Gathering and Matching Data from the Web: The Bibliographic Data
Collection Case Study
Olga Cherednichenko
, Lubomir Nebesky
and Marián Kováč
Bratislava University of Economics and Management, Furdekova 16, Bratislava, Slovak Republic
Keywords: Information and Communications Technology, Data Collection, Data Consolidation, Matching, Natural
Language Processing.
Abstract: As a result of the analysis of existing approaches to consolidating data on research activities we highlight a
number of issues. Firstly, the automating the process of data collection which is included the comparing data
from different sources. Secondly, the use of external services to obtain bibliographic information which is
accompanied by the receipt of erroneous data. The idea of a tracking system for research activity implies that
we collect and consolidate data from different web sources and keep them in order to provide relevant
bibliographic information. We outline several key points to consider different spellings of the authors' names,
data duplication, and filtering out erroneously data. The purpose of the study is to improve the accuracy of
comparing bibliographic data from different indexing systems. We propose the framework for gathering and
matching bibliographic data from the web. The experimental results show the performance of the proposed
algorithm with reaching 0.88 for the F1 metric. The software prototype is developed. The ways to improve
the proposed algorithm have been identified, which opens up opportunities for further research.
Modern complex organizational systems use a variety
of data collection tools to make rational management
decisions. However, the existing data collection
systems do not fully ensure the relevance of
information, which leads to the risks of making wrong
decisions and irreversible consequences. This
necessitates the study of the problem of creating a
distributed system for collecting relevant data on the
basis of a unified theoretical and methodological
approach by developing appropriate applied
information technologies and software products.
The information technology is designed to make
human work easier by automating certain processes
that need to be performed by humans. As mentioned,
for example, in (Cherednichenko et al., 2023) the
more such processes are automated, the faster and
more efficient human work becomes. Collecting data
from open sources on the Internet is not just about e-
commerce. In academic research it is also often
necessary to collect information, for example,
a 0000-0002-9391-5220
b 0000-0002-2148-7212
c 0000-0003-4701-7830
Stryzhak et al. (2024) analyze the development of
travel and tourism by comparing data from 102
countries. Another work (Labunska et al., 2023)
studies the investment attractiveness of enterprises
and notes that attraction requires the identification of
promising investment objects, which cannot be done
only on the basis of analyzing the internal reporting
of the enterprise. In such situations, researchers often
use information resources that aggregate data and, as
a result, face problems of accuracy, consistency and
deduplication of information.
The research activities are one of the processes
that never stops. Recently, they have been paying
great attention to electronic systems for accounting
and indexing for research results. In particular,
Google Scholar, Scopus, Web of Science, and
ResearchGate are widely known systems for keeping
track of publications. Effective management of
research activities should be based on complete,
reliable, and up-to-date information. For this purpose,
it is necessary to record the results of research
activities and conduct regular monitoring.
Cherednichenko, O., Nebesky, L. and Ková
c, M.
Gathering and Matching Data from the Web: The Bibliographic Data Collection Case Study.
DOI: 10.5220/0012863500003764
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Smart Business Technologies (ICSBT 2024), pages 139-146
ISBN: 978-989-758-710-8; ISSN: 2184-772X
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
As Correia et al. (2021) rightly points out, despite
a lot of research in the area of named entity resolution,
dealing with name ambiguity is still a difficult
problem. Since bibliographic data are generated from
publications, the growth of which is significant
worldwide, many problems arise due to missing data
fields, repetitive objects, spelling errors, extra
characters, etc. One of the main problems when
working with bibliographic data is their comparison
from different sources and accounting systems. This
can lead to errors and inaccuracies in the collection
result, which in turn negatively affects the quality and
reliability of the data obtained.
Thus, the subject of the study is devoted to the
issues of collecting and consolidating data on the
research activities from different web sources. The
purpose of the study is to improve the accuracy of
comparing bibliographic data from different indexing
The rest of the paper is organised in the following
way. The next section is discussed the existed
solutions and approaches to tracking, gathering, and
collecting bibliographic data. The third section
presents methodological basics and describes data
sources which are used. The next section suggests the
framework for gathering and matching bibliographic
data from the web. Then we describe the results of
experimenting and the design of the software
prototype. And finally, we discuss the contribution of
our research and make the conclusion.
The task of information retrieval is considered from
the point of view of the following components:
searching for information required by users, its
sorting and extraction. Information retrieval systems
are used to search for information. For sorting,
classification or clustering is used. And to extract this
information, document standards and Data Mining
tools are used. An important component of solving
information retrieval tasks in this context is
information grouping.
In the most general case, the grouping task is to
find, for a given set of objects, such groups that the
relationship between objects in the same group is
greater than the relationship between objects in
different groups. The number of groups in such
problems is often assumed to be given, although
sometimes it is determined in the process of grouping.
The problem of assessing the degree of connection
between objects is usually solved by having a table of
observations and is usually limited to the case when
the results of measuring these values do not depend
on the state of the object under study at the time of
previous observations. A general requirement for the
data collection methodology to solve the grouping
task is to record the values of all parameters at the
same time, and if this is not possible, the state of the
object should not change during the time of setting
the parameter values. The task of object classification
is similar. In this case, a set of objects under study is
divided into homogeneous classes, each of which is
defined by a multidimensional representation, i.e. a
set of values of parameters that characterize these
objects (Arasu et al., 2003).
Thus, the analysis allows us to conclude that there
is a sufficiently developed mathematical framework
for solving the problems of grouping information
objects collected during monitoring. The choice of a
particular method is determined by the peculiarities
of the objects to be grouped and the specifics of the
task formulation for specific subject areas.
There are a number of issues which we can
highlight in terms of consolidating data on research
activities. Firstly, the automating the process of data
collection which is included the comparing data from
different sources is a complex problem (Nurjahan et
al., 2023). Secondly, the use of external services to
obtain bibliographic information which can be
accompanied by the receipt of erroneous data
(Correia et al., 2021). In our research we focus on
gathering and matching bibliographic data from the
web. Thus, in this section we review the existing
methods that can be used to solve the problems of
comparing bibliographic data in order to develop the
algorithm and to solve this problem.
Google Scholar (Orduna-Malea et al., 2017) is a
free search service that allows you to find scientific
publications, including articles, abstracts, books,
reviews, and other types of scientific literature. As for
the public API, Google Scholar provides several
APIs, but they are only available for use for an
additional fee.
There are some Google Scholar scraping tools that
allow you to automatically collect data from Google
Scholar. The most well-known Google Scholar
scraping tool is the Scholarly Python library, which
allows you to search for publications, authors,
citations, and other data. Other Google Scholar
scraping tools include tools such as OutWit Hub,
Octoparse, Scrapy, and others. They provide options
for automatically collecting information from Google
Scholar and saving it in various formats, such as CSV,
Excel, JSON, and others.
Google Scholar categorizes data using a system
called Google Scholar Metrics (Delgado et al., 2012).
ICSBT 2024 - 21st International Conference on Smart Business Technologies
This system uses several deduplication methods to
ensure that the same article is not counted multiple
times. The main deduplication methods used by
Google Scholar Metrics are:
Article ID: Each article in Google Scholar is
assigned a unique article identifier. This identifier
is used to identify duplicate articles in different
Title and author: Google Scholar also uses the title
and author name to identify duplicate articles. If
two articles have the same title and author name,
they are considered duplicates.
DOI: Google Scholar uses Digital Object
Identifier (DOI) to identify duplicate articles in
different databases.
Full-text comparison: Google Scholar can also
compare the full text of articles to identify
duplicates. Google Scholar uses a proprietary full-
text comparison algorithm to identify duplicate
articles. The exact details of the algorithm are not
disclosed, but it is believed to use a combination
of Natural Language Processing (NLP) and
machine learning algorithms.
