Optimization of Methods for Querying Formal Ontologies in Natural
Language Using a Neural Network
Anicet Lepetit Ondo
, Laurence Capus
and Mamadou Bousso
Dep. of Computer and Software Engineering, Laval University, Quebec, G1V 0A6, Quebec, Canada
Dep. Computer Science, Iba Der Thiam University, Thies, 967, Senegal
Keywords: Question-Answering System, SPARQL Language, Transformer, Neural Network, Natural Language
Abstract: A well-designed ontology must be capable of addressing all the needs it is intended to satisfy. This complex
task involves gathering all the potential questions from future users that the ontology should answer in order
to respond precisely to these requests. However, variations in the questions asked by users for the same need
complicate the interrogation process. Consequently, the use of a question-answering system seems to be a
more efficient option for translating user queries into the formal SPARQL language. Current methods face
significant challenges, including their reliance on predefined patterns, the quality of models and training data,
ontology structure, resource complexity for approaches integrating various techniques, and their sensitivity to
linguistic variations for the same user need. To overcome these limitations, we propose an optimal
classification approach to classify user queries into corresponding SPARQL query classes. This method uses
a neural network based on Transformer encoder-decoder architectures, improving both the understanding and
generation of SPARQL queries while better adapting to variations in user queries. We have developed a
dataset on estate liquidation and Python programming, built from raw data collected from specialist forums
and websites. Two transformer models, GPT-2 and T5, were evaluated, with the basic T5 model obtaining a
satisfactory score of 97.22%.
A well-designed ontology should be able to answer
all user questions. Therefore, it is important to have
good coverage. One way to achieve this is by
gathering the questions that the ontology should
answer and then building the graph accordingly.
However, due to the considerable variations in the
questions asked by users in natural language
expressing same needs, the task becomes complex to
extract the meaning of the question and translate it
into SPARQL, a formal language to extract the
answer from the graph. This involves aligning the
concepts present in the user's stated need with those
suitable in the triples likely to create a formal query.
To meet such a challenge, advanced natural language
processing techniques are necessary. Conventional
approaches, such as the use of cosine distances or
synonym dictionaries, do not always produce the
desired results. Moreover, current work faces
significant challenges inherent to natural language
processing models. Among these challenges are
dependency on pre-established patterns, the quality of
models and training data, the structure of ontologies,
the complexity of resources associated with certain
approaches integrating multiple techniques, as well as
their sensitivity to linguistic variations for the same
need expressed by a user. To optimize this task, we
propose in this article a classification method based
on the use of Transformers. This method aims to
improve the generation of SPARQL queries by
promoting better alignment with variations in users'
natural language questions. We have experimented
with this method on a dataset from two domains:
estate settlement and Python programming. The
method has also been integrated into a conversational
bot to demonstrate its practical feasibility.
The article begins with a review of previous work
in this field to situate our contribution. Next, the
proposed method is described, including the tools and
techniques used. Finally, the results are presented
along with their analyses.
Ondo, A., Capus, L. and Bousso, M.
Optimization of Methods for Querying Formal Ontologies in Natural Language Using a Neural Network.
DOI: 10.5220/0012892600003838
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 16th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2024) - Volume 2: KEOD, pages 119-126
ISBN: 978-989-758-716-0; ISSN: 2184-3228
Proceedings Copyright ยฉ 2024 by SCITEPRESS โ€“ Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
A Question-Answering System (or QA System) is a
natural language processing (NLP) application
designed to automatically respond to questions posed
in natural language by users (Nassiri & Akhloufi,
2023). One of the key components of these systems is
the dataset used to accomplish the desired task.
Several existing datasets utilize a structure where a
question is paired with its answer along with context.
Others present questions with answers requiring an
intermediate step (such as an SQL or SPARQL query)
on a knowledge graph or a relational database. These
types of datasets are crucial for the development and
evaluation of question-answering systems, which aim
to optimize querying of ontologies or relational
databases in natural language.
Current research in this field is experiencing a
significant surge, with sustained efforts to enhance
the accuracy and efficiency of responses provided by
these systems. For instance, some SQL agents
a set of more flexible methods to interact with SQL
databases, effectively addressing questions based on
relational schemas. These agents also allow querying
the database as many times as necessary to answer
user questions, within the realm of the classical web.
However, in the context of the semantic web using
ontologies, early studies on SPARQL query
generation primarily focus on manual query creation.
These studies particularly evaluate the ability of
ontology systems to cover and infer within a specific
domain, as evidenced by the referenced works (Guo,
Pan, & Heflin, 2005; Haase et al., 2010).
With the aim of reducing the need for manual
interventions, researchers have focused on SPARQL
query generation based on a schema. These schemas
function as templates, essentially standardized query
forms with reserved slots to fill in (Bagan et al., 2017;
Unger et al., 2012). These methods aim to create an
intermediate schematic representation of SPARQL
queries. Furthering this schema-based query
generation logic, other approaches have been
developed to associate specific keywords with a
domain to create a query model (Zenz et al., 2009).
These models are often designed to encapsulate and
summarize simple and common SPARQL patterns
tailored to a specific dataset. However, there is no
guarantee that these models are suitable for other
New ideas for automatic query generation continue
to emerge. A multi-step method translates a user query,
expressed in natural language, into a SPARQL query
suitable for querying a knowledge graph (Pradel et al.,
2013). This process first identifies named entities
conveying domain information in the user query. Then,
a syntactic dependency analysis is undertaken,
followed by the creation of a pivot query. This pivot
query explicates the relations inferred from substrings
of the user query. Since this pivot query is not directly
understandable by the knowledge graph, the last step
involves matching it with predefined query templates
(which are well-structured queries for querying an
ontology) to obtain a list of potential results for the user
query. A precise method has been proposed to extract
named entities from the user query and then build a
dependency tree (Zlatareva & Amin, 2021). SPARQL
query generation is based on the relationships present
in this tree, associating each found entity or predicate
with its syntactic equivalent in the ontology. However,
these two previous methods may not be adaptable to
other datasets and require substantial technical
resources to accomplish this task.
An innovative method proposes integrating the
linguistic aspects of questions with graphical data to
optimize SPARQL query generation (Rony et al.,
2022). By employing a generative model and a stack
of Transformer encoders, this method enhances the
understanding of natural language questions and
facilitates the injection of additional knowledge, such
as entities, to generate more precise SPARQL
queries. However, errors in predicting relations and
entities, as well as variability in formulations, reveal
limitations in the model's ability to grasp the subtle
nuances of questions and effectively generalize to
complex scenarios.
Two machine learning models were utilized
(Dileep et al., 2021), namely the random forest
classifier and XGBoost, on the LC-QUAD2.0 dataset
(Dubey et al., 2019), in comparison with the two
Transformer models GPT-2 and T5. It is worth noting
that the random forest classifier and XGBoost remain
traditional supervised learning models, unlike
transformers which are deep learning models
revolutionizing classification tasks by utilizing
attention mechanisms to capture long-distance
dependencies in textual data (Vaswani et al., 2017).
The TSET model was applied to enhance
SPARQL query generation by introducing a pre-
training step and a Triplet Structure Correction
objective (Qi et al., 2024). A semantic transformation
method strengthens SPARQL understanding.
KEOD 2024 - 16th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
Our study highlights the major challenges of
natural language processing-based question
answering approaches, including reliance on pre-
established patterns, model and training data quality,
ontology structures, the complexity of resources
associated with certain approaches integrating
multiple techniques, and sensitivity to linguistic
variations for the same user-expressed need. We
focus on exploring two transformer models, T5 and
GPT2, paying particular attention to effective fine-
tuning to accurately predict diverse user inputs
expressing the same need.
The work presented in this article primarily aims to
achieve optimal classification of SPARQL queries
based on the varied needs of users for retrieving the
same information. User questions and SPARQL
queries provided in our dataset are used to train
classification models that aim to predict the category
or type of SPARQL query associated with a given
question. This automates the process of classifying
SPARQL queries based on the context of the
To accomplish this, two transformer models were
experimented with based on the structure of our
dataset. Implementing such an approach requires a
series of steps from data collection to the obtained
3.1 Training Data Collection
Data being essential elements for tasks related to
question-answering systems, we chose to test our
approach on a dataset covering two domains of
expertise: estate settlement and commonly asked
questions for learning the basics of the Python
programming. To do this, our idea was to gather
competency questions (Thiรฉblin et al, 2021) for these
domains to which our ontology should respond,
associating them with examples of SPARQL queries
related to the entities in our RDF ontology. This
implies having a training dataset consisting of pairs
of natural language sentences and their equivalents in
SPARQL language. These data will be used to teach
the model the correspondences between the two
languages. We ensured a diversity of examples to
cover different categories of queries of unary, binary
nature, questions including simple or multiple facts,
and temporal aspects.
Figure 1 illustrates the structure found in this
dataset, namely a user question associated with
various arguments.
Figure 1: Structure of the training dataset.
The created dataset includes between three and four
paraphrases for each specified need, automatically
generated using CHATGPT and also applying
crowdsourcing-based (Aydin et al., 2014) from
various forums discussing similar topics. This
inclusion adds an extra dimension to the variety of
questions, thus providing machine learning models
with the opportunity to train on diverse formulations
of user queries. Consequently, this presents the
crucial advantage of avoiding overfitting to a limited
set of syntactic variations.
3.2 Models Used
The aim of this work is to encode a user sentence to
decode it into a formal SPARQL query capable of
querying an ontology. To achieve this, we chose to
test two language models, GPT-2 and T5 (Small and
Base), pre-trained on our pre-processed dataset. The
choice of these Transformer models relies on their
main advantage, namely the attention mechanism and
multi-head attention (Vaswani et al., 2017), a deep
learning principle that selects parts of an input
deemed relevant to accomplish the task. This process
enables the model to effectively capture complex
relationships in data sequences using parallelized
computations and by paying particular attention to
different parts of the sequence simultaneously. Multi-
head attention further enhances this capability by
allowing the model to consider multiple perspectives
or parameters simultaneously.
Optimization of Methods for Querying Formal Ontologies in Natural Language Using a Neural Network
3.3 Fine-Tuning
In order to enhance the performance of the models in
efficiently generating SPARQL queries related to our
OWL ontology, several adjustments have been made
to the hyperparameters to stabilize the models,
โ–ช For the T5 model (Small and Base):
โœ“ Number of full passes over the training data
(8 epochs yielded good performance).
โœ“ Training batch size set to 2.
โœ“ Maximum number of checkpoints to keep
set to 2.
โœ“ Frequency at which checkpoints were saved,
expressed as the number of training steps, set
to 2.
โœ“ Frequency at which log information was
recorded set to 4.
โœ“ To control the speed at which our model
adjusts its weights during training, we set the
learning rate to 1e-3.
โ–ช For the GPT2 model:
โœ“ Number of full passes over the training data
(our model produced acceptable results at 16
โœ“ To control the speed at which our model
adjusts its weights during training, we set the
learning rate to 5e-5.
The hyperparameter selection process for each
category followed a rigorous methodological
approach. This involved a series of successive
experiments, during which the hyperparameters were
systematically adjusted. After several iterations, only
the hyperparameters that ensured the stability and
optimal performance of the model were retained.
3.4 Evaluation and Model Results
During the creation of our dataset using paraphrasing
mechanisms, we generated multiple paraphrased
forms of the same requirement. A portion of these
paraphrases was utilized in the training dataset, while
the remaining portion was integrated into the test
dataset to evaluate our model.
We proceed by describing the evaluation
conducted along with the results obtained.
3.4.1 Evaluation Metric
Our evaluation phase involved assessing the quality
of the queries generated by the model as well as other
accompanying arguments for a SPARQL query using
a test dataset. This phase also aimed to ensure that the
generated queries are syntactically correct with
respect to the entities in the ontology.
Given that our work primarily relies on
classification tasks, we adopted the F-measure metric,
calculated from precision and recall, to provide an
overall assessment of a model's performance. This
measure takes into account both the model's ability to
correctly identify positive examples (recall) and to
avoid classification errors (precision).
Let's recall its general formula:
๐‘ญ๐Ÿ =
With :
๐’“๐’†๐’„๐’‚๐’๐’ =
๐’‘๐’“๐’†๐’„๐’Š๐’”๐’Š๐’๐’ =
3.4.2 Results after Training the Models
To train our model, we used a dataset comprising over
1000 questions, each associated with a paraphrased
form. The test dataset consisted of 80 questions.
Among these, 65 were different reformulations of the
questions used during training, and 15 were new
questions that had not been used during training.
The queries generated after predicting a user-
entered phrase, corresponding to a needs class
identified during model training, allow for the
extraction of specific information from our ontology
used in our approach. These queries are of the 'distinct
selection' type and are expressed in the following
๐’™ ๐‘ป
๐’™ โ€ฆ ๐’™๐‘ป
)) (4)
โ–ช ๐…
: Represents the projection onto the set of
variables V (the columns you want to select).
โ–ช ๐ˆ
: Represents the selection of triples
that satisfy the conditions specified in the
WHERE clause, if conditions are present.
โ–ช ๐‘ป
๐’™ ๐‘ป
๐’™ โ€ฆ ๐’™๐‘ป
: Represents the Cartesian
product of ๐‘‡
, ๐‘‡
, โ€ฆ , ๐‘‡
, where each ๐‘‡
is an
ontology triplet in the form โŸจsแตข, pแตข, oแตขโŸฉ for i โˆˆ
{1, 2, โ€ฆ, n}, representing the subject,
predicate, and object in the ontology,
The formal representation that was used and executed
within the ontology for formula (4) corresponds to the
structure of the following SPARQL query:
KEOD 2024 - 16th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
WHERE {๐‘ป
๐’™. . ๐’™๐‘ป
} (5)
The results of the tests conducted with the pre-trained
models T5-base, T5-small, and GPT2 are illustrated
respectively in the figures 2,3 and 4. These results
provide an overview of the criteria that were
evaluated based on the structure of the dataset. We
assessed our approach's ability to generate the
complete set of arguments comprising our dataset.
โ–ช For the T5-Base Model
Figure 2: Test results with T5-base.
โ–ช For the T5-Small Model
Figure 3: Test results with T5-small.
โ–ช For the GPT2 Model
Figure 4: Test results with GPT2.
Given that the model's performance in effectively
addressing user needs is closely linked to the
accuracy of the generated SPARQL queries, we
present in Table 1 the F1 score as a combined metric
to evaluate the accuracy of the produced responses,
thus providing an overall measure of the quality of the
SPARQL queries predicted by our approach. This
analysis is based on the exact expected values from
the test dataset, which consists of 80 questions, and
allows for the assessment of the accuracy of the
responses generated by our model in relation to the
identified correct answers.
Table 1: Score of SPARQL queries likely to interrogate the
ontology by tested model.
Number of questions
in the training
Number of questions
in the test dataset
F1 score of the
SPARQL queries
Optimization of Methods for Querying Formal Ontologies in Natural Language Using a Neural Network
3.4.3 Implementation of the Approach in a
Conversational Bot
Given that the goal of our research is to test
transformer encoder-decoder models and experiment
with their operation in a conversational system, we
propose the resulting architecture presented in Figure
5 below.
Figure 5: Technical architecture of the question answering
The model providing optimal scores has been
deployed in a user-friendly real-time environment,
and in a practical manner. We utilized a
conversational bot based on Django technology with
Python. In order to successfully conduct our
experiments, it was essential to test our approach on
a formal ontology describing a specified domain in
the dataset. The creation of artifacts was done using
the Protรฉgรฉ2000 tool from Stanford University for
graphical ontology creation, as well as Owlready2
library (Lamy, 2020), allowing the editing of our
ontologies using the Python language. To verify the
coherence of our ontologies, we used the Hemit
integrated into the Protรฉgรฉ 2000 tool.
Figure 6 below presents an excerpt of the ontology
artifact used for testing.
Once the training was completed, the model was
integrated into our code, allowing to receive the user's
sentence as input and translate it into a SPARQL
query. This query will then be formatted and enriched
with various prefixes to query our ontology, and the
obtained response will be returned to the user. The
conversational environment was developed using the
Django framework, with the shell of a Chatterbot
conversational system. Figure 7 shows an example of
the result returned by our conversational system.
Figure 6: Ontology artifact.
Figure 7: Testing the T5 model in a conversational bot.
The result presented in Figure 7 corresponds to the
following scenario: A user submitted the sentence,
"What steps should I take to find the last will?"
This sentence was analyzed by our pre-trained T5-
base model using specific data. The SPARQL
response generated after the analysis was as follows:
PREFIX rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-
PREFIX onto: < http://www.semanticweb.org/test
KEOD 2024 - 16th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
{ ?lastWill rdf:type onto:CollectImportantDocuments
?lastWill onto:SearchProcedure ?searchLastWill.
FILTER (?searchLastWill = onto:lastWill) }
This query was then formatted into an appropriate
formal structure and executed at the ontology level,
producing the relevant results associated with the
concerned subgraphs of the ontology.
It is very challenging, with existing models, to
accurately predict a specific class of need, especially
when the dataset contains several hundred classes of
needs. However, our approach yields better results for
user needs classification, thus making a significant
contribution to current research. Additionally, we
extended our experiments by deploying a chatbot to
demonstrate how these tested approaches are utilized
in real-time.
In the context of our study, the comparative
analysis of the performance of the two considered
models, namely T5 and GPT-2, has highlighted
significant differences. The results reveal that the T5
model stands out for its remarkable robustness,
displaying an impressive score of 97.22%. This
outstanding performance remains consistent across
various evaluated parameters, validated across an
exhaustive range of training tests. In contrast, the
GPT-2 model presents less conclusive results, with an
overall score of 84%, while showing comparatively
lower relative stability. Notably, achieving this level
of performance with GPT-2 requires a substantial
time investment, as up to 16 training epochs are
needed to stabilize its performance, compared to the
8 epochs required by T5 to achieve optimal stability.
These empirical observations attest to the superior
ability of the T5 model to effectively handle our
classification task, by adapting appropriately to the
inherent structure of our dataset.
We tested our dataset on a relatively small corpus,
aware of the advantages that a richer dataset can
provide. With the aim of further enriching this data,
we are considering integrating large language models
(LLMs), such as GPT-4. Integrating such models will
not only enhance the quality of predictions but also
generate relevant and fluent responses by leveraging
more diverse data during training. Thus, enriching our
dataset and adopting more advanced models will help
us better address the exponential needs of users and
strengthen the robustness of our classification system.
In the scope of our study, we investigated the use of a
transformer encoder-decoder model to translate
natural language sentences into formal SPARQL
queries capable of interacting with an ontology. This
approach aims to reduce the complexity of SPARQL
language, often used to query RDF ontologies,
thereby making these interactions more accessible to
users unfamiliar with the syntax of this language.
To accomplish this, we tested two transformer
models, T5 and GPT-2, on a dataset composed of
pairs of questions and corresponding SPARQL
queries, specifically created for this task. The results
obtained demonstrate that the T5 model offers
superior performance, with a score of 97.22%, and
increased stability across various evaluated
parameters, requiring only 8 epochs to achieve this
stability. In comparison, the GPT-2 model showed
lower stability, with a score of 84%, and required up
to 16 epochs to achieve comparable results. These
findings underscore the robustness and efficiency of
the T5 model for generating SPARQL queries from
natural language questions, indicating its ability to
facilitate interaction with ontologies for non-expert
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