Safe or Scam? An Empirical Simulation Study on Trust Indicators in
Online Shopping
Sebastian Schrittwieser
1 a
, Andreas Ekelhart
2 b
, Esther Seidl
1 c
and Edgar Weippl
1 d
Research Group Security and Privacy, Faculty of Computer Science, University of Vienna, Austria
SBA Research, Vienna, Austria
e-Commerce, User Perception, Scam Shops, Trust Indicators.
Complaints from Internet users about online shopping scams have increased significantly in recent years.
An indication of the trustworthiness of a store can be obtained by a user on the basis of a number of trust
indicators, such as available payment methods or availability and correctness of contact information. In this
paper, we analyzed the behavior of 646 participants during online shopping with regards to non-technical trust
indicators. Our work is based on an online shopping simulation study including one trustworthy and two scam
store imitations. By automatically tracking the participants’ behavior, we found that only a minority of users
pay attention to trust indicators and most participants of the study purchased in an obvious scam store (28%)
– most likely due to its lower prices. Personal (age, gender, educational level, frequency of online purchase or
Internet usage at work) and contextual (time pressure) factors did not significantly influence the choice.
Worldwide more than 5 billion people use the Inter-
net with numbers rising every year. At the same time,
it is estimated that up to 20% of all websites may
be fake and market forecasts predict that the finan-
cial cost of scam e-commerce will rise to $25 bil-
lion worldwide within the next years (Beltzung et al.,
2020). E-commerce scam in general means that crim-
inals use digital platforms to sell counterfeit products
or lure consumers into paying for services and goods
without receiving them. More specifically, scam on-
line stores (also known as fake stores or fraud online
stores) “involve scammers pretending to be legitimate
online sellers, either with a fake website or a fake ad
on a genuine retailer” (Competition and Commission,
2023). Preventing Internet users from falling victim
to fraud has become even more important with the in-
crease in online shopping due to the COVID-19 pan-
Our study targets these challenges by observing
user behavior with regard to trust indicators in an on-
line shopping simulation study. In the past, the term
trust indicators was used to describe warnings or sta-
tus indicators (e.g., the presentation of the validity of
HTTPS certificates in a web browser) (Cranor, 2006).
In our study, we define the term broader for all charac-
teristics of an online store that can give a customer an
indication of its trustworthiness. We examine to what
extend individuals pay attention to those trust indica-
tors to identify trustworthy (or scam) websites in their
online shopping experience and analyze factors pos-
sibly making individuals vulnerable to scam online
shopping (e.g., age, online purchase frequency). We
therefore aim to answer the following research ques-
RQ1: Do people recognize and consider trust
indicators while shopping online and therefore
choose trustworthy online stores?
RQ2: Which personal variables (e.g. age, on-
line purchase frequency) or context variables (e.g.
time pressure) influence the consideration of trust
indicators and the choice of online stores?
The main contributions in this paper can be sum-
marized as follows: (i) We provide an overview and
classification of properties typically present in scam
online stores. (ii) We implemented an online shop-
Schrittwieser, S., Ekelhart, A., Seidl, E. and Weippl, E.
Safe or Scam? An Empirical Simulation Study on Trust Indicators in Online Shopping.
DOI: 10.5220/0012852600003767
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT 2024), pages 560-567
ISBN: 978-989-758-709-2; ISSN: 2184-7711
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
ping simulation framework to study user behavior in
a naturalistic design. (iii) We conducted a study with
646 participants and present the results by describing
user variables as well as context variables.
Studies on User Shopping Behavior and Risks.
Previous studies examining online shopping behavior
have mainly focused on the relationship between per-
ceived risk and user behavior. In general, perceived
risk in online shopping was shown to negatively in-
fluence the intention to purchase products online (Al-
mousa, 2011). Other studies found that increased
trust can reduce perceived risk (Ganguly et al., 2010).
Egelman et al. conducted a laboratory study in
which they presented privacy information at alternat-
ing places and times and found that these influenced
the subjects’ purchase decisions significantly (Egel-
man et al., 2009). Also, increased trust will result
in increases purchase intention (Ganguly et al., 2010;
Hao Suan Samuel et al., 2015), as well as it increases
loyalty (
uven, 2011). In turn, trust has been
shown to be influenced by security measures provided
by online shopping websites (
uven, 2011). In
addition, in 2005 Rattanawicha and Esichaikul (Rat-
tanawicha and Esichaikul, 2005) identified factors
that are mandatory for an online store to be evaluated
as trustworthy by users. Another study conducted in
Austria examining characteristics of victims of scam
stores found men, individuals with higher educational
level, as well as individuals who are more willing to
take a risk are more prone to be victims of online scam
stores (Georgiev, 2021). In 2019, Frik et al. (Frik
and Mittone, 2019) conducted an online survey of 117
participants and concluded that security, privacy, and
reputation have strong effects on perceived trustwor-
thiness of stores while the quality of the website of an
online store plays a minor role only.
The main goal of our study is to investigate if online
shopping customers recognize signs of online shop-
ping scam and if it influences their buying behav-
ior. In this section, we present a short background
on scam features, the study design, its procedure, and
recruitment of participants.
3.1 Online Scam Features
In the past a large number of features of websites
were identified which can be used to detect scam
stores (Carpineto and Romano, 2017; Wadleigh et
al., 2015). These can be roughly divided into two
categories. On the one hand, there are features that
are easily recognizable for end users such as avail-
able payment methods, standard information (im-
print, shipping information, etc.), and trustmarks from
independent issuers.
In contrast to these features, which can be evalu-
ated by end users without additional technical knowl-
edge or tools, there are also more opaque features.
These types of features include website hosting loca-
tion, age of the domain, and if the domain is in the
Alexa Top 1M/100K list.
For our study, we aggregated all features of the
first category (user facing properties) from past liter-
ature and then removed those for which a possible in-
teraction of the user cannot be captured by our track-
ing (see Table 1). This primarily concerns browser
features outside of the actual web page such as view-
ing details on HTTPS certificates or the title of a web
page which is displayed in the tab or title bar of the
3.2 Study Design and Procedure
To capture a broad sample an online study design was
used with a cross sectional combination of observa-
tional and survey design to assess quantitative obser-
vational data (Barker et al., 2015), as well as a survey
to assess sociodemographic data and subjective expe-
rience of the participants regarding factors influencing
their online store choice at the end of the study.
3.2.1 Simulation Study
When studying human behavior there needs to be a
trade off between 1) a laboratory setting with little
experimental noise and 2) a design in the natural en-
vironment of participants, bearing the chance of high
experimental noise which makes it more challenging
to draw clear conclusions (Farnsworth, 2019). One
possible compromise between noise and an environ-
ment that feels natural to the participants are simula-
tion studies (Farnsworth, 2019). Observational meth-
ods are beneficial for assessing human behavior as
they can represent real behavior in the situation when
it occurs. Furthermore, observational assessments
have greater reliability and objectivity (Gesellschaft,
2023). In the present study we therefore opted for
a simulation to examine user behavior and further
implemented a naturalistic study design to increase
Safe or Scam? An Empirical Simulation Study on Trust Indicators in Online Shopping
ecological validity. Naturalistic designs are used to
mimic real-life as closely as possible, therefore being
characterized by a minimum of lifestyle rules for par-
ticipants and no interference of the investigators with
participants’ activities (Verster et al., 2019). We fol-
lowed the principles suggested when studying secu-
rity and privacy with regard to user behavior (Krol et
al., 2016). However, due to ethical concerns we did
not let participants pay with their money to purchase a
product, instead we provided fake payment informa-
tion for each participant.
For the observational part we implemented three
different versions of an online store, only varying
in their trust indicators (one “trustworthy store”, one
“veiled scam store” and one “obvious scam store”;
see Table 1). The implemented trust indicators in
the three online stores were selected based on an ini-
tial list derived from literature, followed by a discus-
sion and selection process with stakeholders (orga-
nizations dealing with e-commerce, including scam
stores) considering relevance and practicability. In
addition, we varied minor visual aspects of the dif-
ferent online stores (e.g., banner images, footer style,
and color) to make them more distinct for the partici-
pants and to make the changes in trust indicators less
obvious. Invited participants first visited the study
landing page including a description of the study pur-
pose, privacy statement, and the task they had to per-
form, namely to buy a backpack in any of the three
available stores for an upcoming trip. For each partic-
ipant we randomly selected if the instruction text in-
cluded time pressure or not. The time pressure manip-
ulation was implemented by informing participants
that they only have limited time to purchase the prod-
uct and that a hidden timer is running which would
end the study. However, no timer was implemented in
the study, the instruction was only formulated to in-
crease time pressure for the participants. Participants
were informed that the study investigates their online
shopping behavior, without naming online shopping
scam/trust as the primary focus of the study. This pro-
cedure was chosen to prevent participants from being
primed about the trust indicators of the study. Partic-
ipants were instructed to use their desktop computer
rather than their mobile phone or tablet to minimize
contextual factors impacting data quality.
