A Reference Architecture for Dynamic IoT Environments Using
Collaborative Computing Paradigms (CCP-IoT-RA)
Prashant G. Joshi and Bharat M. Deshpande
Department of Computer Science & Information Systems, BITS Pilani K. K. Birla Goa Campus, Goa, India
IoT Reference Architecture, Collaborative Computing Paradigms, Architecture Models, System Software
Architecture, Collaborative Computing, Collaborating Paradigms, Dynamic IoT Environments.
Collaborative Computing Paradigms (CCP) has shown the potential to overcome challenges in dynamic IOT
environments. CCP’s features are interconnection and interplay, dynamic distribution of data processing,
fluidity of computing across paradigms, storage and data management across participating paradigms, and
scalability and extendability of the systems software architecture. Reference Architecture and Models are
known to provide a blueprint, that can be applied across applications domains, and thus can potentially accel-
erate the development and deployment of systems software. Using the features of CCP, this paper proposes
a RA for dynamic IOT environments using the collaborative computing paradigm (CCP-IOT-RA). Proposed
CCP-IOT-RA reference architecture has been applied to commercial and telematics applications like building
automation and vehicle and driver behaviour, demonstrating it’s versatility and effectiveness.
The Internet of Things (IOT) is maturing and evolv-
ing, with a significant number of solutions already
deployed across various application domains. The
challenges within dynamic IOT environments per-
sist, driven by the heterogeneity of smart sensors, de-
vices, data and computing. In addressing these chal-
lenges, (Joshi and Deshpande., 2024) have introduced
a Collaborative Computing Paradigm (CCP), and val-
idated its efficacy using two applications - data center
cooling systems and driver and vehicle behaviour in
telematics. They have demonstrated that, by intercon-
necting and orchestrating various paradigms, it is fea-
sible to ensure the continuous functionality of critical
use cases at all times. Data storage, choice of comput-
ing paradigm, scalability and extendability have been
identified as additional characteristics for the CCP.
In the industrial landscape, systems software ar-
chitectures have been designed and deployed in di-
verse application domains. With the demand for sat-
isfying more and more use cases and scenarios, the
complexity of applications has increased, and vari-
ous solutions have also been proposed using a number
of architectural styles, models, and schemes. While
many architectures and architectural styles have been
proposed, and deployed for numerous solutions over
past decade, there is a lacuna of Reference Archi-
tectures for distributed IOT systems (Muccini and
Moghaddam, 2018).
As per (Cavalcante et al., 2015) two architectures
(a) IOT ARM and (b) WSO2 are discussed, and con-
cludes that they fulfil the requirements of the IOT ar-
chitecture, there is a need to go step further. A system-
atic mapping study of architectures, in (Garc
es et al.,
2021), shows that reference architectures, especially
in IOT, need to be developed further. The IEEE has
constituted a working group for IEEE 42042 (Stan-
dard for Enterprise, Systems and Software Ref-
erence architectures) for reference architectures (RA)
which includes RA for IOT. This is clear evidence of
the need to have such reference architectures (IEEE,
This paper proposes a RA, based on the Collab-
orative Computing Paradigm, and discusses the ap-
plicability to dynamic IOT environments. Proposed
RA has been applied to two applications in the do-
main building automation, and vehicle, and driver be-
The paper is organised as follows. Section 2 pro-
vides a brief on characteristics of a typical Reference
Architecture. Section 3 develops an evaluation crite-
ria for IOT RA. Section 4 describes the state-of-art,
and identifies the Challenges and Issues for a RA in
the IoT environments, summarising them based on the
published research, Section 5 proposes and develops a
Joshi, P. and Deshpande, B.
A Reference Architecture for Dynamic IoT Environments Using Collaborative Computing Paradigms (CCP-IoT-RA).
DOI: 10.5220/0012863700003753
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Software Technologies (ICSOFT 2024), pages 193-202
ISBN: 978-989-758-706-1; ISSN: 2184-2833
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
Reference Architecture for using Collaborative Com-
puting Paradigms to overcome the challenges and is-
sues with a focus on dynamic IoT environments. Sec-
tion 6 describes and discusses how the applications
and use-cases can be realised from the CCP-IOT-RA.
