In this section we present simulation results of Belief
Propagation. We first show how the Belief Propaga-
tion behaves when no randomisation is applied in the
NTT. Afterwards for each proposed randomisation we
will show how the Belief Propagation is affected and
finally we will study some combination of randomi-
sation to see if it reinforces the security of the imple-
Leakage of Multiplication. To simulate the power
consumption we used the Hamming distance between
the considered value v and the processed value v
without any noise. So the attacker has a good infor-
mation on the value processed in a multiplication. We
derive the probability that a value v is involved in the
multiplication v
mod q with a centered Gaus-
sian likelihood estimator with deviation σ = 0.25:
P(v) = e
Note that this assumption gives more power to the at-
tacker than the model used in (Primas et al., 2017).
Indeed, in (Primas et al., 2017) the leakage model the
hamming weight of the processed value which leaks
out less information that the hamming distance.
5.1 Simulation Results for Non-Mixed
Now we present simulation results of Belief Propaga-
tion on NTT for different randomisation approaches
and for n = 256 and q = 3329, which are the ones
used in Kyber (Bos et al., 2018).
We consider in this section randomisation of NTT
with only one approach among (RandRoot, MulMask,
RandRed and RandHLOE) and the Shuffling ran-
domisation of Ravi (Ravi et al., 2020). For compar-
ison purpose, we also provide the result for a non-
randomised NTT.
5.1.1 Correct Guess in the Whole NTT
Fig. 6 shows the number of values with highest prob-
ability which are correct among all variable nodes of
Belief Propagation graph. For n = 2
the total number
of variable nodes are (t + 1) ×n, so for n = 256 we
have 2356 variable nodes.
For the non-randomised NTT, the curve shows
that we need around t iterations to reach a maxi-
mum of 1800 variables with correctly guessed val-
ues (among 2356 variables). The other variables are
hidden by the remaining uniform probability sources,
and we believe that this cannot be changed by more
BP iterations. So we cannot recover more variables.
Figure 6: Number of correct coefficient on the whole NTT.
For the randomised NTTs, we can notice that the
number of correct guess is significantly higher for
randomisation which does not affect the sequence of
operations in NTT (i.e. RandRoot, RandMultMask,
RandRed). We can also notice that RandRed is the
least effective randomisation.
The HLOE randomisation, disorganises the oper-
ations done in NTT, so the graph used in Belief propa-
gation does not match the sequence of operations pro-
cessed for the NTT and this produces the low number
of correct guess. The same is true for the Shuffling
approach of (Ravi et al., 2020).
5.1.2 Correct Guess in the Last Level of NTT
Looking at the correct guess in the last level tells us
if the Belief Propagation is inefficient or not. Indeed,
if the number of correct guess is really small, then
almost no information leaks out and the secret cannot
be recovered. In Fig. 7 we show the number of correct
guess for non-randomised NTT and for all considered
randomisation during the execution of Belief Propa-
We first notice that, in the case of non-randomised
NTT, the number of correct guess increases during
the first iterations, to reach the maximal value of
254 = n −2. For the randomised NTT most of the
curves are flat or decrease. The only curve which
increases is the one for RandRed, which means that
belief propagation is able to combine distant informa-
tion to recover some unknown values. This means
that the leakage in RandRed approach remains impor-
But we can notice that all the considered randomi-
sations prevent the Belief Propagation to be success-
Virtually Free Randomisations of NTT in RLWE Cryptosystem to Counteract Side Channel Attack Based on Belief Propagation