Participants navigated through the online stores at
their own discretion. Nine different products (back-
packs) with picture, name and price were shown on
each shop’s main page.
For each product a details page existed, compris-
ing two or three pictures of the backpack, a short
product description, and stock/delivery time. In the
footer of each store, links to various subpages such
as the imprint and the terms and conditions, trust-
marks (one e-commerce trustmark and one trustmark
by a technical inspection agency) and payment logos
were presented. After participants added a product to
the basket and started the checkout process, a page
summarized the products in the basket and the total
sum of their order. On the next page participants had
to choose between different payment methods before
being redirected to a page presenting pre-filled fictive
shipping and billing address as well as payment infor-
mation. Upon confirming their simulated order and
payment, they were redirected to the survey page de-
scribed in the following section.
3.2.2 Survey
Immediately after the final order confirmation, par-
ticipants were asked to fill in a survey collecting
sociodemographic information (gender, age, educa-
tional level, profession) and behavioral variables (fre-
quency of private Internet usage and Internet usage
at work, purchase behavior, frequency of online pur-
chase). Furthermore, participants were asked to an-
swer if they felt time pressure during the task and if
it had an impact on their purchase behavior, as well
as to rate several impact factors (price, website de-
sign, name of the online store, product design, prod-
uct description, banner, payment methods, subjective
experienced seriousness of the website, general terms
and conditions, cancellation terms, shipping terms,
imprint, trustmarks) on their purchase decision on a
Likert scale of one (no impact) to ve (big impact).
All items within the survey were mandatory.
3.3 Recruitment and Sample
To recruit participants, companies and institutions in
Austria were contacted via email including the study
link and a short description. German-speaking partic-
ipants with and without experience in online shopping
above the age of 18 were included. Sample character-
istics can be found in Table 2.
3.4 Data Analysis
All analyses were run with Stata 14.2. For as-
sociations between variables we used Chi-squared
test, Wilcoxon rank-sum test, Kruskal–Wallis one-
way analysis of variance, regression analysis or analy-
sis of variances (ANOVA) depending on their level of
measurement and the number of group comparisons.
We accept a 5% type 1 error rate for each single test as
a feature of our study. Of 651 participants who com-
pleted the study, five had to be excluded due to ques-
tionable validity of the data (e.g., started in one store
SECRYPT 2024 - 21st International Conference on Security and Cryptography
Table 1: Online shopping scam features used in our study.
Security Feature Trustworthy shop Veiled scam shop Obvious scam shop
Online store title Taschenstore Rucksack-welt Sportverein-Bergnatur
Online store title (translation) bag store backpack-world sports-club mountain nature
Imprint complete and correct incorrect/incomplete none, contact form instead
General terms and conditions complete and correct incorrect return information error code
Trustmarks real trustmark logo of trustmark none
Payment options credit card (selected), prepayment, invoice prepayment (selected), error otherwise credit card
Return information voluntary for 30 days 14 days no information
Warranty information complete and correct complete and correct no information
Shipping free from 70 C, 3-5 days no shipping costs, 1-3 days product in stock info
European Union Cookie Banner yes no no
Spelling correct correct spelling & special characters errors
Table 2: Sociodemographic and behavioral sample description.
Age and gender Internet use at work n %
male female diverse
18-29 27 77 1 Daily 490 75.85
30-44 87 106 1 Several times per week 102 15.79
45-54 92 86 0 About once a week 18 2.79
55+ 95 74 0 Less than once per week 36 5.57
Educational level n % Online purchase frequency n %
No high school diploma 162 25.08 Weekly 62 9.60
High school diploma 194 30.03 1x/2 weeks 134 20.74
Academics 235 36.38 1x/ month 196 30.34
Other 55 8.51 1x/every two months 139 21.55
1x/ every six months 68 10.53
Less than every six months 41 6.35
Never 6 0.93
and continued two days later in another store, exces-
sive long pause within the study participation, switch
of store after a longer pause of inactivity). There-
fore, the final sample consisted of 646 participants.
For analyses including sociodemographic and behav-
ioral variables, we decided to include age, gender, ed-
ucational level, frequency of online purchase and fre-
quency of Internet usage at work. We did not include
the other assessed variables (profession, purchase be-
havior, frequency of private Internet use), as they cor-
relate with some of the selected factors and therefore
would not reveal additional results.
In the following we will describe the results of our
study with regards to the research questions. An in-
terpretation of the presented results can be found in
the discussion section.
4.1 User Behavior
We found that the obvious scam store was visited
most frequently (n=503), followed by the veiled scam
store (n=479) and last the trustworthy store (n=471).
Also the number of participants buying were high-
est in the obvious scam store (n=318), followed by
the trustworthy (n=178) and the veiled scam store
(n=149). Most participants visited all three stores
(n=385), but also a high amount of participants vis-
ited only one store without comparing it to the oth-
ers (n=224). Participants visiting two stores were rare
Amount of Trust-Related Actions. Participants
who bought in the trustworthy online store were found
to show about six more trust-related actions com-
pared to participants who bought in the obvious scam
store (b=6.41, p<.001), and four more trust-related
actions compared to individuals completing in the
veiled scam store (b=4.04, p<.001). Individuals com-
pleting in the veiled scam store were shown to execute
two more trust-related actions compared to obvious
scam store buyers (b=2.37, p<.001). Furthermore,
in the group of participants visiting only one store,
only a small number of individuals executed trust-
related actions, compared to the number of partici-
pants executing trust-related actions in the group of
participants visiting two or three stores (see Table 3).
Also, a very low number of participants payed atten-
tion to trustmarks (n=118) or clicked to check them
Safe or Scam? An Empirical Simulation Study on Trust Indicators in Online Shopping
(n=36). However, those who did bought most often in
the trustworthy online store.
4.1.1 Associations of User Behavior and Time
Individuals within the time pressure condition re-
ported significant more subjective time pressure
(b=0.26, p<.001) and spent about 1.5 minutes less
in the study (b=-89.13, p<.001) compared to partic-
ipants in the non-time pressure condition. In gen-
eral, participants spent about 310 seconds (median;
= 5.2 minutes) in the study but showed a big varia-
tion in their duration (25 seconds up to 3110 seconds
= 51.8 minutes). Participants in the no-time pres-
sure condition executed two more trust-related actions
compared to participants in the time pressure condi-
tion (b=2.08, p<.001). However, no significant as-
sociation was found between the condition with and
without time pressure and choice of the online store
(d=0.06, p=.400).
4.1.2 Associations of User Behavior and
Behavioral Variables
Frequency of Internet usage at work, as well as the
frequency of online purchase did not show to have
a significant impact, neither on the amount of trust-
related actions (Internet usage at work: χ²(1)=1.72,
p=.189; online purchase frequency: χ²(6)=6.72,
p=.348), nor on the choice of the online store (Internet
usage at work: χ²(1)=3.606, p=.058; online purchase
frequency: χ²(6)=3.425, p=0.754).