Section 7 provides a conclusion and Section 8 pro-
vides the details of the future work.
In FIGURE 1, a progression of the content and the
development of the reference architecture is shown.
IOT Environment
Application of CCP-
Figure 1: Progression of systems software architecture and
IOT architectures to define a CCP-IOT-RA.
As systems become increasingly complex, reliant on
software, and software intensive; a need for RA
arises, which provides a blueprint to design and de-
velop the applications. A RA is known to accelerate
the design and development. Additionally, it ensures
that the systems developed, and deployed demon-
strate shared attributes, and qualities such as security,
interoperability, scalability and adaptability.
Developing an architectural design is a non-trivial
task, and takes deep knowledge and large experience,
both in software and in the target application domain
(Palma et al., 2022). Adopting a relevant RA to build
an architectural design of software system can accel-
erate the development process and increase the prob-
ability of success of the software intensive systems.
Over past decades, software architectures and sys-
tems software architectures, in various forms, directly
for applications or as a RA have been proposed, de-
signed, developed and deployed in academia, and in-
dustry. A RA for building IOT systems have been
discussed in (Kaiser et al., 2023). Generic charac-
teristics, and requirements of RA for IOT have been
discussed in (Weyrich and Ebert, 2016).
Systems software requires tailoring, and this is
even more prominent when addressing the specific,
and unique demands of the IOT systems. Given its
dynamic nature, IOT systems necessitates a distinct,
and significant emphasis on developing system soft-
ware architecture and reference architectures.
Dynamic IOT environments are characterised by
unique issues, and challenges which have been sum-
marised in (Joshi and Deshpande., 2024). To over-
come these, an architecture based on collaborating
computing paradigms has been developed, and vali-
dated using two applications (a) Data Center Cooling
System (b) Vehicle & Driver behaviour.
A set with three dimensions (a) Context (b) De-
sign (c) Goals, as part of the framework for software
RA, have been described in (Angelov et al., 2009).
Contexts: IOT systems are complex due to it’s
multidisciplinary nature. When evaluating the
RA, the context is determined by its use by all
technical personnel responsible for designing, de-
veloping, deploying, and maintaining the system.
Designs: Target design (detailed - High and Low
level and formally described) to satisfy the re-
quirements of the system, and systems software.
Goals: While a RA is generic, when adopted to
build a system, will have specific goals. Goals
may be technical, engineering, performance and
business. Scope of the goals, as considered for
this evaluation, is limited to the technical, engi-
neering and performance of the systems software.
Business goals are specifically not considered.
In this paper these three dimensions are added to
the scope, and enhanced for use, in evaluation of the
RA for a systems software architecture, and it’s ap-
plication for IOT systems. Thus, a criteria to evaluate
the RA is arrived at. It is used for the evaluation of
the RA and is summarised in TABLE 1.
Further, this paper proposes a set of quality at-
tributes for the RA. They have been summarised in
Thus, evaluation proposed and developed in this
section is used, in conjunction with the requirements
of IOT systems, for designing architectures for spe-
cific application and application domains. They are
discussed in further sections.
ICSOFT 2024 - 19th International Conference on Software Technologies
Table 1: Collaborating Computing Paradigm (CCP) Reference Architecture Characteristics.
Characteristics Description ID
Interconnection & Interplay Smart devices, computing paradigms are totally interconnected
enabling a complete interplay.
Dynamic distribution of data
Dynamic distribution across computing paradigms, provides in-
creased flexibility and efficient distribution.
Fluidity of computing across
Allocation of tasks of computing is dynamic and context driven
to ensure outcome.
Storage and data manage-
ment across participating
As per the context the data is processed and stored in a comput-
ing paradigm. Ultimately the storage of data (raw and processed)
is on the common designated data store.
Scalability and extendability
of the architecture
Integrate new devices, computing paradigms and infrastruc-
ture, additional hardware and software components to effectively
monitor subsystems, and analyse collected data.
Context(s) Specifically from point of view of all the personnel responsi-
ble for design, development, deployment and maintenance of the
Goal(s) Every RA and it’s application must satisfy the technical goals set
of the system.
