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Prediction Error Versus Time. Figure 18 shows the
results from 200 simulations initialized from a ran-
dom point in a random rally. The simulations are
evolved for 1.75 seconds and the RMSE is plotted
compared with the ground truth data for the ball and
players. The baseline is taken as a linear extrapolation
of the velocity of the player and ball frozen at the time
the simulation begins. Our simulation performs better
than a linear extrapolation over a short time, indicat-
ing it has learned how to sensibly predict and update
the state vectors as a function of time.
Figure 18: Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) compared
to real tennis data as a function of time, for both ball and
player positions when simulating forward from a random
in a rally. SportsNGEN performs better than a baseline of
linear extrapolation.
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