Framework for a Knowledge-Based Course Recommender System
Focused on IT Career Needs
Hien Pham Thi Xuan
, Le Nguyen Hoai Nam
1,2 a
and Cuong Pham-Nguyen
1,2,* b
Faculty of Information Technology, University of Science, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Keywords: Course Recommendation Method, Data Collection Process, Knowledge Base.
Abstract: This paper presents an approach for a knowledge-based recommender system that provides relevant courses
based on learners profiles, requirements, and career needs. The framework integrates an automatic data
collection process, ensuring that the knowledge base reflects the latest job market and course information.
The recommendation method relies on a set of rules that combine various matching techniques, incorporating
user requirements, skill and knowledge gaps, contextual information, and the course weight indicating its
relevance to the career or market. An experiment was conducted to measure the satisfaction of the approach
through a survey of users who used the system. The results reveal that the approach is deemed acceptable.
This framework contributes to ongoing discussions surrounding the application of technology in building
recommender systems for education.
Nowadays, there has been a significant increase in job
opportunities within the IT industry, attracting
numerous students and professionals. A survey
conducted in the US across 43 schools and institutes,
involving 32,000 students, revealed that only 34% of
students believe they graduate with the skills and
knowledge that meet market demands (Gallup, 2017).
It also highlighted a disparity in perspectives: while
96% of schools believe that their training aligns with
career needs, only 11% of businesses agree with this
opinion. Efforts have been made to bridge the gap
between training, the job market, and business needs
through activities such as job fairs, business visits,
internships, etc. Many enterprises also offer refresher
courses to new graduates to familiarize them with the
knowledge and skills specific to their business.
Another survey conducted on social forums,
including Quora, Stack Overflow, and Stack
Exchange, consisting of 2,860 questions related to IT
careers showed that the number of questions seeking
guidance on learning paths is a majority (83.4%)
(Nguyen et al, 2022). This indicates that students
Corresponding author
often require additional time for retraining or
supplementary courses to become employable, and a
high demand for professionals in acquiring skills that
meet the new occupational requirements and facilitate
career transitions.
Two major challenges emerge: Firstly, the gap
between schools and businesses, where recruitment
needs evolve and change rapidly. School's curricula
have not kept pace with market demands. Schools
may lack complete information about market
requirements to make necessary adjustments to their
curricula. Secondly, the overwhelming information
overload in the vast online course landscape
O’Mahony and Smyth, 2007)
. There is a wide range of
courses available on various e-learning platforms and
MOOCs. For instance, Edumall (
offers more than 2,000 courses, Udemy
( provides over 55,000
courses, edX ( has over 2,900
courses, and Coursera (
offers over 1,000 courses. Each skill or learning
subject can have numerous providers, with hundreds
of courses dedicated to teaching it. Platforms such as
Edumall, Funix, Coursera, Nordic, VTC Academy,
Hien, P., Nam, L. and Pham-Nguyen, C.
Framework for a Knowledge-Based Course Recommender System Focused on IT Career Needs.
DOI: 10.5220/0012892500003838
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 16th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2024) - Volume 2: KEOD, pages 15-26
ISBN: 978-989-758-716-0; ISSN: 2184-3228
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
Athena, Unica, Stanford all offer Python courses
covering various topics like "Selenium Webdriver
with Python", "Python and computer vision", “Python
Excel for professionals”, “Learning about Python
frameworks with Selenium 3. x”. These courses range
from basic to advanced levels. Consequently, the
process of finding relevant courses from multiple
websites is time-consuming and poses a challenge of
making the right choice among the numerous options
available that align with individual needs (Bhumichitr
et al., 2017; Huang et al., 2017). Two primary
difficulties are encountered: the overwhelming
number of available courses and a lack of knowledge
about which courses to take and in what order
O’Mahony and Smyth, 2007). With the motivation to
support learners in overcoming these challenges, the
main contributions of this paper are:
A knowledge-based recommender framework
incorporates a recommendation method that
offers relevant courses for learning paths based
on learner requirements, market needs and
profiles. It uses a set of rules and combines
various matching techniques. These techniques
consider learner requirements, skill gaps,
contextual information, and the course weight,
which represents the course's significance in the
learner's career.
