free trade in electric
vehicles, potentially saving car manufacturers and
consumers up to £4.3 billion in additional costs
(GOV.UK, 2023b). Moreover, the UK government
has been attracting investment in EV battery
gigafactories and EV manufacturing. Nissan is
investing £3 billion to develop EVS in Sunderland. At
the same time, BMW is investing £600 million to
build Mini EVs in Oxford (GOV.UK, 2023a).
Envision and Tata are investing £450 million and £4
billion in new gigafactories (AESC, 2023; GOV.UK,
Despite all the important investments in EV and
EV battery manufacturing, the UK end-of-life electric
vehicle supply chain is at an early stage. The number
of EVs (Electric Vehicles) and EV batteries reaching
their end-of-life is still low, and several EV
manufacturers have not defined the structure of their
EoL reverse supply chains yet.
Several authors have addressed the topic of
reverse supply chain design by developing models.
Some interesting models were found in the literature
(see, for example, Jindal & Sangwan, 2014; Ghorbani
et al., 2014; Das & Dutta, 2015). However, most of
these papers suggest alternatives to improve the
efficiency of the processes rather than to achieve
supply chain sustainability. There is also a lack of
industry case studies; most of the papers found in the
literature present illustrative cases with created data.
Some practical simulation models were found in the
literature (see Jayant et al., 2014; Yanikara & Kuhl,
2015) but they are generally limited to a quantitative
analysis without a thoughtful understanding of the
industry context and other factors that influence
design decisions such as industry stage, suppliers’
resources and capabilities or legislations.
Furthermore, the models studied mainly include
manufacturers and recyclers in their reverse supply
chain models but do not consider other key
stakeholders such as remanufacturers, refurbishing
companies and second-life repurposing companies.
The relevance of building appropriate relationships
between them to build successful and sustainable
supply chains is also overlooked.
Modelling a future sustainable EoL reverse
supply chain poses a number of challenges. In the
case of the EV battery industry, its UK EoL reverse
supply chain is still in a developing stage, and no
defined supply chain is currently operating and so the
EoL process flows for EV batteries are not clearly
defined. The technology for recycling, recovery and
remanufacturing is still under development. The
service providers and companies that offer EoL
services are at the moment handling low volumes of
batteries, and markets for the recovered products and
materials are still being explored. Moreover, the
legislation around the EoL treatment of EV batteries
is subject to change. Also, current legislation is
mainly focused on recycling as opposed to alternative
options for batteries such as remanufacturing and
This research draws on the preliminary
information collected from managers and directors
from companies that have experience providing EoL
services to the automotive industry and have worked
or have run pilots with EV batteries. This study
presents a potential UK EoL supply chain for electric
vehicle batteries that includes a dealer service centre,
a specialised authorised treatment facility (ATF)
network across the UK, a remanufacturing company,
a repurposing company and a recycling company.
These selected companies are key players in the EoL
supply chain for EV batteries since they are
responsible for collecting the EV batteries from EV
users and offer different recovery alternatives to
extend the life of EV batteries, components, and
materials. All the companies involved in this research
are UK-based. Even though this study focuses on the
UK context, the methodology can be used to study
other contexts, and the model can be easily adapted.
The objectives of the study are the following:
To model a UK EoL RSC for EV batteries that
can be used to represent future design
To run a set of simulated scenarios to explore
how different sustainability strategies affect the
RSC design configuration and assess the
economic impact (such as the value of material
recovered and production savings) and
environmental impact (such as batteries
recovered, remanufactured and repurposed, kg of
materials recovered and CO2 emissions
SIMULTECH 2024 - 14th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications
The main stages in the simulation study are now
presented with results from a scenario that assesses
the effect on the RSC design of batteries destined for
recycling, remanufacturing and repurposing
2.1 Data Collection/Process Mapping
The initial data of the current process was collected
through semi-structured interviews and
questionnaires. While the future RSC for EV batteries
model was abstracted and refined using facilitated
modelling (Robinson et al., 2014) sessions with
managers and directors from a scrap car recycling
company that manages an important ATF network,
remanufacturing company, repurposing company and
a lithium-ion battery recycler. Meanwhile
questionnaires were used to collect specific data
about the process characteristics such as processing
times, processing sequences and workforce
schedules. The participants of the facilitated
interventions were:
Client_AC: Environmental Planning Manager
Automotive company
Client_RG: Technology and Innovation
Manager Recycling group
Client_EC: Company Director Engineering
Client_CF: Head of Forecasting Consultancy
Firm specialised in lithium-ion battery and
electric vehicle supply chain.
Client_CF2: Battery specialist and Senior
Engineer from Circular Economy team
Consultancy Firm specialised in circular
economy projects.
The main processes that have been mapped and
included in the UK EOL supply chain for electric
vehicle batteries of this study are the following
(Figure 1):
Batteries still under the warranty period are
collected by the dealer service centres, otherwise
batteries are collected through the ATFs.
After the batteries are removed from the EVs,
they are sent to the Testing Facility where the
battery packs pass through an initial testing.
Then, the batteries are disassembled to module
level, and tested to decide the EOL route.
The modules in good condition are sent to the
remanufacturing plant for remanufacturing.
After the remanufacturing process is completed
the new batteries are tested and packed.
The modules that did not pass the module testing
are disassembled to cell level.
The battery cells then pass through a grading
process to measure their performance.
The cells in good conditions that can be used to
build up new second-life batteries are sent to the
repurposing plant to be assembled, tested and
The cells that did not pass the grading are sent to
a recycling plant where they are scrapped with
any valuable material recovered.
Figure 1: EOL EV batteries process map.
A Simulation Analysis of Economic and Environmental Factors in the Design of an Electric Vehicle Battery Reverse Supply Chain
2.2 Modelling Input Data
The demand level for battery processing has been
estimated based on secondary data from the
Department for Transport in the UK (Department of
Transport, 2022) and from an 8-10 years estimated
lifetime of EV battery (Gruber et al., 2011). The
processing times were estimated based on
information provided by the industry participants in
the study based in the recycling, remanufacturing and
repurposing sector.
2.3 Building the Model
The discrete-event simulation model of the EOL RSC
for EV batteries was built using the Arena Simulation
Software v16.2 (Rockwell Automation, 2023). The
software allowed the building up of a simplified RSC
network following the process map in Figure 1.
2.4 Validation
In this case study as the simulation model is
representing a potential EOL RSC that does not exist,
the validation was supported using the facilitated
modelling intervention sessions (Robinson et al.,
2014) with industry experts. The three aspects of
validation proposed by Pegden, Shannon and
Sadowski (1995) are used: conceptual validity,
operational validity and believability.
2.4.1 Conceptual Validity
Conceptual validity ensures that the model built
represents a credible approximation to the real-world
system. To confirm the conceptual validity of this
simulation model and increase its credibility,
facilitated sessions were conducted with potential
users of the simulation model. Individual facilitated
sessions were arranged with potential users of the
simulation model (Client_AC, Client_RG,
Client_EC, Client_CF, Client_CF2) for the validation
stage. In these meetings the conceptual model,
simplification and assumptions of the EOL RSC for
EV batteries of this study were shared with the
participants. Some of the key elements of the
conceptual model were explained and discussed. The
participants shared new insights about the current
situation of the EOL RSC of EV batteries in UK and
mainland Europe.
Client_AC, Client_RG. Client_EC, Client_CF
and Client_CF2 made some observations suggesting
changes in the activities shown in the process map.
For instance, the activity “Battery pack testing” was
added to the process map since Client_RG suggested
that new technology has been developed that allow
testing before battery pack disassembling. Client_RG
stated that even though disassembling often takes
place in an ATF or a recycler it would be better to
leave that activity to technical experts in a specialised
testing facility. An additional dismantling process to
the cell block has been added to the model based on
Client CG and Client CF2 feedback. According to on
Client CG and Client CF2, the process of dismantling
to cell level for repurposing is different from
dismantling for recycling because the dismantling for
recycling can be destructive and as a consequence
take less time.
2.4.2 Operational Validity
The operational validity can be usually confirmed by
comparing the results obtained in the model with the
real-world performance (Greasley, 2023). In this case
study, as the simulation model represents a potential
EOL RSC that does not exist, the validation was
conducted by conducting a sensitivity analysis of the
simulation model subsystems. Banks et al. (2005)
suggest some alternatives to validate the DES model
behaviour for systems with no operational or limited
historical data. The alternatives suggested by Banks
et al. (2005) are parameter sensitivity test and
structural sensitivity test.
For this study the operational validity was
confirmed by performing a sensitivity analysis of the
process durations and adapting chance decisions
points. The sensitivity analysis was conducted to
identify if the simulation model built behaves as
expected and ensure that the input data used, and
model representation are appropriate for the study
2.4.3 Believability
The third aspect of validation is believability. The
believability consists of ensuring that the module
outputs are credible for the simulation users
(Greasley, 2023). To ensure believability, individual
interviews were arranged with managers and
directors from a car manufacturer and companies
involved on the EOL management of EV batteries.
The simulation project objectives, the capabilities of
the simulation model and assumptions were
explained to the participants. To support the
explanation and further discussion of the simulation
model the structured walkthrough and animation
inspection were used. For the structured walkthrough
the Arena model flowchart was shown to the
participants to ensure that the model was a close
SIMULTECH 2024 - 14th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications
representation of a potential EOL RSC for EV
batteries. The animation of the simulation model
running in slow speed was also shared live with the
industry experts to ask for their feedback. The
animation also included some performance metrics
such as Labour Cost, utilisation of resources.
Client_AC, Client_RG, Client_EC, Client_CF and
Client_CF2 validated that the metrics Labour cost,
and capacity of the system were relevant metrics to
assess the performance of the model proposed.
Client_EC suggested that for its company future
projects they are planning to have different
companies operating under the same roof doing the
disassemble, SOH assessment, remanufacturing,
repurposing, recycling. Client_CF also suggested to
choose a specific battery chemistry to make a more
detailed estimation of the specific raw material
recovered through recycling.
In addition, some changes were made in the
processing times, and number of resources of
bottleneck processes during the interviews to show in
a visual way how the queues and performance metrics
changed accordingly. Some processing times were
validated while others updated according to the
feedback and justifications of Client_AC, Client_EC,
Client_RG, Client_CF. Finally, the simulation model
animation display was used to obtain insights about
performance metrics that the industry experts were
interested in knowing from the simulation model.
2.5 Experimentation
A selection of battery routing scenarios were built
based on the discussions that had taken place in the
facilitated modelling sessions. When participants
were asked about the potential routes that batteries
would follow, they mentioned that the proportion of
batteries sent for recycling, remanufacturing and
repurposing will depend on several factors such as
country legislations, battery technology/chemistry
innovation and aftermarket. Participants Client_CF
and Client_CF suggested experiments with extreme
scenarios that consider a minimum of 50% recycling.
From these discussions a group of scenarios was
derived that consider a variation in the proportion of
batteries routed for remanufacturing, repurposing and
recycling (table 1):
Baseline: it is the initial baseline scenario. This
group of scenarios considers that 50% of the
batteries are sent for recycling 25% for
remanufacturing and 25% for repurposing.
Type C1: this scenario considers that all the
batteries (100%) that enter the system go for
recycling, which was achieved by sending
collected batteries for disassembling to the cell
level and then sending all of them for recycling.
Type C2: the second type C scenario considers
that 50% of the batteries are sent for recycling
and 50% for remanufacturing. This was achieved
by sending 50% of the collected batteries for an
initial disassembling and then sending them for
recycling. The remaining 50% of the batteries
were sent for initial disassembling, module
testing, and remanufacturing.
Type C3: the last scenario considers that 50% of
the batteries are sent for recycling and 50% for
repurposing. In this scenario, 50% of the
collected batteries were sent for initial
disassembling and then for recycling. At the
same time, the remaining 50% of the batteries
were sent for disassembling, testing and
For each of the scenarios, the resources were balanced
across each stage of the reverse supply chain,
considering a maximum of 80% of utilisation.
The results show the impact of selecting different
EoL strategies. For instance, the results of Type C1
scenario that considers 100% of batteries going direct
to recycling gives £36,500k as an average profit on
sales of recycled material and an average reduction of
45,625 CO
emission (kg CO
In Type C2 scenario the profits for recycled
material and CO
emissions reductions went down by
50%; however, the remanufactured batteries allowed
savings of £10,949k and a reduction of emissions of
43,247 (kg CO
In the case of scenario Type C3, sending 50% of
the batteries for recycling and 50% for repurposing
generated a £109,450k savings due to repurposing
and a CO
emission reduction of 69,172 (kg CO
Table 1: Type C scenario conditions.
Battery routing scenarios
EoL Route Baseline Type C1 Type C2 Type C3
Recycling 50% 100% 50% 50%
Remanufacturing 25% - 50% -
Repurposing 25% - - 50%
A Simulation Analysis of Economic and Environmental Factors in the Design of an Electric Vehicle Battery Reverse Supply Chain
Table 2: Scenarios - Economic and environmental impact.
Impact metrics (Avera
e) Baseline Type C1 Type C2 Type C3
Profit on sales of recycle
material (£k) 18,820 36,500 18,252 18,260
emission reduction (kg CO
-eqv) 22,823 45,625 22,815 22,825
Savings due to remanufacturing (£k) 5,447 - 10,949 -
emission reduction (kg CO
-eqv) 21,515 - 43,247 -
Savings due to repurposing (£k) 54,656 - - 109,450
emission reduction (kg CO
-eqv) 34,543 - - 69,172
Table 2 shows a summary of the economic and
environmental impact of each of the experiments.
This research proposes a simulation modelling
approach used in an industry case study that
complements previous RSC modelling that has
mostly used linear and non-linear modelling (see, for
example, Jindal & Sangwan, 2014; Ghorbani et al.,
2014; Das & Dutta, 2015, Jayant et al., 2014;
Yanikara & Kuhl, 2015).
As Simchi-Levi (2014) and Sodhi and Tang
(2014) suggest, the models that come from a real
industry context are more valid and generalisable in
practice. Therefore, this research studies RSC design
issues in a real and challenging industry context of a
developing industry of a high-technology complex
product, namely the EV battery industry.
As the study participants suggested, there is no
certainty about the proportion of batteries that would
follow the recycling, remanufacturing and
repurposing routes. The EoL routes for batteries and
the future volume of batteries will be highly
dependent on the UK battery legislation and market
conditions. If legislation promotes recycling then it is
likely that the percentage of batteries that follow the
recycling route would increase. Whereas if the
legislation would set up remanufacturing or
repurposing targets, the proportions of batteries
following such routes may increase. Moreover, any
further changes in the UK government's phasing out
of petrol car use, such as presented by the British
government in September 2023 (Reuters, 2023),
could affect the number of EVs entering the market
and the number of EoL EV batteries returning from
the market. In addition, the proportion of batteries
sent to remanufacturing and repurposing will depend
on the market available for such products. If the
technology and chemistry continue evolving at a fast
pace, by the time the batteries return from the market,
the OEMs may require different batteries. In the case
of repurposed batteries, the market for them is still in
its infancy.
The participants stated that they have been
studying and assessing the different EoL processes in
isolation but have not seen a model of the whole RSC
for EV batteries before. Having a visual flexible
model able to represent a future supply chain that
does not exists would allow them to assess a range of
potential RSC configurations that follow different
processes, routes and volumes was considered
important for the study participants. In this case the
model proved to be useful to assess the impact of
different RSC configurations that follow different
sustainability strategies in terms of throughput,
resources required, capacity (number of batteries
processes, tonnes of material recycled,
remanufactured batteries, repurposed batteries) and
sustainability impact of changes (economic savings,
impact). The study participants agreed that the
metrics shown in the simulation model study would
allow them to conduct more accurate cost-benefit
analysis to make well-informed RSC design
This paper contributes to the RSC literature, but it
is not without limitations. Conducting a case study in
a particular industry limits the option to generalise the
results and findings. Future research could benefit
from including participants from different industries
to validate if the research methodology can be used in
different industry contexts and generalise the results.
Another characteristic of the UK EV battery
industry is that it has few EoL service providers and
competitors. Hence, despite engaging with key
stakeholders with industry experience and
management expertise, future research would benefit
from including more industry participants from the
EV battery industry. For future research, the number
of participants could be increased to gain insights
from other OEMs, remanufacturers, recyclers and
ATFs in the sector with different perspectives on the
problem under study.
SIMULTECH 2024 - 14th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications
Furthermore, future research could improve the
simulation model and adapt the model to take into
consideration the number and location of
decentralised facilities and the corresponding
transport implications (i.e. transport time, cost and
This paper presents a discrete-event simulation tool
that practitioners may use to model a future reverse
supply chain that does not exist and has limited
historical data. Managers and practitioners can use
the model proposed to measure the impact of changes
in processes, routes and volumes in terms of
throughput, capacity (number of batteries processes,
tonnes of material recycled, remanufactured batteries,
repurposed batteries) and sustainability impact of
changes (economic savings, CO
impact). The
insights of the model and the valuable metrics in
terms of capacity planning and economic and
environmental metrics were considered valuable by
the industry experts who participated in this study to
assess what-if scenarios and make informed RSC
design decisions.
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SIMULTECH 2024 - 14th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications