Comparative Analysis of Topic Modelling Approaches on Student
Faiz Hayat
1 a
, Safwan Shatnawi
2 b
and Ella Haig
1 c
School of Computing, University of Portsmouth, Buckingham Building, Lion Terrace, Portsmouth PO1 3HE, U.K.
Education Practice, International Research and Exchange Board, Amman, Jordan
Topic Modelling, BERT, LDA, LSA, NMF, Education.
Topic modelling, a type of clustering for textual data, is a popular method to extract themes from text. Methods
such as Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA), Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) and Non-negative Matrix Factor-
ization (NMF) have been successfully used across a wide range of applications. Large Language Models, such
as BERT, have led to significant improvements in machine learning tasks for textual data in general, as well
as topic modelling, in particular. In this paper, we compare the performance of a BERT-based topic modelling
approach with LDA, LSA and NMF on textual feedback from students about their mental health and remote
learning experience during the COVID-19 pandemic. While all methods lead to coherent and distinct topics,
the BERT-based approach and NMF are able to identify more fine-grained topics. Moreover, while NMF re-
sulted in more detailed topics about the students’ mental health-related experiences, the BERT-based approach
produced more detailed topics about the students’ experiences with remote learning.
Machine learning tasks are typically divided into
supervised and unsupervised learning (Berry et al.,
2019). For textual data, one of the most used un-
supervised methods is topic modelling, which is a
type of clustering that extracts topics or themes from
text (Zhao et al., 2021).
Three of the most popular methods for topic mod-
elling are Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) (Blei
et al., 2003), Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) (Deer-
wester et al., 1990) and Non-negative Matrix Fac-
torization (NMF) (Lee and Seung, 1999). Since
the arrival of Large Language Models (LLMs) in
2017 (Vaswani et al., 2017), pre-trained deep learn-
ing models like BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Rep-
resentations from Transformers) (Devlin et al., 2019)
have shown impressive results for unsupervised learn-
ing across many applications (e.g., (Abuzayed and Al-
Khalifa, 2021; Egger and Yu, 2022; Sharifian-Attar
et al., 2022)). Compared with other topic modelling
approaches, BERT-based models have the following
two key advantages: (1) because they were trained
on large amounts of data, they have the capacity to
encode complex semantic relationships, and (2) the
ability to capture both left and right contexts, which
accounts for the term “bidirectional” (Devlin et al.,
In this paper, we compare a BERT-based topic
modeling approach with LDA, LSA, and NMF to
identify relevant topics from student feedback on their
COVID-19 pandemic experience, focusing on mental
health and remote learning.
The main contribution of the paper is a compar-
ative analysis of topic modeling using LLMs like
BERT against traditional methods. Few studies have
explored this comparison, leaving the superiority of
newer approaches uncertain. We investigate whether
BERT provides an advantage over traditional meth-
ods in analyzing student feedback on pandemic expe-
riences. Our study compares topics identified using
BERT-based modeling with NMF, LDA, and LSA.
The rest of the paper is structured as follows: Sec-
tion 2 reviews background and related work, Section 3
details the experimental setup, Section 4 presents the
results, Section 5 compares methods and discusses
findings and Section 6 concludes with future research
Hayat, F., Shatnawi, S. and Haig, E.
Comparative Analysis of Topic Modelling Approaches on Student Feedback.
DOI: 10.5220/0012890400003838
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 16th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2024) - Volume 1: KDIR, pages 226-233
ISBN: 978-989-758-716-0; ISSN: 2184-3228
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
This section provides an overview of LDA, LSA, and
NMF, reviews research on student feedback, and dis-
cusses evaluation approaches for topic modeling.
LDA is a probabilistic generative model widely
used for topic modeling in natural language process-
ing (NLP) (Blei et al., 2003). It assumes that each
document in a corpus is a mixture of topics, and each
topic is a distribution over words. LDA aims to un-
cover latent topics from a collection of documents by
iteratively assigning words to topics and adjusting as-
signments to maximize the likelihood of the data.
LSA (Deerwester et al., 1990) is a technique used
for dimensionality reduction and semantic analysis of
textual data. It employs Singular Value Decomposi-
tion (SVD) to identify latent semantic structure in a
corpus by capturing relationships between terms and
documents, representing them in a lower-dimensional
space for easier detection of semantic similarities.
NMF (Lee and Seung, 1999) is a dimensionality
reduction technique widely used in natural language
processing (NLP) and other fields. It decomposes a
non-negative matrix into two lower-dimensional ma-
trices, representing topics and document-topic distri-
butions. NMF is applied to tasks such as topic mod-
eling, document clustering, and feature extraction.
BERT (Grootendorst, 2022) is a pre-trained deep
learning model developed by Google for natural lan-
guage processing tasks. It excels in capturing con-
textual information bidirectionally, enabling it to un-
derstand the meaning of words in context more effec-
tively than previous models. BERT has revolutionized
NLP tasks by leveraging large-scale pre-training on
vast text data and fine-tuning for specific downstream
tasks, e.g., (Ding et al., 2023; Malladi et al., 2023).
Topic modelling has been used to analyse student
feedback in many studies, e.g., (Buenano-Fernandez
et al., 2020; Hujala et al., 2020; Sun and Yan,
2023). There have also been several studies inves-
tigating student experiences during the COVID-19
pandemic (e.g., (Oliveira et al., 2021; Stevanovi
et al., 2021; Waheeb et al., 2022). Many studies also
employ BERT-based models with educational-related
data (e.g., (Bai and Stede, 2023; Cochran et al., 2023;
Sung et al., 2019)). However, to our knowledge, only
one study has used BERT-based topic modeling on
student feedback (Masala et al., 2021), and none have
focused on students’ COVID-19 experiences through
open-text responses.
We are aware that other studies (e.g., (M
et al., 2023; Wang et al., 2020; Xu et al., 2022))
have used BERT-based topic modeling to examine
COVID-19 experiences in the general population, but
they focus on social media data, not student responses
from open-ended questionnaires. Therefore, these
studies are not directly relevant to our research.
The one study we found using a BERT-based topic
modeling technique (Masala et al., 2021) concen-
trated on examining student textual feedback at the
course level. The researchers developed a tool that an-
alyzed large volumes of student feedback, producing
clusters of similar contexts and recurring keywords
for each course. The processing pipeline involved ex-
tracting general evaluations, restoring diacritics using
RoBERT (a Romanian BERT model), and performing
keyword extraction with KeyBERT (fine-tuned for the
Romanian language). To capture the context around
these keywords, they utilized two methods: extract-
ing sentences containing the keywords and using de-
pendency tree traversal to gather related context. The
extracted contexts were then grouped using K-Means
clustering applied to BERT-generated embeddings.
In contrast, our study applies multiple topic mod-
eling techniques to analyze survey responses related
to mental health and remote learning during the
COVID-19 pandemic. We explore several algorithms,
including BERT-based embeddings, Latent Dirichlet
Allocation (LDA), Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA),
and Non-negative Matrix Factorization (NMF). Addi-
tionally, our study incorporates dimensionality reduc-
tion using UMAP and clustering with HDBSCAN to
discover underlying topics in the survey data.
We now turn our attention to the evaluation of
topic modeling techniques. In supervised learning,
techniques are evaluated by comparing the predic-
tions against a known ground truth, but in unsuper-
vised learning, such ground truth is often absent, mak-
ing evaluation challenging without human judgment.
Although various metrics are used to evaluate topic
modeling and clustering methods, performance can
vary widely across techniques and data types (Doogan
and Buntine, 2021; Harrando et al., 2021), and the va-
lidity of fully automated evaluations without human
judgment has been questioned (Hoyle et al., 2021).
Some clustering/topic modelling techniques re-
quire as input the number of clusters/topics, while for
others, the ‘optimal’ number emerges from the data.
For the former, metrics like coherence scores (Abdel-
razek et al., 2023; O’Callaghan et al., 2015), can help
determine the optimal number of topics, but these also
need human judgment (Doogan and Buntine, 2021).
In our research, we combined coherence scores with
human evaluation.
While the usefulness of BERT-based approaches
for topic modelling has been shown for different types
of education-related data, there has only been one
study using a BERT-based approach on student feed-
Comparative Analysis of Topic Modelling Approaches on Student Feedback
back from open-ended questions and this study did
not include a comparison with other topic modelling
approaches. Our study contributes to a better under-
standing of the usefulness of BERT by providing the
first comparative study for this type of data.
In this section, we describe the data collection and
preprocessing, as well as the process for topic mod-
elling for each of the four investigated approaches.
3.1 Data Collection
Data collection for this research involved conduct-
ing a survey among students at a UK university in
2022. The aim was to assess the influence of the
COVID-19 pandemic on students. The questionnaire
included four open-ended prompts designed to clar-
ify the particular difficulties students encountered re-
garding their mental well-being and remote learning
during the pandemic: ‘What challenges or issues re-
garding mental health did you face during the pan-
demic? What aspects, if any, did you struggle with?’;
‘Please share any other comments/ opinions/ solu-
tions about your mental health during the pandemic.’;
‘What challenges or issues regarding remote learn-
ing did you face during the pandemic? What as-
pects, if any, did you struggle with?’ and ‘Please
share any other comments/ opinions/ solutions about
remote learning during the pandemic.
Ethical approval was obtained from the univer-
sity’s Ethics Committee before distribution. The sur-
vey was distributed using email lists specific to each
faculty, reaching out to a diverse group of students
from different academic disciplines such as social sci-
ences, humanities, business and law, and technology.
The involvement in the survey was voluntary and re-
spondents remained anonymous.
Responses from 340 participants included 696
submissions from the open-ended questions: 375 on
mental health and 321 on remote learning. The sam-
ple size for topic modeling consisted of all 696 textual
responses. We made this decision due to the preva-
lence of short answers and many students responding
selectively to some questions and not others.
3.2 Data Preprocessing
Data preprocessing was conducted to prepare the
textual data for analysis. Specifically, this pro-
cess included the elimination of stop words, such as
“the, “is, and “and”, which are common words that
provide little value in understanding the underlying
themes of the text. Special characters and numbers
not contributing to semantic analysis were also fil-
tered out to refine the dataset and improve the quality
of information fed into the topic modeling algorithm.
3.3 Topic Modeling Algorithms
Four topic modeling algorithms were utilized: a
BERT approach described below, Latent Dirichlet Al-
location (LDA), Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) and
Non-negative Matrix Factorization (NMF). The im-
plementation was carried out using Google Colab, a
cloud-based environment integrated with Python.
The BERT-Based Topic Modelling Approach. The
following steps were applied: 1) Obtaining document
embeddings by utilizing the ‘paraphrase-MiniLM-
L6-v2’ pre-trained model; 2) UMAP (Uniform Mani-
fold Approximation and Projection) (McInnes et al.,
2018) was used to reduce the dimensionality of
the embeddings, improving visualization and clus-
tering; 3) Performing clustering using the Hierarchi-
cal Density-Based Spatial Clustering of Applications
with Noise (HDBSCAN) (McInnes et al., 2017) algo-
rithm to generate the topics; 4) Using visualizations
to analyze the 10 most frequent words per topic, re-
sponse distribution across topics, and the dendrogram
from the clustering algorithm; 5) Conducting qual-
itative analysis to validate topics by examining re-
sponses assigned to each topic.
Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA). The following
steps were applied: 1) Using the Gensim library, a
dictionary and a document-term matrix were created
to represent the term frequency; 2) Applied LDA to
the document-term matrix to infer the underlying top-
ics and their word distributions; 3) Analyzing the re-
sulting topics by examining the most probable words
associated with each topic; 4) Conducting qualita-
tive analysis to validate the topics by reviewing docu-
ments assigned to each topic.
LSA (Latent Semantic Analysis). The following
steps were applied to derive the topics using LSA:
1) Creating a term-document matrix representing the
frequency of terms in documents. 2) Applying SVD
to the term-document matrix to decompose it into
three matrices: a term-concept matrix, a diagonal ma-
trix of singular values, and a concept-document ma-
trix. 3) Analyzing the resulting concept vectors to
identify latent semantic topics. 4) Conducting quali-
tative analysis to validate the topics by reviewing doc-
uments associated with each concept.
NMF (Non-Negative Matrix Factorization). The
following steps were applied: 1) Vectorizing the
preprocessed text data into a term-document matrix,
KDIR 2024 - 16th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
where each row represents a document and each col-
umn represents a term. 2) Applying NMF to factor-
ize the term-document matrix into two matrices rep-
resenting topics and document-topic distributions. 3)
Analyzing the resulting topics by examining the most
prominent terms associated with each topic. 4) Con-
ducting qualitative analysis to validate the topics by
reviewing documents assigned to each topic.
As the BERT-based approach uses the HDBSCAN al-
gorithm, the optimal number of topics emerges from
the data; in our case, this was 13. LDA, LSA and
NMF require a number of topics as an input. For these
methods, to identify the optimal number of topics,
as mentioned in Section 2, we chose the coherence
score (Abdelrazek et al., 2023), which aggregates the
coherence of each topic, measured as the semantic
similarity between top words in the topic, in combi-
nation with human judgment. The highest coherence
scores were obtained for 13 topics with LDA, 12 top-
ics with LSA, and 16 topics with NMF, and our quali-
tative evaluation showed that for each method the top-
ics were relevant and distinct from each other.
We conducted a deeper qualitative assessment of
topics from all four algorithms and found the BERT-
based approach and NMF yielded the most interest-
ing results. Due to space constraints, we present de-
tailed results for these methods and summarize LDA
and LSA results for comparison in the next section.
The topics that resulted from the BERT-based ap-
proach are presented in Table 1. We grouped the top-
ics into themes, analyzed in the following paragraphs.
As anticipated, we see that the subjects are ar-
ranged in relation to the two elements—mental health
and remote learning—that were highlighted in the
open-ended questions. Out of the thirteen topics,
three (0 and 4-5) are related to mental health, two are
related to both (1 and 6) and eight topics (2-3 and 7-
12) are related to distant learning.
The application of the BERT-based modeling ap-
proach to mental health allows differentiation be-
tween several aspects, including anxiety (Topic 0), so-
cial isolation and loneliness (Topic 4), and the generic
impact of the epidemic on mental health (Topic 5).
It is interesting to note that a more comprehen-
sive picture of remote learning emerges, covering a
wide range of topics, from the more general ones
like the university experience in general (Topic 3) and
the impact of the pandemic on the university experi-
ence (Topic 8), to the more specialised ones like con-
centration problems (Topic 2), internet connectivity
(Topic 7), virtual communication (Topic 9), lecture
formats (Topic 10), the experience of remote learning
across various modules and courses (Topic 11), and
the value of in-person communication (Topic 12).
Aspects of both remote learning and mental health
are included in Topics 1 and 6. In Topic 1, motivation
is discussed as a practical requirement for participat-
ing in remote learning, as well as a crucial component
of mental health. The only positive topic is Topic 6,
which describes the methods respondents use to pre-
serve their mental health and academic motivation.
Table 1 displayed the number of textual instances
per topic in the second column, with a relatively large
variation. Topic 12 (face-to-face communication) has
the fewest instances (14), while Topic 5 (the pan-
demic’s effects on mental health) has the highest (88).
There are parallels between Topics 5 and 8, which
discuss how the pandemic has affected mental health
(Topic 5) and remote learning (Topic 8), respectively.
Topics 10 and 11 share commonalities as well, as they
both deal with challenges related to remote learning.
The variations between the two topics highlight ex-
periences related to lectures and teaching sessions in
Topic 10 and broader experiences related to remote
learning at the module or course level in Topic 11.
As mentioned in Section 3.1, responses to men-
tal health (375) outnumbered those to distant learning
(321). The fact that there are three topics about mental
health and eight about remote learning suggests that
while there are more different experiences with re-
mote learning, there is a greater homogeneity of expe-
riences with mental health. This further demonstrates
the capacity of the BERT-based approach to discern
between elements with subtle variations.
Table 2 presents the topics resulting from applying
NMF. Similar to the BERT-based approach, the topics
cover mental health, remote learning, or both aspects.
In terms of mental health, specific issues such as
anxiety, eating disorders and depression are covered
in Topic 1, dealing with uncertainty in Topic 3, and
the generic impact of the pandemic on mental health
in Topic 8. Topic 10 is also more generic, covering
emotional well-being aspects, while Topic 11 is more
specifically about social isolation challenges.
The topics covering remote learning aspects vary
from more generic, about distance learning and the
use of online tools (Topics 2, 6, and 9), to more spe-
cific issues such as motivation to study (Topic 12) and
difficulties in grasping learning content (Topic 13).
Several topics cover both mental health and re-
mote learning aspects: time management (Topic 0),
motivational issues (Topics 4 and 15), lack of social
interaction in remote learning (Topic 5), the impact
of the pandemic on physical health (Topic 7), and the
Comparative Analysis of Topic Modelling Approaches on Student Feedback
Table 1: Topics extracted with the BERT-based approach; (Docs refers to the number of documents/responses for each topic).
No. Docs Topic Name Topic Description Keywords
0 34 Anxiety and
Increased anxiety and depression disorders,
leading to heightened awareness and impacts
on mental health.
anxiety, depression, disorders, in-
creased, eating, panic, depressed, still,
health, aware
1 34 Motivation Struggle to maintain motivation, resulting in
challenges in staying focused and productive.
motivation, motivated, stay, keep, stay-
ing, lack, work, hard, struggle
2 26 Easily Dis-
Experience difficulty concentrating due to var-
ious distractions, affecting productivity and fo-
distracted, easily, concentrate, focused,
couldnt, distractions, attention, skip,
work, focus
3 19 University Ex-
Mixed experiences during university, including
success, failure, and uncertainty
university, year, felt, experience, well,
think, failed, cheated, second, uni
4 74 Loneliness and
Loneliness and lack of social contact affecting
mental well-being and interaction.
friends, loneliness, lonely, social, see,
depression, lack, contact, isolation, able
5 88 Pandemic and
Mental Health
Heightened awareness of mental health issues
during the pandemic, affecting individuals and
communities globally.
pandemic, health, mental, people, so-
cial, covid, anxiety, family, made, mea-
6 19 Daily Routine Recognizing the value of a consistent, positive
daily routine for better mental health.
daily, good, routine, mental, health,
work, home, day, weekly, sleep
7 16 Internet Con-
nection Issues
Frustration and challenges from unreliable in-
ternet, affecting academic and personal tasks.
internet, connection, bad, unreliable, is-
sues, lesson, poor, exams, could, found
8 27 Remote Learn-
Adapting to remote learning challenges, in-
cluding online lectures and assignments.
pandemic, remote, learning, working,
lectures, really, time, away, home, im
9 19 Zoom Calls Adjusting to the challenges and discomfort as-
sociated with online video calls, especially in
educational and professional settings.
zoom, camera, calls, people, would,
anyone, lessons, interacting, comfort-
able, answer
10 50 Online Lec-
Facing challenges with online lectures, includ-
ing slower learning and engagement issues.
lectures, lecturers, questions, online,
without, lecture, students, felt, slower
11 52 Remote Learn-
ing Experience
Reflecting on remote learning, its benefits, and
drawbacks compared to traditional methods.
learning, remote, time, modules, learn,
teachers, students, like, lectures, course
12 14 Face-to-Face
Emphasizing the importance of face-to-face in-
teraction in learning environments for effective
communication and understanding.
face, union, learning, lower, guidance,
lecturers, communication, important,
facetoface, seeing
need for support during studies (Topic 14).
The distribution of responses per topic, unlike
BERT-based approaches, NMF has a more balanced
range, with the smallest topic having 25 responses
(Topic 3) and the largest 60 (Topic 14). Eleven of
the sixteen topics have between 40 and 50 responses.
To compare the four algorithms, we selected four
themes that cover all the topics produced across all
four solutions: remote learning and challenges, men-
tal health and challenges, social issues and loneliness,
and motivation and physical health. The topic distri-
bution by theme is shown in Table 3, and Fig. 1 illus-
trates the theme proportions for each algorithm.
The BERT-based approach allocates the highest
percentage (61.54%) of its thematic content to Re-
mote Learning and Challenges, indicating its strong
emphasis on analyzing issues related to remote edu-
cation. Conversely, it allocates smaller proportions
Figure 1: Comparitive Analysis based on Themes.
to Mental Health and Challenges (23.08%), Social
Issues and Loneliness (7.69%), and Motivation and
Physical Health Issues (7.69%), suggesting a rela-
tively narrower focus on these domains.
LDA (Latent Dirichlet Allocation) has the high-
est percentage to Remote Learning and Challenges
(30.77%), with smaller proportions for Mental Health
and Challenges, Social Issues and Loneliness, and
Motivation and Physical Health, each at (23.08%).
KDIR 2024 - 16th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
Table 2: Topics extracted using NMF.
No. Docs Topic Name Topic Description Keywords
0 59 Time Manage-
ment Struggles
Focuses on time management challenges
worsened by pandemic-related work-life dis-
struggled, focus, working, time,
work, helped, day, home, pandemic,
1 30 Mental Health
Addresses severe mental health issues, includ-
ing heightened levels of depression and anxi-
ety due to societal pressures.
severe, reached, leaving, eating, so-
ciety, disorder, house, increased, de-
pression, anxiety
2 50 Remote Learn-
ing Preferences
Highlights difficulties adapting to remote
learning and a preference for traditional face-
to-face interactions.
difficulty, pace, better, lecture, pre-
ferred, tutor, prefer, remote, face,
3 25 Coping with
Discusses struggles with coping mechanisms
during times of uncertainty, leading to feelings
of loneliness and boredom.
uncertainty, email, change, coping,
boring, struggling, extremely, covid,
help, loneliness
4 49 Motivation
Focuses on maintaining motivation for com-
pleting coursework, with challenges in main-
taining consistent effort.
module, getting, far, complete,
week, whilst, went, struggled, mo-
tivation, work
5 40 Lack of Social
Explores the absence of social interactions in
learning environments, leading to feelings of
teacher, medium, unable, aspect,
make, seeing, talking, people, inter-
action, social
6 40 Challenges
with Distance
Addresses difficulties in maintaining engage-
ment and interaction in distance learning set-
contact, distance, interaction, long,
learning, student, issue, lecture, on-
line, lack
7 45 Impact on
Physical Health
Examines how disrupted routines and less ex-
ercise affected health during the pandemic.
low, exercise, issue, daily, pan-
demic, struggle, routine, good, men-
tal, health
8 43 Impact on
Mental Health
Examines worsening mental health from iso-
lation, academic stress, and future uncertainty.
worse, life, depression, parent, job,
caused, worried, stress, isolation,
9 45 Online Learn-
ing Experience
Evaluate online learning tools like Zoom,
highlighting effectiveness and engagement is-
use, useful, attention, session, zoom,
know, people, lecture, online, class
10 50 Emotional
Addresses emotional challenges during uni-
versity, such as stress, depression, and lone-
quite, stressed, teaching, university,
feel, year, depressed, lonely, like,
11 40 Social Isolation
Explores challenges in maintaining social
connections with family and friends due to
prolonged social isolation.
future, kept, knowing, member, so-
cialise, difficult, person, able, fam-
ily, friend
12 35 Study Motiva-
Discusses maintaining study motivation and
focus amid distractions and coursework de-
skill, studying, lesson, money,
course, focused, stay, staying,
motivated, hard
13 45 Understanding
Course Mate-
Explores difficulties in grasping course mate-
rial, especially under the distractions and pres-
sures of lockdowns.
happened, understanding, lock-
down, grade, thing, losing, under-
stand, study, assignment, time
14 60 Academic and
Financial Chal-
Addresses challenges in academics and finan-
cial stability, highlighting the need for institu-
tional and peer support.
needed, course, poor, socialising,
people, financial, harder, really, lec-
turer, support
15 40 Exam Prepara-
tion Challenges
Discusses challenges in preparing for exams
due to distractions and unreliable internet con-
exam, concentrate, difficult, bad, es-
pecially, learn, distracted, connec-
tion, easily, internet
In contrast, LSA (Latent Semantic Analysis) pro-
duces a unique thematic distribution in comparison
with the other methods. It assigns a substantially
higher percentage (33.34%) to Physical Health Issues
and Motivation, indicating a strong emphasis on these
two areas. There is no difference between Social
issues and Loneliness (25%) and Remote Learning
and Challenges(25%). It does, however, give Mental
Health and Challenges a lower percentage (16.67%).
