A Vision for Advancing Digital Twins Intelligence: Key Insights and
Lessons from Decades of Research and Experience with Simulation
Sanja Lazarova-Molnar
1,2 a
Institute of Applied Informatics and Formal Description Methods, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany
Mærsk Mc-Kinney Møller Institute, University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark
Keywords: Digital Twins, Simulation, Key Considerations, Goal-Oriented, Fusion of Data and Expert Knowledge.
Abstract: Digital Twins have revolutionized the domain of Modeling and Simulation by making use of the growing and
cost-efficient possibilities to extract data from systems, as well as the increasing computational power. At the
same time, Digital Twins have enabled tremendous advances in diverse cyber-physical systems by enabling
better monitoring, predictive maintenance, design optimization, and informed decision-making. As their
popularity evolved, the understanding of what a Digital Twins has become more and more dispersed and
unclear. Here, we offer understanding of what a Digital Twin is based on our experience in research within
its native domain of Modeling and Simulation, with a concrete focus on the key considerations that need to
be made when developing Digital Twins or working with them. We, furthermore, emphasize the need to
include all available knowledge for better-informed Digital Twins. To illustrate our ideas and vision, we use
case studies from our research.
Digital Twins have emerged as indispensable assets
for industries seeking to optimize operations and
enhance decision-making processes. At their core,
Digital Twins are dynamic digital counterparts of
physical entities, continuously updated based on real-
world data, simulating and mirroring physical
systems' behavior (Friederich et al., 2022; Grieves,
2014). Digital Twins are typically realized through
computational models like machine learning or
simulation models (Masood & Sonntag, 2020). These
twins, both digital and physical, are interconnected in
near-real-time, facilitating constant information
exchange and synchronization. They are inherently
data-driven, relying heavily on supervised and
unsupervised machine learning techniques
(Friederich et al., 2022).
In this paper, we offer understanding of what a
Digital Twin is based on our decades-long experience
in research within its native domain of Modeling and
Simulation (Friederich & Lazarova-Molnar, 2023;
Lazarova-Molnar & Horton, 2003, 2004), with a
concrete focus on the key considerations that need to
be made when developing Digital Twins or working
with them. Drawing from this experience, we
emphasize on the Digital Twins' goal-oriented nature,
vital to comprehend for laying the groundwork for
exploring their Digital Twins’ applications and
operationalization. Thus, we concentrate and
elaborate on the imperative of goal-oriented digital
twin design. Besides other key lessons drawn from
the domain of Modeling and Simulation, we also
present our vision of how to enable better-informed
Digital Twins by enabling systematic inclusion of all
information that we have available. To this point, we
briefly introduce two case studies that illustrate this
vision and draft our future research.
Drawing from our experience in developing methods
for Digital Twins and our work in Modeling and
Simulation (Francis et al., 2021; Hua et al., 2022;
Mohamed et al., 2023), especially in the context of
data-driven simulation (Lazarova-Molnar & Li,
2019), we have developed a number of key
considerations that we elaborate in the following:
Lazarova-Molnar, S.
A Vision for Advancing Digital Twins Intelligence: Key Insights and Lessons from Decades of Research and Experience with Simulation.
DOI: 10.5220/0012884800003758
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications (SIMULTECH 2024), pages 5-10
ISBN: 978-989-758-708-5; ISSN: 2184-2841
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
Figure 1: Goal-oriented Digital Twins.
Goal-oriented Digital Twins: The first two
steps in devising classic simulation studies are
Problem Specification and Objective
Specification (Lazarova-Molnar & Li, 2019).
Thus, when building simulation models, one
has to know what problem the models should
solve and set the objectives to target that. This
is pretty much the same with Digital Twins,
which also need to be built to solve a specific
problem or a set of problems. There cannot be
a Digital Twin that fully models all aspects of
a given system and answers all possible
questions. As such, we have to talk about goal-
oriented Digital Twins. In this manner, a
system does not have a single Digital Twin, but
a set of Digital Twins that are projections of a
system’s behavior on predefined problems and
objectives. This point is illustrated in Figure 1,
where we see that one Digital Twin is needed
to target energy efficiency of a system, and
another one for reliability analysis, for
instance. These Digital Twins also need
different data streams and have different
underlying models. In additon, the underlying
modeling formalisms might be different as
well. They need to be, however, driven by the
problem specifications.
Digital Twins necessitate a feedback loop:
Digital Twins are different from simulation
models in that that their underlying models
update in near-real-time, continuously
reflecting changes that occur in the
corresponding real systems. In addtion, Digital
Twins need to deliver simulation-informed
decisions back to the real system. For this,
Digital Twins need to incorporate a feedback
loop that enables the bidirectional
communication process which is the detail that
makes Digital Twins different from traditional
and static simulation models.
Digital Twins automate simulation modeling:
Digital Twins have emerged as a result of the
large prevalence of data and computing
resources. This provided a chance to automate
some of the most expensive computational
techniques, i.e., in this case modeling and
simulation. Thus, Digital Twins can be seen as
an automation of the classical modeling and
simulation processes, and as such, need to
utilize significant portion of the formal
background that has been developed in this
area. This formal background has been around
for many decades and it has been mainly
targeted at knowledge-driven model
development (Law et al., 2007; Maria, 1997;
Zeigler et al., 2000). This body of knowledge
can only benefit, clarify and support the
understanding and advancement of Digital
Automatically deriving simulation models
from ongoing data collection, as is the case
with Digital Twins, provides opportunity to
simultaneously perform validation, and, thus,
release the need for explicit and separate
validation processes. Moreover, validation of
Digital Twins’ underlying simulation models is
no longer additional optional step. On contrary,
integrated validation becomes a prerequisite
and an integral part of Digital Twins as
ensuring that the underlying model accurately
reflects the real system is necessary for a model
to be quialified as a Digital Twin model
SIMULTECH 2024 - 14th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications
(Friederich et al., 2022; Hua et al., 2022; Zare
& Lazarova-Molnar, 2024).
Integration of all that we know or will know:
Digital Twins need not throw away what we
already know or may know in future. Thus,
Digital Twins need to be built in a way that they
seamlessly integrate all that we know or might
know in future about the systems of interest.
This knowledge can come in many different
forms, i.e., as physics-based models, or as
expert knowledge from experience. This is a
strong point in our line of research, on which
we elaborate more in the following.
To illustrate our understanding and definition of
Digital Twins, we designed and further developed a
framework that we initially presented in (Friederich
et al., 2022). For this contribution, we further iterated
on the framework, to present an updated version that
is more complete and considers the elements that are
used the derive decisions, e.g., Data Analytics,
Optimization, etc. This updated framework is
illustrated in Figure 2.
Development of Digital Twins to accurately represent
their real-world physical counterparts poses
significant challenges. In academic literature, two
main approaches to modeling Digital Twins emerge,
each adhering to distinct paradigms. The first
approach relies on traditional knowledge-driven
modeling methods, while the second favors newer
data-driven model extraction strategies. Presently,
there is a notable preference for data-driven
techniques, which reduces reliance on human
expertise. However, solely relying on a data-driven
approach neglects the potential benefits of integrating
expert knowledge.
In the last decade, along the same line of thought,
we have been fully immersed in the data-driven
methods and discoveries, slightly ignoring the fact
that we, humans, already do know a lot about these
systems that we model and simulate. For this reason,
it is essential that we develop methodology that can
seamlessly integrate human/expert knowledge in the
models that we extract. An engineer that has been
working with a given system, knows a lot about this
system. We should find a way to utilize that and not
simply override with data. Furthermore, there have
been centuries of development of physics-based
models for various phenomena. Therefore, it is
imperative to develop methods to interface this
knowledge with data, as well as use both information
sources to complement and cross-validate each other.
Expert knowledge complements and enhances
data-driven methodologies by offering insights that
may be challenging to obtain through data alone, or at
least to obtain within a given time range.
Additionally, expert knowledge provides nuanced
understandings of phenomena based on expert
experiences and contexts, thereby addressing other
challenges associated with data-driven Digital Twins
extractions, such as data scarcity. As a result,
Figure 2: Framework for Data-Driven Digital Twins, extension from (Friederich et al., 2022).
A Vision for Advancing Digital Twins Intelligence: Key Insights and Lessons from Decades of Research and Experience with Simulation
Figure 3: Fusion DT Framework derived from both expert knowledge and data, introduced in (Michelle Jungmann & Sanja
Lazarova-Molnar, 2024).
combining data and expert knowledge can both
enable more accurate and more efficient Digital Twin
model development.
