Multi-Label Classification for Fashion Data: Zero-Shot Classifiers via
Few-Shot Learning on Large Language Models
Dongming Jiang, Abhishek Shah, Stanley Yeung, Jessica Zhu, Karan Singh and George Goldenberg
CaaStle Inc, U.S.A.
{dj, abhishek.shah, stanley.yeung, jessica.zhu, karan, golden}
Large Language Model, Few-Shot Learning, Zero-Shot Learning, Inference, Knowledge Generation,
Multi-Label Classification, Scalability, Fashion Dynamics.
Multi-Label classification is essential in the fashion industry due to the complexity of fashion items, which
often have multiple attributes such as style, material, and occasion. Traditional machine-learning approaches
face challenges like data imbalance, high dimensionality, and the constant emergence of new styles and la-
bels. To address these issues, we propose a novel approach that leverages Large Language Models (LLMs)
by integrating few-shot and zero-shot learning. Our methodology utilizes LLMs to perform few-shot learning
on a small, labeled dataset, generating precise descriptions of new fashion classes. These descriptions guide
the zero-shot learning process, allowing for the classification of new items and categories with minimal la-
beled data. We demonstrate this approach using OpenAI’s GPT-4, a state-of-the-art LLM. Experiments on
a dataset from CaaStle Inc., containing 2,480 unique styles with multiple labels, show significant improve-
ments in classification performance. Few-shot learning enhances the quality of zero-shot classifiers, leading to
superior results. GPT-4’s multi-modal capabilities further improve the system’s effectiveness. Our approach
provides a scalable, flexible, and accurate solution for fashion classification, adapting to dynamic trends with
minimal data requirements, thereby improving operational efficiency and customer experience. Additionally,
this method is highly generalizable and can be applied beyond the fashion industry.
Multi-label classification plays a crucial role in fash-
ion applications due to the complex nature of fashion
items, which often possess multiple attributes such
as style, material, occasion, and season. For ex-
ample, a single dress might be labeled as “casual,
“floral,” “cotton, and “summer.” Accurate classifica-
tion is fundamental for various functions, including
merchandising, inventory management, trend analy-
sis, and personalized customer experiences. An ef-
ficient multi-label classification system can signifi-
cantly enhance operational efficiency, customer satis-
faction, and sales by aligning products with consumer
This paper presents our work in addressing multi-
label classification for CaaStle Inc., a company that
provides advanced technology and services to apparel
brands, focusing on optimizing business operations
and consumer engagement. CaaStle manages a vast
inventory where garments often carry multiple labels,
with some labels being far less frequent than others.
The imbalanced, high-dimensional, and sparse nature
of this data creates challenges for traditional machine
learning approaches. Moreover, with new styles and
items constantly entering the inventory, the need for
continuous re-labeling and model retraining becomes
costly and time-consuming.
To address these challenges, we propose a novel
approach that utilizes the reasoning capabilities of
Large Language Models (LLMs) to enhance multi-
label classification. By integrating few-shot and zero-
shot learning, our system can effectively classify new
and existing fashion items with minimal labeled data.
We demonstrate this approach using OpenAI’s GPT-
4 on a real-world dataset from CaaStle, showcasing
improved classification performance and scalability.
This solution adapts to fashion trends with minimal
data requirements and offers potential applications
beyond the fashion industry.
To our knowledge, no prior work has combined
the three elements of LLMs, few-shot learning, and
zero-shot learning for multi-label classification in the
fashion industry. This novel integration marks a sig-
nificant advancement in the field. Specifically, we are
the first to leverage LLMs to generate detailed and
Jiang, D., Shah, A., Yeung, S., Zhu, J., Singh, K. and Goldenberg, G.
Multi-Label Classification for Fashion Data: Zero-Shot Classifiers via Few-Shot Learning on Large Language Models.
DOI: 10.5220/0012899100003838
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 16th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2024) - Volume 1: KDIR, pages 250-257
ISBN: 978-989-758-716-0; ISSN: 2184-3228
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
precise descriptions of new fashion categories using
few-shot learning. These descriptions serve as guide-
lines for zero-shot learning, enabling accurate classi-
fication of emerging categories.
The fashion industry has seen significant growth and
evolution in classification techniques over the past
few decades (Abbas et al., 2024; Saranya and Geetha,
2022; Abd Alaziz et al., 2023; Xhaferra et al., 2022;
Guo et al., 2019a; Kolisnik et al., 2021; Q. Ferreira
et al., 2019; Inoue et al., 2017; Ferreira et al., 2021).
Traditional classification techniques in the fashion in-
dustry primarily relied on manual categorization, for
example, based on silhouette and shapes that charac-
terize a garment’s outlines and fit, garment types and
purposes such as top, dress, and pants, and design ele-
ments as well as detailed attributes of a garment style
such as hemline length and neckline shape. Mov-
ing into the 21st century, the fashion industry began
to adopt more sophisticated hierarchical taxonomies
and categorization systems to organize garments into
multiple levels using various semantic grouping and
logic. Recent research has focused on hierarchical
multi-label classification models (Seo and Shin, 2019;
Zhong et al., 2023; Mallavarapu et al., 2021; Al-Rawi
and Beel, 2020) that mimic human classification pro-
cesses, and predict and produce multiple labels at dif-
ferent taxonomy levels for each garment. With the
advent of computer vision and deep learning, more
advanced and automated classification approaches
like Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) (LeCun
et al., 1998; Krizhevsky et al., 2017; Szegedy et al.,
2015; He et al., 2016) have emerged, enabling image-
based classification of garments, styles, and attributes
directly from visual data. More recently, inspired
by the rapid advancement and widespread adoption
of Artificial Intelligence (AI) foundation models, ap-
plication of the multi-modal techniques (Guo et al.,
2019b; Ngiam et al., 2011; Lu et al., 2019) with the
ability to understand and generate data across multi-
ple modalities, for example, text and image, has be-
come active research in fashion classification.
However, due to the complexity of algorithms that
require vast amounts of training data and substan-
tial computational power, current techniques face sig-
nificant challenges in addressing the rapidly evolv-
ing dynamics of the fashion industry, particularly in
classification problems. In this paper, we introduce
a novel approach to multi-label classification, inte-
grating LLMs (Chen et al., 2020), few-shot learning
(Kadam and Vaidya, 2020), and zero-shot learning
(Raffel et al., 2020) to develop a scalable, accurate,
and flexible system tailored to the dynamic, trend-
sensitive nature of fashion.
We describe our algorithm and demonstrate an imple-
mentation in more detail in this section.
3.1 Algorithm
3.1.1 Step 1: Leveraging LLM for Few-Shot
1. Initial training with few-shot learning
Utilize a small, labeled dataset to train the LLM
on specific fashion categories.
The LLM learns from this limited data to un-
derstand and identify key attributes and features
associated with each category.
2. Inference and reasoning
The LLM applies its inference and reasoning
capabilities to generalize from the few exam-
ples provided.
It identifies patterns, trends, and unique charac-
teristics of the fashion items within the limited
data, improving its understanding of the cate-
3.1.2 Step 2: Generating Descriptions for New
1. Guiding LLM to generate descriptions
When a new fashion category and class is intro-
duced, the LLM uses its learned knowledge and
the few-shot learning context to generate a de-
tailed and precise description of the new class.
This description includes key attributes, styles,
materials, and other relevant features that de-
fine the new category.
2. Semantic enrichment
The generated description can be enriched with
semantic information, leveraging embeddings
and attributes that the LLM has learned from
existing data.
3.1.3 Step 3: Zero-Shot Learning with
Generated Descriptions
1. Utilizing descriptions for zero-shot learning
Multi-Label Classification for Fashion Data: Zero-Shot Classifiers via Few-Shot Learning on Large Language Models
The detailed class description generated by the
LLM serves as a guideline for the zero-shot
learning process.
The system uses the description to map features
of unseen instances to the new class, leveraging
semantic similarities and relationships.
2. Building binary classifiers
For each new class, the system constructs bi-
nary classifiers using the LLM. These classi-
fiers determine whether an instance belongs to
the new class based on the description and se-
mantic guidance.
The binary classifiers are integrated into the
overall multi-label classification framework,
enabling the system to handle multiple labels
3.1.4 Step 4: Multi-Label Classification
1. Integrating classifiers
The binary classifiers for new classes are com-
bined with existing classifiers to create a com-
prehensive multi-label classification system.
The system evaluates each fashion item against
all relevant classifiers to assign the appropriate
2. Inference and prediction
During inference, the system processes new
fashion items, applying both the few-shot
learned models and the zero-shot classifiers
guided by the LLM-generated descriptions.
The LLM’s reasoning capabilities ensure ac-
curate and context-aware predictions, even for
classes with minimal or no labeled examples.
3.2 Implementation
There exist various options for LLMs in an implemen-
tation of our proposed approach. In this paper, we
present experiments and results from one of our im-
plementations using OpenAI GPT-4 (Achiam et al.,
2023). GPT-4 is a state-of-the-art LLM that is pre-
trained. In addition to its proficiency in language un-
derstanding and generation, it excels in understanding
context, following guidelines and instructions, logical
inference, and basic reasoning.
Figure 1 shows our implementation of the ap-
proach for Step 1. Garment Info contains examples
of the garments that belong to and that do not be-
long to the new class, in the form of the image and
text descriptions of the garments. Class Info contains
classification guidelines for the class, which can be
Figure 1: Implementation of the Algorithm Step 1 for run-
ning a few-shot learning with GPT-4.
in various forms that can be as simple as keywords
that best describe the fashion class. Class Info and
Garment Info are the inputs to GPT-4 for the few-shot
learning. They can either be provided by humans or
be generated by LLMs. We will compare and dis-
cuss these two different methods in more detail in the
Experiment section. These inputs are structured into
Prompt 1 which is sent into GPT-4 through the GPT
API. The goal of Prompt 1 is to guide GPT-4 to do the
few-shot learning using the labeled data and produce
the class descriptions accordingly. This learning pro-
cess can iterate with various examples and guidelines
in multiple rounds, each of which results in a class
Figure 2: Implementation of the Algorithm Step 2 for gen-
erating the final descriptions of a new fashion class through
Figure 2 illustrates how the final descriptions of
a new fashion class are generated. With potentially
multiple class descriptions generated by the few-shot
learning process, Prompt 2 carries these results to
GPT-4. The goal of Prompt 2 is to teach GPT-4 with
the knowledge that is learned from the small number
of labeled data in Step 1, and instruct GPT-4 to ana-
lyze and refine them using its inference and reasoning
capabilities, producing precise final class descriptions
at the end.
Figure 3 demonstrates a zero-shot binary classi-
fier. It uses Prompt 3 to instruct GPT-4 to do proper
KDIR 2024 - 16th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
Figure 3: Implementation of the Algorithm Step 3 that
builds a zero-shot binary classifier using the generated class
descriptions on GPT-4.
inference and answer a binary classification question,
taking into account the knowledge learned for the new
fashion class and the query garment.
4.1 Dataset
To support the development of the classification mod-
els and system, CaaStle picked a small proportion
of its inventory pool and manually tagged and val-
idated all of their labels. This dataset includes
2480 different styles and each style can have 1 or
more of 18 different labels (Table 1). Each style
comes with a vendor description and key charac-
teristics edited by CaaStle’s merchandising team.
Data formats of each style include a primary im-
age, multiple images of the same style in various
views such as front view, side view, and back view,
and descriptions in text. Examples of the data
can be browsed at and In the rest of the paper,
when we refer to an image of a style, it is always
the primary image. When multiple views of a style
are used in certain approaches, we will explicitly call
them out as multi-view images. We will refer to the
edited vendor description of each style Human prod-
uct description in this paper. The merchandising team
also provides a natural-language description of each
class / label and classification guidelines, and uses
them to train the team for the manual tagging and val-
idation of the class labels. We will call this data Hu-
man classification guidelines in this paper. Each style
can be tagged with multiple classes or labels in Aes-
thetic Styles as well as in Occasions, and only a single
class or label in Weather. In the rest of the paper, we
use the terms class and label interchangeably.
Table 1: Category and Class labels in the dataset.
Aesthetic Styles Occasion Weather
Feminine Party Cold
Classic Casual/Lounge Warm
Edgy Resort Year-round
Boho Day Night
Retro Work
Athleisuren Everyday
Minimalist Wedding Guest
Figure 4: Workflow and setup of the experiment.
4.2 Experiment Setup
The data selection process is guided by general fash-
ion classification criteria and the high-level distribu-
tion of style attributes, such as product types (e.g.,
tops, dresses, pants), fabric, labor costs, and the con-
straints of manual tagging and validation. The mer-
chandising team continuously provides subsets of the
dataset through the data pipeline. This approach
aligns with our model exploration, testing, and sys-
tem development processes. The workflow and exper-
imental setup are illustrated in Figure 4. We use 60%
of the dataset, which arrived earlier in the pipeline,
for experimentation, model training, and validation.
