tions is provided by (Gan et al., 2013). There are
some approaches that try to facilitate the program-
ming of a master/slave robot system with one robot
holding the workpiece, while the other performs the
manipulating task (e.g. (Wagner et al., 2014; Xiong
et al., 2020). In these approaches, an automated tra-
jectory generation based on the trajectory required on
the workpiece is done.
Another kind of synchronization is required when
two robots share the load of a workpiece, e.g. for
transportation purposes. Rigid structures can be trans-
ported by all robots performing the same trajectory,
either by using the built-in features of the robot con-
trollers, or by planning identical motions (e.g. (Vis-
tein et al., 2019)). For flexible pieces such as textiles,
the deformation of the piece due to gravity has to be
taken into account (e.g. (Larsen et al., 2015; Larsen
et al., 2017)).
The dual robot AFP process is special with regard
to some aspects. First, there are commercial tools
available for motion planning for a single laying ma-
chine or robot. Second, while the secondary robot
needs to move on a very similar trajectory as the pri-
mary robot, the strategies used for load sharing cannot
be applied due to small differences in the trajectory
for the thickness of the part or the required (small)
fixture. Therefore, an approach which builds upon al-
ready available tools, extending them at the necessary
points, has been chosen. The work done by (Kochoski
et al., 2022) seems to follow a very similar path by ex-
tending their own MikroPlace software, although lit-
tle information about the specific implementation is
The remainder of this paper is organized as fol-
lows: In section 2, the setup of the dual-robot
AFP process is described. Section 3 describes the
toolchain that is being used for offline-programming,
and in section 4 the necessary steps for robot synchro-
nization and robot code generation are explained. Fi-
nally in section 5 a conclusion is drawn and an out-
look for future extensions is provided.
For the AFP processes, a laser-assisted thermoplas-
tic layup machine provided by AFPT GmbH is used.
The laser has a rated power output of 6 kW and is sup-
plied by Laserline GmbH. The layup machine is de-
signed to deposit 3 × 1/2” prepreg tapes per track.
During layup the tape and laminate are heated over
run -in
Figure 1: Process principle AFP.
melting temperature equally. In this case a con-
formable consolidation roller (refer to figure 1) is
used that forms a consolidation area under pressure.
Due to this compaction force intimate contact be-
tween laminate and tape is established and polymer
self-diffusion dissolves the interface between the ma-
terials. Water-cooling of the compaction roller en-
sures that the bonding partners are below their melt-
ing temperature after the roller even for elevated layup
velocities(Brandt et al., 2023).
To achieve a jig-less (or – at least – low-jig) solu-
tion, two additional components are required:
• A mobile counterpart that replaces the traditional
full-size jig.
• A small fixture that can be used to attach the cre-
ated piece to.
In this case study, a second robot, equipped with
a special counter-endeffector is used as counterpart.
This endeffector consists of an aluminum roller that
resembles the compaction roller, except not being
conformable. The roller is driven by a servomotor
which is synchronized to the Tool Center Point (TCP)
velocity (in rolling direction) of the second robot, i.e.
the roller surface pointing to the primary robot does
not move with respect to the world, therefore provid-
ing a surface much similar to a mold. Synchronization
of roller and robot velocity is done using the Robot
Sensor Interface (RSI) technology package providing
the robot’s current position to the Beckhoff TwinCAT
PLC driving the servo motor.
Since the part cannot be laid purely into thin air, a
small, lightweight fixture to attach each tape at the be-
ginning and the end is required. The fixture consists
of aluminum profiles for the overall frame and nu-
merous (identical) aluminum modules that form the
surface where the beginning and end of each tape is
placed. The modules are beveled on one side with the
straight side pointing to the AFP head. The setup can
be seen in figure 2.
ICINCO 2024 - 21st International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics