feedback in real-time, enhancing the utility of
biofeedback during training sessions.
Moreover, the integration of smart sensor system
information into Virtual Reality (VR) environments
can create immersive and interactive 3D simulations.
These VR systems can simulate real-world scenarios,
providing athletes with biofeedback in a controlled
environment conducive to movement and skill
development (Hamad et al., 2022). By offering a
dynamic and engaging training platform, VR systems
can potentially revolutionise how athletes train and
develop their skills.
Despite these promising findings, this study has
several limitations. First, the sample size was
relatively small, which may affect the generalizability
of the results.
Additionally, the study was conducted in a
controlled environment, which may not fully replicate
the complexities and variabilities of real-world
athletic settings. Future research should aim to
address these limitations by including larger, more
diverse populations and by conducting studies in
more varied and realistic environments. Investigating
the long-term effects of using MR and VR systems
for biofeedback on athletic performance and injury
prevention would also be beneficial.
Study findings support using the DAid® smart sock
system as the sole biofeedback system for evaluating
lower limb motion during functional tasks and
highlight the potential of wireless sensors in
monitoring the biomechanical changes of the lower
extremity movements for Football Youth League
This research is funded by the Latvian Council of
Science, project Smart textile solutions as biofeedback
method for injury prevention for Latvian football youth
league players, project No. lzp-2023/1-0027.
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