To enhance the aforementioned Digital Twins'
full potential, a framework that seamlessly integrates
human intelligence with technological innovation is
essential. Thus, we have also recently presented an
initial framework for Digital Twins (Michelle
Jungmann & Sanja Lazarova-Molnar, 2024), which
we illustrate in Figure 3. We intend to further enhance
this framework and methodology to leverage
advanced technologies such as large language models
to streamline digital twin workflows and augment
decision-making capabilities. By emphasizing the
importance of visualization in facilitating knowledge
integration, we outline a roadmap for advancing
digital twin performance.
To illustrate the framework for integration of
expert knowledge in Digital Twins, we developed
case studies that we briefly illustrate in the following
section, and refer to the corresponding sources for
more detailed decsriptions.
In the following, we briefly refer to two of our
latest case studies to illustrate the idea of including
expert knowledge for automated extraction of
simulation models, as a vision toward Digital Twins
that utilize the same information sources. Both
studies focus on reliability modeling and analysis.
3.1 Extraction of Fault Tree Models
from Fusion of Data and Expert
Grounded in our empirical evidence, this case study
offers a demonstration of fusing digital twin efficacy
through data-driven methodologies and human
expertise. We designed the process of fault tree
extraction from a fusion of time series data streams
and expert knowledge. With this case study, we
demonstrated the potential of using expert knowledge
for better-informed digital twins in enhancing system
reliability and safety (Niloofar & Lazarova-Molnar,
The workflow, that is fully detailed in (Niloofar
& Lazarova-Molnar, 2021), consists of using both
data and expert knowledge statements to extract fault
tree models that can be utilized for assessing
reliability of cyber-physical systems. With this, we
were able to enhance the synergy between human
expertise and sensor data by refining methods to
translate expert insights into data-mergeable formats.
We, furthermore, introduced Bayesian probability
updating, weighted cut sets, and validated expert
knowledge through incremental data gathering. In the
upcoming work, we focus on generalizing systematic
integration of data-driven and knowledge-driven fault
tree analysis.
3.2 Extraction of Petri Net Models
from Data and Expert Knowledge
In a more recent effort that was initiated by the work
in (Michelle Jungmann & Sanja Lazarova-Molnar,
2024) and further expanded in (Michelle Jungmann &
Sanja Lazarova-Molnar, 2024), we extracted
reliability-centred Petri nets by fusing streaming data
from a system and expert knowledge. The results we
obtained were promising, demonstrating the
feasibility of explicitly combining expert knowledge
and data for more accurate reliability models. With
this, we highlighted the value that expert knowledge
SIMULTECH 2024 - 14th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications
can bring in faster extraction of more accurate
However, we also encountered challenges in these
fusion processes, where one of the major ones was
who do we trust more when data and expert
knowledge contrast each other. For fusing data and
expert knowledge, we introduced two main strategies,
termed a priori and a posteriori. We implemented
these fusion algorithms in a case study on reliability
modeling, where we formulated and formalized four
expert knowledge statements that varied in
complexity. Synthetic data was generated for the a
priori fusion algorithms, and the results of each
fusion algorithm were executed and analyzed, leading
to the extraction of a Petri net model. The case study
demonstrated the potential of combining expert
knowledge and data for different types of reliability
information using the proposed strategies. In the
upcoming work, we will involve refining the
approach by improving the quality and integration of
expert knowledge, automating formalization from
natural language, incorporating fuzzy logic, and
addressing data gaps in logs.
Addressing the evolving landscape of Digital Twins
requires a proactive approach to overcoming
challenges and charting future directions. Drawing
from our long-time experience of research in the
domain of Modeling and Simulation, we identified
and elaborated on key considerations for developing
Digital Twins. We, furthermore, emphasized the
importance of developing goal-oriented Digital
Twins, as well as utilizing all available knowledge in
a systematic way to enhance more accurate
underlying models of Digital Twins, and with this
enhance their intelligence. We illustrated our key
points by case studies from our research, which we
used to show directions for our future research.
In conclusion, enhancing Digital Twins'
usefulness and performance requires a holistic
approach that integrates human intelligence, data
analytics, and practical problem-oriented approach,
which also builds upon the existing body of
knowledge from the well-established domain of
Modeling and Simulation. With this, we can enhance
Digital Twins efficacy and their utilization across
diverse industries and for different goals.
The authors extend their thanks for the funding
received from the ONE4ALL and DMaaST projects
funded by the European Commission, Horizon
Europe Programme under the Grant Agreements No.
101091877 and No. 101138648, correspondingly.
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SIMULTECH 2024 - 14th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications