combined. These architectures may differ in goals
and Properties of Interest, in level of abstraction or
detail, or may have been constructed for components
in a System under Study architecture (and we want a
twin of the overall SuS). Finally, we plan to inves-
tigate the relationship between the many Twinning
architectures presented in the literature and our pro-
posed workflow and reference architecture.
The authors would like to thank the reviewers for their
detailed feedback and insightful comments.
This research was partially supported by Flanders
Make, the strategic research center for the manufac-
turing industry. Additionally, we would like to thank
the Port of Antwerp-Bruges for their explanations of
the nautical chain, within the context of the COOCK
project “Smart Port 2025: improving and accelerat-
ing the operational efficiency of a harbour eco-system
through the application of intelligent technologies”.
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