This paper presents an approach to analyze topics
discussed on the Twitter social network. To iden-
tify these topics, the Twitter API is used to extract
tweets, and NLP is applied to find topics within the
tweets. Finally, FCA was utilized to generate impli-
cation rules between these topics, providing metrics
such as support and confidence.
With the generated implication rules and metrics,
it was possible to compare how Twitter users were
affected by events occurring at the time, such as the
Brazilian presidential election.
The Brazilian presidential election was evaluated
with a focus on the two most relevant candidates, Lula
and Bolsonaro. The analysis was conducted over a
month and a half, allowing topics that were being dis-
cussed to be forgotten and then remembered by users
of the social network, as was the case with the topics
“Bolsonaro” and “Fake news”.
The results demonstrate that it is possible to as-
sess how users are reacting to events related to the
election, information that is relevant for presidential
campaigns. Campaigns need metrics to evaluate the
impact of their actions.
As future work, there is a plan to automate the
entire process so that data can be extracted from the
social network and analyzed automatically, generat-
ing metrics on the topics discussed at the same mo-
ment. This is relevant for analyzing this informa-
tion at the same time it is being discussed on the
social network. Also, could extend this analysis by
incorporating sentiment analysis to better understand
the emotional tone of discussions. While our current
study focuses on topic evolution, adding a sentiment
dimension could reveal more nuanced insights into
public opinion. Future work could focus on automat-
ing the rule analysis process using machine learning
techniques, which would allow for a more extensive
and unbiased evaluation of the generated rules and
improve the overall efficiency of the method.
The authors thank the Pontif
ıcia Universidade
olica de Minas Gerais – PUC-Minas and
ao de Aperfeic¸oamento de Pessoal de
ıvel Superior — CAPES (CAPES – Grant PROAP
88887.842889/2023-00 – PUC/MG, Grant PDPG
88887.708960/2022-00 – PUC/MG - Inform
and Finance Code 001). The present work was also
carried out with the support of Fundac¸
ao de Amparo
a Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais (FAPEMIG)
under grant number APQ-01929-22.
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