a twisted pair.
The piece of specification depicted in Figure 10
defines two OntoObject-Z classes (<<kind>>
NetSwitch) and (<<relator>> LANSwitch) imple-
menting the OntoUML abstract class (Switch).
The first result of this contribution consists in defining
a metamodel for OntoObject-Z and formalizing the
syntax of the specifications written in this language.
This paves the way for a “sound” formalization of this
promising language.
Building an ontology for VLANs and describing
it in OntoUML is a second result of this work.
The third result is the implementation of our
OntoUML models with OntoObject-Z specifications.
The motivation behind the idea of implementing On-
toUML models with OntoObject-Z specifications is
given in Section 1 and Section 3. It is important to
emphasize here that the approach used to build the
metamodel and to write the EBNF rules makes it pos-
sible to achieve an implementation that is correct by
Providing formal semantics for the implementa-
tion of OntoUML models with OntoObject-Z specifi-
cations can be approached in two ways. Using an On-
toUML metamodel expressed in OntoUML and writ-
ing the rules mapping this metamodel into the On-
toUML metamodel of Object-Z, or providing both
OntoUML and OntoObject-Z with metamodels ex-
pressed in OntoObject-Z and writing the rules for
mapping the first metamodel into the second one.
This task is left for future work.
Another more elaborated future work is to provide
OntoUML and OntoObject-Z with appropriate insti-
tutions (Diaconescu, 2023), (Baumeister et al., 2015)
formalizing both the syntax and the semantics of the
two languages and implementing OntoUML models
with OntoObject-Z specifications through the map-
ping of one institution into the other.
The author thanks four anonymous reviewers for their
valuable comments that helped improve the final ver-
sion of this article.
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