author we compare their topics with the topics of the
author's previous works. As Wu & Palmer Similarity
is a measure of the semantic closeness of two words
in a lexical context, it helps to filter the data by topic
related to the author. It is important to notice that this
solution cannot fully provide the necessary filtering,
because there is a possibility that the article is really
by the author, although it is written on a topic
completely distant from the author's main field of
Analyzing the results of the algorithm, we
identified several weaknesses that need to be
improved in the future.
In cases where an author contributes to an article
that is not related to his or her field of interest, a
problem arises when filtering out falsely attributed
works, because the algorithm we developed will
classify such articles as falsely attributed or those that
need to be clarified.
Analyzing the data of publications by different
authors, it was determined that often the same author
can have several different articles with identical or
almost identical titles. Therefore, it is necessary to
consider alternative ways of comparing publication
titles in order to avoid mistakenly combining two
different publications. Thus, further ways to improve
the system have been identified.
The research study depicted in this paper is partially
funded by the EU NextGenerationEU through the
Recovery and Resilience Plan for Slovakia under
project No. 09I03-03-V01-00078.
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