tions concerning the differences and use cases of the
two categories for access control approaches. For ex-
ample, the filtered results category is typically used in
retrieving authorized resources based on the defined
policy. The permit-deny access category is less com-
monly used in access control for databases, but still
considered in applications to allow authorized users
to perform specific actions (e.g., edit or delete) on
particular resources and vice versa. A detailed com-
parison of the prototypes (if available) on a common
scenario is considered in the future. Furthermore,
we plan to add more aspects to our comparison and
include other works focusing on protecting property
graph-structured data that have been excluded due to
coarse-grained access control or a lack of application.
This work has been partly supported by the LIT Se-
cure and Correct Systems Lab funded by the State of
Upper Austria and the Linz Institute of Technology.
This work has also been supported by the COMET-
K2 Center of the Linz Center of Mechatronics (LCM)
funded by the Austrian federal government and the
federal state of Upper Austria.
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Comparison of Access Control Approaches for Graph-Structured Data