A data collection process ensures that the
knowledge base remains up to date with the
latest information on the job market and course
information. This is achieved by automatically
extracting data from recruitment and learning
websites to build and update the knowledge base.
The paper is organized as follows: Section 2
summarizes a background, and describes related
works and the motivation of our approach. Section 3
provides the proposed framework, comprising a
general architecture, a knowledge model, a data
collection process, and a recommendation method.
Section 4 focuses on the implementation of the
framework. Section 5 presents the experiments and
evaluation and finally, Section 6 highlights the main
results and provides some perspectives.
2.1 Recommender Systems
Recommender systems often rely on users' past
preferences collected through surveys to provide
future recommendations. Specifically, content-based
recommendations recommend users on items (i.e.
products or services) similar to those they liked in the
past (Javed at al., 2021). However, this approach is
often criticized for its lack of diversity in the
recommendation set, leading to potential user
boredom. Another approach is collaborative filtering,
where systems rely on the preferences of multiple
related users to advise a particular user. Two
prominent models in this approach are latent factor
models and neighbor models (Nam, 2023). Latent
factor models are trained on the preferences of all
users to learn hidden features representing users and
items. This new representation facilitates predicting
whether to recommend an item to a user through
matching mechanisms. On the contrary, the neighbor
model identifies a set of users with similar
preferences to the target user using similarity metrics
in preference, referred to as neighbors. The
preferences of these neighbors help inferring the
preferences of the target users, thereby
recommending suitable items.
However, gathering user preferences with
sufficient quality and quantity can be challenging in
certain domains where items are infrequently
purchased, or users make one-time purchases and use
items over an extended period (Nam, 2021). Users
may rarely disclose their preferences on the system
after using items, and some deliberately provide
misleading preferences in text reviews (Charu, 2016).
In such contexts, knowledge-based recommendation
systems (KBRSs) emerge as the most suitable choice.
In these systems, users submit their requirements,
which the system integrates with user information,
product descriptions, and an underlying knowledge
model to generate a list of relevant items (Guo et al.,
2020). Based on the arguments above, we choose a
knowledge-based approach for our course
recommender system. Some main characteristics of a
KBRS are as follows:
C1 - Domain Knowledge Integration. KBRS
leverages detailed domain knowledge from
experts or collecting from online resources,
represented in structured databases or
ontologies, and relies on a knowledge base with
rules, constraints, and heuristics.
C2 - Explicit User Requirements. Users provide
explicit inputs about their preferences and
requirements through questionnaires, forms, or
direct interaction via system interface, including
specific features, attributes, or constraints.
C3 - Rule-Based. Recommendations are
generated using rules or an inference engine that
applies logical reasoning to the knowledge base,
such as if-then statements or decision trees.
KEOD 2024 - 16th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
C4 - Conversational Interface. KBRS includes
an interactive interface that allows users to
iteratively refine their preferences and adjust
inputs based on system explanations.
C5 – Content Update. KBRS can be adapted to
different contexts by regularly updating the
knowledge base and rules.
C6 - Handling Cold Start Problem. The system
effectively addresses the cold start problem by
recommending new users and items based on
explicit attributes, rules, and domain
2.2 Knowledge-Based Recommender
Systems for Education
For an effective course recommendation system
tailored to learners' vocational needs and businesses'
demands, two criteria must be met: alignment with
learners' career direction and learning journey, and
effective matching of professional skills sought by
businesses with skills acquired from courses.
Several studies (Majidi and Newfoundland, 2018;
Obeid et al., 2018; Ilkou et al., 2021; Agarwal et al.,
2022; Tarus et al., 2017) have developed knowledge-
based course recommendation systems in line with our
focus. Majidi and Newfoundland (2018) proposed a
system that combines association rule mining and
genetic algorithms to recommend courses that cover
required skills set for a career path of a specific job
position using data from sources such as educational
websites and MOOC platforms. Obeid et al. (2018)
proposed an ontology-based recommender system
enhanced with machine learning techniques to guide
students in higher education. This system assesses
students' vocational strengths, weaknesses, interests,
and capabilities to recommend the appropriate major
and university. Ilkou et al. (2021) introduced EduCOR
ontology for educational and career-oriented ontology
representing online learning resources for personalized
learning systems. Agarwal et al. (2022) introduced a
system combining collaborative filtering and rule-
based recommendation, integrating learning styles for
personalized recommendations in MOOCs. Tarus et al.
(2017) developed a hybrid knowledge-based
recommender system based on the learner and resource
ontologies, and sequential pattern mining algorithm for
recommendation of e-learning resources to learners.
The ontologies are used to model and represent the
domain knowledge whereas the algorithm discovers
the learners’ sequential learning patterns. Subramanian
and Ramachandran (2019) proposed Student Career
Guidance (SCG) system that gathers learners’ data
from an input questionnaire including school results,
students’ school/home activities and academic
interests. Based on this information, the system
employs if then else rules to infer an appropriate study
program for learners.
To provide tailored course suggestions that meet
both learners' and business needs, it's essential to
align the required skills in job postings, student
profiles, and course outcomes. Mochol et al. (2015)
developed a human resources ontology and used
semantic matching techniques to improve online
recruitment processes. Other studies (Paudel and
Shakya, 2017; Straccia et al., 2009) employed skills
ontology to model job seeker profiles and recruitment
advertisements, enabling semantic matching for
candidate suggestions. Authors often applied
deductive matchmaking based on description logic to
rank job seeker profiles according to various criteria
such as work experience and competency level.
Straccia et al. (2009) used ontology to rank profiles
by translating logical queries into SQL query
language. Corde et al. (2016) used bird mating
optimization to match job seeker profiles with
business job postings. Montuschi et al. (2015)
matched student profiles with business recruitment
needs, utilizing ontology to represent profiles,
recruitment information, and course learning
outcomes. Lexical matching of student skills with job
requirements was then performed based on these
Table 1: Summary of the KBRS for education approaches.
roaches C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6
Majidi and
+ + +
Obeid C. et al.
+ + +
+ + +
Agarwal et al.
+ + +
Tarus, J. et al.
+ + + +
Our a
roach + + + + + +
Table 1 compares different approaches to KBRS
for education based on six characteristics outlined in
Section 2.1. In general, most approaches do not fully
address these characteristics. This observation also
confirms that these six characteristics are frequently
used to identify a KBRS for education. All
approaches focus on a knowledge base that represents
learner profiles, learning domain and resources using
Framework for a Knowledge-Based Course Recommender System Focused on IT Career Needs
ontologies. Some explicitly address the cold start
problem by considering the learner’s profile and
asking learners to register it in the system to identify
their interests and preferences. However, most studies
lack real-time data updates and coherent integration
of semantic and lexical elements. Additionally,
reasoning capabilities using rules or constraints are
rarely proposed in current studies to provide
recommendations for learners.
To address this gap, our approach proposes a
framework that offers courses or learning paths based
on learners' skills and interests, focusing on six key
characteristics. This system implements an ontology-
based knowledge model for representing IT jobs,
involving the extraction and analysis of online job
postings and courses. The system constructs a
structured knowledge framework for occupational
requirements and course information. In our previous
studies, a context-aware knowledge (CAK) model
was developed to build the knowledge base for smart
service systems (Le Dinh et al., 2022; Nguyen et al.,
2022). This study extends and uses that knowledge
base to build a KBRS for education, focusing
primarily on an automated data collection process to
ensure the knowledge base is always up to date, and
a recommendation method based predominantly on a
set of rules and various matching techniques.
This section outlines the principles of the proposed
framework for a KBRS for education. Firstly, it
encompasses the overall architecture, elucidating
how the system components are organized and
elaborated. The knowledge base model subsequently
depicts the knowledge components and their
relationships. Next, the primary data collection
process is detailed, illustrating how it constructs and
updates the knowledge base. Finally, the
recommendation method relies on the knowledge
base and rules, incorporating various matching
techniques to provide course recommendations.
3.1 General Architecture
The general architecture of the framework is depicted
in Figure 1. It comprises the following components:
User Interface: allows learners to use the web
interface for account registration, login, course
consultation, view purchase history, and system
Data collection: consists of a process that
automatically gathers data from online
recruitment and educational platforms to build
and update the knowledge base.
Recommendation: handles requests from
learners, applying course recommendation
methods and returning relevant courses for
learning paths.
Figure 1: General architecture.
3.2 Knowledge Base Model
The incorporation of ontology to model the
knowledge base is a crucial component of the system
as it embodies the shared common understanding of
the domain of interest. This component enables the
system to interpret and enhance the integration of
various online learning resources (Younten and
Kristina, 2021). This study refines our prior
knowledge model outlined in (Nguyen et al., 2022;
Thi et al., 2020) for an educational recommender
system. The knowledge model comprises three
ontologies: the occupation ontology, the course
ontology, and the learner ontology. Figure 2
illustrates the comprehensive knowledge model and
the interconnections among these three models.
3.2.1 Occupation Model
In the field of occupation ontology, it was observed
that the JobPosting Ontology (Thi et al., 2020) is
suitable for reuse in this study. This ontology
provides definitions tailored to the IT industry’s
needs, and the available dataset aligns well with job
postings, assisting learners in understanding the skills
and qualifications companies require for various
positions. However, job postings for different roles
can have varied requirements from each employer.
While some skills are specific to certain positions,
there are also additional skills that may be required.
The JobPosting Ontology does not allow for
specifying the relative importance of different skills
within a job requirement. We reused its definitions to
KEOD 2024 - 16th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
Figure 2: The high level of the knowledge base model.
represent entities within the same knowledge domain,
specifically employing the TechnologySkill and
KnowledgeSkill classes of the JobSpecificSkill class
in the model to propose our occupation ontology.
Our occupation model presents concepts and
relationships pertinent to the needs of the IT industry.
The concept “JobSpecificSkill” describes job-related
skills, comprises two sub-classes:
The class “Knowledge” manages the knowledge
requirements of an occupation, encompassing
aspects like “deep understanding of Android
SDK/Kotlin for Backend/willing to study
The class “Skill” denotes the necessity to be
proficient in specific IT technologies, with a
weight assigned to describe the importance of
these technologies in the context of the related
occupation. Technologies may include
software, libraries, programming languages,
databases, AI, Python, Google Colab, ETL, BI,
C++, and others.
3.2.2 Course Model
This model identifies the most influential factors that
impact learners when making decisions about course
selection. These factors then become the primary
classes of the model. Each class in the course profile
corresponds to an equivalent class in the learner
profile (Younten and Kristina, 2021). In this work, the
course model encompasses concepts describing
learning courses and their relationships.
The class "Course Information" incorporates
attributes such as title, URL, duration, fee,
learning outcomes, major subject, rating, people
rating, number of students participating in the
course, study form, and study time.
The class "Technology" encompasses
technological skills required for the related
The class "Level" characterizes the course level,
such as Beginner, Elementary, Intermediate,
Proficient. Additionally, the class "Provider"
represents course providers such as Edumall,
Coursera, Edx, etc.
3.2.3 Learner Model
This model offers information about learners in the
field of IT, encompassing conditions set by learners.
The system uses this information to generate
personalized course suggestions tailored to the
learner's profile. The learner model consists of the
following classes:
The class "Account Information" delineates the
learner's account details, including email and
The class "Personal Information" provides
information about the learner's personal details,
such as full name, gender, address, current job,
available time, maximum cost, and career
The class “Education” handles information about
the learner's field of study and current degree.
The class “Learner Technology” encompasses
the current learner's technology skills.
The class “History” describes the learner's order
history and course completion status.
Framework for a Knowledge-Based Course Recommender System Focused on IT Career Needs
3.2.4 Semantic Rules for Recommendations
One of the key components of the KBRS is to use
constraints to generate personalized
recommendations for learners. This approach
specifically identifies and applies semantic rules to
refine and generate course recommendations based
on specific conditions. To achieve this, 12 rules were
built that combine attributes such as languages,
maximum cost, learning period, distance, course type,
study format, available time, and current occupation.
For instance, if a learner is seeking offline courses
and is currently employed, Rule 1 is applied to
suggest offline courses scheduled after office hours
and located near the learner's address, with a
preference for part-time courses. Conversely, if a
learner is seeking employment, Rule 2 is applied,
offering a broader range of options including full-
time and part-time courses.
Rule 1: languages = Vietnamese; free_time;
maximum_cost; type_of_couses; current_job =
Employed; address; free_time
type_of_courses = Offline; study_format = Part-
time; study_time = 18:00 23:59
Rule 2: languages = Vietnamese; free_time;
maximum_cost; type_of_couses; current_job =
Not Employed; address, free_time
type_of_couses = Offline; study_format = (Part-
time or Full-time)
3.3 Data Collection Process and
The purpose of data collection is to ensure that the
knowledge base remains up-to-date and aligns with
the current market requirements. We use Apache
Airflow to automate the process and schedule DAG
. The process is described in Figure 3
encompasses four main tasks as follows:
Raw Data Retrieval. Initially, raw data items
are extracted from various online educational
websites using Scrapy
and BeautifulSoup
libraries. This task can be configurable to be
scheduled or executed manually.
Duplicate or Missing Data Removal. Potential
duplicate data items are identified and
eliminated based on criteria built by combining
ontological attributes, such as provider,
instructor, course name, and taught skills for
course data, as well as description, occupation
Figure 3: Automated data collection process.
name, required skills for occupation data.
Additionally, items with missing mandatory
attributes, such as courses without content or
jobs without submission date are removed. If
an item represents unique value in the dataset,
an item imputation process is applied to fill in
its missing data.
Skills and Knowledge Identification. Potential
skills and knowledge of each item are identified
based on two dictionaries: job position and
technology skills. To achieve this, we apply the
Stanza library
to measure the similarity
between the potential skills and the terms in the
dictionaries using Bert Embedding. Then we
add these skills if they are new, or merge them
if they are not by increasing their weight.
Data Consolidation. Finally, to synthesize
skills and knowledge of collected items, similar
items are identified and classified into the same
cluster using the Kmeans unsupervised
learning technique. In each cluster, technology
skills and knowledge are aggregated using the
GPT-4 model, incorporating Insight prompt
. Each cluster represents a data
object or instance of the knowledge base.
KEOD 2024 - 16th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
3.3.1 Datasets
To initiate the datasets for implementation, testing
and evaluation purposes, we used the data collection
process to build occupation and course datasets. The
occupation dataset was compiled from 350 job
postings gathered from 4 websites: VietnamWorks,
ITViec, TopITWorks and Indeed VN. Subsequently,
these job postings were consolidated into 80
occupations, categorized into 9 groups such as
Software and Application Development, System
Administration and Networking, Information
Security, Data Analysis and Data Science, etc. The
course dataset was sourced from diverse platforms
including CodeCademy, Udemy, Edx, Datacamp,
FPT Software Academy, and Unica, resulting in the
acquisition of 600 courses.
3.4 Knowledge-Based
Recommendation Method
The recommendation method is fully illustrated in
Figure 4, comprising five primary steps. Each step is
described in detail in the following subsections.
Figure 4: Recommendation process.
3.4.1 Identify Skills Gap
This step consists of matching the skills gap of the
learner’s profile with the skills required for the
chosen occupation. The skills gap are computed by
the equation (1) as follows:
skillsGap(l,o) = skills (o)
skills(l) (1)
Where l and o are respectively the learner and
occupation. The formula skillsGap (l,o) calculates the
set containing lacking skills of the user l with the
occupation o. For example, an user l wants to explore
‘Data Analytics’. This occupation o requires
proficiency in skills O = {SQL, Python, R, Machine
Learning, Apache Hadoop, Apache Spark}. The
learner l currently possesses skills L = {Microsoft
Excel}. The system identifies the skills gap by
skillsGap(l, o) = O \ L = {SQL, Python, R, Machine
Learning, Apache Hadoop, Apache Spark}.
3.4.2 Find Courses Suitable for the Missing
Skills Set
The system searches for courses that match the
missing skills. This matching method is carried out
using lexical matching technique proposed in (Gupta
and Garg, 2014) to identify the courses that cover
those skills. The technique focuses solely on the skills
set of each course in mapping with the missing skills.
This mapping results in a set of courses that match
one or more of the learner's missing skills. For each
course it gives the set of missing skills it covers (a
course may offer additional skills that the learner
already has or does not require). All courses that
cover one or more of the missing skills are identified.
3.4.3 Filter Courses Using Rules
This step mainly applies the constraint-based method
that uses rules to refine the selection of courses
(Charu, 2016). As mentioned in section 4.2.4, these
rules are built based on the combination of the learner
profiles, learning requirements input from the user
interface such as desired occupation, learning mode
(online/offline), learning period, and the type of
recommendation (top high ranking individual
courses/bundled learning paths). The system applies
these rules to refine the courses obtained from the
previous step.
3.4.4 Calculate Weights and Rank Courses
if the result still includes a large number of courses,
refinement is necessary to generate more concise and
Framework for a Knowledge-Based Course Recommender System Focused on IT Career Needs
accurate recommendations. We propose the formula
(3) to calculate weights for ranking courses based on
the combination of three features:
Weight of similarity between the courses’
learning outcomes and the required knowledge
of the selected occupation. Courses with high
similarity to the required knowledge for
occupation are prioritized. To achieve this, we
convert the courses’ learning outcomes and the
required knowledge for occupation from text
into vectors and apply the SBERT model
(Reimers and Gurevych, 2019) to calculate the
similarity for each pair (course, occupation)
using cosine similarity. The equation is
described in (2), where R
and R
denote the
course learning outcomes and required
knowledge for occupation, respectively.
sim_course(c,o) = cos(R
, R
) =
Weight of the missing skills for the selected
occupation. In the occupation model, each skill
has a weight representing its importance of the
occupation. A course is preferable if it offers
multiple skills that learners currently need to
supplement, with each skill given a higher
priority weight captured in the occupation
model. For example, consider two courses A
and B, which provide the missing skills {R:4,
Python:3, C#:2} and {R: 4, C:1, C#:2} for an
occupation, respectively. The weight of the
skills provided by two courses is calculated as 4
+ 3 + 2 = 9 for course A and 4 + 1 + 2 = 7 for
course B. Thus, course A would be more
suitable to recommend to learners than course B.
This calculation is based on the equation (3)
where skill(a)
represents the missing skill a of
course c, and weight(a)
represents its weight in
occupation o.
𝑠𝑢𝑚𝑊𝑒𝑖𝑔𝑡𝑆𝑘𝑖𝑙𝑙𝑠(𝑐,o) = 𝑠𝑘𝑖𝑙𝑙(𝑎)
+ + 𝑠𝑘𝑖𝑙𝑙(𝑛)
In addition to the skills required by an
occupation, a course may also provide
additional skills to support that occupation but
are not listed in the occupation’s skills list. This
feature is also considered in the course selection
process. For example, Course A provides 3
skills required by an occupation, namely {R, C,
C#}, and includes 2 additional skills, {Python,
SQL}. Course B provides the same three
required skills, {R, C, C#}, and one additional
skill, {Python}. The course A would be more
suitable to recommend to learners as it not only
covers the required professional skills but also
offers more additional skills for learning.
Finally, the total weight of a course for an
occupation, denoted as weight(c,o), is computed
using the formula (4) and two parameters, α and β.
The parameter α represents the influence of
sumWeightSkill(c,o) on the final result (with a default
value of α = 0.4), while the parameter β indicates the
importance of sim_cos(c,o), knowledge similarity on
the final result (with a default value of β = 0.4). The
optimization of these parameters can be achieved
through bridge regression, which is calculated based
on learners’ feedback.
𝑤𝑒𝑖𝑔𝑡(𝑐,o)= α × 𝑠𝑢𝑚𝑊𝑒𝑖𝑔𝑡𝑆𝑘𝑖𝑙𝑙𝑠(𝑐,o) +
β×𝑠𝑖𝑚_course(𝑐,o) + (1−α−β)×
additional𝑆𝑘𝑖𝑙𝑙s(𝑐, o)
3.4.5 Select Suitable Courses Based on the
Calculated Weights
Depending on the type of recommendation selected
by learners, the system returns either (1) the top high
ranking individual courses or (2) the relevant learning
path. For the learning path, certain rules are applied
to recommend courses given the same weight and
from the same provider as well as from different
providers. In this case, other attributes such as course
rating, number of participants, learner’s available
time, fee, duration, etc. are considered for ranking.
If there are no suitable courses or no courses
containing required skills, the system suggests the top
5 occupations with similar skills set to the selected
occupation by applying the Jaccard similarity index
proposed by Gupta and Garg (2014).
Developing a web application to facilitate users in
using the recommendation system more conveniently
is a key objective. Additionally, the creation of a user
interface enables users to register accounts and update
necessary personal information, thereby enhancing
the effectiveness of the system. The system leverages
the ReactJS framework for the front-end, the
ExpressJS framework for the back-end, and Python
libraries for recommender systems. JSX is employed
KEOD 2024 - 16th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
to embed HTML code into JavaScript, using Props to
delegate tasks to different components and ensuring
data immutability through the use of Immutable. The
Docker platform is used for building, deploying, and
running the application more efficiently via
containerization. MySQL is chosen for database
management. The source code is available on GitHub
at The
application is hosted at
The learners can create their profile in the system
including current skills, occupation, major, language,
desired learning time, budget, etc. The new skills are
updated when the learners complete a course,
reflecting the system’s capability to the knowledge
Figure 5 depicts the main page of the system,
allowing learners to submit a requirement and search
for recommendations. At the top of the page, the
learners specify the desired job position for their
future career and the type of recommendation,
indicating whether the results should focus on a
learning path or individual courses. Additional inputs
including specifying the study mode (online, offline
or both) and learning period, can also be selected.
The main page presents a list of recommended
courses based on the specified requirements. It also
displays the skills required for the chosen
occupation on the top-right, with the skills to be
learned for that occupation on the bottom-right. The
importance level of each skill is indicated by the size
of the skills, where skills of the same size are
considered equally important. Detailed information
about a course is showed when learners click on a
course and view it. The important information
includes the skills acquired upon completing the
course. Additionally, learners can also see courses
that are currently studying and add courses to their
In this section, experiments are conducted to assess
our system based on two aspects: user satisfaction and
the accuracy of the data extraction process.
5.1 User Satisfaction
The effectiveness is assessed by considering the
relevance of responses, which reflects how well users
discover accurate answers while using the system,
alongside the system's response speed. To achieve
this, a survey involving 45 participants was
conducted, with 67% being computer science
students and 33% professionals who come from
different schools and working environments. This
diverse participant group helps to cover a wide range
of job positions and avoids bias.
Figure 5: Main screen showing recommend courses or learning path, in descending order of relevance.
Framework for a Knowledge-Based Course Recommender System Focused on IT Career Needs
Figure 6: (a) User satisfaction with recommended courses,
(b) User satisfaction with recommended learning path, (c)
Time users wait for response.
Participants were first asked to sign up for the
system and register their existing skills, preferred
learning languages, budget, desired time for courses,
current location, occupation, and more. Then, they
logged in and used the system to search for courses or
learning paths, check all skills and courses
recommended by the system for relevance, add
courses to their cart, select and join courses if any.
After a period of using the system, all participants
were asked to complete a survey based on their
experience. The survey results were then collected,
revealing that a small-scale test effectively
demonstrates the system's ability to provide accurate
responses. Users were given the opportunity to
express their satisfaction using a 10-point scale.
Figure 6(a) shows that users exhibited substantial
satisfaction with course recommendations based on
their professions. Notably, 31% of respondents
awarded a perfect score of 10, indicating a robust
positive sentiment. In contrast, only 2% provided a
moderate rating with a score of 5 and 6. Moving on to
Figure 6(b), satisfaction with learning path
recommendations also showed positive trends,
particularly concerning users' professional
backgrounds. Here, 31% expressed satisfaction with
a score of 8, while an impressive 20-22% rated the
recommendation at the highest levels (9-10). In
conclusion, both Figure 6(a) and Figure 6(b) confirm
the system's effectiveness in meeting user preferences
and professional needs. The overwhelmingly positive
feedback indicates a promising acceptance of the
system's utility in guiding users through their
educational paths.
Figure 6(c) shows that the participants’
contentment with the system’s response speed varies.
While 43.8% were happy, 15.6% were disappointed
with it. The main drawback concerned the calculation
speed of the recommendation method, especially for
participants using the system for the first time.
Fortunately, this issue can be technically enhanced in
our future work. Additionally, 40.6% expressed a
neutral level of satisfaction when giving an average
point, indicating that the performance is not an issue
for them. Although the response speed may vary
based on the loaded data, system caching techniques,
etc., it reflects the initial effectiveness when the
recommendation method integrated into the system,
which is considered acceptable.
5.2 Accuracy of the Skills Extraction
The significance of the data collection process lies in
identifying skills within courses that serve as
candidates for the recommendation process.
Accordingly, we measure the accuracy of the skills
extraction step using the course dataset, which
comprises 600 courses, using the F1-score metric. A
total of 970 technology terms were manually
extracted from these courses. Table 2 presents the
overall F1-score, which is recorded as 0.73.
KEOD 2024 - 16th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
Table 2: Evaluation of the results of feature extraction for
the Technology class.
Recall Precision F1-
970 1202 788 0.81 0.66 0.73
Currently, no other studies have used a dataset
comparable to ours, making it challenging to establish
a basis for comparing the effectiveness of our
proposed method. While the Stanza library
demonstrates effectiveness in sentence segmentation
and word analysis, occasional inaccuracies in
sentence segmentation pose challenges in identifying
the intended technology skill names targeted by our
This paper has explored a framework for a course
KBRS that fulfils all six aforementioned
characteristics. It includes a data collection process
that reschedules gathering data from different online
educational platforms to represent the knowledge
base in graph database, ensuring that the collected
data is always up to date that reflects the current
market requirements and course information (C1,
C5). The implemented system provides an interactive
interface that enables learners to explicitly input and
refine their requirements and preference (C2, C4). In
this way, it can address the cold start problem by
recommending courses to new learners based on rules
and onlotigies (C6). The recommendation method
incorporates a set of rules and various matching
techniques to propose relevant courses or learning
paths according to job requirements, learners' needs
and profiles (C3). A system implementation was
performed to demonstrate its functionalities and
usage capability in a real environment.
During the evaluation, we observed that the
effectiveness of the proposed solution achieved a high
ranking from the learners' perspective. Most
participants rated it above average, with particularly
high ratings for its course recommendations.
However, the limitations of this study include its
reliance on a specific IT field and a small-scale
laboratory setting. It is neccesary to test the approach
in a broader environment to further prove its stability
and usability. Additionally, applying the approach to
developing a course recommendation system for
domains other than IT needs to be considered to
extend the research findings.
With the rapid advancement of Artificial
Intelligence, particularly Large Language Models
(LLMs), we anticipate that these models can enhance
both the recommendation and data collection
processes. The Retrieval-Augmented Generation
(RAG) model has emerged as promising model that
combine the knowledge from LLMs and the local
once to address specific domain problems (Gao et al.,
2024). We believe that incorporating RAG into our
approach will strengthen our solution. In this study,
we have already begun applying GPT-4, an LLM, in
the data consolidation step, as described in section
3.3, and we will continue this work in future research.
This research is funded by the University of Science,
VNU-HCM under grant number CNTT 2023-02.
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