From Low Fidelity to High Fidelity Prototypes: How to Integrate
Two Eye Tracking Studies into an Iterative Design Process for
a Better User Experience
Gilbert Drzyzga
and Thorleif Harder
Institute of Interactive Systems, Technische Hochschule Lübeck, Germany
Keywords: Learner Dashboard, Motivation, Self-Regulation, Cognitive Demand, Usability, User Experience, User
Centered Design, Eye-Tracking.
Abstract: The aim of this study is to investigate the effectiveness of an iterative evaluation design process using low-
fidelity prototypes (LFPs) and high-fidelity prototypes (HFPs) for a learner dashboard (LD) to improve user
experience (UX) within an eye-tracking study with thinking aloud. The LD itself is designed to support online
students in their learning process and self-regulation. Two studies were conducted, Study 1 focused on an
LFP and Study 2 on the HFP version of the prototype. The involved participants (n=22) from different
semesters provided different perspectives and emphasized the importance of considering heterogeneous user
groups in the evaluations. Key findings included fewer adjustments required for the HFP, highlighting the
value of early evaluation and iterative design processes in optimizing UX. This iterative approach allowed for
continuous improvement based on real-time feedback, resulting in an optimized final prototype that better
met functional and cognitive requirements. Comparison of key concepts across both studies revealed positive
effects of methodological improvements, demonstrating the effectiveness of combining early evaluations with
refined approaches for improved UX design in learning environments.
In recent years, there has been a growing interest in
understanding how users interact with digital
products and services, which are becoming more and
more common in everyday life. This is partly driven
by their ubiquity in different domains and the
emergence of new technologies and applications
(Goodwin, 2009), (Mohammed & Karagozlu, 2021).
To gain insight and a deeper understanding of how
users behave and interact with a digital tool such as a
Learner Dashboard (LD), methods such as eye-
tracking with thinking-aloud techniques can provide
valuable insights that can then be used to refine the
design (Drzyzga et al., 2023), (Toreini et al., 2022).
The LD is being developed as a plug-in to a Learning
Management System (LMS) for a university network
in higher education and is intended to help online
students with self-regulation and also to reduce
dropout (Drzyzga et al., 2023). It has been developed
through an iterative user-centered design (UCD)
process in collaboration with the students who will
use it (Drzyzga & Harder, 2023). As part of this
iterative process, a second thinking aloud eye-
tracking study was conducted as a follow-up study
using a modified design prototype version of the LD.
Both studies are designed to understand users'
cognitive effort in digital learning environments.
Figure 1 shows the research object used in study
one to investigate the development of a design
prototype based on a low-fidelity prototype (LFP)
(Drzyzga & Harder, 2022). After the development of
the LFP, the prototype was reviewed on several
levels. Based on the results of the LFP version, a
high-fidelity prototype (HFP) was designed as shown
in Figure 2. This formed the basis for the evaluation
of Study 2. Such iterative approaches based on
different fidelities (Figure 1) provide an opportunity
to see if previous design decisions are going in the
right direction and if adjustments need to be made
(Bergstrom et al., 2011).
Drzyzga, G. and Harder, T.
From Low Fidelity to High Fidelity Prototypes: How to Integrate Two Eye Tracking Studies into an Iterative Design Process for a Better User Experience.
DOI: 10.5220/0012854900003753
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Software Technologies (ICSOFT 2024), pages 485-491
ISBN: 978-989-758-706-1; ISSN: 2184-2833
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
Figure 1: The LFP LD version (named here “Learning
Dashboard”) (Drzyzga & Harder, 2022).
Figure 2: The HFP version (named here “Learning
Wireframes, such as the one shown in Figure 1, do not
need to be to scale initially (Hartson & Pyla, 2018), so
the different widths, for example, are a result of
focusing on functionality in the first version and
adapting to the later page layout in the HFP version.
An important interest of this study was the degree
of validity of the approach despite the different stages
of development of the prototype. In this context, the
following research question (RQ) and goals emerged:
1. How does an iterative design process that
includes both an LFP and HFP improve the
identification and resolution of usability
problems compared to using only one type of
2. How do the insights gained from interactions
with the LFP differ from those gained from
HFP evaluations? Do these differences affect
the effectiveness and efficiency of solving
usability problems at different stages of
3. How does iterative evaluation with LFP and
HFP maintain consistency across participant
groups, such as students from different
semesters or backgrounds?
The aim is to investigate how the eye-tracking studies
conducted on the LFP and HFP lead to less significant
usability problems being identified in subsequent
evaluations. Secondly, to identify differences in
general layout organisation and interaction design
concerns when interacting with LFPs as opposed to
HFPs, which focus more on screen clarity, learning
progress information and overall user experience
(UX). A third key objective is to examine the iterative
evaluation with LFPs and HFPs and whether it
provides consistent usability findings across
participant groups, minimising the impact of group
differences on perceptions, opinions and feedback.
To ensure methodological rigor in this study, the
usability and UX of an LFP and an HFP were
compared and contrasted using a mixed methods
approach that combined eye-tracking and thinking-
aloud techniques (Figure 3). This allowed the
research questions related to prototyping learning
dashboards to be addressed while leveraging the
strengths of both quantitative and qualitative data
collection methods.
The two studies recruited students from a variety
of classes and backgrounds for a total of 22
participants. This was done to ensure that the results
could be generalized across different user groups and
to minimize the impact of group differences.
ICSOFT 2024 - 19th International Conference on Software Technologies
Figure 3: Evaluation process for the two studies.
The two studies were preceded by clear objectives,
the formulation of their research questions to guide
the studies, and a thorough literature review to
contextualize the research within existing knowledge
of digital learning processes. This included analysis,
prototype design, eye-tracking methods and thinking
aloud techniques. This formed the basis for the design
of two sequential studies by evaluating the LFP and
HFP. Upon completion of both studies, the data sets
were analyzed to provide quantitative and qualitative
insights into the user behavior and cognitive
processes associated with each prototype.
The Participants were able to use their own visual
acuity using the “Tobii Pro Glasses 3” glasses
. They
were seated approximately 70 cm from the monitor to
obtain optimal results. Calibration and validation of
the correct position, gaze direction and consideration
of external conditions (e.g., reflections, sunlight)
were performed before the start of the experiments
(Figure 4). To avoid any disruption to the study, a
protocol was drawn up by the research assistants for
taking notes (Drzyzga et al., 2023).
Figure 4: Eye-tracking test with HFP open and card editing
view (red circle indicates user's viewpoint).
A total of ten participants (6 male, 4 female) took part
in Study 1 and twelve participants (9 male, 3 female)
in Study 2. In both in-person studies, the participants
were students of a usability course in the 4th semester
of a bachelor's programme that teaches e.g.
conceptual thinking or digital media production
(“Information Technology and Design”). They were
asked to perform different tasks on the design
prototype, which was provided during the session as
a clickable graphical prototype in an internet browser.
Prior to the studies, pre-tests were carried out with
three participants each, for a total of two hours, to
determine whether the task design and interview
questions were suitable and understandable (Drzyzga
et al., 2023).
The LFP consisted of 14 different views
(wireframes) with contextual modalities and the HFP
contained a total of 9 different wireframes with
several contextual modalities to simulate a realistic
usage context of the LD prototype. Study 1 was a
one-day test and study 2 took a total of three days to
complete, excluding preparation and follow-up
activities. The studies followed ethical guidelines.
At the beginning of the study, participants were
informed of the aims and objectives of the study. This
included the scope and purpose of the study, as well
as information about the project and the aim of
developing a self-regulation LD as an open-source
plugin for the LMS. The briefing took five minutes.
All participants gave their consent for their data to be
processed for this study. The subsequent evaluation
took approximately 20 minutes each. At the end of the
evaluation, the abbreviated version of the User
Experience Questionnaire (UEQ-S) was filled in
(Schrepp et al., 2017).
From Low Fidelity to High Fidelity Prototypes: How to Integrate Two Eye Tracking Studies into an Iterative Design Process for a Better
User Experience
Table 1: Comparison of some of the key concepts of the two studies with examples of improvements for the evaluation of the
different prototypes (LFP & HFP).
Goal Description Study 1
Study 2
1 Obtaining information
about arrangement of
elements, layout design,
overall UX
Layout organization (e.g.
icon placement)
Interaction design
Intuitive navigation and
Findings about improved UX
due to better arrangement of
elements, interaction design
changes, clearer labels and
easier to understand
ation in the HFP.
2 Evaluating the clarity of
different views and
learning progress
Clarity of higher-level
views (semester, study)
Informed about learning
Improved clarity
Trustworthiness of
Findings show improved
clarity in the HFP, trustworthy
recommendations, and
reduced missing information
due to desi
n im
3 Assessment of the
explanatory nature of
for card editin
Clarity of general
Revised functionality
Clarity of used visual
spects (e.g. colors, icons)
Improved usability in HFP
through more intuitive
functionality. Colored
e easier to evaluate.
Evaluating paths to content
elements, return to start,
labelling of interaction
elements, navigation
elements, orientation within
the LD, and use of drop-
down menus
Return to Start
Navigation elements
Use of drop-down menus
Easier paths and return to
Sufficient labelling
Constant orientation
within the LD
Improvements based on
findings from both studies,
highlighting the improved UX
due to better pathfinding,
return options, labelling and
overall navigation in the HFP.
Evaluating help page
content, clarity, scope of
information provided, and
Clarity of content
Visibility of information
Clarity of content
Visibility of information
Findings on improved help
page design in the HFP.
6 Gathering general feedback
Ease of paths
Ease of return to start
Sufficiency of labelling
Understanding of
Orientation within the
Use of drop-down menus
Ease of paths
Ease of return to start
Sufficiency of labelling
Understanding of
Orientation within the
Use of drop-down menus
Additional findings about
aspects of improvements
made to the HFP.
Table 2: Comparison of some of the key concepts of the two studies with examples of improvements to the methodology
Goal Description Study 1
Study 2
Obtaining information
to optimize the
Gaining insight into how to
conduct a wireframe-based
evaluation and focus on
functional and cognitive
Gaining insight into how
to conduct a more
complex prototype
Less moderation of interviews
2 Obtaining information
about the iterative
Functional as a basis Repetition based on an
advanced prototype
The findings revealed that fewer
(greater) adjustments had to be
made later.
Adjustments (e.g. interactions
or functions) are easier to make
in an LFP. In the HFP both
would have to be tested.
3 Obtaining additional
perspectives and
Smaller group of
Smaller group of
Findings show that different
groups of users/students
(different semesters) resulted in
different views and opinions.
ICSOFT 2024 - 19th International Conference on Software Technologies
The results of the two studies presented, which used
the wireframe prototypes LFP and HFP to investigate
the effectiveness of iterative development within a
student-centered design approach in evaluating
usability and overall UX in an LD, aimed to explore
the implications of this combined approach. Several
key findings emerged from Study 1, which focused
on the LFP:
The LFP required fewer adjustments than the
HFP, suggesting that interactions or features can be
easily changed early in development without
affecting later testing. This underscores the value of
incorporating usability and UX evaluation early in the
design process and emphasizes iterative procedures
for potential UX improvements.
Students from different years provided different
perspectives on the LD, demonstrating that involving
users with different backgrounds or experiences is
critical to gaining a full understanding of their needs
and preferences. This finding reinforces the
importance of considering heterogeneous user groups
in UX evaluations.
The iterative design process allowed for
continuous improvement based on real-time feedback
from participants, resulting in an improved prototype
that better met functional and cognitive requirements.
This also underscores the effectiveness of integrating
such evaluation approaches early in the LD
development lifecycle.
Study 2 builds on Study 1 and incorporates minor
methodological refinements, including reduced
interaction during interviews to create a more natural
UX with less investigator influence on participant
responses. The key findings from this combined look
at the conduct of both studies were:
As in Study 1, fewer adjustments were required
for the LFP compared to the HFP, further
emphasizing that interactions or features can be easily
modified in early stages of development without
affecting later stages of testing. This finding
reinforces the value of early evaluation and iterative
design processes in optimizing the UX of the LFP.
Also in this study, participants from different
years provided different perspectives on the LD, as
observed in Study 1, again highlighting the
importance of considering different user groups in
UX evaluations. The consistency of this finding
across both studies underscores its importance.
As in Study 1, the iterative design process allowed
for continuous improvement based on real-time
feedback from participants, resulting in an optimized,
functionally enhanced prototype at both the UI and
cognitive levels.
A comparison of key concepts between the two
studies (Table 1) revealed positive effects resulting
from methodological improvements, such as less
intervention during interviews and fewer adjustments
required for the LFP compared to the HFP (Table 2).
These improvements allowed for continuous
improvement based on real user feedback, resulting
in a final prototype that effectively addressed the
functional and cognitive requirements identified by
participants with different backgrounds or
experiences. The combination of early evaluations
using LFPs with methodological refinements led to an
optimized product, demonstrating the value of
iterative approaches in UX design for LDs.
The RQs identified in this study can be answered
as follows:
For RQ1, the use of the iterative design process
improved the detection and resolution of usability
issues substantially compared to using only one type
of prototype, resulting in fewer major issues in the
subsequent evaluations.
For RQ2, interacting with the LFP primarily
identified general layout organisation and interaction
design concerns, while the HFP provided more
accurate insights into specific visual elements, clarity
of views, learning progress information and overall
For RQ3 it could be concluded that the iterative
evaluation approach minimised the impact of group
differences on perceptions, opinions and feedback by
maintaining consistency across different participant
groups, such as students from different years or
These first findings demonstrate the benefits of an
integrated approach to prototyping in design
processes. By combining LFPs and HFPs, usability
problems can be identified and resolved more
effectively, while minimizing development effort and
ensuring a consistent understanding of user needs
across different user groups. Finally, this work
provides valuable insights for optimizing design
workflows by adopting an iterative approach that
maximizes efficiency in solving usability challenges
at different stages of the development process.
The approach presented provided valuable insights
into the evolving usability/UX of the LD and helped
to identify potential issues early in the development
When comparing the LFP and HFP,
improvements were observed in various aspects of the
LD, including layout organization, clarity of
From Low Fidelity to High Fidelity Prototypes: How to Integrate Two Eye Tracking Studies into an Iterative Design Process for a Better
User Experience
information presentation, functionality, navigation
and help page design. Although conducting separate
studies, as was done here, may take more time and
effort to plan, administer, transcribe and analyze, it
has advantages such as the early identification of
functional and cognitive problems through the LFP,
including the findings and improvements listed. This
iterative approach, with increasing levels of detail as
development progresses, was also seen as an
advantage by (Hartson & Pyla, 2018), for example in
deciding on initial ideas. Although there are some
advantages to starting with such an LFP based on
wireframes, users have suggested that a colored
prototype might be easier to evaluate. In the second
study using the HFP, it was possible to focus
development on application details and reduce the
workload by spreading participants over several days.
Bergstrom et al. stated that further iterations could
also create new problems, which in this case could not
be immediately identified in the quantitative /
qualitative iteration (Bergstrom et al., 2011). This
could be an advantage of combining these methods in
this way. Through an understanding of cognitive
effort and user behavior, more effective and efficient
interfaces can be developed that are designed to
support the learning experience of students and to
enable self-regulation.
5.1 Limitations
The effectiveness of the study with two user groups
may not generalize well without further testing in
different educational contexts and stages of
development. There may also be issues with
subjectivity with qualitative methods such as
interview techniques. Additional appropriate metrics
would need to be considered to accurately measure
UX improvements. The approach itself should
consider or incorporate aesthetics and emotional
responses in addition to usability. Despite these
limitations, an iterative approach is still valuable for
improving the usability of educational technology
through continuous research and collaboration
between stakeholders.
5.2 Potential Areas for Future Research
Future studies could further explore the impact of
iterative design processes on usability and UX by
including additional methods or comparing different
levels of fidelity in more detail. Testing different
methods, as was done, can provide additional insight
into user behavior and preferences, leading to more
effective design solutions. More research may be
needed to investigate the optimal number of iterations
or stages in such a development cycle, and the ideal
balance between user involvement and time
efficiency. This could help to determine whether
there are more efficient strategies that still provide
valuable insights for improving usability/UX design.
Questions remain as to whether a single study
approach with more participants could have produced
similar results, or whether the addition of another
iteration step might have provided additional benefits.
These open questions provide opportunities to
explore alternative development strategies and
further refine the process in future studies.
This work was funded by the German Federal
Ministry of Education, grant No. 01PX21001B.
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From Low Fidelity to High Fidelity Prototypes: How to Integrate Two Eye Tracking Studies into an Iterative Design Process for a Better
User Experience