Although Google Scholar is a great tool for finding
scientific publications, there are a few downsides to
using it.
Lack of quality control: Google Scholar does not
strictly check the quality and reliability of
publications, so it is possible to find unverified
and unreliable information.
Incompleteness of the database: Google Scholar
may not contain all scientific articles, especially
those published in journals with limited access or
in other languages.
Google Scholar uses several data processing methods
but does not disclose the details of their work.
Therefore, it will not be possible to use this algorithm
to solve our task.
As a result of the analysis of existing approaches
to consolidating data on research activities, a number
of problems were identified that need to be addressed.
First, the need to constantly compile reports on
research activities leads to the issue of automating
this process and solving the problem of comparing
data from different resources. Secondly, the use of
external services to obtain bibliographic information
may be accompanied by the receipt of erroneous data,
so it is necessary to investigate the issue of their
Analyzing the identified problems in the process of
collecting and processing data from department
employees to compile reports on their research
activities, we can outline several key points to
Different spellings of the authors' names.
Duplication of these publications.
Filtering out erroneously attributed work.
The very idea of a system for tracking the results of
scientific activity implies that such a system will have
its own database where the processed bibliographic
information will be stored. Therefore, in order to
avoid creating duplicates in the database, it is
necessary, in addition to deduplicating data from
different sources and filtering out erroneously
attributed works, to provide for checking the
availability of this information in the database.
One of the most common sources of data
inconsistencies is typographical variations in string
data. There is a high probability that a dataset
collected from heterogeneous sources will have
redundant data and will need to be analyzed,
redundant copies identified and deleted to keep only
one copy.
A process aimed at eliminating redundant copies
of data and reducing storage costs is called
deduplication. Typically, to identify similar data, a
character-based similarity metric is used - a metric
that measures the distance ("inverse similarity")
between two text strings for approximate string
matching or comparison and searching on a fuzzy
string. There are five commonly used string similarity
1. Editing distance. There are three types of editing
Insert a character into a string.
Delete a character from a string.
Replace one character with another.
In its simplest form, each edit operation has a cost of
1. This version of the edit distance is also called the
Levenshtein distance (Levenshtein, 1965).
Levenshtein distance is the most widely known string
metric and is used to correct word errors (in search
engines, databases, during text entry, in automatic
recognition of scanned text or speech), compare text
files, genes, chromosomes, and proteins in
2. Athenian gap distance. The edit distance metric
described above does not work well when comparing
strings that have been truncated or shortened (e.g.,
Gathering and Matching Data from the Web: The Bibliographic Data Collection Case Study
"John R. Smith" vs. "Jonathan Richard Smith"). The
affine gap distance metric offers a solution to this
problem by introducing two additional editing
operations: gap opening and gap widening (Ristad et
al., 1998). The cost of gap expansion is usually less
than the cost of opening a gap, which results in lower
penalties for gap mismatches than the equivalent cost
in the edit distance metric.
3. Smith-Waterman distance (Smith et al., 1981).
Smith and Waterman (1981) described an extension
of the edit distance and affine break distance in which
mismatches at the beginning and end of lines have a
lower value than mismatches in the middle. This
metric improves the local alignment of strings (i.e.,
substring matching). Therefore, the strings "Professor
John R. Smith, University of Calgary" and "John R.
Smith, Professor" can match within a small distance
using the Smith-Waterman distance, since prefixes
and suffixes are ignored. The distance between two
strings can be calculated using a dynamic
programming based on the Needleman and Wunsch
4. Jaro distance metric (Elmagarmid et al., 2007)
introduces a string comparison algorithm that is used
primarily for comparing last names and first names.
Winkler and Thibodeau modified the Jaro metric by
giving more weight to prefix matches, as prefix
matches are usually more important for matching
5. Q-grams are short character substrings of the length
q of database rows. The intuition behind using q-
grams as a basis for approximate string mapping is
that when two strings are similar, they have a large
number of common q-grams in common. Q-grams,
including trigrams, bigrams, and/or unigrams, have
been used in various ways for text recognition and
spelling correction. One of the natural extensions of
q-grams are positional q-grams, which also record the
position of q-grams in a string (Elmagarmid et al.,
Analyzing the above similarity metrics, we will
use the Levenshtein distance as an approach for
duplicating bibliographic data of research papers as
the most suitable for calculating the editing distance
between two lines. This choice is explained by the
fact that the titles of scientific articles most often do
not contain first and last names, do not have
abbreviations, and the cost of discrepancies in any
part of the title is the same.
One of the main tasks of analyzing bibliographic
data is to filter out erroneously attributed works. To
check whether an article belongs to a certain author,
it was decided to analyze the titles of articles and
compare their topics with the topics of the author's
previous works. This solution cannot fully provide
the necessary filtering, because there is a possibility
that the article is really by the author, although it is
written on a topic completely distant from the author's
main field of work. One way of analyzing data that
can help solve this problem is to use the Wu & Palmer
Similarity algorithm (Meng et al., 2013).
Wu & Palmer Similarity is a measure of the
semantic closeness of two words in a lexical context
based on how close the words are in the WordNet
hypernym tree (Pratama et al., 2022). WordNet is a
lexical database of the English language that
describes the relationships between words, including
synonyms, antonyms, hypernyms, hyponyms, and
others. The Wu & Palmer semantic closeness
measure is defined as the height of the Least Common
Ancestor (LCA) of two words in the WordNet
hypernym tree divided by the sum of the depths of
these two words in the tree (Meng et al., 2013). Thus,
the closer the words are located in the WordNet
hypernym tree, the higher their Wu & Palmer
Similarity is. This measure can be used in natural
language processing tasks, such as calculating
semantic closeness between words, text
classification, and other tasks.
The Wu & Palmer Similarity algorithm has the
following steps:
Identify two words for which you want to measure
semantic closeness.
Finding hyperlinks (parent concepts) that contain
the two words. A hypernym tree is used to
organize concepts in lexical databases such as
Finding the LCA of two words in WordNet, i.e.
the parent concept that has the smallest distance
from the WordNet root to the two source words.
To find the LCA, you can use hypernym tree
traversal algorithms, such as the DFS (Depth-First
Search) or BFS (Breadth-First Search) algorithm.
Calculating the height of the LCA (the number of
levels up from the root to the LCA).
Calculating the depth of each word (the number of
levels up from the root to each word).
Calculating semantic closeness.
Return the semantic closeness value between two
Thus, there are some advantages of using the Wu &
Palmer Similarity method.
Hierarchical structure: Wu & Palmer Similarity
considers the hierarchical structure of a lexical
database such as WordNet, which reflects the
inherent relationships between words. This allows
ICSBT 2024 - 21st International Conference on Smart Business Technologies
for a more accurate representation of the semantic
relationships between words.
Intuitiveness: Wu & Palmer Similarity is based on
the idea that words that share a common ancestor
in a hierarchy are more similar in meaning than
words that do not. This intuitive approach makes
the results easier to understand and interpret.
Easy to calculate: Wu and Palmer similarity is a
relatively simple method that can be computed
quickly and efficiently. This makes it a practical
choice for many natural language processing
Widely used: Wu & Palmer Similarity is a well-
known method that is widely used and studied in
the field of natural language processing. This
means that many resources and tools are available
to work with it, making it a convenient choice for
researchers and developers.
However, it is important to note that Wu & Palmer
Similarity is designed to compare semantic similarity
between two concepts, not physical proximity.
Therefore, while it can be used to compare the
similarity of the language used in two strings, it is not
suitable for comparing the physical proximity of
those strings.
The proposed algorithm performs the task of
processing records in three stages: the stage of
removing duplicate records from the array of data
obtained from different sources, the stage of
removing records that are already present in the
database, and the stage of checking whether the
remaining publications belong to the author. To fully
understand the place of Levenshtein's distance and
the Wu & Palmer Similarity algorithm in the process
of filtering the collected data, Figure 1 shows the
process of categorizing these publications.
The stage of removing duplicate records involves
checking for matches between publications by title,
place of publication (journal, scientific publication,
etc.), and year of publication. If these three values
match for publications from different sources, we
believe that these records can be merged.
The stage of removing publications present in the
database is identical to the stage of removing
duplicate records. Having received a set of
publications after the previous stage, we do the same
thing: we compare the title, place of publication, and
year of publication with the data of publications
already in the database.
The stage of checking whether a publication
belongs to the author is based on the Wu & Palmer
Similarity algorithm to compare the titles of
publications and the interests of authors - the subject
categories that interest the author and within which he
or she wrote articles.
As a result of this data processing, publications
obtained from bibliographic information sources will
be divided into 3 categories:
New publications.
Publications that require confirmation.
Previously saved publications.
Figure 1: Data categorization process.
Gathering and Matching Data from the Web: The Bibliographic Data Collection Case Study
Thus, the processing stages and the algorithm for
processing bibliographic data were formed, as a result
of which the resulting set of research papers can be
saved to the database and used for further reporting.
The high-level architecture of developed software
is shown in Figure 2.
Python was chosen as the programming language.
This choice is due to the fact that Python is one of the
most popular programming languages for working
with neural networks, providing a large number of
libraries with implementations of various methods of
data analysis, processing, and filtering. The Wu-
Palmer algorithm is also implemented within the
The proposed algorithm involves deduplication of
data and verification of their belonging to the author.
It is presupposed to use 6 threshold values. They are
for comparing the author's name, for calculating the
Wu & Palmer similarity, two for checking the sources
of publications and two for checking the titles of
publications based on the Levenshtein distance. In
order to choose the threshold values an experiment is
Four datasets were created as input data for the
Bibliographic data of publications of an arbitrary
author obtained from Google Scholar (100
Bibliographic data of the author's publications
obtained from Web of Science (30 records).
Personal data of the author and his publications
previously obtained and stored in the database.
The expected result in the form of a set of
publications that will be marked as "New".
The purpose of this experiment is to find the
parameters of the algorithm to obtain the best
accuracy of categorization of the obtained data of the
author's publications.
Metrics based on the confusion matrix were
chosen as evaluation criteria. Such a matrix contains
generalized information about the model's
performance, including the number of true positives
(TP), true negatives (TN), false positives (FP), and
false negatives (FN) classifications. The matrix is
usually presented in the form of a table, with the
predicted labels on one axis and the actual data labels
on the other. The cells in the table contain the counts
of the various outcomes. In the experiment, the cells
of the confusion matrix are defined as follows:
TP is the number of publications that were
attributed to the author correctly.
TN is the number of publications that were not
attributed to the author.
FP is the number of publications that were
attributed to the author by mistake.
FN is the number of publications that were not
attributed to the author by mistake.
The confusion matrix is a useful tool for evaluating
the performance of classification models and can be
used to calculate such metrics as accuracy, precision,
recall, and F1 score.
Unlike optimizing the performance of single-
variable algorithms, optimizing a multi-variable
algorithm requires considering many possible values
Figure 2: The high-level architecture.
ICSBT 2024 - 21st International Conference on Smart Business Technologies
for each variable and their interactions, which can be
time-consuming and require specialized optimization
methods such as gradient descent or evolutionary
algorithms. Taking this into account, it was decided
to create a mathematical model of the algorithm as a
function of several variables and use special
optimization methods to find the optimal values of the
variables. These methods make it possible to find the
minimum or maximum of a function in a given range
of variables with high accuracy and efficiency, which
makes optimization of complex algorithms possible.