Design(s) Architectural Design (High Level) and Detailed Design (Low
level) to satisfy the requirements of the system.
Table 2: Reference Architecture Attributes - Proposed.
Attribute Description ID
Modularity Separation of concerns. CCP-QA1
Variability Expandable in pre-planned ways. CCP-QA2
Subsetability Support production of a subset. CCP-QA3
Unified Architectural unification CCP-QA4
Utility Useful and function well for people. CCP-QA5
Robustness Strong and not be vulnerable for changes. CCP-QA6
Feasibility Be practical, implementable and viable. CCP-QA7
Adaptability Able to be changed based on requirements, customization and personalization. CCP-QA8
4.1 IoT Reference Architecture: State
of Art and Requirements
Every IOT system is a highly connected, and a com-
plex system (Weyrich and Ebert, 2016). The authors
have compared IOT reference architectures, and have
described the requirements for a IOT RA. This paper
uses them as requirements criteria to satisfy the nec-
essary, and sufficient condition to be a reference ar-
chitecture for IOT. The requirements are summarised
in the TABLE 3.
4.2 IoT Reference Architectures:
Challenges and Issues
IOT environments are unique, and have posed vari-
ety of challenges and issues. These challenges and
issues are specifically focused on data volume, fre-
quency and processing, data fusion and dynamic com-
puting needs, seamless and multi-interface connectiv-
ity, and choice of computing paradigms. The authors
(Joshi and Deshpande., 2024), have catalogued the
challenges and issues and a summary of the ones rel-
evant to the RA are depicted in TABLE 5
A Reference Architecture for Dynamic IoT Environments Using Collaborative Computing Paradigms (CCP-IoT-RA)
Table 3: IOT Reference Architecture Requirements (Weyrich and Ebert, 2016).
Requirements Description ID
Connectivity & Commu-
This will involve one-to-one connectivity (unicast), one-to-many
(multicast) or data collection, information dissemination to multi-
ple entities. Protocols for exchange of data and information.
Device Management Services for managing the device from on-boarding, device config-
uration, device provisioning and change propagation, Upgrade of
Data Collection, Analy-
sis and actuation
Ultimately to offer services based on knowledge and information
created by computing the data gathered.
Scalability Ability to handle the increased number of devices, volume of data
for installation of different sizes.
Security Trust and privacy across the entire system i.e. all aspects of IOT and
all participating entities.
4.3 IoT Reference Architecture
Requirements and Quality
Any software intensive system, and it’s characteris-
tics along with functions require a due consideration
of quality attributes. Both are a must to to define a
functional system as neither of them stand on their
own (Bass et al., 2003). A set of quality attributes
have been used to describe the RA.
While the quality attributes have been identified
in this paper for the CCP-IOT-RA, they have not been
further developed. They have been identified to bring
in completeness to the proposed IOT-RA. The set of
proposed quality attributes have been identified (Cav-
alcante et al., 2015) and have been summarised in the
In previous sections, the RA characteristics, and IOT
RA requirements, characteristics and attributes have
been established. In this section, the RA based on col-
laborative computing paradigm, for IOT is described.
Criteria for evaluation for satisfying the necessary
and sufficient condition for any RA has been based on
the RA and IOT RA requirements.
The proposed CCP-IOT-RA must satisfy the fol-
Must have the characteristics of a RA depicted in
Meet the quality attributes of RA depicted in TA-
Meet the requirements of IOT Reference Archi-
tectures depicted in TABLE 3 and TABLE 4
Overcome the challenges, and issues for dynamic
IOT environments depicted in TABLE 5
Mobile Nodes
Mobile Nodes
Other Systems
Cloud Computing
Remote Mobile
Mobile Gateway
Edge Gateway
Edge Gateway
IOT Devices / Edge Devices . Mist Nodes
Note: All connectivity on an appropriate wired or wireless interface
To Internet
Fog Nodes
Fog Nodes
Figure 2: A Reference Architecture for Dynamic IOT Envi-
ronments CCP-IOT-RA.
CCP-IOT-RA, a RA based on Collaborative Com-
puting Paradigms, for Dynamic IOT Environments
is depicted in FIGURE 2. It can be observed, ev-
ery device and node (fog, mobile, cloud or edge) is
interconnected, and a complete interplay is possible.
