extraction ability. So it does even better than
traditional machine learning in the face recognition
field. This article compares the application of three
classic deep learning models of CNN, DBN, and
GAN in face recognition. Among the three models,
CNN is the most widely used, and the convolution
operation can greatly enhance the ability of the
models to extract features and learn features. DBN is
less used and it is less able to extract features. GAN
is more used in the field of data generation, which can
solve problems such as occlusion and incomplete face
data. Other models are distinctive, but they are still in
the theoretical research stage. The disadvantages of
deep learning models are also obvious, such as
complex computation, high data volume requirements,
and poor interpretability, etc. In the future, the
lightweight of the model and the application of the
model in various special cases are worth further study.
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