administrative documents and storage space. Switch-
ing to digital databases eliminates the need for addi-
tional storage, repurposing current storage areas for
medical use and cutting costs. Additionally, new doc-
uments require more storage space, increasing the
costs of renting adequate places. Digital databases
cut these costs, eliminating the need for new storage
spaces and allowing current storage areas to be repur-
posed for medical rooms or storage.
In Italy, the healthcare system is public, which
means it is publicly funded. If optimizing document
management in just one department can have a sig-
nificant positive impact on public services and funds,
it also has the potential to bring massive benefits on
a national scale. This optimization currently involves
only 1 ASL out of 12. Considering that Italy has 20
Regions, and Piedmont is just one region, this type of
optimization could bring to the whole public service
and public funds a great impact in scale.
This work shows the interconnection, the analysis,
and the impact of multiple factors in the complex ter-
ritorial health system.
It has been demonstrated that in the medical field,
digitalizing just two administrative documents (non-
clinical) of just one department would have a consid-
erable impact on activities, time, costs, number of pa-
per files, and storage spaces throughout the territory.
The successful optimization of administrative health-
care activities is fundamental as it can be expanded
proportionally and exponentially throughout the en-
tire national territory. The interconnection of factors
brings a cascading optimization effect, bettering the
entire health service on multiple fronts. Last but not
least, these kinds of optimizations are indispensable
to align with the digitization and eco-friendliness re-
quired by the European Union. In the next future, we
will continue this collaboration with ASLTO3 to try
to implement the digitalization of the prescriptions.
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SIMULTECH 2024 - 14th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications