periments. Then, to test our hypothesis on the effec-
tiveness of using specific vector segments, we con-
ducted experiments with these subvectors in compari-
son to using the original vectors in a case study related
to the emotion enrichment process on vectors. This
process simply incorporates vectors with additional
emotional information. The comparative analysis be-
tween English and Turkish highlighted the adaptabil-
ity of our method to different languages, acknowl-
edging the grammatical and structural differences of
When we examined the experimental results, we
found that using specific sub-vectors instead of the
original BERT vectors was both sufficient and could
improve performance in cosine similarity calculations
within emotion categories at both the word and sen-
tence levels. As far as we know, this perspective and
method have not been previously studied in terms of
their applicability to any text unit represented by any
vectorization method. Additionally, this approach is
might be effective in capturing different types of in-
formation in vector representations and adapting to
different problems.
In future studies, similar experiments can be con-
ducted on other large language models (e.g., GPT
models (OpenAI, 2023), RoBERTa (Liu et al., 2019),
ELMO (Peters et al., 2018)) that have shown success-
ful results in the literature. This approach may en-
able the investigation of different sub-vectors contain-
ing emotional information in these models and to get
new perspectives. In our study, we carried out com-
parative analyses on English, a language rich in re-
sources, and Turkish, an agglutinative language with
fewer resources and a different grammatical structure.
This study can be expanded to include languages from
different language families and with various features.
Additionally, vectors can be reanalyzed for different
problems or information searches and the effective-
ness of the approach in various scenarios can be ex-
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Optimizing High-Dimensional Text Embeddings in Emotion Identification: A Sliding Window Approach