NMF allocated the highest percentage (31.25%) to
Remote Learning and Challenges, equal percentages
to Mental Health and Challenges, and Motivation and
Physical Health (23.08%), and the lowest percentage
(18.75%) to Social Issues and Loneliness.
Overall, NMF and LDA have the most balanced
distributions across the four themes and can capture
Comparative Analysis of Topic Modelling Approaches on Student Feedback
Table 3: Algorithmic Topics Distribution.
Algorithm Remote Learning and Chal-
Mental Health and
Social Issues and Lone-
Motivation and
Physical Health
BERT Topic 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Topic 0, 5, 6 Topic 4 Topic 1
LDA Topic 2, 8, 9, 12 Topic 0, 4, 6 Topic 3, 5, 10 Topic 1, 7, 11
LSA Topic 3, 5, 7 Topic 0, 8 Topic 1, 2, 9 Topic 4, 6, 10, 11
NMF Topic 0, 2, 6, 9, 13 Topic 1, 3, 8, 10 Topic 5, 11, 14 Topic 4, 7, 12, 15
at a good level of detail several distinct aspects. The
BERT-based approach, on the other hand, has a more
unbalanced distribution across the four themes but
can capture more fine-grained issues related to remote
learning. In particular, three topics identified by the
BERT-based approach were not identified as separate
topics by any of the other algorithms: internet connec-
tion issues (Topic 7), online calls (Topic 9), and face-
to-face learning (Topic 12). By volume of responses,
these are also among the smallest topics, with 16, 19
and 14 responses, respectively. From this point of
view, the BERT-based approach may be better when
a more fine-grained picture would be of interest.
For all approaches, we applied data preprocessing,
as outlined in Section 3.2. There is very little empir-
ical evidence concerning the use of textual data pre-
processing when pre-trained LLMs are used. We ap-
plied the BERT-based approach with no preprocess-
ing as well as the preprocessing mentioned in Sec-
tion 3.2 and found more coherent results when us-
ing preprocessing, hence, we reported the results with
preprocessing. This aligns with the view that prepro-
cessing should still be considered for LLMs expressed
in a recent review of text preprocessing (Chai, 2023).
This paper presents a comparative study using four
topic modeling methods: BERT, LDA, LSA, and
NMF, on student feedback in textual format about the
mental health and remote learning students’ experi-
ences during the COVID-19 pandemic.
This study sought to determine the effectiveness
of the BERT topic model compared to traditional ap-
proaches like NMF, LDA, and LSA. The results indi-
cated that BERT provided deeper insights into remote
learning challenges during the pandemic. While tra-
ditional methods produced similar results in mental
health, social issues, isolation, and motivation, BERT
showed clear advantages in topic understanding.
Our study found that all methods produced coher-
ent topics covering various aspects, but BERT and
NMF generated more interesting topics than LDA
and LSA. NMF had a balanced response distribution,
while BERT exhibited significant variation.
The two primary limitations of our study are the
sample size and the post-epidemic data collection,
which may have influenced students’ recollections.
We gathered 696 textual instances from 340 partici-
pants. Despite this small sample, all algorithms pro-
duced coherent topics.
Among the four algorithms, the BERT-based ap-
proach was least affected by the small sample size
due to its extensive pre-training, which may explain
its ability to capture more nuanced topics. Our re-
search highlights the potential of BERT-based topic
modeling for educational data. In the future we will
explore alternative BERT models, like DeBERTa (He
et al., 2020), known for its effectiveness in textual
emotion recognition (Boitel et al., 2023), to capture
more emotionally nuanced experiences.
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Comparative Analysis of Topic Modelling Approaches on Student Feedback