Synthetic Data for Foot Strike Angle Estimation
Christoph Schranz
, Stefan Kranzinger
and Stephanie R. Moore
Human Motion Analytics, Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft mbH, 5020 Salzburg, Austria
Department of Sport and Exercise Science, University of Salzburg, 5400 Hallein/Rif, Austria
Keywords: Data Augmentation, Human Running, GAN, Autoencoder, Foot Strike Angle.
Abstract: A runner’s foot strike angle (FSA) can be relied on to assess performance, comfort, and injury risk. However,
the collection of FSA datasets is time-consuming and costly, which may result in small datasets in practice.
Therefore, the creation of synthetic FSA datasets is of great interest to researchers to improve the performance
of machine learning models while maintaining the same effort in data collection. We evaluate data
augmentation (jittering, pattern mixing, SMOTE) and synthetic data generation (Generative Adversarial
Networks, Variational Autoencoders) methods with four subsequent machine learning models to estimate the
FSA on a dataset involving 30 runners across a range of FSAs. The results show promising results for the
SVM and MLP, as well as for the jittering and pattern mixing augmentation methods. Our findings underscore
the potential of data augmentation to improve FSA estimation accuracy.
Running is a widespread activity around the world,
largely due to its limited equipment and facility
requirements. It also has a positive impact on physical
and mental health (Mikkelsen et al., 2017; Oswald et
al., 2020). However, due to the physical forces acting
on the joints, it is important to use proper footwear
and running techniques to improve comfort and
reduce the risk of injury and long-term joint health
issues (Nigg et al., 2015). Therefore, the foot strike
pattern (FSP) is a significant consideration,
particularly in choosing suitable footwear (Zrenner et
al., 2018).
Previous works have employed machine learning
techniques for the estimation of foot strike angle
(FSA) and FSP classification from pressure sensors
(Moore et al., 2020). FSA is the angular degree of the
foot at the moment of ground contact, and it is of
importance because it affects numerous performance-
related outcomes, such as vertical compliance, ankle
and knee stiffness, vertical impact force, and
instantaneous loading rates (Lieberman et al., 2010;
Hamill et al., 2014; Cheung and Davis, 2011). Moore
et al. (2020) compared the accuracy and precision of
continuous FSA prediction and FSP classification
using multiple regression, conditional inference tree,
and Random Forest (RF) (Breiman, 2001), employing
data derived from Loadsol™ pressure insoles. The
results have led to significant insights; however, the
quest for enhanced accuracy in FSA estimation
necessitates further investigation.
This study extends the work of Moore et al. (2020)
who demonstrated the feasibility of two-sensor
pressure insoles for detecting foot strike patterns and
achieving over 90% FSP classification accuracy
using multiple regression, conditional inference tree,
and Random Forest. Moreover, the same methods
were applied on the regression task of FSA
estimation. However, the study is limited by the
amount of mid-foot steps, types of evaluated machine
learning models, and an ungrouped cross-validation
scheme. Moore et al. (2020) proposed in their
discussion that over- or under-sampling techniques
and more complex machine learning algorithms may
lead to an increased performance. Thus, we decided
to employ state-of-the-art machine learning methods
and applying data augmentation and synthetic data
generation techniques to investigate the potential for
enhanced FSA model accuracy when synthetic data is
used. These techniques offer promise for enhancing
the performance of machine learning models in FSA
Schranz, C., Kranzinger, S. and Moore, S.
Synthetic Data for Foot Strike Angle Estimation.
DOI: 10.5220/0012890100003828
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support (icSPORTS 2024), pages 113-118
ISBN: 978-989-758-719-1; ISSN: 2184-3201
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
estimation, thereby facilitating an even more nuanced
understanding of running biomechanics and
providing a tool for running shoe development and
recommendation processes.
Data augmentation involves artificially expanding
the dataset by applying transformations such as
jittering (JIT), pattern mixing (PM), and Synthetic
Minority Oversampling Technique (SMOTE) to the
existing data points, thus enhancing the robustness of
the model without the need for additional data
collection. Synthetic data generation, on the other
hand, utilizes methods like Generative Adversarial
Networks (GANs) and Variational Autoencoders
(VAEs) to create entirely new, yet realistic, instances
based on the patterns learned from the existing data
(Shorten and Khoshgoftaar, 2019; Iwana and Uchida,
2021; Jorge et al., 2018). Such techniques have shown
potential in various fields, notably in scenarios with
limited datasets, by enhancing model generalizability
and preventing overfitting. In sports science, the
application of data augmentation has been identified
as a necessity to bridge the lab-to-field gap, however,
only few approaches exist yet (Mundt, 2023).
Our research aims to utilize these innovative
methods to augment the existing dataset, thereby
enriching the input for subsequent machine learning
models and further improving the estimation of FSA.
The objective of this paper is to investigate to what
extent data augmentation methods can compensate
for the impact of a reduced number of participants. A
secondary objective is to employ multiple
downstream models in order to enhance the quality of
the FSA estimations and to establish a more robust
evaluation metric for the augmentation methods. We
aspire to elevate the precision and reliability of FSA
estimation. Ultimately, our goal is to provide a
method that could support the processes of running
shoe development and athlete training to improve
performance and reduce the risk of injury.
Our study included 30 injury-free male recreational
runners (Mean ± SD; 1.79 ± 0.07 m; 80.1 ± 9.6 kg;
34.0 ± 6.9 yr). Participants were instructed to perform
six foot strike conditions (extreme fore-foot, fore-
foot, mid-foot, rear-foot, extreme rear-foot, and
natural) at a comfortable speed in a randomized
counterbalanced order. The vertical force of the
insoles of each participant were captured using the
wearable sensors (Loadsol
; Novel
GmbH; Munich, Germany) (Seiberl et al., 2018). In
total, data were recorded for 3,489 steps.
2.1 Data Collection and Preprocessing
The Loadsol
wearable sensors were utilized to
measure insole forces during running at a sampling
rate of 100 Hz. The captured time-series data were
split into separate steps for analysis. The same insole
outcome variables were used in the current study as
in Moore et al. (2020); ten features were extracted for
each step including four impulse ratios, two peak
force ratios, and four ratios from the rate of force
In conjunction with kinetic data, a three-
dimensional (3D) motion capture system (Qualysis
system, 13-camera setup; 2019.3, Göteborg, Sweden)
was used to optically measure the ground truth FSA,
i.e., the angle of the foot at the initial contact on the
ground. Six anatomical markers were applied to the
left foot segment for kinematic data capture. For more
information on the data collection and features, refer
to Moore et al. (2020).
2.2 Downstream Models and
Our study extended the original modeling approach
by applying multiple machine learning models to
estimate the FSA at ground contact. These models
included RF (Breiman, 2001), Support Vector
Machine (SVM) (Boser et al., 2001), XGBoost
(XGB) (Chen and Guestrin, 2016), and a Multi-Layer
Perceptron (MLP) (Hornik et al., 1989). A grouped
cross-validation approach with k=10 folds was used
(i.e., instances of the same participants were grouped
into the same fold). For SVM and MLP, the features
and target FSA were normalized.
Each model's hyperparameters were optimized
through 200 iterations on the original data using a
Tree-structured Parzen Estimator (TPE) (Bergstra et
al., 2022). The estimation result from our RF was
consistent with the approach from Moore et al. (2020)
using basic cross-validation.
2.3 Data Augmentation and Synthetic
Data Generation
We used data augmentation techniques to extend our
dataset. For features measured within defined
intervals (e.g., ratio values on the interval [0,1]), a
Fisher’s z-transformation was applied to prevent
generating values outside the plausible range.
Data augmentation methods employed include:
JIT (Iwana and Uchida, 2021): Gaussian
noise was added, where noise intensity was
icSPORTS 2024 - 12th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support
proportional to each feature’s standard
PM (Iwana and Uchida, 2021): New
instances were generated as a linear
combination of two instances. Here, an alpha
(α) was sampled from a normal distribution,
and new instances were generated by α*X1
+ (1-α)*X2.
SMOTE (Chawla et al., 2002): A method
used to balance class distribution in an
unbalanced dataset by creating “synthetic”
examples in the feature space, effectively
combining aspects of jittering and pattern
mixing techniques.
VAE (Kingma and Welling, 2019): An
encoder-decoder network that applies the
“reparameterization trick” to sample the
latent variable from a normal distribution
with encoded parameters.
GAN (Goodfellow et al., 2020): two
separate networks are employed; One
generates instances as realistic as possible,
while the other distinguishes whether an
instance is original or not. This results in a
generative network able to create realistic
For each combination of the five data
augmentation and four downstream model, an
optimization of their hyperparameters with 200
iterations was conducted. Each optimization included
synthetic data for the training of the downstream
model which was limited to five times the number of
original samples.
Each combination of augmentation method and
downstream model was trained on any number of
participants. For this purpose, in the experiment, a
varying number of participants was randomly
sampled from the training fold of the cross-validation.
Data augmentation was then applied to this subset
before training the downstream model. The number
ranged from only one randomly sampled participant
to all available in the training fold which was at least
24 using a 10-fold cross-validation.
The Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) values of
the estimations are aggregated and compared for a
high number of participants (n = 20-24; Table 1) and
for a reduced size (n = 6-10; Table 2) to investigate
the effects of data augmentation for a significantly
smaller dataset. All validations were performed solely
on the original data of disjunct participants. No test-
time augmentation, as described in Shorten and
Khoshgoftaar (2019), was applied.
Figure 1 illustrates the influence of the number of
participants on the RMSE for each augmentation
method. The results are averaged across the four
downstream models. For each augmentation model,
the error decreases and converges at about 15
participants in the training fold.
Figure 1: Comparison of augmentation methods, averaged
across all downstream models. A higher number of
participants used for augmentation and training decreases
the RMSE.
JIT (orange) and PM (green) yield the lowest
RMSE across all numbers of participants. VAE
(violet) shows promising behavior for a higher
number of participants.
Table 1 aggregates the obtained results from the
grouped cross-validation experiment with higher
participant numbers. The results represent the average
RMSE within the range of 20 to 24 participants
prevalent in each training fold to get a more robust
measure for comparison. We tested four machine
learning models (MLP, RF, SVM, XGB) using
different data augmentation techniques and a control
case without any augmentations ('None'). The 'Mean'
column represents the average RMSE across the four
downstream models for each augmentation
technique. Bold numbers indicate the augmentation
method with the lowest RMSE for each downstream
Table 1: Mean RMSE for 20-24 participants with 10 folds.
Method MLP RF SVM XGB Mean
None 4.751 4.984 4.449 4.892 4.769
JIT 4.524 4.785 4.739 4.771 4.705
PM 4.812 4.932 4.556 4.685 4.74
SMOTE 4.781 5.230 4.873 4.991 4.969
VAE 4.529 4.987 4.758 4.778 4.763
GAN 4.921 4.996 4.891 5.018 4.95
Mean of all downstream models in the same row.
Synthetic Data for Foot Strike Angle Estimation
The SVM model achieved the best results without
any data augmentation (RMSE = 4.449). Following
data augmentation, we observed the lowest RMSE
with the MLP downstream model and the JIT and
VAE, with an RMSE of 4.524 and 4.529,
respectively. The SVM was the only downstream
model that did not perform better after data
The results summarized in Table 2 are obtained
from our cross-validation experiment involving the
average RMSE values across six to ten participants in
each training fold to depict the effect of data
augmentation on a low number of participants.
The SVM achieved the best results using PM
augmentation with an average RMSE of 4.684 for the
reduced training subsample (n = 6-10). Following
data augmentation, PM resulted in the lowest mean
RMSE across all downstream models (4.864),
improving the score by 2.8% compared to no
augmentation method.
Table 2: Mean RMSE for 6-10 participants with 10 folds.
Method MLP RF SVM XGB Mean
None 4.884 5.099 4.924 5.081 4.99
JIT 4.877 4.937 4.819 4.929 4.891
PM 4.800 5.115 4.684 4.830 4.857
SMOTE 5.202 5.352 5.135 5.086 5.194
VAE 4.875 5.092 4.882 4.961 4.953
GAN 5.137 5.108 5.060 5.072 5.090
Mean of all downstream models in the same row.
The more complex methods SMOTE and GAN
failed to improve the average RMSE. VAE yielded
only minor but consistent improvements. Despite the
simplicity of JIT and PM, these results suggest that
they performed best in improving the estimation
accuracy of the FSA across all models tested in this
study, especially for a lower number of participants.
Our study aims to enhance the accuracy of estimating
FSA by using a suite of multiple machine learning
models and data augmentation techniques. The best-
performing approach of Moore et al. (2020), i.e., RF
without augmentation, was replicated for the same
ungrouped cross-validation scheme. This baseline
was then enhanced by both employing preceding data
augmentation and by selecting other machine
learning methods.
Across varying numbers of participants, both JIT
and PM augmentation methods consistently led to the
lowest RMSE, indicating the highest accuracy in FSA
estimation. On the other hand, SMOTE appears to be
less effective for this particular task, presumably as it
was originally designed to tackle imbalanced
classification problems.
VAE yielded only minor but consistent
improvements, offering improvements comparable to
those of JIT for MLP and XGB downstream models,
as illustrated in Table 1. VAE might profit from an
increased number of training instances to learn the
inherent data distribution. A combination of VAE
with a preceding JIT or PM might further improve the
results by providing VAE with more data (Shorten
and Khoshgoftaar, 2019). GAN was not successful in
improving the RMSE of the FSA estimation. Similar
to VAE (but more pronounced), GAN might require
more data for training (Iwana and Uchida, 2021). The
ineffectiveness of GAN could be due to too little data.
Furthermore, GANs are designed to produce data that
appear realistic such as images, and not to improve
the quality of a subsequent downstream model
applied on mixed data. Nevertheless, further
investigations would be necessary to fully clarify the
The improvements by employing data
augmentation are small but consistent, therefore
improving results without additional expensive data
acquisition. Future work could explore augmenting
time-series data for enhanced performance in
synthetic data generation. Incorporating
biomechanical constraints and more domain
knowledge into augmentation methods has the
potential to further improve the quality of the
estimations. Additionally, the implementation of test-
time augmentation methods (Shorten and
Khoshgoftaar, 2019) could contribute to enhancing
estimation accuracy, which is a research avenue that
warrants further exploration.
Interestingly, SVM performed best without any
data augmentation. This is possibly due to the fact
that SVM minimizes in addition to the main
objective, i.e., the MSE, also a regularization term.
This regularization term penalizes the function
implemented by an SVM to be as flat as possible to
avoid overfitting for unseen instances. We, therefore,
hypothesize that this regularization term helps the
SVM to better represent the inherent data distribution
than preceding augmentation methods.
We chose SVM for FSA estimation due to its
strong performance on small to medium-sized
datasets. Moreover, SVM can handle sparse high-
dimensional feature spaces and is effective in dealing
with non-linearly separable data using kernel features
(Guido et al. 2024; Cyran et al. 2013). Furthermore,
SVM has already been extensively validated in
icSPORTS 2024 - 12th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support
biomechanical applications (see e.g. Begg et al. 2005;
Halilaj et al. 2018), making it a reliable choice where
sensor data often have complex relationships.
Mixed data augmentation strategies, unexplored in
our comparisons, may yield improvements, particu-
larly for complex methods like VAEs and GANs, that
require larger datasets. An initial experiment has
shown that the RMSE of GAN with SVM could be
improved from 5.06 to 4.78 (for 6-10 participants) by
applying JIT and PM prior to the training of the GAN,
yielding better results than JIT alone.
One limitation of the experiments might be the
setup for the hyperparameter optimization. The
decision to use 200 iterations may be too restrictive,
particularly given the complexity of models with up
to 20 hyperparameters, such as GAN-XGB.
Conversely, models with fewer hyperparameters, like
the SVM downstream model, as well as the JIT, PM,
and SMOTE data augmentation methods, might have
been favored. A more comprehensive optimization
could potentially enhance the performance of the
other methods, in particular VAE and GAN.
The work established a preliminary step into
synthetic data generation in the context of FSA
estimation from mobile sensorics, focusing primarily
on the comparison of methods. Future research
should build upon these findings to explore new
dimensions in augmentation and synthetic data
generation, aiming to maximize the accuracy and
utility of FSA prediction in real-world running
scenarios. Ultimately, our goal is to provide a data
generation method that supports the development of
running shoes and athlete training for improved
performance and injury prevention.
In conclusion, our work represents a step forward in
the quest to incorporate data augmentation and
synthetic data generation into the domain of wearable
sensor development. We evaluated different
combinations of methods for varying numbers of
participants to estimate the FSA, with SVM
improving the RMSE by more than 10 % compared
to RF. The success of the simple JIT and PM method
underscores the value of revisiting and adapting
methods for more specific biomechanical constraints.
Data augmentation methods adapted for specialized
problems may have the potential to generate realistic
synthetic data and therefore facilitate the
development of more cost-effective algorithms for
wearable sensors, thus enabling researchers to move
to field-based data collections with less intensive lab-
based back-end development.
This work has been supported by the Austrian Federal
Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy,
Mobility, Innovation and Technology under Contract
No. 2021-0.641.557.
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icSPORTS 2024 - 12th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support