4.1.3 Associations of User Behavior and
Sociodemographic Variables
The amount of trust-related actions was significantly
different between individuals with different educa-
tional levels, with academics showing the most and
participants without high school diploma showing
the least amount of trust-related actions (χ²(3)=13.93,
p=.003). However, no significant difference was
found between individuals with different educational
level and their choice of the online store in which
they bought (χ²(3)=2.22, p=.528) or the interaction
of educational level x amount of trust-related action
on the choice of the online store (F(49,559)=0.81,
Gender-Specific Analyses. For gender-specific
analyses participants with diverse gender were
excluded (n=2)
resulting in a sample of n=644 for
the following findings. In male participants, results
No analysis possible with n=2
were similar to the total sample, with most visits
in the obvious scam store (n=240; 80%), followed
by the veiled scam store (n=218; 72%) and last
the trustworthy store (n=193; 64%). In contrast, in
female participants, the trustworthy store was visited
most frequently (n=277; 81%)), followed by the
obvious scam store (n=262; 76%) and the veiled
scam store (n=259; 76%). However, the number of
participants buying in the obvious scam store were
highest in male (n=155; 51%) and female (n=162;
47%) participants. While male participants bought
least often in the trustworthy store (n=70; 23%; veiled
scam shop: n=76, 25%), female participants bought
more frequently in the trustworthy store compared
to the veiled scam store (n=108, 31%; veiled scam
shop: n=72, 20%). Amount of trust-related actions
were similar in both genders in the two scam stores
(male: veiled scam store n=2.672; obvious scam store
n=2.567; female: veiled scam store n=2.731; obvious
scam store n=2.639) and way less pronounced in the
trustworthy store (male: n=1.686; female: n=2.384).
No significant difference regarding the number
of trust-related actions was found between male and
female participants (d=0.13, p=.174;). We did find a
significant difference in the choice of the online store,
with female participants showing to have a decreased
risk to buy in the fake stores compared to the risk
of buying in the trustworthy store (trustworthy store
versus veiled scam shop: RRR=0.61, p=.030; trust-
worthy store versus obvious scam shop: RRR=0.68,
p=.041). A significant difference was found for
educational level between the gender groups (d=-
0.31, p<.001; female participants showing higher
educational levels), but no significant effect was
found for gender when considering educational level
on the choice of the online store (F(3,635)=0.14,
Age-Specific Analyses. Looking at different
age categories, we found that in all categories partic-
ipants most often bought in the obvious scam store
(18-29: n=49, 47%; 30-44: n=92, 47%; 45-54: n=89,
50%; 55+: n=88, 53%) and except for the youngest
age group, least often in the veiled scam store (18-29:
n=34, 32%; 30-44: n=43, 22%; 45-54: n=40, 22%;
55+: n=32, 19%). The youngest age group bought
least often in the trustworthy store (18-29: n=22,
21%). The lowest number of trust-related actions
was executed in the trustworthy store by all groups
(18-29: n=624; 30-44: n=1.195; 45-54: n=1.174;
55+: n=1.079), and with exception for the group
of the 30-44 year old participants followed by the
obvious scam store (18-29: n=802; 30-44: n=1.604;
45-54: n=1.412; 55+: n=1.397). Details on the
SECRYPT 2024 - 21st International Conference on Security and Cryptography
Table 3: Number of participants executing trust-related actions and number of participants who bought in stores by individuals
who visited only one store versus participants who visited two or three stores.
Visited one online shop Visited two or three online stores
scam shop
scam shop
scam shop
scam shop
n % n % n % n % n % n %
General terms and conditions 6 3 5 2 3 1 48 12 40 10 55 13
Impress / Contact 3 1 1 0 5 2 90 22 79 19 104 25
Shipping terms 4 2 2 1 3 1 50 12 66 16 73 18
Cancellation terms 4 2 1 0 4 2 54 13 68 16 78 19
Data security 4 2 4 2 - - 20 5 18 4 - -
Help / FAQ 1 0 0 0 2 1 15 4 22 5 44 11
mouseover trustmark (e-com) 5 2 5 2 - - 81 20 80 19 - -
click on trustmark (e-com) 0 0 0 0 - - 29 7 22 5 - -
mouseover trustmark (tech. insp.) - - 4 2 - - - - 89 22 - -
click on trustmark (tech. insp.) - - 0 0 - - - - 18 4 - -
n of participants bought in store 68 30 65 29 91 40 110 26 84 20 227 54
amount of individuals executing trust-related actions
by age category are presented in Table 4.
We did not find a significant difference between
the age categories with regard to the number of trust-
related actions (p=.838; χ²(3)=0.849) or the choice of
the online stores (p=.896; χ²(3)=0.60).
4.1.4 Ratings of Trust Indicators
Participants who performed trust-related actions rated
the indicators to have significantly more impact on
their purchase decision than those who did not per-
form the respective trust-related action (trustmark:
b=0.73, p<.001; imprint: b=2.04, p<.001; gen-
eral terms and conditions: b=1.05, p<.001; shipping
terms: b=0.43, p<.001; cancellation terms: b=0.82,
p<.001). However, ratings in the not-executing group
were still quite high for the different trust indicators
(between 2.2 and 3.6 on a scale of 1-5).
In our study we found that participants visited and
bought most often in the obvious scam store. Fur-
thermore, participants who bought in the trustworthy
store showed more trust-related actions compared to
those who bought in scam stores. Those who bought
in the obvious scam store executed the least trust-
related actions. In addition, about one third of the
sample visited only one online store and did not com-
pare different store versions. These results cannot be
explained by the order in which the online stores were
presented on the landing page of the study as the pre-
sentation was randomized for each participant. A pos-
sible explanation for the higher number of visits of the
obvious scam store could be provided by the pictures
and names of the stores, which might be most attrac-
tive for the obvious scam store. Also, the high visitor
rate of the obvious scam store impacts the number of
purchases in this store. Finally, the low pricing in the
obvious scam store seems to be a major reason for
participants to decide to buy in this store.
The least trust-related actions were executed in the
trustworthy store. It has been shown that in the group
of participants visiting only one store only a small
number of participants executed trust-related actions.
However, all groups showed highest purchasing rates
in the obvious scam store, with even higher numbers
in the group of participants visiting two or three stores
(54% versus 40%). Looking at the mouse activity we
found, that a very low number of participants tend to
check the authenticity of trustmarks by clicking the
displayed trustmark icons. Those who did click on
trustmark icons most often bought in the trustwor-
thy store and bought least often in the obvious scam
store. This might suggest, that those who are aware
of trustmarks and how to check them are able to dis-
tinguish between trustworthy and scam stores. How-
ever, with the small number of participants checking
for trustmarks this has to be interpreted carefully. We
also found that participants who did not execute trust-
related actions, rated the impact of the trust-indicators
quite high (between 2.2-3.6 on a scale of 1 to 5). This
might indicate, that participants are aware of possible
trust indicators for (non-)trustworthy stores, however,
they fail to transform this knowledge into actions.
Furthermore, analyses of variables possibly identify-
ing individuals at risk, namely gender, age, frequency
of Internet use at work, and frequency of online pur-
chase did not show significant effects with regards
to the amount of trust-related actions. There was a
significant effect of educational level on the number
of trust-related actions, this association, however, did
not show to have an effect on the choice of the online
store in which participants bought the product. Also,
Safe or Scam? An Empirical Simulation Study on Trust Indicators in Online Shopping
Table 4: Numbers of participants executing trust-related actions by age categories.
Total Trustworthy shop
Age categories 18-29 30-44 45-54 55+ 18-29 30-44 45-54 55+
n % n % n % n % n % n % n % n %
General terms and conditions 14 13 45 23 25 14 22 13 5 6 21 14 16 13 12 10
Impress / Contact 15 14 44 23 41 23 28 17 9 11 31 21 32 27 21 18
Shipping terms 19 18 41 21 31 17 26 15 8 10 13 9 23 19 10 9
Cancellation terms 21 20 40 21 35 20 24 14 10 12 18 12 20 17 10 9
Data security 3 3 13 7 9 5 14 8 1 1 6 4 9 8 8 7
Help / FAQ 7 7 21 11 18 10 10 6 3 4 7 5 3 3 3 3
Mouseover event on trustmark (e-com) 18 17 31 16 33 19 36 21 11 13 25 17 23 19 27 23
Mouse click on trustmark (e-com) 5 5 9 5 11 6 11 7 3 4 7 5 9 8 10 9
Mouseover event on trustmark (tech. insp.) 14 13 24 12 25 14 30 18 -* -* -* -* -* -* -* -*
Mouse click on trustmark (tech. insp.) 3 3 2 1 8 4 5 3 -* -* -* -* -* -* -* -*
Veiled scam shop Obvious scam shop
Age categories 18-29 30-44 45-54 55+ 18-29 30-44 45-54 55+
n % n % n % n % n % n % n % n %
General terms and conditions 5 6 22 15 9 7 9 8 5 6 27 18 14 10 12 9
Impress / Contact 8 9 26 17 25 20 21 18 12 13 40 26 33 24 24 19
Shipping terms 11 13 23 15 17 14 17 14 13 15 27 18 19 14 17 13
Cancellation terms 10 12 23 15 19 15 17 14 15 17 29 19 24 18 14 11
Data security 3 3 7 5 4 3 8 7 -* -* -* -* -* -* -* -*
Help / FAQ 3 3 7 5 6 5 6 5 6 7 18 12 15 11 7 5
Mouseover event on trustmark (e-com) 13 15 23 15 22 18 27 23 -* -* -* -* -* -* -* -*
Mouse click on trustmark (e-com) 4 5 6 4 7 6 30 25 -* -* -* -* -* -* -* -*
Mouseover event on trustmark (tech. insp.) 14 16 24 16 25 20 5 4 -* -* -* -* -* -* -* -*
Mouse click on trustmark (tech. insp.) 3 3 2 1 8 7 5 4 -* -* -* -* -* -* -* -*
no significant effects were found for age, frequency of
Internet use at work and frequency of online purchase
on the choice of the online store.
