Machine Learning-Based Steam Platform Game's Popularity
Wenxiang Hu
, Yiming Wang
and Ruoming Xia
Bachelor of information Technology, The University of Newcastle, 039594, Singapore
College of Electronic Science and Engineering, Jilin University, Changchun, 130015, China
College of Blockchain Industry, Chengdu University of Information Technology, Chengdu, 610225, China
Keywords: Machine Learning, Steam Games, Data Analytics, Model Prediction, Good Reviews.
Abstract: This study delves into the application of machine learning techniques to analyze game popularity on the Steam
platform. Utilizing a diverse array of algorithms such as logistic regression, Support Vector Machine (SVM)
decision tree, Gradient Boosting (XGBoost)Light Gradient Boosting Machine (LightGBM or LGBM),
Deep Neural Networks (DNNs), and Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN), the research focuses on
predicting game popularity through a thorough analysis of the Steam game dataset. The report meticulously
outlines the stages of data preparation, including data cleaning and feature engineering, followed by the
construction of various predictive models and their subsequent performance evaluation. Notably, the LGBM
demonstrated a marked advantage, boasting an accuracy of 88.17% and an AUC of 80.36%. This investigation
into game popularity on Steam not only aids game developers and companies in strategic planning and risk
mitigation but also provides valuable insights for player community administrators to enhance community
management. The comprehensive approach underscores the significant potential of machine learning in
interpreting market trends and player preferences within the gaming industry.
With the vigorous development of the digital
entertainment industry, electronic games have
become an indispensable entertainment element
around the world. Further, the financial success of
gaming firms is determined by the popularity of their
products. Valve Corporation is the owner of the
digital distribution platform for video games, Steam.
It is currently the most popular platform for playing
video games on computers. While many games
remain unpopular, some instantly draw massive
numbers of players. A game's favorable rating on
Steam might be a useful indicator of its level of
popularity. In practice, it is challenging to pinpoint
exactly which aspects of a game's positive rating shift,
and the favorable rating is heavily influenced by the
player's perception and assessment of the game's
numerous elements (Predicting the Popularity of
Games on Steam, 2021).
Machine learning methodologies are broadly
categorized into supervised and unsupervised learning,
differentiated primarily by whether the data utilized is
human-labeled. Supervised learning employs labeled
data as a definitive learning target, often achieving
effective learning outcomes. However, the procurement
of labeled data can be costly. Conversely, unsupervised
learning, akin to autonomous or self-directed learning,
leverages a broader data spectrum. This approach may
uncover more patterns inherent in the data, potentially
surpassing the insights from manually labeled patterns,
though it tends to have lower learning efficiency (Palma-
Ruiz et al. 2022). A commonality between these two
approaches is their reliance on constructing
mathematical models for optimization problems.
Typically, these problems do not have perfect solutions,
reflecting the complexity and challenges inherent in
machine learning tasks. Machine learning methods learn
by having computers process large data sets to analyze
the large number of fixed structures and patterns
contained in the data set that can be analytically
summarized. This gives the computer the ability to
process new sample data sets and make predictions
about them. In practice, machine learning methods have
been more popularly used, with deep learning methods
being more prevalent, such as Convolutional Neural
Networks (CNN) with recurrent neural networks
(RNN). For example, Cheng et al. in 2016, analyzed and
Hu, W., Wang, Y. and Xia, R.
Machine Learning-Based Steam Platform Game’s Popularity Analysis.
DOI: 10.5220/0012853800004547
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Data Science and Engineering (ICDSE 2024), pages 582-588
ISBN: 978-989-758-690-3
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
processed data from the brief records of more than
300,000 patients over a four-year period through a
computerized CNN model to analyze the disease
problems that may have occurred after them, which
demonstrated that there is a great potential for machine
learning in the medical field (Cheng, et al. 2016).
Similarly, Chio et al. in the same year, utilized another
deep learning approach RNN to predict the symptoms of
heart failure in patients (Choi, et al. 2017). This again
shows that machine learning has more application
scenarios in the medical field. Moreover, apart from the
medical field aspect, machine learning can also work on
the prediction of energy utilization. Jun Wang et al.
accurately predicted the output power of a photovoltaic
power generation system using a combination of
algorithms and neural networks, which provided a great
deal of help to the researchers (Yu & Xu 2014). In
addition to this, Azad, Md Shawmoon et al. combined
the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) and machine
learning methods to construct a new prediction model
that can make predictions about consumer purchasing
behavior on social platforms, through which they went
to summarize what are the main factors that consumers
care about in their minds. These principles and methods
combined with the modeling approach have a greater
auxiliary role in the management and sales of products.