The remaining 40%, including new labels absent dur-
ing the training phase, is used to test the classification
approach. This setup simulates a real-world scenario
where not only new styles of existing labels emerge,
but entirely new classes and labels also appear over
time. The classification system adapts by learning and
building new classifiers for these emerging classes
and labels, using a few example labels generated by
the merchandising team throughout the process.
4.3 Metrics
To evaluate the classification performance, we con-
sider three relevant metrics.
4.3.1 Accuracy
Accuracy = (True Positives + True Negatives) / (True
Positives + False Positives + True Negatives + False
Multi-Label Classification for Fashion Data: Zero-Shot Classifiers via Few-Shot Learning on Large Language Models
Accuracy gives a straightforward measure of over-
all performance. However, it can be misleading in the
case of imbalanced datasets where the majority class
dominates the metric.
4.3.2 F1-Score
F1-score is the harmonic mean of precision and recall.
F1-score helps alleviate the bias of Accuracy towards
dominant classes in imbalanced data. It is more infor-
mative than Accuracy especially when the dataset has
uneven class distribution by balancing both precision
and recall.
F1-score = 2 * (Precision * Recall) / (Precision +
Precision = (True Positives) / (True Positives +
False Positives)
Recall = (True Positives) / (True Positives + False
4.3.3 Weighted F1-Score
It is insufficient to compute only the F1-score for each
class independently because CaaStle judges the qual-
ity of the multi-label classification at the category
level across all its classes in addition to the quality
of each class. When evaluating quality, the business
regards every instance of a single labeling equally,
and every label equally. Therefore, we compute a
weighted F1-score using a weight that reflects the pro-
portion of the true instances from each class over the
total instances of the category.
Weighted F1 =
This method takes class imbalance into account,
where N is the number of classes in the category, w
is the ratio of the number of true instances for each
class to the total instances for the category, and F1
the F1-score for each class.
We present the results in F1-scores for each class
and Weighted F1-scores for each category and dataset
in this paper.
CaaStle’s quality target of the classification sys-
tem is to achieve at least 0.7 of F1-score for each
class, and 0.8 of weighted F1-score for the category
that includes the classes.
4.4 Experiments on State-of-the-Art
With the labeled styles and their image and text data,
we attempt to train a multi-label classification model,
using the 2480 unique styles, text description for each
of them, 10K multi-view images for all the styles, and
18 possible labels, through the typical training, vali-
dation, and testing process. This is an important task
in our experiments because we need to understand
whether the state-of-the-art modeling methods can
support the multi-label classification requirements,
and if they do not, what problems we need to address
in designing the new methods. The modeling methods
we test include Google Vertex by training a classifier
from scratch, and three widely adopted pre-trained
image classification models, ResNet-50 (Koonce and
Koonce, 2021), Vision Transformer (ViT) (Dosovit-
skiy et al., 2020), and Contrastive Language-Image
Pre-training (CLIP) (Radford et al., 2021). We use
only image data for Vertex, RestNet-50, and ViT,
but {image, text caption} data for CLIP to take ad-
vantage of CLIP’s multi-modal capability. Experi-
ments show common evidence of serious overfitting
across all these different methods. The class-level F1-
scores spread from 0.1 to 0.8, and the category-level
weighted F1-scores are usually around 0.5 and below.
The main challenge comes from the lack of labeled
data for the multi-label classification problem. For ex-
ample, during fine-tuning of the pre-trained models,
we need to tune the last layer by having the number of
nodes match the number of labels, using the sigmoid
rather than the softmax activation function for each
node, and fitting with the binary cross-entropy loss
function. This more complex mathematical form of
the models requires much more labeled data for train-
ing. To validate the hypothesis about the impacts of
the problem complexity, we also test by reducing the
complexity of the problem from multi-label to multi-
class and eventually to one-vs-all classification prob-
lems. Notice that by reducing the problem complex-
ity we also change the goal of the classification prob-
lem itself. We only do so to get a better understand-
ing of the possible causes of the overfitting problem.
Transforming the multi-label problem to a multi-class
and one-vs-all classification setup indeed helps in im-
proving the testing F1-scores, however, the overfitting
is still present, and the F1-scores are still nowhere
close to CaaStle’s quality target. To continue in this
technical direction, even for fine-tuning a pre-trained
model, we will need to label a lot more styles espe-
cially styles that have multiple labels to start with. In
contrast, we will show the results of our proposed ap-
proach which significantly outperforms.
4.5 Evaluating CaaStle Approaches
In this section, we summarize the key experiments
and results that show the superior performance of the
KDIR 2024 - 16th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
Aesthetic Classes
Classic Feminine Edgy Boho Retro Minimalist Preppy Athleisure
No Few-Shot Learning With Few-Shot Learning
Classification Quality : F1 Scores
Figure 5: We compare the quality of zero-shot classification
between the approaches with and without few-shot learning.
classification that is driven by integrating few-shot
learning, LLM, and zero-shot learning.
4.5.1 Few-Shot Learning on LLMs Boosts
Zero-Shot Classification
The crucial difference between the two zero-shot
classification approaches, shown in Figure 5, is in
class description generation. In the approach with
no few-shot learning, we use the human classifica-
tion guidelines that are crafted by the merchandis-
ing team. This approach is considered the best effort
in zero-shot learning because it leverages the knowl-
edge best known by humans. On the other hand, in
the approach with few-shot learning, the classifica-
tion guideline uses the class description generated by
few-shot learning on GPT-4 (Figure 1, Figure 2). We
are essentially comparing zero-shot binary classifiers
using knowledge learned by few-shot on GPT-4 with
that using human knowledge and the best efforts. The
improvement in classification quality by the few-shot
learning on GPT-4 is significant. Figure 5 shows that
the few-shot learning always outperforms, from 2%
to 118% better than the zero-shot approach without
it. Even though the Aesthetic Classes are very di-
verse, our proposed approach of few-shot learning is
quite robust, showing consistently high performance
across all the classes. Compared to the other Aes-
thetic Classes, styles in the Classic class appear more
consistent, as their characteristics are well-captured
by human knowledge and descriptions. As a result,
learning from additional examples does not provide
significant value.
During the experimentation and related sensitiv-
ity analyses, we gain more insights into how few-shot
learning and GPT-4 interplay. LLMs, including GPT-
4, work well in discovering and generalizing com-
mon patterns from examples. Fashion items, how-
ever, often require attention to some subtle and seem-
ingly minor details that can be decisive in fashion
classification but not so much in machine learning.
Therefore the prompt needs to be designed and exper-
Aesthetic Classes
Classic Feminine Edgy Boho Retro Minimalist Preppy Athleisure
Human Product Description GPT-4 Generated Product Description
Classification Quality : F1 Scores
Figure 6: We compare the quality of two different methods
in producing the product description of a fashion item. The
product description is an important parameter for Garment
Info that is required by Prompt 1 in Figure 1.
imented with to better guide GPT-4 to perform learn-
ing more specifically. The learning outcome from
GPT-4 can be sensitive to the input examples. We
test with various strategies, including using positive
examples, negative examples, and sampled examples
according to certain distribution considerations. We
find that it is beneficial for running few-shot learning
in multiple epochs, which allows us to run representa-
tive but diverse examples throughout the entire learn-
ing. Thereafter, we can apply different strategies and
algorithms in generating the final class descriptions
based on multiple candidates of the class descriptions,
coming out of the few-shot learning epochs. Figure 1
and Figure 2 illustrate the prompts we design in both
steps for guiding GPT-4 to perform the learning and
class description generation tasks.
4.5.2 LLM Generated Garment Data Improves
In the last section, we have already shown that the
class description generated by LLM (GPT-4) through
few-shot learning significantly improves the classi-
fication performance. In this section, we show that
the classification performance is further improved by
leveraging the product description that is generated
by LLM (GPT-4). Figure 6 illustrates that, com-
pared to the approach of using the product descrip-
tions that are provided by the vendors or crafted by
humans, the approach of using the GPT-4 generated
texts is consistently better. The Preppy class is an
exception, as the GPT-4-generated product descrip-
tions are sometimes overly specific about certain de-
tails, which can negatively affect the class descrip-
tion generation. At the category level for Aesthetic
Styles across all classes, using the Human Product
Description yields a weighted F1-score of 0.66, while
the GPT-4-Generated Product Description achieves a
weighted F1-score of 0.80. This represents a 20%
improvement in classification performance when us-
Multi-Label Classification for Fashion Data: Zero-Shot Classifiers via Few-Shot Learning on Large Language Models
ing GPT-4-generated descriptions. It highlights a sig-
nificant advantage of LLMs like GPT-4, which are
trained on vast amounts of internet data, enabling
them to reason with richer and broader contexts than
the domain-specific expertise of humans.
4.5.3 Multi-Modality Improves Few-Shot
Learning Performance
Aesthetic Classes
Classic Feminine Minimalist
Few-Shot Learning by Text Only Few-Shot Learning by {Image, Text}
Classification Quality : F1 Scores
Figure 7: We show the benefit of multi-modality in few-shot
learning. Here since we have a smaller number of data sam-
ples, we use a line chart that helps show the performance
differences between the two lines more clearly.
We can leverage both image and text data in few-shot
learning because GPT-4 supports multi-modals. Fig-
ure 7 demonstrates the benefits of multi-modality in
few-shot learning. Leveraging both image and text
data with GPT-4 improves classification performance
by 5% to 17%, demonstrating the advantage of GPT-
4’s multi-modal capabilities.
To conclude, Figure 8 summarizes the classifica-
tion performance of our proposed approach for all the
18 classes in the testing dataset (Table 1, Figure 4).
The weighted F1-score for the entire dataset across
all the 18 classes from 3 different categories is 0.802,
reaching higher than CaaStle’s quality target for the
multi-label classification task for every single class
and category in CaaStle’s dataset. This demonstrates
that our new approach is robust.
(Aesthetic) Classic
(Aesthetic) Feminine
(Aesthetic) Edgy
(Aesthetic) Boho
(Aesthetic) Retro
(Aesthetic) Minimalist
(Aesthetic) Preppy
(Aesthetic) Athleisure
(Occastion) Party
(Occasion) Casual/Lounge
(Occasion) Resort
(Occasion) Date Night
(Occasion) Work
(Occasion) Everyday
(Occasion) Wedding Guest
(Weather) Warm
(Weather) Cold
(Weather) Year round
Classification Quality : F1 Scores
Figure 8: We show the classification performance for all 18
classes in our dataset.
In this paper, we introduced a novel approach that in-
tegrates the strengths of LLMs, few-shot learning, and
zero-shot learning to create a robust multi-label clas-
sification system tailored for the fashion industry. By
generating detailed descriptions of new classes and
using them as guidelines, our system ensures accu-
rate and scalable classification, adapting seamlessly
to the dynamic nature of fashion trends with minimal
data requirements. This innovative methodology sig-
nificantly enhances the efficiency and effectiveness of
multi-label classification for fashion items.
Our approach is the first to combine these ad-
vanced techniques to address the unique challenges
of fashion classification. Through the integration of
OpenAI’s GPT-4, a state-of-the-art pre-trained LLM,
we demonstrated substantial improvements in classi-
fication performance, particularly in scenarios with
limited labeled data. The few-shot learning process,
supported by GPT-4, generates precise class descrip-
tions, which are crucial for effective zero-shot learn-
ing. This enables the system to classify new and ex-
isting fashion items accurately, maintaining high per-
formance despite the constant influx of new styles and
Additionally, GPT-4’s multi-modal capabilities,
which allow it to process both image and text data,
contribute to the superior performance of our clas-
sification system. By leveraging these features, we
observed significant improvements in weighted F1-
scores across various fashion categories.
This multi-label classification system has already
made significant contributions to CaaStle’s merchan-
dising and operations. The rapid development of
automated, high-quality classification has provided
CaaStle with rich semantic data about its inventory,
enhancing product capabilities in inventory manage-
ment, optimization, and personalization. Our ap-
proach offers a scalable, flexible, and highly accurate
solution, paving the way for further advancements in
the fashion industry and beyond.
We would like to extend our sincere gratitude to the
entire Merchandising Team at CaaStle, with special
thanks to Francesca De la Rama, Stephanie Shum,
Daphne Shapir, Palley Jackson, and Gianni Fuller, for
their dedicated efforts in data generation, cleanup, and
preparation for the inventory classification project.
Their tireless guidance and support have been instru-
mental in making this work possible.
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