HERA Centroiding Image Processing Algorithm Based on the
Normalised Correlation with a Lambertian Sphere
Stancu Florin Adrian
, Marcos Avilés Rodrigálvarez
, Andrea Pellacani
, Ángel Palomino Aguado
Aída Alcalde Barahona
, Francesco Pace
, Paul Băjănaru
, Víctor Manuel Moreno Villa
and Jesús Gil-Fernández
GMV Innovating Solutions, SkyTower, 246C Calea Floreasca, Bucharest, Romania
GMV Aerospace and Defence, Issac Newton 11, Tres Cantos, Spain
ESTEC-ESA, Keplerlaan, Noordwijk, Netherlands
Keywords: Planetary Defence, Image Processing, Image Correlation, Visual Based Navigation, Guidance Navigation and
Abstract: HERA is the spacecraft built by the European Space Agency (ESA) to visit and characterise the Didymos
binary asteroid system after the impact performed by the NASA Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART)
mission. A visual-based Guidance Navigation and Control (GNC) system is developed for HERA to ensure
safe ground, semi-autonomous and autonomous navigation around Didymos. For a better characterisation of
the asteroids after DART post impact a close approach is foreseen. To ensure autonomous navigation during
the close approach a visual-based GNC solution is developed by GMV, where dedicated image processing
algorithms are implemented. Three main image processing algorithms are proposed to be used based on the
distance of HERA spacecraft with respect to the Didymos system: normalised correlation with Lambertian
sphere, centre of brightness with masking and feature tracking. This paper will briefly introduce the HERA
mission and GNC, focusing more on the normalised correlation with a Lambertian sphere. Synthetic images
generated based on Didymos (the main asteroid) and Dimorphos (the moon) are used for representative
simulations. Performances are reported from a functional point of view until software (SW) implementation.
HERA mission is the European component developed
by ESA within the Asteroid Impact and Deflection
Assessment mission, which is an international
collaboration that materialised with the development
of two spacecraft: DART and HERA. DART is the
kinetic impactor launched in 2021 and it successfully
impacted Dimorphos in September 2022. HERA is
equipped with the necessary instruments to
characterise asteroids and evaluate the crater
generated by DART’s impact. It will be launched in
October 2024 and is expected to reach the Didymos
system in January 2027. The Didymos binary system
is composed of Didymos, the main asteroid, and
Dimorphos, the moon of the system. HERA embarks
several payloads, like the Image Processing Unit
(IPU), Asteroid Framing Camera (AFC) and Juventas
CubeSat. Juventas is a six-unit CubeSat designed to
operate in the close proximity of the Didymos system
and take more risks. Similar to HERA, Juventas
satellite is equipped with a visual-based navigation
solution developed as well by GMV, with the
objective to enhance navigation autonomy. A detailed
description of Juventas’ GNC architecture can be
found in (Ovejero et al., 2023) and (Stancu et al.,
HERA mission starts with the launch and early
operation, where two launch windows have been
identified in 2024 as the main date and a backup date
in 2026. The next phase is the interplanetary transfer,
where the HERA spacecraft is heading towards the
Didymos binary system. The third phase is the
rendezvous of HERA spacecraft with the Didymos
system. The final stage is composed of multiple
proximity operations: the early characterisation phase
of the binary system, the payload deployment phase
where the CubeSats are released, the detailed
characterisation phase of the Didymos system, the
Adrian, S., Rodrigálvarez, M., Pellacani, A., Aguado, Á., Barahona, A., Pace, F., B
anaru, P., Villa, V. and Gil-Fernández, J.
HERA Centroiding Image Processing Algorithm Based on the Normalised Correlation with a Lambertian Sphere.
DOI: 10.5220/0012899200003822
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO 2024) - Volume 2, pages 109-116
ISBN: 978-989-758-717-7; ISSN: 2184-2809
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
close operation phase near the asteroids, the
experimental phase performing fly-bys and extended
operation phase which will conclude with the end-of-
life landing on Didymos.
The mission requires multiple levels of autonomy
from semi-autonomous mode to autonomous
navigation which can be obtained using a visual-
based GNC system with dedicated image processing
techniques feasible to be applied on asteroid shapes
and surfaces. The visual-based GNC system allows
HERA spacecraft to perform a close approach to
Didymos in safe conditions in an autonomous
manner. The autonomous operation is achieved
through the translation navigation technology
implemented inside the GNC systems. A navigation
filter design based on an Extended Kalman is
implemented and details can be found in (Palomino et
al., 2023). The most important payloads contributing
to this data fusion technique are the laser altimeter,
the inertial measurement sensor, and the AFC acting
like a pseudo-sensor (because the navigational
information is extracted by the image processing
algorithms). Three types of image processing
technologies are implemented, which can be used in
different scenarios: centroiding using normalised
correlation with a Lambertian sphere, centre of
brightness and feature tracking.
This paper focuses on the development of the
HERA’s image processing technologies, providing
in-depth details of the centroiding using normalised
correlation with a Lambertian sphere algorithm.
Considering ESA’s mission lifetime cycle definition,
HERA is currently in phase D.
The image processing approach is a key technology
to ensure the close autonomous operation of HERA
spacecraft near the Didymos system. The image
processing algorithms are designed to use images in
the visual spectrum. The first image processing
algorithm is the centroiding using correlation with a
Lambertian sphere (CLAMB). This technology can
be applied only on Didymos, when the complete
asteroid is in the camera’s field of view (FoV) and the
range is as baseline higher than 9.5 km. The objective
of the algorithm is to estimate the centre of Didymos
in the image frame. In Figure 1 the CLAMB outputs
are presented for one frame, in blue being represented
the estimated centre and radius of Didymos.
Figure 1: Robustness to Dimorphos presence in FoV.
The second technology is based on centre of
brightness with masking and can be applied to both
Didymos or Dimorphos. Masking is the process of
removing the unwanted body from the image to avoid
altering the centre of brightness position.
The last technology is based on feature tracking
which detects and tracks features in consecutive
images. The algorithm is based on the well-known
Kanade Luca Tomasi feature tracker, adapted by
GMV to fulfil functional and SW requirements of
HERA spacecraft.
All three image processing algorithms are
implemented directly in C and are wrapped under a
single-entry point function called IP-SW. The
HERA’s main onboard computer is a LEON3
processor which is a radiation-tolerant 32-bit
processor. The IP-SW is scheduled to run on the
second core of LEON3.
In Figure 2 the simplified architecture of the
visual-based GNC is depicted, focusing on the
general inputs/outputs and image processing chain.
The GNC is implemented as a C application software
(ASW) and together with the IP-SW form the visual-
based GNC system.
Figure 2: Simplified visual-based GNC system architecture.
The GNC-ASW and the IP-SW interact between
them and with other components via the central
software (CSW). The GNC-ASW is in charge of
selecting which image processing algorithm is needed
to run and ensure auxiliary inputs to IP-SW (for
example the sun position). The image processing is
extracting navigational information from the images,
which is routed by CSW to GNC-ASW. The images
ICINCO 2024 - 21st International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
are obtained from AFC with a predefined periodicity
defined by the proximity operation stage, with the
scheduled requirement time of IP-SW execution up to
a maximum of 48s.
For development and testing purposes a
Functional Engineering Simulator (FES) was created
from the beginning of HERA visual-based GNC
system prototyping and maintained until phase D.
The FES is integrating both the GNC and the image
processing algorithms, but also models of real sensors
or actuators. The images are generated by a synthetic
image generator called PANGU. The FES is used to
run extensive Monte Carlo (MC) simulations and to
evaluate the fulfilment of requirements.
The asteroids' shape and dimension are known from
ground observations, knowledge that has been
improved based on the scientific data acquired by the
DART mission. To increase the representativeness of
the vision-based GNC system validation and
verification, the image processing algorithms are
tested using synthetic image datasets. Nowadays, one
of the most powerful synthetic image generators for
space applications is the Planet and Asteroid Natural
Scene Generation Utility (PANGU). PANGU is
capable of creating high-resolution models of planets
and asteroids, but also rendering images. Moreover,
PANGU can integrate camera models and generate
representative images given any position or
orientation of the spacecraft, sun, planet or asteroid.
PANGU is designed and validated for space image
processing algorithms, therefore is natural to model
and integrate the Didymos system scene in this
Figure 3: PANGU Didymos system, (Stancu et al., 2021).
Information about HERA Didymos reference
model is provided in ESA-TECSP-AD-017258. The
Didymos system is modelled starting from real data
and subsequently integrated into PANGU. The
resolution of real models of the asteroids is artificially
increased to comply with the image processing pixel
ground sampling distance (GSD) needs.
It is important to note that a hyper-realistic
generation of Didymos system implementation in
PANGU was evaluated with good results from
resemblance with a real asteroid, but finally it was
discarded due to considerable computation time to
initialise and generate images, in order of minutes per
one image. This increased realism did not translate
into any differences from the image processing
algorithms' performance point of view.
Figure 4: Hyper-realistic PANGU Didymos in comparison
with the Bennu asteroid.
The scene creation and the camera model,
faithfully replicating the AFC characteristics, from
Figure 2 are handled by PANGU. The most important
configuration parameters of the AFC are: a FoV of
5.5 degrees, a sensor dimension of 1020x1020 pixels,
a grayscale image in the visual spectrum, and a pixel
depth for navigation images of 1 byte.
The CLAMB objective is to determine the estimated
geometric centre of Didymain in the image, thus
providing to the navigation filter information about
the Line of Sight (LoS) towards the centre of the
asteroid. The proposed algorithm shall cope with at
least the following scenarios: Dimorphos may appear
in the image, Didymain has an irregular shape,
various illumination conditions, Didymain and
Dimorphos revolutions around their axis, defective
pixels, high image background noise and photo
response non-uniformity.
The following generic sequence of steps is
performed, and later detailed in this chapter:
1. Image preprocessing.
HERA Centroiding Image Processing Algorithm Based on the Normalised Correlation with a Lambertian Sphere
2. Image binning, if necessary.
3. Estimate the rough angular size of Didymos
from the image.
4. Correlate the image with different radiuses
of Lambertian spheres.
5. Determine the sphere radius that maximises
the normalised correlation.
6. Perform a correlation between the input
image and the Lambertian sphere generated
with the radius determined at point 5.
The image preprocessing is the initial correction
step that prepares the images for further processing.
The raw image can be affected by high background
noise and photo response non-uniformity, but also by
defective pixels. The background noise can be easily
corrected by subtracting from the raw image the bias
matrix, while the photo response non-uniformity is
corrected by a multiplication gain matrix containing
specific amplification factors for each pixel in part, as
defined in equation (1). The gain and bias matrix are
determined during the camera calibration procedure.
=(𝐼−𝐵) 𝐺 (1)
where 𝐼
is the raw image from AFC of 𝑚×𝑛
dimension (padded with zeros until next power of 2
represents the image number of rows,
𝑛 represents the image number of columns, with the
property that
, 𝐼
is the corrected image,
is the bias matrix, 𝐺
is the gain matrix and
denotes element-by-element matrix multiplication.
Next, the defective pixel correction is performed
based on a predefined list of bad pixels. A defective
pixel can be either a hot or a cold pixel. The correction
is performed for every bad pixel in part by
considering the average of the pixel neighbourhood,
using a median kernel.
A robustification method in the case of the
presence of asteroid residue due to DART impact is
currently being evaluated. A morphological opening
operation is considered to remove small objects.
The image binning is useful to reduce the
computation load on the processor, and it represents
a downscaling of the image to reduce dimension.
Eventually, 𝐼
is defined to contain all the
preprocessing, background noise and photo response
non-uniformity correction, defective pixel correction,
morphological opening and image binning.