We use the F1 metric as the value to maximize, as
it is a good indicator of model quality, combining
Precision and Recall into one value. The
determination of the appropriate optimization method
depends on many factors, such as the number of
variables, the type of function, and the presence of
constraints. To determine the type of our function, we
created a graph of the change in metrics depending on
the threshold value (Fig. 3).
As we can highlight over the graph, it is a step
function. There are several optimization methods that
can be used to optimize multi-criteria step functions,
i.e. Nelder-Mead method, genetic algorithms, linear
programming methods, methods of cluster analysis.
Each of these methods has its own advantages and
disadvantages. We choose the Nelder-Mead
algorithm to optimize the function.
Figure 3: Variation of a function by one variable.
The Nelder-Mead optimization algorithm is a
commonly used numerical optimization algorithm for
minimizing nonlinear, unconstrained objective
functions (Bazaraa et al., 2005). It belongs to the class
of direct search methods that do not require
information about the gradient of the objective
function. Instead, the algorithm iteratively searches
for the minimum of the objective function, moving
from one point to another in the search space.
As a result of applying the Nelder-Mead
algorithm to optimize the F1 function the necessary
values of the thresholds are obtained.
the author's name threshold = 0.88
the first publication source threshold = 0.93
the second publication source threshold = 0.71
the first publication title threshold = 0.95
the second publication title threshold = 0.92
Wu & Palmer similarity = 0.62
Based on the obtained thresholds the developed
algorithm gives the following values of key metrics.
Recall= 0.81
F1 Score=0.88
We can conclude that the proposed algorithm showed
good results, reaching 0.88 for the F1 metric. Thus, in
this section, we test the developed algorithm for
comparing and classifying publications and, by
performing an experiment, established the optimal
values of the thresholds used in it.
Thus, to compare similar records from different
sources, we suggested using edit distance to compare
titles, source, and year of publications. To determine
whether the bibliographic data belonged to the author,
we suggested using Wu & Palmer Similarity
algorithm to compare the topics of the author's
publications with the topics that have already been
used by him before. All together is the basis of the
framework suggested in this research. We have
experimented with algorithm to find out the optimal
values of the thresholds and developed the software
To summarize the obtained results, we can
underline the following. To answer the first research
question, we propose the deduplication algorithm
with the Levenshtein distance. The editing distance
between two lines is the most appropriate approach
because of the fact that the titles of scientific articles
most often do not contain first and last names, do not
have abbreviations, and the cost of discrepancies in
any part of the title is the same. Thus, these features
make it inappropriate to use the other similarity
metrics to eliminate redundant copies of data.
As to regards of the second research question we
suggest using the Wu & Palmer Similarity algorithm.
To check whether an article belongs to a certain
Gathering and Matching Data from the Web: The Bibliographic Data Collection Case Study
author we compare their topics with the topics of the
author's previous works. As Wu & Palmer Similarity
is a measure of the semantic closeness of two words
in a lexical context, it helps to filter the data by topic
related to the author. It is important to notice that this
solution cannot fully provide the necessary filtering,
because there is a possibility that the article is really
by the author, although it is written on a topic
completely distant from the author's main field of
Analyzing the results of the algorithm, we
identified several weaknesses that need to be
improved in the future.
In cases where an author contributes to an article
that is not related to his or her field of interest, a
problem arises when filtering out falsely attributed
works, because the algorithm we developed will
classify such articles as falsely attributed or those that
need to be clarified.
Analyzing the data of publications by different
authors, it was determined that often the same author
can have several different articles with identical or
almost identical titles. Therefore, it is necessary to
consider alternative ways of comparing publication
titles in order to avoid mistakenly combining two
different publications. Thus, further ways to improve
the system have been identified.
The research study depicted in this paper is partially
funded by the EU NextGenerationEU through the
Recovery and Resilience Plan for Slovakia under
project No. 09I03-03-V01-00078.
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ICSBT 2024 - 21st International Conference on Smart Business Technologies