Cracking the Code: Web 3.0 Software Development Challenges and
Surya Bahadur Kathayat
Department of Computer Science, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway
Web 3.0, Sofware Development, Challenges and Guidelines.
In the recent years, as the Web 3.0 continues to shape the digital landscape, developers faces many challenges
in navigating this dynamic terrain. This paper, informed by extensive literature review and insights from multi-
ple Web 3.0 applications development, examines the primary hurdles faced in Web 3.0 software development.
These challenges span from scalability and interoperability to security and user experience. Furthermore, the
paper presents essential architectural guidelines and best practices aimed at assisting developers in overcoming
these obstacles and constructing robust and future-ready Web 3.0 applications. By addressing these observed
challenges and adhering to the proposed guidelines, developers can effectively harness the full potential of
Web 3.0 and facilitate its widespread acceptance.
Web 2.0 and Web 3.0 represent two distinct phases
in the evolution of the internet, each characterized by
its own unique features, capabilities, and philosophies
regarding user interaction and data management. Web
2.0, often referred to as the participative social web,
signifies the transition from static web pages to dy-
namic or user-generated content and the growth of so-
cial networks. It’s the era of the internet that enabled
users to interact with sites and with each other, creat-
ing, sharing, and commenting on content online. This
phase saw the rise of blogs, social media platforms,
wikis, and services that emphasized user collabora-
tion. The underlying technology of Web 2.0 mainly
includes client-server based frameworks, making data
centralized and in the hands of a few large companies,
leading to concerns over privacy, data ownership, and
the monetization of personal information.
Web 3.0, on the other hand, is the decentralized
web, aiming to make internet more autonomous, intel-
ligent, and open. The Web 3.0 emphasizes decentral-
ization, aiming to give users more control over their
data through decentralized technologies, which facil-
itate secure, transparent transactions and interactions
without the need for centralized authorities or inter-
mediaries. In essence, the transition from Web 2.0 to
Web 3.0 marks a shift from a centralized web domi-
nated by large corporations to a decentralized ecosys-
tem that prioritizes user privacy, data ownership, and
intelligent, personalized web experiences. While Web
2.0 made the internet more social and interactive, Web
3.0 seeks to make it more secure, intelligent, and user-
As we navigate this new era, characterized by de-
centralized architectures, enhanced user experiences,
and advanced data handling capabilities, developers
are faced with a myriad of challenges and opportuni-
ties. In this paper, we delve into the intricacies of de-
veloping software for the Web 3.0 environment. Our
exploration encompasses not only the technical hur-
dles but also the strategic considerations essential for
success in this dynamic ecosystem. By identifying
key challenges and offering practical guidelines, we
aim to provide developers and innovators with the in-
sights and tools necessary to navigate the complex-
ities of Web 3.0 software development effectively.
Through this endeavor, we seek to contribute to the
advancement of Web 3.0 technology and empower in-
novators to unlock its full potential.
Here’s what’s coming up: In Section 2 we’ll ex-
amine relevant literature. Section 3 outlines the re-
search methodology and the experiments conducted.
The subsequent sections present guiding principles,
challenges and technical advice for Web 3.0 software
development. A comprehensive discussion and con-
clusion is presented towards the end.
Kathayat, S.
Cracking the Code: Web 3.0 Software Development Challenges and Guidelines.
DOI: 10.5220/0012852800003753
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Software Technologies (ICSOFT 2024), pages 458-468
ISBN: 978-989-758-706-1; ISSN: 2184-2833
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
2.1 DApps Development
Central to the Web 3.0 transformation are decentral-
ized applications (DApps) (Cai et al., 2018). The
DApps have some sort of decentralized storage, and
user interface design! Developing robust and scal-
able Web 3.0 applications presents unique challenges
and require innovative methodologies and best prac-
tices. Most of the literature are based on the Ethereum
blockchain platform, which offers unprecedented lev-
els of transparency, security, and trustlessness. Au-
thors (W
ohrer and Zdun, 2021) explore practical ap-
proaches to building DApps using Ethereum, with
a focus on design patterns, security, and scalability.
Raval’s Decentralized Applications: Harnessing Bit-
coin’s Blockchain Technology offers hands-on guid-
ance for building DApps using blockchain technolo-
gies beyond Ethereum (Raval, 2016).
2.2 Smart Contracts
Smart contracts serve as the backbone of Web 3.0
applications, enabling automated execution of digi-
tal agreements. Mastering Ethereum by Antonopou-
los and Wood offers comprehensive guidance on
writing, deploying, and interacting with smart con-
tracts (Antonopoulos and Wood, 2018). Addition-
ally, Solidity Programming Essentials by (DeForest,
2023) provides practical insights into Solidity, the pri-
mary language for writing smart contracts. Ethereum
Cookbook by (Manoj, 2018) offers a collection of
recipes for common Ethereum development tasks, in-
cluding deploying and interacting with smart con-
2.3 Integration and Interoperability
Like a traditional software development, web 3.0 de-
velopment also intersects integration and interoper-
ability as developers design, implement, and test sys-
tems to facilitate seamless communication and data
exchange between diverse software components and
external systems. There are some standardized data
formats and protocols, and leveraged middleware to
streamline integration processes. Blockchain Basics
by (Drescher, 2017) offers insights into integrating
blockchain solutions with existing web 2.0 systems.
Enterprise Blockchain Development in (Lee and
Ghosh, 2018) explores enterprise-grade blockchain
development methodologies, covering topics such as
consortium networks, permissioned blockchains, and
interoperability standards. Cryptoassets by (Burniske
and Tatar, 2017), navigates the complexities of cryp-
tocurrencies, offers insights into their integration with
traditional web services. Understanding Ethereum by
(Scott, 2017) provides exploration of the platform’s
architecture, protocols, and design principles, shed-
ding light on its interoperability with existing web in-
2.4 Security and Governance
Security is paramount in Web 3.0 development, par-
ticularly when dealing with smart contracts and de-
centralized applications. Sajid’s Ultimate Blockchain
Security Handbook offers insights into securing smart
contracts and DApps on the Ethereum blockchain, in-
cluding best practices for auditing and testing (Sajid,
2023). Blockchain Cybersecurity, Trust and Privacy
by (Choo et al., 2020) delves into various DApp use
cases and their implications for privacy, security, and
governance. The DAO of Capital and Blockchain and
the Law respectively explores the concept of decen-
tralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) in Web
3.0 governance and delves into legal and regulatory
challenges associated with decentralized applications
(De Filippi and Wright, 2018).
2.5 Web 3.0 Game Developments
The game development within the context of Web
3.0 is a burgeoning area with a focus on exploring
the convergence of blockchain technology, decentral-
ized systems, and gaming (Sahin, 2023). The litera-
ture in this domain typically investigates the integra-
tion of blockchain and smart contracts to enable novel
gameplay mechanics, true ownership of in-game as-
sets through non-fungible tokens (NFTs), and decen-
tralized economies within gaming ecosystems (Min
et al., 2019). Additionally, research in game design
and user experience examines how to optimize user
onboarding processes in decentralized environments
(Iyer and Dannen, 2018). The literature in this field is
still emerging.
2.6 The DeFi Revolution
Development on decentralized finance (DeFi) is prob-
ably one of the most talked topic of Web 3.0.
Friesendorf et al.s Decentralized Finance (DeFi):
How Decentralized Applications (DApps) Disrupt
Banking, offer deep explorations into the intricate
mechanics of DeFi protocols, including decentral-
ized exchanges (DEXs), lending platforms, and gov-
ernance mechanisms (Friesendorf, 2023). Technical
documentation and whitepapers from leading DeFi
Cracking the Code: Web 3.0 Software Development Challenges and Guidelines
projects, like Uniswap’s whitepaper Automated Mar-
ket Making (Uniswap, 2024) and Compound’s The
Money Market Protocol (Compound, 2024), provide
foundational knowledge and implementation details
crucial for developers and researchers. Furthermore,
conferences like the Ethereum Foundation’s Devcon
and ConsenSys Summits serve as hubs for the dis-
semination of cutting-edge research, best practices,
and innovative ideas in the realm of decentralized
finance, fostering collaboration and knowledge ex-
change among developers, and industry stakeholders.
Our research methodology draws inspiration from ag-
ile principles and design science research, focusing on
tackling one problem at a time and iterating in small
steps. This approach prioritizes flexibility, adaptabil-
ity, and continuous improvement, enabling us to ef-
fectively address changing requirements and uncer-
tainties. By integrating experimentation, hypothesis
testing, and data-driven decision-making, Agile De-
sign Science fosters curiosity, exploration, and learn-
ing. This allows for continuous prototyping, and
shorter user feedback loops to refine solutions iter-
atively and drive innovation. Through this iterative
process, Agile Design Science promotes creativity,
resilience, and a culture of continuous learning, ul-
timately leading to more impactful outcomes.
3.1 Experiments
We’ve undertaken a series of experimental projects,
each distinct in nature.
3.1.1 Academic Diploma Verification Platform
Our first experiment (Hustad and Fredrik, 2021) is to
develop a simple decentralized app resembling a Web
3.0 wallet designed to revolutionize academic creden-
tials storage and transparent verification. Users can
import verified documents, such as academic diplo-
mas, into a web wallet and share them with potential
employers during recruitment. While the technology
functions well, we’ve encountered several challenges.
