Process mining (PM) is defined as a technology that
utilizes event logs corresponding to real Behavior
recorded during the execution of a business process.
It helps to discover, monitor, and improve processes
in real time by extracting knowledge available in
system log files. It leads to delivering an assessment
on the conformance status of business process
execution (Van der Aalst, 2016).
Data Mining (DM) is defined as a process that
aims to generate knowledge about very large
databases and to produce results in a comprehensive
way to the user. Indeed, DM extracts non-trivial,
implicit, previously unknown and potentially useful
information (Schuh et al., 2019).
Business Intelligence (BI) is a set of methods,
processes, architectures, applications, and
technologies that collect and transform raw data into
meaningful and useful information used to enable
strategic, tactical, and operational insights and more
effective decision-making to drive business
performance (Tripathi et al., 2020).
Data Visualization is the graphical representation
of information extracted from raw data. It consists of
transforming complex and abstract data into images,
tables, graphs and other visual elements that are easy
to understand and interpret. The goal is to make data
easier to understand by making it more accessible and
intuitive (Azzam et al., 2013).
The scientific literature is full of relevant work
exploring the use of dashboards in BI (Orlovskyi &
Kopp, 2020), PM (Martinez-Millana et al., 2019), and
DM (Maya D. Albayrak & William Gray-Roncal,
2019) approaches. This work demonstrates the
usefulness of dashboards to visualize and analyse data
from different sources, thus facilitating informed
decision-making. This section presents an overview
of relevant previous work related to combination of
In (Kumar SM & Meena Belwal, 2017), the
authors use BI, DM and data visualization
technologies to create a scoreboard that presents the
information by underestimating the behaviour of the
company from its inception. In addition, it provides
an overview to users, making complex datasets easier
for them to use, and it also tracks the ability of the
service to meet service level objectives. Based on
several recent works the researchers were able to
create a powerful Dashboard by adding more features
to what is already created among these new functions
including the integration of BI technologies, Data
mining and data visualization technologies to analyse
business trends, business growth, profit amount,
employee performance, customer satisfaction and
improvement areas. The proposed performance
dashboard features an ideal single-pane real-time user
interface, showing a graphical presentation of the
historical status and trends of organizations' key
performance indicators that enable executive
decision-making at a glance and improve business
In (Nik et al., 2019), the authors describe a custom
visual of Microsoft Power BI, called BIpm, which
was created by combining Process Mining and
Business Intelligence Analysis through a single
platform. To achieve their objectives the researchers
went through several steps, starting with the
preparation of the input fields and placing them in the
Power BI pane as well as the event logs, Let’s not
forget that Process Mining is a technology that
requires the presence of event logs to determine the
behaviour of processes so it is necessary to have
events logs consistent with Power BI. Once all these
fields are entered correctly, BIpm creates the process
model as a directed flow graph. BIpm offers an online
analysis for decision makers in industry. This solution
allows to analyse complex events logs, on the one
hand it enriches the BI dashboards with the
exploration of interactive online processes, and on the
other hand it allows BI users to expand their toolsets
by inferring process models.
According to (Hendricks, 2019), DM can be
used in the field of health, but not only the DM, there
is also the PM which seems similar to the DM in
terms of measuring large data files, but in this case,
we are talking about event logs to a particular process
or a series of processes. The PM was performed on a
Dutch patient hospital log event with sepsis entering
the emergency room, to understand this method of
analysis, highlight the information discovered and
determine its role in data mining, and their release and
possible readmission stages. This analysis makes it
possible to map and analyse the processes, and also to
highlight the areas of clinical operations requiring
further investigation including a possible relationship
with the patient’s readmission and method of release.