The rough angular size of Didymos is estimated
by counting the bright pixels in the image, which
represents the area of Didymos seen in the image,
. To avoid considering possible artefacts
present in the image, a bright pixel is defined to be a
pixel with a value higher than a threshold. A
multiplication phase angle factor is computed
because the asteroid could not be fully illuminated
due to the sun phase angle, considering spacecraft-
camera-sun geometry. Using the phase angle factor
and the 𝐴
the estimated area is corrected and is
approximated with a circle to deduct the coarse radius
in pixels, 𝑟
. An additional measurement can be
computed based on the 𝑟
, namely the apparent
range to Didymos, by knowing the Didymos real
diameter in meters, the image dimension in pixels
(considering a square image), and the camera's field
of view.
The algorithm baseline is to correlate the image of
Didymos with several radiuses of Lambertian
spheres, thereby detecting the best correlation. The
Lambertian spheres are generated starting from
by applying a multiplication factor. The
multiplication factors can be detected automatically
or can be set manually. The simulation shows that
multiplication factors between ± 25% from 𝑟
are sufficient to detect the best correlations.
The generation of the Lambertian sphere is based
on Lambert cosine law where the amount of light
reaching on the surface of a body is computed based
on the angle between the surface normal, N, and the
light direction, L:
cos(𝜃) =
The correlation is the technique proposed to
determine the offset between two images and is based
on the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT), which implies
the transformation of the Didymos corrected image
and Lambertian sphere image in the frequency
The FFT correlation is performed as follows:
where 𝐼
is the FFT transform of the Didymos pre-
processed image, 𝐼
is the FFT transform of
the Lambertian sphere model rotated 180 degrees,
and represents the convolution operator which is a
matrix multiplication element by element for
complex numbers. The correlation will be repeated in
a number of times equal to the Lambertian sphere
candidates, defined by the multiplication factors.
To go back to the spatial domain, the inverse fast
Fourier transform (IFFT) on 𝐶
is applied,
followed by an FFT shift to shift the zero-frequency
components, finally obtaining the correlation
The 2-D fast Fourier transform is well covered in the
scientific literature, however as a guideline, the reader
can reference to the Matlab implementation of fft2,
ifft2 and fftshift.
ICINCO 2024 - 21st International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
At this point the correlation peak can be detected,
its row and column position providing the estimated
centre of Didymos. Because multiple Lambertian
spheres are correlated to obtain the optimal radius, see
Figure 6, the normalised correlation is proposed. The
output of one correlation chain represents the row and
column offset of Didymain, the peak normalised
correlation value and the Lambertian sphere radius.
Intuitively all this information will be obtained for all
the Lambertian sphere candidates, which will further
be used to determine the optimal radius that will
maximise the correlation. Figure 5 depicts the
correlation chain for one Lambertian sphere,
preliminary results being available in terms of
estimated asteroid centre and radius in the image
frame, even though not optimal.
Figure 5: Correlation chain.
One final correlation is done for the sphere radius
that maximises the correlation. The radius is
determined based on information from previous
correlations by fitting a quadratic function, equation
(4), and selecting the best three Lambertian spheres
that provide higher correlations. These correlations
are noted in Figure 6, 𝐶
being the best correlation,
and 𝐶
are 𝐶
left and right neighbours.
where 𝑟 is mapped as the radius and as
By finding the best quadratic approximation the
vertex can be found
, 𝐶
, and in consequence the best
radius, 𝑟
Based on the 𝑟
, a new Lambertian sphere is
generated and correlated with the input image, to
obtain the optimal estimation of the Didymain’s
centre in the image frame.
At this step, the estimated centre can be corrected
for lens distortion, by using the Brown-Conrady
model. It shall be noticed that specific polynomial
coefficients are used, correcting the estimated centre
from a distorted position to an undistorted position in
the image frame.
Figure 6: Quadratic approximation.
The IPU is a GNC payload developed with direct
applicability for the HERA mission. The unit is
dedicated to the processing of the images taken by the
AFC and it acts as an experimental aid for the on-
board autonomous GNC.
The IPU provides isolation of image processing
function and interfaces function, as it is relying on a
two Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA)
architecture, with allocated external volatile and non-
volatile memories. It includes one small and low-
power consumption European FPGA: the rad-hard
BRAVE NG-Medium, dedicated to interface control
and monitoring, while the other one is a powerful
FPGA that performs as a computer vision co-
processor. The Processing FPGA is the high-density
rad-hard Xilinx V5QV FPGA.
The SpaceWire interfaces allow telemetry and
telecommand exchange between IPU and the on-
board computer(s) via one nominal and one redundant
SpaceWire links making use of the Packet Utilization
Service (as per ECSS-E-ST-70-41-C). Alternatively,
IPU can communicate with 2 separate instruments.
The two FPGAs included by IPU allow flexibility
and many options for the design and implementation
of complex functionalities, such as high-data rate
interfaces management and hardware accelerators.
HERA Centroiding Image Processing Algorithm Based on the Normalised Correlation with a Lambertian Sphere
Different computer-vision accelerators which are not
used in the same moment of time can be used during
the mission by replacing bitstreams in the processing
FPGA in-flight to save a potentially needed of second
FPGA unit. The image processing techniques used by
IPU implemented in VHDL (and already stored
before flight into the flash memory of the unit) are:
CLAMB and feature tracking algorithm.
Figure 7: IPU exploded view.
The design, development and integration of the
computer-vision algorithms for IPU are facilitated by
the architectural design of the processing FPGA code,
which provides an internal interfacing wrapper. IPU
also includes pre-processing/correction functions for
the image received from the navigation camera.
The development of the HERA IPU payload was
incremental, including several models like: elegant
breadboard, engineering model, engineering qualified
model and flight model. The IPU has a total weight of
2.1 kg and it fits inside an envelope of 332 x 195 x 40
mm. Detailed information about IPU can be found in
(Băjănaru et al., 2021).
To quantify the CLAMB performances, the
experimental close fly-by scenario is considered,
where all image processing technologies are used
individually, by starting with CLAMB, then centre of
brightness and ending with feature tracking. This
analysis focuses on CLAMB taking advantage of the
fact that the range varies considerably from
approximately 20 km down to about 8.5 km. The FES
plays a critical role in this analysis, using the real-
world block to extract reference information that
consists at least of spacecraft and Didymos attitude
and position at each step of the simulation. The FES
real-world data is used to compare the estimated
measurement of CLAMB in terms of range, Didymos
centre and radius. The first metric to be evaluated is
the apparent range estimation, represented in Figure
8 using an orange line, with respect to the real range
of Didymos computed based on FES data, blue line.
From Figure 8, it can be noticed that a rough
estimation of the range is obtained where Didymos
shape uniformity has a direct impact on the stability
of the metrics. The CLAMB estimated range is not
used by the GNC but is a valuable input for the Fault
Detection and Isolation system.
The following performances are derived for the
estimated range and provided, in the form of mean
range absolute error, standard deviation (STD) of the
range absolute errors and the range relative mean
Table 1: CLAMB apparent range estimation performance.
Range absolute
mean error [m]
Range absolute
error STD [m]
Range relative
mean error [%]
427.6 305.1 2.9
Figure 8: Real Didymos range vs CLAMB estimated range.
The CLAMB estimated centre in the image frame
of Didymos is the most important output of the
algorithm being directly used by GNC to maintain the
asteroid inside the FoV.
Figure 9: Real vs estimated centre on x axis.
Range [m]
X [pix]
ICINCO 2024 - 21st International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
Figure 10: Real vs estimated centre on y axis.
The Figure 9 and Figure 10 present the
performances on the x and the y axes, respectively,
where the FES data is used to compute the reference
centre of Didymos in the image frame for every image
in part, blue line, with respect to CLAMB estimated
centres, orange line. Top left corner image reference
frame is used, x pointing to right and y pointing down.
From Figure 9 and Figure 10, it can be observed that
Didymos uniformity has a direct impact on the
accuracy of the CLAMB centre estimation. This is a
direct impact of the approximation with an ideal
spherical shape when generating the Lambertian
sphere. Another observation is the gradual error
increasing in centre estimation caused by the close
approach to Didymos, see Figure 8, and by the
variation of sun phase angle starting from 90 deg at
the beginning of the scenario and reaching almost 70
deg. However, the sun phase component error is very
small due to the quadratic fitting optimisation
procedure presented in equation (4).