With this, the limitations of the layering do not exit,
and communication for data, actuation, data collec-
tion and processing can be distributed, by any node,
across the computing paradigms.
Devices connect with gateways, fog, and cloud us-
ing the wired or wireless interfaces, and choose to
communicate (data, upgrade or configuration) based
on the context, and the requirement of the applica-
tions. Data collected can be transmitted for process-
ICSOFT 2024 - 19th International Conference on Software Technologies
Table 4: Reference Architecture Requirements and Quality Attributes (Cavalcante et al., 2015).
Characteristics Description ID
Interoperability Among several other devices, services and systems. CCP-QA1
Device Discovery and Management Able to discover newer devices and manage them. CCP-QA2
Context-awareness Gather information and knowledge of context. CCP-QA3
Scalability Manage the increase in devices, data and computing. CCP-QA4
Management of large volumes of data Data generated by smart devices. CCP-QA5
Security, Privacy, and integrity Related to the data. CCP-QA1
Dynamic adaptation High availability and quality of applications execu-
tion time.
Table 5: Challenges & Issues in IoT Reference Architectures using Computing Paradigms (Joshi and Deshpande., 2024).
Challenge Description ID
Data Volume, frequency
and Processing
Large volumes of data at high frequencies are collected by large
number of devices in the field. Collected data will need to be pro-
cessed and stored.
Software System Archi-
IOT environments are dynamic and the need is to ensure availabil-
ity of computing infrastructure and capacity for the data processing
Data Fusion and Dy-
namic Computing
Data fusion needs to build knowledge based on heterogeneous data
from variety of sensors.
Seamless and Multi-
interface Connectivity
Connectivity with each device and participating node is required for
data collection, device upgrades, device management and provision-
Fog/Edge Computing
and Interplay with Cloud
Computing paradigms are available which can be exploited to build
reliable and real-time data processing and actuation.
Choice of Computing
Dynamic IOT environments can benefit from the use of most apr
computing paradigm in the given context to achieve the goal.
Unified Model and Re-
source Allocation
With interconnected systems, numerous possibilities, policies and
strategies can be employed to ensure efficient utilisation of re-
Integration and Collabo-
Build synergy among all the participating computing paradigms to
ensure scalability.
ing to the nodes (edge, fog, cloud or mobile), and
the raw data and processed data can be stored locally
on the same node. As part of the storage manage-
ment, periodically or opportunistically the data, raw
and processed, will be transmitted to the Central store.
Diagram shows the following use cases,
Use Case 1: Device has the capability to connect
to internet, thus can communicate with the cloud
directly, it is also connected to the gateway, and
thus has multiple paradigms are available for com-
Use Case 2: Multiple devices are connected to
a gateway, each device is also connected to the
Fog Nodes which in-turn can connect to the cloud.
Each device also has a direct connectivity to the
cloud, thus enabling multiple paradigms to enable
Use Case 3: A device has capability to connect
with a mobile node, fog node and also with cloud;
which other nodes are interconnected. This en-
sures that data is collected, and processed on any
one of the paradigms.
Use Case 4: A device can be connected to inter-
net, like in use case 3, and will also have access to
a gateway node.
Based on the diagram, and functionality descrip-
tion, the criteria for RA is applied, and evaluation re-
sults are mentioned. In subsequent sub-sections the
RA is developed further.
Classically, the CCP focused on ensuring the con-
nectivity, and data while in the proposed RA, device
management, and security have been added as at-
tributes. The way CCP is structured, and design both
these additional attributes can be designed using the
A Reference Architecture for Dynamic IoT Environments Using Collaborative Computing Paradigms (CCP-IoT-RA)
Characteristics of the RA uses the CCP-Systems
Software Architecture; thus inherits the characteris-
tics of a CCP and additionally able to satisfy the re-
quirements of an IOT RA stated in Requirements Ta-
ble 3
Device Management, a function that can be im-
plemented using the CCP-IOT. Security - Trust and
privacy become the quality attributes of the CCP-IOT.
5.1 CCP-IoT-RA Requirements
As per the evaluation criteria from previous sections,
the CCP-IOT-RA is evaluated for coverage of the re-
quirements of the RA. This is detailed in the TABLE
6. The requirements are mapped to the CCP-IOT-RA
5.2 CCP-IoT-RA Characteristics
The CCP-IOT-RA identified characteristics are de-
scribed and summarised in TABLE 1. The first five
characteristics which are from the CCP architecture
and the last three are from a functionality perspective
that comes in to action for a particular application.
5.3 CCP-IoT-RA Quality Attributes
As part of the evaluation criteria established in pre-
vious sections, the CCP-IOT-RA is evaluated against
the coverage of the quality attributes of the RA. This
is detailed in the TABLE 8. It can be observed that
the quality attributes are mapped to the CCP-IOT-RA
5.4 Characteristics of CCP-IOT-RA
With the challenges posed by the dynamic IOT en-
vironments, the characteristics of the CCP-IOT-RA,
the RA, are mapped to the IOT - challenges and is-
sues. The identified challenges and issues become the
requirements for the CCP-IOT-RA to fulfil. The map-
ping along with comments is detailed in TABLE 7.
In this section, large systems in commercial and au-
tomotive have been discussed. Each system is re-
quired to be built using the IOT environments. The
CCP-IOT-RA is applied to each of the systems, and
sub-systems, and the requirements are mapped to the
characteristics of the CCP-IOT-RA. Aim is to ascer-
tain that the CCP-IOT-RA is indeed a RA, which can
form a template for all systems, and provide distinct
and significant enhancements over classical IOT.
6.1 Building Automation
A typical commercial building, like a commercial
complex, with offices and shops, has multiple sub-
systems, which are deployed to automate the day-to-
day operations and upkeep.
Each of the subsystem requirements are listed and
discussed briefly, and then mapped to the CCP-IOT-
RA. It evident that the CCP-IOT-RA can be used a
blueprint to design the entire system to be versatile,
and enable the system to work efficiently.
6.1.1 Fire Safety System
Fire Safety equipment is required to be installed, and
will need to be monitored, and in particular cases spe-
cific actuation is a must.
Fire Extinguishers: Typically weight, and the re-
fill schedule is to be monitored for the fire ex-
tinguishers. Based on the CCP-IOT-RA the Use
Case 4 may be considered for operations.
Fire Sprinklers: Water pressure is monitored and
maintained to a level, such that when the sprin-
klers are activated water can be pumped for con-
trolling the fire. Sensors are deployed to check
water pressure on the lines, and a jockey pump is
operated when the pressure drops. Water pressure
is monitored continuously and communicated to
the nodes for processing. Based on the CCP-IOT-
RA the Use Case 2 may be considered for opera-
Salient Features:
Real-time notifications are a must in case of fire
or fault in equipment
Data collected, raw and processed data, from sys-
tems for predictive analytics
CCP-IOT-RA ensures notifications at all times
with interconnection and interplay
The system will notify the designated facility staff
for any malfunction in real-time. With CCP system
is interconnected - messages and notifications will be
sent, using available routes, reliably.
6.1.2 Pubic Toilets Monitoring System
Large buildings have multiple public toilet facilities
of various types like family, differently abled, in ad-
dition to the standard ones for male/female. Some
establishments may have facilities for pets too.
ICSOFT 2024 - 19th International Conference on Software Technologies
Table 6: CCP-IOT-RA Requirements evaluation.
ID Requirements CCP-
RA Comments
CCP-R1 Connectivity &
CCP-C1 With interconnection and interplay the information dissemination
in any modes (unicast or multicast) is enabled; and the intercon-
nection ensures protocol comparibility.
CCP-R2 Device Manage-
CCP-C5. With the features to on-board and de-board devices and connectiv-
ity with Fog, Edge and CLoud, the device management in addition
to on-board and de-board along with provisioning, upgrade of de-
vices and configuration can be managed.
CCP-R3 Data Collection,
Analysis and ac-
System are interconnected and computing is distributed; with this
the data collection, processing, analysis and actuation is possible.
CCP-R3 Scalability CCP-C5,
Each of the computing paradigms are scalable, which bring in
scalability to computing, handling of added devices as well as
computing of the increased volume of data.
CCP-R5 Security CCP-C1. Largely security will be a function of sofware application which
is already enabled with the characteristics of interconnection and
Monitoring the Trash Bins: Status of the bins
can be determined by weight and/or by level of
filling. Based on the level the action to clear the
bins can be taken. Use Case 4 of CCP-IOT-RA
may be considered for operations.
Monitoring the Soap and Water Consumption:
Soap dispenser and water faucets will need to
have the sensors which can transmit the levels,
and amount of consumption periodically. Use
Case 2 of CCP-IOT-RA may be considered for op-
Monitoring the Odour and Air Quality: Air
quality and gas sensors can be installed to monitor
the odour and air quality to enable actuation of air
purifiers or exhaust fans. Use Case 2 of CCP-IOT-
RA may be considered for operations.
Salient features:
Real-time notifications in case of cleaning re-
Collect Data from all systems for analytics
CCP-IOT-RA enables notifications at all times
6.1.3 Parking Management System
Parking system is dynamic with the ingress and egress
of cars along with detection of presence of a car in a
particular parking space, to aggregate the numbers per
parking level. Such data can be shown on a dashboard
to ascertain the number of free and occupied parking
Car Entry/Exit Barrier Operation: Sensors are
installed to detect the presence of the car and
movement (entry or exit) and based on the pay-
ment system the barrier is lowered or cleared for
movement. All such sensors are required to be re-
motely monitored and can be automated as well.
Based on the CCP-IOT-RA the Use Case 3 may
be considered for operations.
Parking Spot Car Detection: Presence or ab-
sence of a car at a spot and aggregation of such
data levelwise can indicate the parking capacity
situation. Sensors on each parking spot can pro-
vide that data. Data and location may be used to
guide the car entering for parking to the available
spot. Based on the CCP-IOT-RA the Use Case 2
and 4 may be considered for operations.
Salient Features:
Real-time notifications in case of issues or assis-
tance need
CCP-IOT-RA required to ensure required notifi-
cations are sent in relevant use cases
6.1.4 A CCP-IOT-RA Based System
For the three systems, discussed briefly above, a CCP-
IOT-RA can be adapted, tailored and deployed to en-
able all or more such sub-systems. In such a system,
CCP-IOT-RA can enable:
Addition of sub-systems, more features, and func-
tionality like addition of monitoring of the air-
conditioning system or Addition of specific fire
safety (additional equipment) for newly added
restaurants can be done easily with scalability and
extendability of CCP-IOT-RA
A Reference Architecture for Dynamic IoT Environments Using Collaborative Computing Paradigms (CCP-IoT-RA)
Table 7: CCP-IOT-RA IoT Reference Architectures Evaluation - Challenges and Issues.
ID Challenge/Issue CCP-IOT
RA map-
RA Comments
CCP-IOT1 Data Volume, frequency and
CCP enables high volume of data collection, and
processing as multiple paradigms and storage
management is made available.
CCP-IOT2 Software System Architec-
With scalability, and interconnection and interplay
enabled with fluidity of computing dynamic envi-
ronments are easily served.
CCP-IOT3 Data Fusion and Dynamic
CCP-C2 Data handling in IOT is crucia, and CCP-IOT-RA
enables not only collection but processing of data
across multiple nodes.
CCP-IOT4 Seamless and Multi-
interface Connectivity
CCP-C5 CCP-IOT-RA is based on the multi-interface con-
nectivity and leverages all means of communica-
CCP-IOT5 Fog/Edge Computing and
Interplay with Cloud
CCP-C1. Inherent feature of the way CPP-IOT-RA is de-
CCP-IOT6 Choice of Computing
With an interplay possible, availability of comput-
ing paradigm is increased and the a decision can
be made based on the policy and the context.
CCP-IOT7 Unified Model and Resource
With the way CCP-IOT-RA is designed, it func-
tions as a unified system along with flexibility to
allocate resources for various functionality in an
IOT system.
CCP-IOT8 Integration and Collabora-
With the way CCP-IOT-RA is designed, entire
system work on collaboration and synergy of the
interconnected components.
With interconnection and interplay, notifications,
acutuation, and operational data, and alerts can be
guaranteed for excellence in operations
6.2 Vehicle and Driver Behaviour
Figure 3: CCP-IOT-RA as applied to Telematics - Vehicle
& Driver behaviour.
Fleets of commercial and passenger vehicles need to
manage their drivers, vehicles, routes and schedules.
In most cases, there is a daily plan, for say city bus
fleet, transportation companies face dynamism in the
way they operate. Monitoring vehicles, and drivers, is
required to ensure compliance and safety, say hours of
operation for drivers, and dash cameras for insurance
claims. Various use cases can be considered which re-
quire real-time to near real-time information example:
Accident or faults in vehicles will need to be reported
in real-time.
Driver behaviour is analyzed based on the vari-
ety of data like speed, braking habits, and accelera-
tion along with correlating the location of the vehi-
cle. This data is collected regularly, and processed
in batches to derive patterns, which provide a score
for driving. The CCP-IOT-RA facilitates data col-
lection, and ensures data storage, and processing on
various intermediate nodes, which enhances the over-
all storage and processing capacity. This data stored
on various nodes, can then to sent to central data
store for storage and comprehensive analysis of driver
behaviour. Alerts for issues such as speeding, lane
changes, acceleration, and braking can be generated
by processing the data either on the device itself or
through a gateway (mobile or fixed equipment) within
the vehicle.
Vehicle data can be collected for each trip, and an-
ICSOFT 2024 - 19th International Conference on Software Technologies
Table 8: CCP-IOT-RA Quality Attributes Evaluation.
ID Characteristics CCP-IOT-
RA Comments
CCP-QA1 Interoperability CCP-C1 With interconnections and interplay, interoperability
forms the central feature of CCP-IOT-RA for all compo-
nents to work with each other, based on standards
CCP-QA2 Device Discovery
and Management
CCP-C5 As on-boarding and de-boarding of devices is enabled in
the CCP-IOT-RA enables device discovery and manage-
ment as a function
CCP-QA3 Context-awareness CCP-C1,
Context as defined for the topology of the connection or
the application can be arrived at with the interconnection
and interplay.
CCP-QA4 Scalability CCP-C5 A base feature of CCP-IOT-RA and enables addition of
devices and nodes dynamically.
CCP-QA5 Management of large
volumes of data
CCP-C4 With multiple participating paradigms the volume of data
can be easily managed.
CCP-QA6 Security, Privacy,
and integrity
CCP-C1 Though a software feature interconnection and interplay
is pivotal in enabling this.
CCP-QA7 Dynamic adaptation CCP-C5,
With the way the system is designed for dynamic IOT
systems, overall dynamism of any complex system can be
handled, and the CCP-IOT-RA can adapt to the dynamics
alyzed over time to assess the need for maintenance or
repairs, along with fault codes for diagnostics. Some
use cases require the immediate transmission of fault
codes, while others involve collecting data over an ex-
tended period to analyze operational efficiency, and
performance in greater detail.
All these cases require the versatility and effi-
ciency provided by CCP-IOT-RA. Its unique features
of interconnectedness enable real-time alerts and no-
tifications in the discussed use cases.
Using collaborative computing paradigms, a RA
(CCP-IOT-RA), for dynamic IOT environments has
been developed. The CCP-IOT-RA has been applied
to two IOT system - building automation, and vehi-
cle and driver behaviour. With this it is established
clearly that a RA using CCP-IOT-RA will form a
blueprint for design of solutions in dynamic IOT en-
vironments. Characteristics of CCP-IOT-RA has also
been mapped to the characteristics and quality at-
tributes of reference architectures, and to the chal-
lenges of IOT environments. With the available appli-
cation it is evident that the CCP-IOT-RA is versatile
and effective for IOT environments.
Furthermore, there is a need to experiment, and ap-
ply the CCP-IOT-RA to applications in variety of
domains. It is planned to detail the RA functional
blocks and develop for target domains of building au-
tomation and telematics. By focusing on the qual-
ity attributes of the RA, which can enable studying
the characteristics, attributes and performance of the
CCP-IOT-RA further. In addition, compare and con-
trast with other reference architectures, based on the
proposed RA requirements in this paper.
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