having holes. That being said, it is noted that the pro-
duced solutions are not guaranteed to be globally op-
timal for the original BMC problem.
Via empirical evaluation, it has been shown that
this approach produces a path that, on average, cov-
ers more area than a HC modifying approach found
in literature (Nair et al., 2017). However, the pro-
posed approach requires considerably longer compu-
tation times.
Additionally, it has been demonstrated that the
proposed problem cannot be effectively solved via
traditional tree-search techniques due to the non-
convex nature of the detour overlapping areas.
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proach to the BMC problem, it is the authors’ be-
lief that the detour selection problem produced by
this method may act as a new test-bed for meta- and
hyper-heuristic research. In this initial examination,
it was shown that GA often found the global-optimal
solution in polynomial time, and there is potential for
other meta-heuristics to do likewise. Future work in
this domain aims to explore hyper-heuristics on more
challenging instances of this problem, specifically
cases with more than two detour options and hole
spaces based on real-world obstacle environments.
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ICINCO 2024 - 21st International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics