tack on PCA, showcasing the attacker’s success in re-
constructing the original databases. Our results reveal
that anonymized eigenvectors maintain good utility
compared to the original ones. Differential Privacy
(DP) is also utilised in FL-PCA (Grammenos et al.,
2020). In future, we will also consider DP to pro-
tect eigenvectors. As, in this work, we quantify in-
dividual privacy leakage arising from sharing of local
eigenvectors, which were derived from the data of in-
dividual clients. So, our future investigation will ex-
tend to privacy leakage post-aggregation. In the case,
when global eigenvectors are compromised, there is
a potential risk of the attacker to deduce the records
of specific individuals, particularly those who are in-
fluencing the aggregation step predominantly. Hence,
our future research aims to focus on the performance
of PP-PCA when aggregated or global eigenvectors are
compromised in a FL scenario.
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Autonomous Systems and Software Program (WASP)
funded by the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foun-
dation; the computations were enabled by the su-
percomputing resource Berzelius provided by Na-
tional Supercomputer Centre at Link
oping University
and the Knut and Alice Wallenberg foundation; the
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Balancing Act: Navigating the Privacy-Utility Spectrum in Principal Component Analysis