The primary issue is the performance of storing and
retrieving large documents, along with associated gas
fees for blockchain transactions. Additionally, stor-
ing documents transparently in a decentralized net-
work somewhat limits data ownership aspects, despite
the preservation of document integrity by Web 3.0
technology. The architecture of the application was
quite simple - set of JavaScript based front-end com-
ponents representing issuer and verifier, and a back-
end with a set of smart contracts communicating to
the blockchain.
3.1.2 Identity Wallet Platform
In this experiment (Bliudzius et al., 2022), we have
envisioned a cutting-edge identity platform to tran-
scend the boundaries of conventional digital iden-
tity based authentication methods. The idea behind
was based on self-sovereign identity (SSI) where user
identity verification (e.g Norwegian BankID) is done
once, stored securely in the wallet in the form of ver-
ified credential (VC) and later can be used by the
user for verification in the form of verifiable presenta-
tions (VP). This not only offers ownership of identity
data back to the users, but also has large economi-
cal advantages along with increased privacy and secu-
rity. The platform boasts both mobile and web-based
interfaces, and seamlessly integrated web 3.0 into a
sophisticated Web 2.0 back-end infrastructure. With
this fusion of traditional web 2.0 functionalities with
the immutable, trustless architecture of web 3.0 tech-
nology, we have drawn some Web 3.0. architectural
guidelines and design principles ensuring seamless
interoperability and enhanced security. The guide-
lines are comprehensively presented later section in
this paper.
The overall architecture of the platform has fol-
lowing main components.
Mobile and web wallets written in react-native
and uses Veramo APIs for handling verifiable data
and SSI.
Web 2.0 backend serving as orchestrator for Is-
suers, User wallets, and Verifiers. It also manages
keys, resolves identities and account data.
Web 3.0 backend with a set of smart contracts
written in Rust. It communicates the underlying
Polkadot Blockchain.
Issuers web applications mocking the issuance of
Verifiers or consumers web applications that sim-
ulate services consuming identities.
3.1.3 Web 3.0 Gaming Applications
We have then experimented by developing multiple
web 3.0 games. First, in BlackJack (Gimre, 2023) and
Tic Toc (Groven, 2023), we focused on the concur-
rency aspect, where players play the game simultane-
ously. We also wanted to have most of the game logic
decentralized i.e in the blockchain. Technically, it is
possible but we have faced several obstacles. Trans-
action delay was the main factor.
ICSOFT 2024 - 19th International Conference on Software Technologies
Figure 1: System architecture of the Web 3.0 games.
Then in TokenTrivia (Bendvold et al., 2024), we
shifted our focus on having a optimal technical so-
lution. We combined best of web 2.0 and web 3.0.
It helped us to validate our architectural guidelines
that underpin the development process, advocating for
scalable, modular architectures that facilitate seam-
less integration of web 2.0 and web 3.0 ensuring
optimal performance across diverse gaming environ-
The generic system architecture for web 3.0 en-
ables games is shown in Figure 1. Note the learn-
ing from our earlier experiment on Identity Platform,
we have decided to have Node.js based web 2.0 back-
end component. We discovered that this option offers
better performance. Furthermore, there are numerous
JavaScript-based frameworks and resources available
that facilitated a swift start and allowed for a short
development cycle.
After extensive experimentation and research, we’ve
established best practices for Web 3.0 solutions, cov-
ering interoperability, scalability, security, and user
experience. These guidelines provide developers with
a roadmap for building resilient, future-ready applica-
tions in decentralized technologies.
4.1 Think Decentralization at the Core
One needs to think fundamentally differently when
comes to web 3.0 software development compared to
traditional web 2.0! In a decentralized system, there’s
no single point of control or failure; instead, respon-
sibilities are shared among various nodes or partic-
ipants ensuring resilience and autonomy. Accord-
ingly, the software architecture should be such that
distributes power, application logic, authority, and
decision-making across a network rather than concen-
trating it in a single entity or server.
4.2 Continuous Innovation
A fundamental guiding principle for Web 3.0 software
development is fostering a mindset and culture of con-
tinuous innovation. Given the youthful and evolv-
ing nature of the field, it’s imperative to remain agile,
embrace change, and adopt emerging technologies to
stay ahead in Web 3.0 software development.
4.3 Scale with Agility
Scaling with agility in Web 3.0 development in-
volves carefully selecting blockchain technology tai-
lored to specific application needs, such as Ethereum
for its robust ecosystem or Solana for high-speed
transactions. Layer 2 solutions like state channels,
sidechains, and rollups can enhance scalability by
handling transactions off the main blockchain, thus
improving throughput and reducing costs. Off-chain
computation through oracles or services like The
Graph helps optimize data handling and costs.
It’s also critical to maintain agile development
practices, focusing on iterative development, con-
tinuous integration, and automated testing to adapt
quickly to changes. Optimizing smart contract code
for efficiency, designing user-friendly interfaces, and
staying updated with the latest technologies and reg-
ulations are also essential for creating scalable, effi-
cient, and compliant Web 3.0 applications. This ap-
proach not only addresses technical scalability but
also ensures the application remains accessible and
practical for end-users, leveraging the decentralized
nature of the web without compromising on perfor-
4.4 Community-Centric Approach
State of the art web 3.0 software development is
fragmented based on different blockchain platforms.
Such platforms have their own dedicated commu-
nities engaging users, developments and innovators.
Cracking the Code: Web 3.0 Software Development Challenges and Guidelines
Many of the communities even engage users in gov-
ernance, feedback loops, and decision-making pro-
cesses to ensure your software evolves with the needs
of the community. Therefore emphasize collabora-
tion, transparency, and inclusivity. Involve or get in-
volved in decentralized governance mechanisms like
DAOs, open contribution to project development,
token-based incentives, education, and a commitment
to transparency and accountability. This approach
empowers users, developers, and stakeholders to ac-
tively participate, shape projects, and collectively ad-
vance further.
4.5 Interoperability Bridges
Web 3.0 is still very diverse! It is useful to use
protocols or mechanisms that facilitate communica-
tion and data exchange between different decentral-
ized systems such as blockchain networks. This en-
ables ability of diverse systems and platforms to work
together seamlessly and overcome the fragmentation
and siloed nature of blockchain ecosystems. This also
means fostering ecosystem growth and collaboration
enabling organizations to leverage existing infrastruc-
tures and tap into diverse networks.
However, while these bridges offer significant ad-
vantages, they also introduce security risks, as the
bridge itself can become a target for attacks. Develop-
ers must therefore also focus on building secure bridg-
ing protocols to safeguard cross-chain interactions.
4.6 Fortify with Security
Boost the security of your applications by incorpo-
rating robust measures to defend against potential
threats. Utilize encryption, conduct frequent audits,
and implement trustworthy authentication methods to
fortify your systems. By adopting these comprehen-
sive security practices, you can safeguard your data
and infrastructure from unauthorized access and ma-
licious activities. Additionally, fostering a culture
of security awareness within the development pro-
cess ensures that all stakeholders remain vigilant and
proactive in addressing evolving security challenges.
4.7 Empower User Sovereignty
Provide individual users with the empowerment to
oversee their digital existence by granting them au-
tonomy over their data, identities, and online inter-
actions. This empowerment entails not only owner-
ship and management of personal data but also the
ability to regulate digital identities, safeguard privacy,
embrace decentralized platforms, and prioritize de-
sign that revolves around the needs and preferences of
users. By considering these principles, users can feel
more empowered and in command of their online ex-
periences, fostering a digital environment that is both
inclusive and respectful of individual rights and pref-
4.8 Tokenomics for Sustainability
Tokonomics and reward is the beauty of web 3.0.
Especially rewarding those who offer distributed re-
sources such as computing power is good in terms
of sustainability. Therefore if your application has
tokonomics, design ecosystems with robust and sus-
tainable token economics. Incentivize participation
and contribution while maintaining long-term viabil-
ity and value creation.
4.9 Craft Seamless Experiences
Engaging users is a fundamental challenge in any
software systems! This is even more essential for
young and emerging web 3.0 systems. Therefore craft
experiences that captivate and delight end users. Pri-
oritize intuitive interfaces, friction less onboarding for
example from web 2.0 to web 3.0, and user-centric
design to ensure adoption and retention.
4.10 Immutable Accountability
In Web 3.0, immutable accountability refers to using
blockchain technology to record transactions in a way
that cannot be altered, ensuring all actions are perma-
nently and transparently logged. This approach is cru-
cial in applications like smart contracts and decentral-
ized apps (DApps), where it guarantees that once data
or agreements are entered into the blockchain, they re-
main unchangeable and verifiable by all participants.
This transparency builds trust, reduces fraud, and en-
sures that all network activities can be audited at any
time, fostering a reliable and secure digital environ-
ment. On the other hand, it may have consequences
against privacy. So use it wisely.
The following challenges emerged during our endeav-
5.1 Complexity in Development
One of the most formidable challenges we faced in
Web 3.0 software development is the steep learn-
ICSOFT 2024 - 19th International Conference on Software Technologies
ing curve associated with blockchain technology and
decentralized systems. Developers must grapple
with new programming languages like Solidity for
Ethereum, Rust for Polkadot, etc as well as under-
stand the intricacies of smart contracts and consensus
5.2 Scalability Challenges
When it comes to multiple users and increased num-
ber of transactions, the underlying blockchain plat-
forms face scalability issues, struggling to handle in-
creased transaction volumes without compromising
on speed or inflating costs.
5.3 Security Vulnerabilities
The immutable nature of blockchain is a double-
edged sword. While it provides security against data
tampering, it also means that any vulnerability in
smart contracts or the decentralized application itself
is permanent and can be exploited repeatedly. That re-
quires careful design and development of smart con-
5.4 User Experience Hurdles
Creating user-friendly experiences in Web 3.0 is quite
challenging and they stem from the complexity of de-
centralized technologies. Challenges include man-
aging wallets and cryptographic keys, high transac-
tion fees and slow speeds, complex onboarding pro-
cesses, unfamiliar interfaces, lack of support systems,
and data privacy concerns. Simplifying wallet man-
agement, streamlining onboarding processes, improv-
ing interface design, establishing robust support sys-
tems, clarifying regulations, and enhancing data pri-
vacy measures are key steps to address these hurdles
and make Web 3.0 more accessible and user-friendly.
5.5 Regulatory Ambiguity
Regulatory ambiguity poses significant challenges for
Web 3.0 development. The decentralized world is still
in a legal gray area, with varying regulations across
jurisdictions and different geographic locations. Un-
clear legal status, compliance burdens, regulatory ar-
bitrage, enforcement risks, and impacts on innovation
hinder progress. Collaboration between stakeholders
is very crucial to develop clear and balanced regula-
tory frameworks that support innovation.
5.6 Privacy and Transparency
Privacy and transparency in Web 3.0 present a deli-
cate balance. While decentralized technologies offer
increased privacy by decentralizing control over per-
sonal data, they also introduce challenges. Immutable
public ledgers, like blockchains, may compromise
user confidentiality, while fully private transactions
can hinder auditability. Similarly, while blockchain
enhances transparency by providing an immutable
record, it raises concerns about data visibility. Ad-
dressing these challenges requires innovative solu-
tions, collaboration among stakeholders to develop
and promote standards that promote both privacy and
Choosing the right technologies is crucial for devel-
oping robust, scalable, and future-ready web 3.0 ap-
plications. The recommendations provided in this
section are based on our experience and expertise in
the current technological landscape, aiming to em-
power individuals to make informed decisions.
6.1 Blockchain Platforms
Various Blockchain platforms support app develop-
ment, but they often lack compatibility, requiring apps
to be rewritten for different platforms. Our experi-
ments have been conducted on Ethereum and Polka-
dot. Some popular options for app development in-
clude Ethereum, Polkadot, Solana, Cardano, etc. Se-
lect the one that is suitable for your requirements.
6.1.1 Ethereum
It remain the most popular choice for developing
DApps due to its widespread adoption, smart con-
tract functionality, and developer-friendly ecosystem.
It provides Ethereum virtual machine for running
DApps. However, Ethereum also faces challenges,
such as scalability issues and high gas fees.
6.1.2 Polkadot
It’s interoperability and scalability features make it
an excellent choice for building cross-chain DApps.
Its multi-chain framework enables parallel process-
ing and seamless communication between diverse
Cracking the Code: Web 3.0 Software Development Challenges and Guidelines
6.1.3 Solana
It is known for its high throughput and low latency.
With its innovative consensus mechanism, Solana can
process thousands of transactions per second, mak-
ing it ideal for demanding applications like DeFi and
6.2 Smart Contract Languages
Solidity (Zheng et al., 2020) and Rust (Sharma, 2024)
are two of the most widely used smart contract lan-
guages. Solidity is for Ethereum-based DApps, of-
fering a JavaScript like syntax and extensive tooling
support. Rust is the preferred language for building
smart contracts on Substrate-based blockchains like
Polkadot, offering strong type safety and performance
6.3 Web Development Frameworks
Web3.js and ethers.js are two popular libraries that
allow developers to interact with Ethereum nodes
and smart contracts, making it essential for building
Ethereum-based DApps. The ethers.js is newer, mod-
ular, and lightweight.
Moralis is a backend infrastructure provider that
simplifies Ethereum development by offering tools
and services for managing user authentication, data
storage, and real-time updates. Truffle Suite and
Hardhat are the popular development environments
providing a comprehensive development environment
for Ethereum developers, including tools for smart
contract compilation, debugging, testing, and deploy-
Popular web 2.0 frontend frameworks, such as
React.js, Vue.js or Angular can be seamlessly used
for web 3.0 app developements. All of these offer a
component-based architecture and a large ecosystem
of libraries and tools for building interactive and re-
sponsive DApps, making it suitable for complex Web
3.0 projects.
6.4 Distributed Storage
Data and information in web 3.0 applications are dis-
tributed along time and location axis. The information
can be in the form of files, log messages, structured
data in databases or transactions.
6.4.1 Interplanetary File System
Is a distributed file storage protocol that enables de-
centralized and censorship-resistant data storage. It
is commonly used in Web 3.0 applications for storing
content such as images, videos, and documents.
6.4.2 Databases
Store various types of structured data, such as user
profiles, transaction records, and application state.
They support CRUD operations to manipulate data
and enforce data consistency and integrity through
transactions and constraints. Use of databases in Web
3.0 is similar as in Web 2.0, and can be implemented
using SQL, or NoSQL databases depending on the re-
6.4.3 Logs
In Web 3.0 applications record events such as user in-
teractions, system errors, smart contract executions,
etc. They capture metadata like timestamps, user IDs,
and transaction IDs to provide context for each event.
Logs are essential for diagnosing and troubleshooting
issues, auditing user activities, and analyzing system
performance. In addition, Logs in blockchain systems
serve to record and provide transparency for various
events and transactions within the network.
6.4.4 Ledgers
In Web 3.0 applications maintain a distributed ledger
of transactions and smart contract state changes
across multiple nodes in a network. They use con-
sensus mechanisms like Proof of Work or Proof of
Stake to validate and append new transactions to the
ledger in a secure and decentralized manner. Ledgers
are used for recording financial transactions, asset
transfers, digital identity management, and other de-
centralized interactions. They ensure data integrity,
transparency, and censorship resistance by providing
a shared source of truth that is verifiable by all partic-
ipants in the network.
6.5 Oracles
Oracles play a crucial role in decentralized applica-
tions, and should be used whenever possible. They
act as bridges between blockchain smart contracts and
real-world data sources. They fetch and verify ex-
ternal information ensuring data authenticity and in-
tegrity. Common usages of oracles include:
to provide real-time price feeds in DeFi protocols
like decentralized exchanges or lending platforms
to track real-time data in supply chains
to provide weather data to smart contracts to
hedge against weather-related risks, etc
ICSOFT 2024 - 19th International Conference on Software Technologies
6.6 The WebSockets
WebSockets play a pivotal role in Web 3.0 app devel-
opment by establishing persistent, bidirectional com-
munication channels between clients and decentral-
ized nodes. Unlike traditional HTTP requests, which
are stateless and require repeated polling for updates,
WebSockets maintain an open connection, enabling
seamless real-time updates and notifications. This al-
lows DApps to receive instant updates on blockchain
transactions, smart contract events, and other net-
work activities, ensuring users stay informed about
the latest developments in the ecosystem. More-
over, WebSockets provide efficient data transfer, min-
imizing network overhead and latency compared to
polling. Maintaining persistent connections, they en-
hance the responsiveness and interactivity of Web 3.0
apps. Scalability is another key advantage of Web-
Sockets, as they support distributed architectures and
horizontal scaling across multiple servers or nodes.
This enables Web 3.0 applications to handle large
numbers of concurrent connections and maintain re-
sponsiveness even under heavy loads. Note however
that, WebSockets should be secured using Transport
Layer Security encryption, ensuring that data trans-
mitted is encrypted and protected from eavesdrop-
ping. This is crucial for maintaining the confidential-
ity and integrity of user data.
6.7 Usage of Wallets
Wallets are key part of web 3.0 due to their decentral-
ized in nature. Unlike in web 2.0, the wallets in web
3.0 allows users to have full control over their assets
without the need for intermediaries. Here are guide-
lines for using wallets in Web 3.0 development.
6.7.1 Wallet Providers
Select established and reputable wallet providers,
such as Metamask, with a track record of security and
reliability. Prioritize wallets that are open-source and
have undergone third-party security audits.
6.7.2 Privacy and Data Protection
Respect user privacy by minimizing data collection
and ensuring the protection of sensitive information
such as transaction history and account balances. In-
form users about privacy features and options avail-
able within the wallet.
6.7.3 Regular Awareness
Educate users about security practices such as safe-
guarding private keys, using hardware wallets where
possible, and enabling additional security features
like multi-factor authentication. Encourage users to
verify transaction details carefully before confirming
6.8 App Deployment Strategies
Smart contract and decentralized application deploy-
ment strategies require meticulous planning, focusing
on effectiveness, security, reliability, and scalability.
Here are some recommendations:
6.8.1 Network Selection
Select the suitable blockchain network considering
factors such as scalability, security, and decentraliza-
tion, with options like Ethereum. Solana and Polka-
dot, each presenting unique trade-offs.
6.8.2 Testing
Conduct comprehensive testing before deployment,
including unit tests, integration tests, and security
tests. Choose an appropriate deployment environ-
ment, starting with Testnets before transitioning to
public or permissioned networks, each offering vary-
ing levels of access control, privacy, and scalability.
6.8.3 Upgradability and Governance
Consider requirements for contract upgradability and
governance mechanisms to manage future changes
and improvements to deployed contracts. Implement
upgradable contract patterns or use governance proto-
cols like DAOs to enable community-driven decision-
making and consensus on contract upgrades.
6.8.4 Gas Costs and Transaction Fees
Deployments and transactions incur costs! There-
fore, optimize contract code and transaction param-
eters to reduce gas consumption and improve cost-
6.8.5 Security Auditing
Implement security best practices (Naha, 2023) and
conduct security audits to mitigate risks associated
with smart contract vulnerabilities, such as reen-
trancy, overflow/underflow, and access control issues.
6.8.6 Tools and Infrastructure
Use tools and infrastructure to streamline the deploy-
ment process and automate repetitive tasks. Tools like
Truffle Suite, Hardhat, and Remix provide features for
Cracking the Code: Web 3.0 Software Development Challenges and Guidelines
contract compilation, testing, and deployment, mak-
ing the deployment process more efficient and reli-
7.1 Unprecedented Opportunities
Web 3.0 presents a fertile ground for innovative appli-
cations, spanning from DeFi as an alternative to tra-
ditional banking to NFTs revolutionizing art owner-
ship and copyright. Users now have true ownership
of digital assets, data, and online identities, promis-
ing enhanced privacy and control. With a focus on
interoperability, Web 3.0 aims for a more connected
internet where data and assets can move seamlessly
across platforms. Open-source Web 3.0 projects fos-
ter community-driven development, enabling rapid it-
eration, innovation, and shared ownership. Decen-
tralized identity solutions and the rise of DAOs are
reshaping governance structures, offering new mone-
tization avenues, community rewards, and enhanced
network security. Possibilities are endless.
7.2 Unpredictable in Nature
Web 3.0 is still unpredictable in nature. The unpre-
dictable nature stems from various factors challeng-
ing traditional internet governance, data management,
and economic models. Regulatory ambiguity and
security vulnerabilities persist despite cryptographic
protocols, while interoperability issues hinder seam-
less integration among diverse platforms. The dy-
namic technological landscape and market dynamics
further compound uncertainty, necessitating constant
adaptation and collaboration within the ecosystem.
This unpredictability affects software development
practices, requiring developers to embrace agility, risk
management, and modular design. Collaboration with
decentralized communities, prioritizing user experi-
ence, and privacy considerations are crucial for navi-
gating and capitalizing on Web 3.0’s unpredictability.
7.3 Maturity Is Happening
Implementing Web 3.0 libraries has proved more
complex than expected, primarily due to two fac-
tors. Firstly, a lack of up-to-date documentation on-
line posed a significant challenge. Secondly, exist-
ing documentation often lags behind due to ongoing
library development. For example, the ’Ethers.js’ li-
brary saw a substantial update to version 6.9.2, ren-
dering many examples obsolete. Similarly, while
web3.js documentation for 2024 covers basic trans-
actions, guidance on raw transactions remains incom-
plete. Developers often face challenges in finding
the correct methods due to scarce online resources.
These instances underscore the Blockchain environ-
ment’s ongoing intensive development phase. This
dynamic environment is characterized by rapid tech-
nological advancement and frequent updates, neces-
sitating continuous monitoring and adaptation by de-
velopers. Drawing from the experiences, it is advis-
able to opt for versions of libraries with robust on-
line documentation. This decision can significantly
streamline the development process and contribute to
enhanced productivity.
7.4 Maintenance of Smart Contracts
Smart contracts are known for their immutability
once deployed on the blockchain, ensuring that their
rules remain unchanged, thus fostering trust and se-
curity. However, this immutability poses challenges
for maintaining and updating contracts. Develop-
ers must deploy entirely new contracts to add fea-
tures or address bugs, involving intricate processes
like transferring data and user deposits. Communi-
cation with users is crucial for informing them about
updates and facilitating data migration to the new
contract, minimizing disruptions. To address these
challenges, developers have explored practices like
’upgradable’ contracts or proxy contracts, offering
flexibility for updates without deploying entirely new
contracts. Despite their challenges, these approaches
aim to balance stability with the need for adaptation
and enhancement over time.
7.5 Reliability
Reliability posed the most significant challenge in
our works with TokenTrivia within the realm of Web
3.0, where the technology’s attributes both bolstered
and strained the system’s stability and trustworthi-
ness. Issues such as network stability and scalabil-
ity persist in Web 3.0 and blockchain, with network
congestion leading to delays and increased transac-
tion costs, sometimes resulting in temporary outages.