Significant differences in the visits and choice
of online stores were found between male and fe-
male participants, with female participants visiting
and buying more often in the trustworthy store. How-
ever, this difference might be explained by the name
of the trustworthy online store, which might be more
attractive to female participants. We therefore do
not want to interpret this result as a causal effect of
gender. Furthermore, while female participants com-
pared stores more often, both genders bought most
often in the obvious scam store. These findings are
in stark contrast to prior research finding men and
individuals with higher educational level to have a
higher risk of visiting non-trustworthy online stores
and therefore are at risk of being victims of online
scam stores (Georgiev, 2021). However, the previous
study used telephone interviews to examine risky be-
havior with regard to online shopping, therefore, male
being more pronounced to become victims in this
study might also be due to social desirable response
behavior. Our study minimized the impact of social
desirable behavior by veiling the purpose of the study
and observing behavior directly. Participants in the
condition including time pressure reported more sub-
jective feelings of time pressure and spent less time in
the study. However, it did not have a significant effect
on the choice of the online store for the purchase.
To answer the research questions, participants
seemed to have some knowledge of or interest in
trust indicators, however, other factors such as pric-
ing seem to exceed these. Also, the present study did
not find any personal or contextual factors to have sig-
nificant impact on the decision in which online store
participants would buy. An association was found
between the amount of trust-related actions and the
choice of the online store, such as participants who
bought in the trustworthy online store executed more
trust-related actions than participants who bought in
scam stores. As the tested factors, such as age, gen-
der, educational level, frequency of online purchase
behavior, frequency of Internet usage at work, or time
pressure did not show significant impact, it remains
unclear what characterizes individuals who are able
to distinguish between trustworthy and scam stores.
5.1 Implications
Personal and contextual factors of the present study
were not able to differentiate between individuals at
risk for scam. This raises the question of whether
there are factors that characterize a target group for
intervention, or whether measures should be defined
for the population as a whole. While the security com-
munity already provides extensive information about
online scams, there still seems to be a gap between the
SECRYPT 2024 - 21st International Conference on Security and Cryptography
information available and the information that ends up
with the customer. Therefore, education about scam
stores and how to identify them might need even more
attention or it might need to be provided in a different
way. One indicator the present study seems to reveal
is trustmarks. Therefore, it might be useful to educate
individuals about trustmarks and how to check them,
as well as to encourage online stores to implement
trustmarks on their websites. Trainings could also be
an effective way to educate individuals about the risks
of scam stores and how to avoid them.
5.2 Conclusion
In this paper we used an online simulation study de-
sign to examine user behavior during online shopping
with regard to trust indicators. We found that only a
minority of the participants executed trust-related ac-
tions and most participants bought in the obvious fake
store – probably due to its low pricing or its name and
visual appearance. The study did not reveal any per-
sonal or contextual factors significantly influencing
the decision for buying in a specific store. While there
were significant gender-related differences in the ini-
tial selection of a store, the majority of the purchases
were still made in the obvious scam store. These find-
ings can provide a foundation for future research on
user perception of trust in online shopping scenarios.
SBA Research (SBA-K1) is a COMET Centre within
the COMET Competence Centers for Excel-
lent Technologies Programme and funded by BMK,
BMAW, and the federal state of Vienna. COMET is
managed by FFG.
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Safe or Scam? An Empirical Simulation Study on Trust Indicators in Online Shopping