(SMEs) in Peru, based on a survey. Information was
collected from 130 SMEs across Peru to validate the
UTAUT2 model.
Through detailed analysis, three main constructs
were identified that exert significant influence on this
intention: Performance Expectancy (PE), Price/Value
Ratio (PV), and Competitive Pressure (CP). Thus, it
is found that in the UTAUT2 model, only PE and PV
are valid in the analyzed context, as well as CP.
However, while Performance Expectancy is
recognized as a critical factor for SMEs across
various countries, including the Czech Republic
(Kašparová, 2023), additional factors such as PV and
CP may gain prominence depending on the specific
market in which these SMEs operate. This suggests
that while PE remains universally important, the
impact of other constructs can vary significantly
based on the unique characteristics of different
geographical and cultural contexts.
Together, these findings provided valuable
insights for both SMEs considering the adoption of
BI solutions and for the providers of these
technologies. For SMEs, it is crucial to assess how BI
solutions can integrate and enhance their operations
effectively. For providers, understanding these
motivations can help develop more effective
marketing and sales strategies, aligning their
offerings with the specific needs and concerns of
Future studies could further explore how other
factors, such as staff training and technical support,
influence the adoption of BI solutions or other
essential solutions for the optimization and growth of
SMEs. Specifically, it would be valuable to conduct
an analysis focused on the retail sector, given its
dynamism and high competitiveness, to better
understand how SMEs in this industry perceive and
utilize BI technologies.
It is important to note that the findings of this
study are based on the context of Peruvian SMEs.
Due to differences in economic, social, and
technological contexts between countries, the results
may not be generalizable to SMEs in other regions.
The specific conditions of each market can influence
the identified technology acceptance factors.
We would like to express our most sincere gratitude
to the School of Systems and Computer Engineering
of the Peruvian University of Applied Sciences for
providing us with the necessary tools and
environment for the development of this research. To
our advisors, for their invaluable guidance, patience
and support throughout this project. Finally, to the
other individuals who were involved in the
development of the project, for their constant
encouragement, understanding and unconditional
support, without whom this achievement would not
have been possible.
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