Word Frequency Counting Based on Serverless MapReduce
Hanzhe Li
, Bingchen Lin
and Mengyuan Xu
College of Artificial Intelligence, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xianning West Road, Xi’an, Shaanxi Province, China
College of Artificial Intelligence, Chongqing University of Education, Chongjiao Road, Chongqing, China
College of Computer and Information Engineering, Qilu Institute of Technology, Jingshi East Road,
Jinan City, Shandong Province, China
Keywords: Serverless Computing, MapReduce, Word Frequency Counting, Cloud Computing.
Abstract: With the increasing demand for high-performance and high-efficiency computing, cloud computing,
especially serverless computing, has gradually become a research hotspot in recent years, attracting numerous
research attention. Meanwhile, MapReduce, which is a popular big data processing model in the industry, has
been widely applied in various fields. Inspired by the serverless framework of Function as a Service and the
high concurrency and robustness of MapReduce programming model, this paper focus on combining them to
reduce the time span and increase the efficiency when executing the word frequency counting task. In this
case, the paper use a MapReduce programming model based on a serverless computing platform to figure out
the most optimized number of Map functions and Reduce functions for a particular task. For the same amount
of workload, extensive experiments show both execution time reduces and the overall efficiency of the
program improves at different rates as the number of map functions and reduce functions increases. This paper
suppose the discovery of the most optimized number of map and reduce functions can help cooperations and
programmers figure out the most optimized solutions.
In order to meet the growing demand for computing
resources and high-end chipsets in real-world
applications (McGrath et al., 2017; Baldini et al.,
2017), cloud computing technology has attracted
increasing research interest in recent years, forming
various classic cloud service models such as
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a
Service (PaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS).
However, these models mentioned above rely on high
levels of professional knowledge, which are costly
and cannot achieve a balance between management,
expansion, and cost-effectiveness indicators. In order
to alleviate the above problems, serverless computing
has emerged, aiming to reduce the burden of server
management and save cloud service costs (Vincent et
al., 2019).
The basic unit of serverless computation is a
function. When receiving a user request, the
serverless platform calls the relevant functions on the
platform based on the parameters in the request, such
as the URL of the function. This service model is
commonly referred to as Function as a Service
(FaaS), which is usually paired with the Backend as a
Service (BaaS). Compared with traditional
centralized monolithic applications, FaaS services are
composed of independent functions explicitly
arranged, which can intuitively represent the business
logic control and data flow of the application.
Additionally, serverless computing is much more
economical and cost-friendly as users no longer need
to pay for extra idled computing resources, the
maintenance of used resources as well as the security
of the used resources. Serverless computing enables
users to focus more on the logic of their programs. As
for the maintenance of the backend servers, it is all up
to the service provider. (McGrath et al., 2017; Jeffrey
et al., 2004) Serverless computing features more
scalability and elasticity than traditional local
computing servers, since the dynamic allocation of
computing resources makes it possible for users to
handle sudden surge in workloads and data
Li, H., Lin, B. and Xu, M.
Word Frequency Counting Based on Serverless MapReduce.
DOI: 10.5220/0012897600004508
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Engineering Management, Information Technology and Intelligence (EMITI 2024), pages 40-45
ISBN: 978-989-758-713-9
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
processing demands. Currently, there are many
serverless computing platforms that provides state-
of-the-art cloud computing services, such as AWS
Lambda, Google Cloud, Microsoft Azure, Alibaba
Cloud etc.
MapReduce is currently the most popular model
for processing massive amounts of data, which
mainly includes four stages: Map, Partition, Shuffle,
and Reduce. MapReduce is widely used for parallel
processing across distributed systems and generating
large-scale datasets. First, it is user-friendly, even for
beginners, as it conceals the specific intricacies
involving parallelization, fault-tolerance, optimizing
locality, and balancing workloads. Second, many
complex problems in the real world are highly
expressible in the MapReduce programming model,
such as word counting, word frequency analysis etc.
(Baldini et al., 2017) However, MapReduce is often
constrained by the data transmission method.
Specifically, due to the need for the mapper to be
completed as soon as possible, there may be a risk of
timeout for the mapper while the reducer is still
working. Therefore, it is not feasible to directly
transfer data between mappers and reducers. In this
context, combining serverless and MapReduce
frameworks shows promising application prospects.
Inspired by these two cutting-edge and matured
technologies, this paper focus on combining them to
reduce the time span and increase the efficiency when
executing the word frequency counting task. This
paper uses a MapReduce programming model based
on a serverless computing platform to figure out the
most optimized number of Map functions and Reduce
functions. Though it seemed obvious that the more
map and reduce functions are implemented, the
higher the overall efficiency the program may
achieve. This paper’s goal, however, is to figure out
the trend at which the overall efficiency is increasing.
The results indicate that, when executing the same
amount of workloads, as the number of map functions
and reduce functions increases, both execution time
reduces and the overall efficiency of the program
improves but at different rates. This paper hopes to
find out the most optimized number of map and
reduce functions so as to help cooperations and
programmers figure out the most optimized solutions
when implementing the MapReduce programming
model on their tasks and workflows.
Focusing on above aspects, this paper starts with
a brief overview of the basic principles of the
MapReduce programming model, the operating rules
of serverless computing platforms as well as services
and the overall framework of the experiment (Section
2). Then, the paper discusses relevant methodologies
as well as evaluations and presents the result of the
experiment conducted by giving in-depth evaluations
and conclusions based on existing research data and
results (Section 3). Lastly, the paper discusses current
drawbacks of the experiment framework used in this
paper, analyses the strengths and weaknesses of the
results and envisions possible solutions and new
research areas based on current experiments (Section
4). This paper also summarizes in Section 4.
2.1 Revisiting MapReduce and
In this section, the paper presents a brief overview of
the basic principles of MapReduce programming
model as well as the operating rules of the serverless
computing platform.
MapReduce. The overall MapReduce
programming model mainly consists of two
functions, two phases as well as three categories of
files. In terms of three categories of files, there are
input files, intermediate files as well as the output
files. The input file contains data that needs to be
processed. The intermediate files contain important
data that are needed during the MapReduce executing
process and the output files hold the final result of the
program. In terms of the two functions and two
phases, there is the Map function, which relates to the
Map phase, and the Reduce function, which relates to
the Reduce phase. The Map function is responsible
for reading data from the input files and process these
data into key-value pairs, which are later stored in
intermediate files. These intermediate files forward
these key-value pairs to the Reduce function, where
these key-value pairs are sorted, partitioned and
processed into final results and are written into the
output files, which later are available and accessible
to the user (Jeffrey et al., 2004).
Serverless. The operating rules of serverless
computing platform consists of four main stages,
which are: Event Trigger, Function Execution,
Function Processing and Response Return. In the
Event Trigger stage, there is a local client, which runs
locally on the users device. The client triggers an
event, such as an HTTP request, file upload or a
message queue. Then, the trigger passes the event to
the function on the cloud, entering Function
Execution stage. Once the function on the cloud is
triggered, the serverless computing platform will
dynamically allocate and scale the computing
Word Frequency Counting Based on Serverless MapReduce
resources to start executing the function. In the
Function Processing stage, codes in functions are
executed and outputs are generated. During this
process, the function on the platform will be
authorized to access and manipulate the storage,
databases and other related services requested by the
user in advance. Lastly, in the Response Return stage,
the function returns the output to the local client of
the user. The response can be anything, such as
response data, state updates and notifications in
various forms etc. Often, the results generated by the
functions are stored in the storage services provided
by the serverless computing platform.
Figure 1: The framework of proposed method.
2.2 Overall Framework
The main goal of this paper is word frequency
analysis using MapReduce based on serverless
computing. To perfectly combine MapReduce
programming model and serverless computing and
word frequency analysis altogether, this paper
implemented the following methods and made
miniscule changes to the MapReduce programming
The entire experiment is firstly conducted with
controlled variables method. This paper manages to
analyse the same set of word documents, which are in
the text document format, but use MapReduce
frameworks in different parameters. The parameters
are different in areas such as the number of
MapReduce functions, the configuration of CPUs and
RAMs on the serverless network etc. Therefore,
during the entire process of the experiment,
performances can be analysed via the changes applied
to these parameters.
Secondly, here is the devices used in the entire
experiment process. As is shown in Figure 1, the
serverless MapReduce framework of this paper
contains a local python client, which is deployed in
PyCharm. This client is responsible for calling
functions deployed on the serverless platform and
receiving completion signals once MapReduce
functions are executed successfully. The serverless
computing platform used during the experiment is
Alibaba Cloud Platform. The services this paper uses
in particular is the Alibaba Cloud Function Compute
(FC), where the team deploys MapReduce functions,
and Alibaba Cloud Object Storage Service (OSS),
where the team stores the files related to this
experiment temporarily so that any process that
requires reading and writing files stays on the
serverless platform, ensuring that data transfer speeds
between local and cloud does not affect the execution
time significantly.
Lastly, the to-be-analysed files this paper uses are
of the same quality. Each file is roughly about
1,000,000. It is critical to keep the word count of these
files roughly the same, as different workloads can
also contribute to the performance difference of each
2.3 MapReduce Functions
In terms of the miniscule changes to the MapReduce
functions, this paper customized how Map functions
read the data. Each Map function in this experiment
contains a set of parameters, which are “file ids”,
“number of files” and “index”. These parameters help
the Map functions read the correct group of files
stored in the Alibaba Cloud OSS so as to make sure
that each file is only processed once throughout the
3.1 Experiment Settings
In the field of modern technology, the improvement
of computing speed has always been a focus of
attention for researchers and technical engineers
(Zhenyu et al., 2023). In order to achieve more
efficient computing, this paper adopted a new
strategy in this experiment (Jeffrey et al., 2004),
which is to use multi-threaded technology to replace
single threading, in order to optimize computing
speed. Multi-threading technology, in simple terms,
means executing multiple tasks simultaneously to
complete more work at the same time. Compared to
single threading, multi-threading can complete more
tasks in a relatively short period of time, thereby
improving overall computing speed. This technology
has achieved significant results in the field of
computer science, especially in processing large
complex mathematical models, large-scale data
EMITI 2024 - International Conference on Engineering Management, Information Technology and Intelligence
analysis, and real-time communication, with
significant advantages.
Since this paper aim to investigate the serverless
MapReduce based on the application of multi-
threading technology to enhancing computing speed,
the team first analyzed existing single-threaded
programs and identified the bottleneck parts that
require optimization in subsequent multi-threaded
designs. Subsequently, the team devised
corresponding multi-threaded algorithms and
conducted detailed analysis and testing on them.
Throughout the experiment, the team continuously
adjusted and refined the multi-threading strategy to
achieve the most significant improvement in
computing speed. There is an encoding file named
client written locally on the computer. The team
found FC in the console and created a function in its
service. In the Function Services, the team have
written down the map function and the reduce
In the experiment, there were 50 files that were
used in the experiment. Each of the files contained
roughly about 1,000,000 words. The files were
initially uploaded to Alibaba Cloud Object Storage
Service (OSS) using a local string of code and
network protocols stored in OSS. Then the team
create the Mapper functions and Reducer functions in
advance in Alibaba Cloud Function Compute (FC).
Each function on the platform is deployed on vCPU
0.35 with 512MB of RAM configured. Later, the
team enable pre-prepared client code locally,
allowing 50 files stored in OSS to be called into
Alibaba Cloud Function Compute (FC) so as to start
the program running.
Previous works (J Jiang et al., 2021; Prasoon et al.,
2024) have shown that it is plausible to evaluate the
MapReduce programming model and serverless
computing performance based on their execution
timespan and memory usage. For one thing, execution
time is the direct reflection of the performance of the
program. For another, memory usage implies the
resource management and allocation during the
execution, enabling the team to observe the results in
a clearer way. Furthermore, the team are able to
optimize the workloads assigned to each function and
enhance the algorithms simultaneously, therefore
improving the methods throughout the experiment
process (Rodrigo et al., 2024; Q Liu et al., 2024).
Table 1: Model performance comparison under different
numbers of MapReduce functions (with 50 files).
Average Execution
Time /ms
Average RAM
Usage /MB
1 40816.58 51624.64 1604.26 1021.02
2 7716.69 15133.26 821.54 533.82
5 2455.69 4269.94 351.06 246.82
10 1464.97 2198.27 194.01 139.54
3.2 RAM Usage for Different Numbers
of MapReduce Functions
The team first quantitatively compared the impact of
different MapReduce functions on RAM usage,
whose results are shown in Table 1. In the first case
of the experiment, the team utilized only one
MapReduce function. The average execution time of
the Mapper function was 40816.58ms, the average
execution time of the Reducer function was
51624.64ms, and the RAM utilized by the Mapper
and Reducer amounted to 1021.02 MB and 1604.26
MB, respectively. In the following case of the
experiment, two sets of MapReduce functions are
deployed. The average execution time of the mapper
function is 7716.69ms. The average execution time of
the Reducer function is 15133.26ms. The RAM used
by the Mapper and Reduce is 533.82MB and
821.54MB. In the third case of the experiment, the
team use five MapReduce functions. The average
execution time of the Mapper function is 2455.694ms,
and the average execution time of the Reducer
function reached 4269.94ms. The RAMs used by
Mapper and Reducer are 246.824MB and
351.066MB. In the last case of the experiment, the
team use 10 MapReduce functions. The average
execution time of the Mapper function is 1464.974ms
and the average execution time of the Reducer
function reached 2198.27ms. The RAMs used by
Mapper and Reducer are 139.545MB and194.016MB.
3.3 Time Cost for Different Numbers
of MapReduce Functions
As shown in Figure 2, the results indicate that as the
number of MapReduce functions increases, the
average execution time gradually decreases. This
indicates that in the process of big data processing,
increasing the number of MapReduce functions
reasonably can effectively improve the efficiency of
data processing and reduce execution time (J Cai et
al., 2023). However, these results also indicate that
improving the number of MapReduce functions
aimlessly is not an effective way, since the rates at
which the execution time is decreasing are dropping.
Word Frequency Counting Based on Serverless MapReduce
So, the team come to a brief conclusion that when
configuring the number of MapReduce functions, it is
best to suit the workload and the existing resources,
as this way can generate the most ideal result possible
without consuming too much resources or being too
Figure 2: Average Execution Time of MapReduce
3.4 Comparison for Memory Usage
and Average Usage Time
After completing all the experimental work, the team
focused on the memory usage during the runtime of
the MapReduce function. As the number of
MapReduce functions increases in Figure 3, the
average memory usage also shows a decreasing trend.
This may be because as the number of functions
increases, the system can execute tasks in parallel on
more cores, thereby reducing the memory footprint of
individual tasks. In addition, by optimizing the
writing and execution strategies of the MapReduce
function, the team can further reduce memory usage
and improve system resource utilization.
The team analyses the average usage time ratio of
Mapper and Reducer in each experiment. Through
comparison, the team found that it cannot be simply
assumed that as the number of MapReduce functions
increases, the time consumed by Mapper processing
data will become longer. During the experiment, the
team use different numbers of MapReduce functions
to conduct detailed timing analysis for each
experiment. The results showed that there were
certain differences in the proportion of usage time
between Mapper and Reducer in different
experiments. This indicates that an increase in the
number of MapReduce functions does not necessarily
lead to a decrease in Mapper processing time.
Figure 3: Average RAM Usage of Functions.
Figure 4: Workload Percentage of MapReduce Functions.
3.5 Impact Analysis for the
MapReduce Implementation
As is Figure 4 shown above, the team also explored
the impact of the internal implementation of the
MapReduce function on the time ratio of Mapper and
Reduce usage. By comparing the code
implementations in different experiments, the team
found that the optimization of the internal
implementation of the MapReduce function may
change the usage time ratio of Mapper and Reduce.
This means that when increasing the number of
MapReduce functions, optimizing the internal
implementation can effectively reduce the processing
time of the Mapper, thereby improving overall
computational efficiency. To this end, in order to
improve overall computing performance, the team
need to pay attention to data size, internal
implementation of MapReduce function, and other
influencing factors, in order to achieve more efficient
distributed computing in practical applications.
This paper has introduced multi-threaded
MapReduce framework based on serverless
computing platforms in order to boost overall
efficiency of the program as well as minimizing local
EMITI 2024 - International Conference on Engineering Management, Information Technology and Intelligence
server maintenance thanks to the user-friendly
serverless computing platform. When it comes to
analysing word frequency with MapReduce based on
serverless platform, the team first identified that as
the number of MapReduce functions, also referred to
as thread, increases, the speed at which the program
is executing increases simultaneously. However,
there is a peak in the rate at which the speed is
increasing, meaning that increasing the number of
MapReduce functions aimlessly is likely to result in a
waste of computing resources or lead to lower
efficiency in utilizing the serverless computing
To this aim, this paper conducted a series of
experiment of serverless MapReduce in terms of
MapReduce function numbers and assess the results
based on the average execution time and average
memory usage during the execution. The team
speculated that the rate at which the execution time is
dropping experiences a major drop and then starts to
slow down. Therefore, the team come to a conclusion
that increasing the number of MapReduce functions
aimlessly does not always contribute to the efficiency
of the program, and that for different tasks, the
number of MapReduce functions should be calculate
respectively and carefully so as to utilize the
computing resources to its full potential (Prasoon et
al., 2024).
The team also notice that there are some limitations
when extending this work to real-life applications,
which mainly comes from the ideal setting that each
word file has the approximately the same workload.
Besides, the word frequency analysis task the team
perform is not universally reliable, as it is a low
demanding task in terms of computing resources.
Therefore, furthermore types of tasks are required to
complete the research. The team’s future work
includes how to dynamically allocate MapReduce
functions to different workloads so that for each word
file, a sufficient number of MapReduce function is
implemented in order to achieve a better efficiency
when executing a task that is not evenly distributed
among files.
All the authors contributed equally and their names
were listed in alphabetical order.
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Word Frequency Counting Based on Serverless MapReduce