but also animations, images, and videos. Our imple-
mentation is open and free, available on the official
Mozilla Firefox add-ons portal. The webExtension
can be also combined with tools such as Selenium in
order to automate the generation of product reviews
from different websites.
As future work, we plan to incorporate other out-
put formats for the webExtension (besides HTML).
One of these formats will be plain text since, usually,
sentiment analysis and opinion mining algorithms in-
put the comments as plain text. On the other hand,
the functionality of many scraping tools is based on
knowing the className or the id of the DOM node.
Therefore, another interesting output is the className
and id of the DOM node that corresponds to the root
of the comments section. We also plan to augment our
dataset of product web pages with more real webpages
labelled for comments extraction.
Finally, it should be highlighted that not all com-
ments are always visible on a web page (sometimes
the user has to press a button called “Show more” or
similar), which is a limitation of our technique. How-
ever, we are investigating how to retrieve all comments,
whether they are visible or not.
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ish MCIN/AEI under grant PID2019- 104735RB-
C41 and by Generalitat Valenciana under grant
CIPROM/2022/6 (Fasslow). Carlos Galindo was par-
tially supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Univer-
sidades under grant FPU20/03861.
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DOM-Based Online Store Comments Extraction