Another concern is the unpredictability of transac-
tions, as variations in network traffic and gas fees can
cause significant delays or transaction failures, poten-
tially resulting in the loss of funds. Despite advance-
ments in security, the complexity of blockchain tech-
nology introduces new challenges, including the risk
of security breaches with severe consequences. While
smart contracts ensure accurate execution of agree-
ments and processes, providing a high level of trust
ICSOFT 2024 - 19th International Conference on Software Technologies
and predictability in transactions, they also present
challenges if designed with security vulnerabilities.
7.6 Web 3.0 Along with Web 2.0
Standalone Web 3.0 may face adoption challenges
due to the need for users to transition from familiar
Web 2.0 platforms and habits to new decentralized al-
ternatives. Integrating Web 3.0 features and technolo-
gies into existing Web 2.0 platforms offers a gradual
transition for users while harnessing the benefits of
decentralization. This hybrid approach enables the in-
corporation of blockchain-based features such as tok-
enization, decentralized identity, and smart contracts
into familiar Web 2.0 applications and services. By
seamlessly integrating Web 3.0 functionalities with
Web 2.0 infrastructure, one can facilitate user adop-
tion and drive mainstream acceptance of decentral-
ized technologies. However, it may also pose chal-
lenges in terms of technical complexity, interoperabil-
ity, and maintaining user trust and privacy.
7.7 Can Web 3.0 Become an Everyday
Despite considerable hype surrounding its potential
to revolutionize industries through decentralization
and trustless systems, Web 3.0 technologies are still
evolving and face challenges such as scalability and
usability. Critics argue that current implementa-
tions fall short of their theoretical promise due to
issues like transaction speeds and regulatory uncer-
tainties, which ongoing development efforts may ad-
dress over time. Moreover, Web 3.0 encounters sig-
nificant hurdles in achieving greater accessibility and
user-friendliness for the average internet user, with re-
liance on digital wallets. But, Web 3.0 has the poten-
tial to become an everyday technology. With its focus
on user control, transparency, security, lower costs,
and innovation, Web 3.0 technologies offer signifi-
cant advantages over traditional web platforms. As
they become more user-friendly and accessible, they
are likely to seamlessly integrate into our daily lives,
revolutionizing how we interact online, conduct trans-
actions, and access services. And it can be said that
Web 3.0 developers play a crucial role in making this
as everyday technology!
Web 3.0 software development presents unique chal-
lenges that must be navigated with precision and
forward-thinking strategies. This paper shares experi-
ences of developing number of web 3.0 applications,
and presents key challenges encountered. Addition-
ally, experience based architectural and technical best
practices are presented.
Scalability continues to be a major challenge, es-
pecially for platforms like Ethereum, which struggle
with increased transaction fees and delays during pe-
riods of high demand. This is compounded by user
experience issues; the complexity of managing wal-
lets, interacting with decentralized applications, and
understanding blockchain operations can deter main-
stream adoption.
Security is also paramount, as the decentralized
nature of these applications exposes them to specific
vulnerabilities in smart contracts which, if exploited,
cannot easily be reversed. In addition, it typically
leads to a negative impact on user sentiment - in the
form of losing trust and becoming more hesitant to
adopt these systems. It is therefore crucial to prior-
itize and apply strong security measures, like thor-
ough audits and following established best practices
in smart contract development, to reduce risks.
Interoperability between various blockchain sys-
tems is still limited, hindering user experience and
functionality across different ecosystems.
Regulatory uncertainty further complicates devel-
opment, due to changing legal environments, the de-
ployment of DApps is impacted in terms of both loca-
tion and process.
While the challenges are substantial, they are not
impossible to overcome. To effectively address these
challenges, developers should prioritize implement-
ing scalable solutions such as layer 2 scaling, or
sharding technologies to improve transaction speed
and reduce costs. Improving the user interface and
simplifying interactions within DApps will help de-
mystify Web 3.0 for a broader audience, fostering
wider adoption. Additionally, designing applications
with interoperability in mind and employing proto-
cols that facilitate cross-chain functionality will en-
hance utility and expand user reach. Engaging with
community-driven development models or decentral-
ized autonomous organizations can also play a piv-
otal role. These structures empower users by involv-
ing them in the decision-making processes, aligning
with the decentralized ethos of Web 3.0 and poten-
tially driving more robust and user-responsive devel-
opment. Keeping up-to-date with regulatory devel-
opments will ensure compliance and adaptability in a
rapidly changing digital environment.
In conclusion, understanding challenges and ap-
plying suitable strategies are essential for developers
aiming to unlock the full potential of Web 3.0.
Cracking the Code: Web 3.0 Software Development Challenges and Guidelines
Gratitude is extended to the individuals listed be-
low for their valuable contributions to validating the
ideas through implementations, design, and analy-
sis: Rokas Bliudzius, Martin Slind Hagen, Diderik
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ICSOFT 2024 - 19th International Conference on Software Technologies