This paper explores the potential of time series
analysis of sensor data from heating systems in
operation for detecting and predicting errors, a critical
area complicated by the significant distance between
users and manufacturers. A procedure based on
Fayyad's model was implemented and applied to an
air-to-water heat pump system to identify and forecast
specific control faults in the compressor.
A RFC model was developed to recognize system
status and assess the impact of parameter weights on
fault detection. This model successfully determined
the status of the systems, achieving a detection accu-
racy of 97.6% and a precision of 97.4%. A key chal-
lenge was the limited dataset, which complicated the
expert validation and underscored the necessity for a
larger data foundation. The analysis underscored the
significance of certain parameters, particularly tem-
perature readings, in fault detection. Experts valida-
ted these findings, emphasizing the need for ongoing
adjustment of weight factors.
The limited availability of fault data and the lack
of system information restricts the effectiveness of
the RFR model. This limitation stems from the sys-
tem's lifecycle; after sale, third-party service and
maintenance companies oversee installation and
upkeep, while manufacturers conduct field monito-
ring for a brief period. As a result, failure data collec-
tion is primarily limited to this monitoring phase, thus
affecting the model's ability to predict accurately.
Future research directions, inspired by this work,
will explore the potential of Random Forest models
to analyze more extensive datasets with increased
error instances and assess other machine learning
algorithms for error detection and prediction in heat
pump systems. An optimized dataset, including
detailed parameter and fault information, is crucial
for developing models that accurately reflect system
reliability and behavior. Additionally, future studies
should explore the reliability of specific system
components and their impact on overall system
reliability. Future investigations should incorporate
not only existing data but also laboratory results,
simulations, and physical models. The integration of
physics-based models will be explored to establish
causal relationships between system parameters and
fault occurrences, thereby enhancing the model’s
ability to predict and diagnose faults with higher
accuracy. This approach is expected to improve the
overall effectiveness of the system, contributing to a
deeper understanding of system dynamics, and
advancing control strategies for heating systems.
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