Zhang, 2021), where a “boundary attack” for mem-
bership inference is presented, which bypasses the
creation and usage of shadow models altogether.
Also, our defense mechanism could be transferred
to a hybrid scenario. Instead of using a static adver-
sary during the adversarial training of a target model,
the adversary is retrained on the modified output of
the target model in every epoch of the target model
training, as in (Grari et al., 2020). Such a hybrid
adversarial training could potentially further reduce
the leaked property information of a target model, al-
though further investigation is necessary.
Last but not least, the adversarial training for fair-
ness in (Grari et al., 2020) could have side effects
on the success rate of PIAs. Since Grari et al. train
their models to yield outputs independent from a sen-
sitive property p, it would be interesting to investi-
gate whether their approach could also defend a target
model against a PIA focussing on property p.
In this work, we have expanded upon existing black-
box PIAs by using an arbitrary attack dataset, which
can be based on other datasets than the training
dataset. As the natural fit for many ratio-based prop-
erties, we have modeled the PIAs in this work as
regression problems. We have explored a defense
mechanism based on adversarial training which hard-
ens a target model against black-box PIAs during its
training process. We have evaluated our approach on
three datasets, comparing the attack against white-box
benchmarks and related work. In our experiments, we
have shown our defense scheme to be both effective
(by decreasing the adversary’s performance from an
R² of 0.63–0.64 to 0.07) and practical, decreasing the
mean accuracy of target models by less than 0.2 per-
centage points.
The authors would like to thank Jona Zantz for his
helpful comments and insights.
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