The main objective of this paper's work is to find
out the weights of these factors affecting the positive
reviews of the game by processing the dataset from
the Steam platform which contains multiple factors,
and to analyze the data by finding a better model to
ultimately give the game companies and others a way
to understand the player's intention and make better
decisions (Shawmoon, et al. 2023). In this paper, the
authors use a variety of machine learning algorithms,
including logistic regression, SVM, decision trees,
random forests, XGBoost, and LightGBM, to process
the sample dataset with these machine algorithmic
models in turn, and to compare the differences in the
performance of the above seven models by using the
metrics of accuracy and area under the curve (AUC)
in order to determine the most effective algorithm
model. After the experiments it can be seen that the
LightGBM model is the most effective among these
models. Specifically, from the data, LightGBM has
an accuracy of 85.62% and an AUC of 76.95%. This
experimental result shows that LightGBM
outperforms other models in these evaluation criteria.
The model is intended to serve as a strategic tool for
game developers and companies, and helps them to
make quick and informed decisions, ultimately
reducing investment risks. In addition, it provides
valuable insights for community administrators to
manage the player community more effectively, thus
contributing to the overall maintenance and
development of the gaming community.
2.1 Dataset Description and
This study uses a dataset called "Steam Store Games"
available on the Kaggle platform (Kaggle 2019).
Collecting nearly 27,000 games from the Steam Store
and SteamSpy APls, the dataset provides information
on various aspects of the games in the Steam store,
such as the type of game, number of owners, etc.,
developer and publisher information, game tags,
prices, and other characteristics. After that, the authors
fix a few problems with the dataset by removing rows
that had ratings missing, modifying the types of
columns, dealing with duplication, etc. Some games,
for instance, require having their missing user rating
data fixed before they could be analyzed.
2.2 Proposed Approach
This study uses a comparative systematic approach to
determine the most effective model for predicting
favourable reviews of game genres. A key aspect of
paper data processing approach is the introduction of
a crucial classification rule, where games receiving a
positive rating above 90% are designated as "positive
games." This categorization is instrumental in
streamlining the dataset for a more focused analysis,
particularly targeting games with favorable user
reception. Firstly, the dataset is subjected to
preprocessing and preliminary analysis, which is vital
in uncovering significant correlations among the data.
This process was important in determining what key
data elements were needed for further in-depth
analysis. Next, the authors used seven different
machine learning predictive models for their analysis.
Each model was rigorously evaluated using two
performance metrics: accuracy and the AUC. To
facilitate a thorough understanding of the
effectiveness of each model, author visualizes the
predictive results. Thirdly, the research involves a
comparative analysis of these models. The aim is to
pinpoint the model that most accurately predicts
positive reviews within the specific context of game
genres. This comparative approach is pivotal in
ensuring a data-driven and systematic selection of the
optimal predictive model, aligning with stated
research objectives. The process is shown in the
Figure 1.
Machine Learning-Based Steam Platform Game’s Popularity Analysis
Figure 1: The process of the study (Picture credit: Original).
2.2.1 Traditional Single Model
Logistic Regression, commonly utilize in the context
of binary classification tasks, functions to estimate
the probability of an event's occurrence, ensuring the
resultant output values lie within the 0 to 1 range. The
core of logistic regression is the logistic function,
usually embodied as a sigmoid function. The key to
this functionality lies in transforming any real-valued
input into a bounded output, especially one between
0 and 1, thus making the output a probability measure.
The ability to map real numbers to probability values
allows logistic regression models to make reasonable
predictions about the likelihood of specific categories
or events. Logistic regression can be used to create a
clinical prediction model with binary outcomes
(Maren, et al. 2019).
SVMs are recognized as better classification
models and are particularly effective for working with
high-dimensional data. The main function of an SVM
is to determine an optimal boundary (called a
hyperplane) that effectively separates data into
different classes. The principle of SVM is to operate
by maximizing the boundaries between different
categories of data points. This method can effectively
improve the accuracy of classification. One of the
main features of SVM is the use of the "kernel trick",
which improves mapping data into a high-
dimensional space to solve linearly inseparable
problems in the original space. This technique
becomes more effective when the data is not linearly
separable in the original feature space, allowing for
more complex and flexible decision boundaries.
SVM's adaptability to various data structures and its
ability to process high-dimensional data make it an
important tool in the field of machine learning and is
widely used in this field. SVM models are also
powerful in the medical field and can be used to
predict the likelihood of common diseases such as
diabetes and prediabetes (Yu, et al. 2010).
The decision tree model uses a tree structure in
which each internal node represents a test based on a
specific feature. This test can effectively distinguish
data points based on different values of the specific
feature. The branches of these nodes represent the
various results of these tests, which ultimately form
leaf nodes corresponding to categories in a
classification tree or continuous values in a regression
tree. The construction of a decision tree involves a
recursive process of feature selection and
segmentation. The purpose of this process is to create
an efficient and accurate decision tree, which is
suitable for predicting academic performance
(Decision Tree-Based Predictive Models for
Academic Achievement Using College Students'
Support Networks, 2021). The purpose of this process
is to divide the entire data set into Subsets, this
criterion is often evaluated using metrics such as
information gain or Gini impurity. Because the
hierarchy of decision trees and their intuitive structure
are easy to understand and explain, they can become
a widely used tool in the field of machine learning.
2.2.2 Deep Learning Models
The main application point of CNN is to process
image data, and it is widely used in fields such as
image recognition, facial recognition and target
detection. The underlying mechanism of CNN is to
automatically and efficiently extract features from
images through convolutional layers. These layers
utilize convolution kernels or filters that are moved
over the image to capture local features in different
regions. Subsequently, further processing is
performed using pooling layers (e.g., max pooling),
with the aim of reducing the dimensionality of the
data while highlighting the most salient features. The
ICDSE 2024 - International Conference on Data Science and Engineering
CNN architecture also integrates fully connected
layers, allowing the model to perform related tasks
such as classification based on pre-extracted features.
Using this specific architecture, CNN can perform
tasks involving complex image data very efficiently.
For example, CNN models can be used to predict the
survival rate of pneumonia patients (Fahime, et al.
DNN is a more complex and powerful neural
network architecture composed of multi-layer
perceptrons. Therefore, DNN is very suitable for
processing various data types and tasks, especially
problems that are difficult to solve with simple linear
models, such as speech recognition and natural
language processing. At the heart of a DNN are
multiple hidden layers, each of which contains a large
number of neurons responsible for learning high-level
data features. In a DNN, each neuron connection is
assigned a weight and is subject to fine-tuning
operations during the training phase. This tuning is
achieved through a back-propagation algorithm,
primarily to minimize prediction errors. DNNs
require large amounts of data for effective training
and are prone to overfitting problems. Still, the
inherent complexity makes DNNs an important
component when dealing with complex data analysis
and pattern recognition tasks. For example, DNNs are
used to predict diseases from laboratory test results
(Jin, et al. 2021).
2.2.3 Ensemble Learning Model
Ensemble learning methods are mainly used here,
namely Random Forest (RF), Extreme XGBoost, and
Multiple decision trees are used in RF, an
ensemble learning technique, to lower variance and
boost generalization performance. The training data
and attributes for each tree are randomly sampled
using bagging in RF, and the tree predictions are
aggregated by majority vote or average. RF can
handle both numerical and categorical variables and
is resistant to noise and outliers. Nevertheless,
training and prediction times for RF may be longer
than for other techniques, and it might not be able to
capture intricate nonlinear correlations and
interactions between data.
Another ensemble learning technique, called
XGBoost, builds an ensemble of decision trees in a
stepwise manner by employing gradient boosting. By
adding trees one at a time and fitting the preceding
tree's negative gradients, often known as residuals,
XGBoost optimizes a differentiable loss function.
Regression and classification issues can be handled
using XGBoost, along with automatically handling
feature scaling and missing values. Moreover,
XGBoost offers several regularization strategies to
reduce overfitting and enhance accuracy, including
shrinkage, subsampling, and pruning. However,
hyperparameters might need to be carefully adjusted
because XGBoost can be susceptible to noise and
LGBM is a framework for implementing the
GBDT algorithm. It supports efficient parallel
training with the advantages of faster training speed,
lower memory consumption, and fast distributed
processing of large amounts of data. LGBM has a
wide range of application scenarios and can usually
be used for tasks such as binary classification, multi-
classification, and sorting. It completes 3
optimizations based on XGBoost.
GBM XGBoost Histogram GOSS EFB=+ ++
The core idea of the algorithm is a histogram-
based decision tree learning algorithm, which
discretizes continuous real feature values into
different discrete values, and then uses the histogram
algorithm to train and predict the discretized features.
The gradient boosting algorithm used is LGBM
which minimizes the loss function by iteratively
adding decision trees. Each new tree is constructed
based on gradient information from the prediction
residuals of all previous trees. This can be expressed
() ( 1)
ii ti
yy hx
In formula (2), y
is the predicted value after the
t-th round of iteration, h
is the x
-prediction of
the sample by the t-th tree, and ρ is the learning rate.
Gradient-based one-sided sampling (GOSS) is a
method used to improve computational efficiency. It
mainly focuses on those samples with the largest loss
when calculating the gradient of samples. This
method is represented by the following formula:
{( , ) | ( ) } {( , ) | ( ) }
ii i ii i
y abs g threshold Random Sample x y abs g threshold>∪ (3)
In formula (3), g
is the gradient value of sample
i, and threshold is the threshold used to select
samples. Exclusive Feature Bundling (EFB) is one of
the methods to reduce the number of features in high
dimensional data. This strategy can be expressed by
the following formula:
{| , }
jj k
EFB f f is exclusive to f k j=⊕
Machine Learning-Based Steam Platform Game’s Popularity Analysis
In formula (4), represents the bundling
operation of features, and f
represents a single
feature. With fewer time and resources than
XGBoost, LGBM can produce results that are on par
with or even better than XGBoost.
In this study, author undertake a comprehensive
exploratory data analysis of the Steam game dataset
to elucidate the interrelations among various
variables and to understand the dynamics governing
the gaming market. Initially, author approach
involves the construction of a heatmap. The heat map
and heat bars are shown in Figures 2 and 3. This
visual representation is instrumental in delineating
the correlations existing among the dataset's
variables, offering a clear and insightful perspective
into the data's underlying structure and relationships.
Figure 2: The correlation heat map of the data (Picture
credit: Original).
Figure 3: The bars of correlation between characteristics
and positive review rate (Picture credit: Original).
The study goes on to explore in detail the impact
of "gaming platforms" on the popularity of games.
This analysis uses bar charts to determine the
relationship between the number of platforms a game
supports and player preference. A visual
representation of the charts outlines the distribution
of high (greater than 0.9) and low (less than or equal
to 0.9) rated games across different platforms such as
Windows, Mac and Linux (Figure 4 and Figure 5). It
can be seen that the more platforms a game spends,
the more favorable ratings become correspondingly.
In addition, the study also explores the impact of both
single-player and multiplayer game formats (Figure
6) as well as game categories such as action,
adventure, and role-playing on players' choices
(Figure 7). It can be seen that single-player games
will have better favorable ratings; in terms of game
genres, indie, casual, and action games also have
higher favorable ratings. This multifaceted research
approach provides a nuanced understanding of the
factors that influence the appeal and success of games
in a competitive gaming market.
Figure 4: The percentage of games with positive ratings
greater than 0.9 on different platforms (Picture credit:
Figure 5: The number of supported platforms and
percentage of games with positive ratings greater than 0.9
(Picture credit: Original).
ICDSE 2024 - International Conference on Data Science and Engineering
Figure 6: The percentage of positive reviews for single-
player and multiplayer games (Picture credit: Original).
Figure 7: Game types by number of games with a positive
rating greater than 0.9 (Picture credit: Original).
In this study, the authors also delve into the
distribution of game prices (Figure 8). This allows for
the division of game prices into different categories
and examines the prevalence of games within each
price band. It can be seen that as the price of the game
increases, the critical acclaim of the game decreases.
By categorizing and analyzing prices, it allows
gaming companies to have a better understanding of
pricing and aids them in making better decisions on
pricing strategies.
Figure 8: The number of positively reviewed games at
different prices (Picture credit: Original).
After processing the data initially in this study, the
relationship between the data features and the game's
popularity can be seen more clearly. This facilitates
the authors of this paper to further process the dataset
using various algorithmic models, and we filtered out
the data features that are more relevant to the game's
popularity in order to improve the basic performance
of various algorithms, so that the initial noise and
error of the model can be effectively eliminated.
The Accuracy and AUC of the different models of
this study are shown in Figure 9.
Figure 9: The performance of different models in terms of
accuracy and AUC (Picture credit: Original).
After analyzing and comparing the algorithmic
models among them, it is found that none of the
traditional algorithmic models seem to perform very
well, and it is found that there is a very significant
difference between them by looking at the AUC
metrics. In these data results, it can be seen that the
LGBM model has an accuracy of 88.17% and an
AUC of 80.36%, which is the best result compared to
the other models. In addition, DNNs and CNNs also
show a relative advantage in terms of AUC
Overall, in order to find the key factors that affect the
popularity of games on the steam platform, this study
uses a variety of algorithms: logistic regression,
SVM, decision tree, XGBoost, LGBM, DNN and
CNN to analyze and construct the Steam store game
data set. Modeling and optimization. Among them,
LGBM can effectively handle large and complex data
sets due to its high efficiency and high accuracy. The
process of modeling involves tree-based algorithms
for gradient boosting and complex relationships
between various factors. The results show that
platform, game type, tag, and price have a significant
impact on popularity. Using this model, game
developers have a clear understanding of the main
Machine Learning-Based Steam Platform Game’s Popularity Analysis
factors of the popularity of games on the Steam
platform. It would be useful for future research to
apply the established analytical framework to a
broader range of digital markets. This comparative
analysis can provide valuable insights into the
evolution of the gaming industry and changes in
player preferences. Additionally, future research
could focus on incorporating real-time data analytics
that can ultimately increase a game’s popularity by
capturing the dynamics inherent in consumer
behavior patterns and developing strategies to
enhance popularity factors.
All the authors contributed equally and their names
were listed in alphabetical order.
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