The main component error is caused by the
gradual approach to Didymos, thus reducing the
range which affects the pixel GSD. The GSD is
represented in meters, and is higher when the camera
is further away from the surface that AFC is seeing,
and lower when approaching the surface. Due to this
phenomenon, the centre estimation error in meters
remains almost constant.
Table 2: CLAMB centre estimation performance.
Centre absolute mean
error [pix] / [m]
Centre absolute error
STD [pix] / [m]
x 13.4 18 9.9 13.5
y 7.6 9.5 7.3 7.6
In Figure 11 it can be noticed that the image is
taken with initial knowledge of the spacecraft,
moment of time when HERA’s AFC is not pointing
towards the centre of Didymos. The CLAMB is able
to estimate the centre of the Didymos, blue star,
which can be observed as well in the initial peak from
Figure 9 and Figure 10. By making use of this
measurement, the GNC is able to command HERA
spacecraft and recursively maintain the asteroid in the
centre of the image in the next frames.
Figure 11: First frame close fly-by, blue star estimated
centre, blue circle drawn based on estimated radius.
The optimised estimated radius presented in
equation (5) can be considered as well as an output of
CLAMB, see Figure 12.
Figure 12: Real Didymos radius vs CLAMB estimated
Similarly, based on FES data and AFC
configuration the radius of Didymos asteroid can be
approximated, blue line, and considered as a
reference to compare the CLAMB estimated radius,
orange line. The following performances are derived
for the CLAMB radius estimation:
Table 3: CLAMB radius estimation performances.
Radius absolute
mean error [pix]
Radius absolute
error STD [pix]
24.83 14.33
From Figure 12, the presence of a constant bias
can be observed, caused by the CLAMB correlation
and radius optimisation procedure which tends to use
Y [pix]
Radius [pix]
HERA Centroiding Image Processing Algorithm Based on the Normalised Correlation with a Lambertian Sphere
a Lambertian sphere radius that circumscribes
Didymos. This is the reason behind the decision to
use 𝑟
to compute apparent range estimation.
As specified in section 2, the IP-SW wraps all the
image processing under a single-entry point function,
scheduled to run on the second core of LEON3.
Taking into consideration that HERA is phase D,
consolidated implementation requirements are
imposed. The IP-SW is using less than 20 MB
memory during runtime, excluding inputs/outputs
and tuneable parameters. After SW optimisations
performed by GMV the CLAMB implementation is
using less than 3 MB of run-time memory. For the
perspective of time execution, the TSIM-LEON3
emulator is used, set at 80 MHz. The execution time
of CLAMB is determined for a subset of images using
TSIM-LEON3. From Figure 13 the maximum
execution time of CLAMB is up to 6.4 seconds during
initialisation, mentioning that morphological opening
is not included.
Figure 13: TSIM execution time.
This paper presents a detailed design of an image
processing technique specific for asteroid centroid
detection, that can be approximated with a spherical
shape. The algorithm is based on the correlation with
a Lambertian Sphere and is robust to various
illumination conditions, Dimorphos appearance in
FoV, and until a certain point robust to Didymos
shape irregularity. The image processing algorithm
offers the possibility to perform autonomous
navigation around the Didymos binary system, thanks
to the vision-based GNC system. The performances
at pixel level are determined and reported for the
range, centre and radius estimations of CLAMB. The
IP-SW optimisation of CLAMB allows to run the SW
in 6.4 seconds on a LEON3 processor. The CLAMB
algorithm was previously tested with success in a
dedicated testing facility, platform-art©, where real
mock-ups and camera were used, see (Pellacani et al.,
2019). Extensive MC campaigns have been
performed to test the visual-based GNC system,
including the current baseline design of CLAMB and
are reported in (Palomino et al., 2023).
The work presented in this paper is part of ESA
HERA mission, expressing gratitude to the entire
HERA mission team, particularly OHB as prime
contractor and ESA as a client that has made possible
the implementation of this mission and supported
GMV through the whole process.
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ICINCO 2024 - 21st International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics