Optimizing High-Dimensional Text Embeddings in Emotion
Identification: A Sliding Window Approach
Hande Aka Uymaz
and Senem Kumova Metin
Izmir University of Economics, Department of Software Engineering,
Izmir, Turkey
{hande.aka, senem.kumova}@ieu.edu.tr
Natural Language Processing, Emotion, Large Language Models, Vector Space Models.
Natural language processing (NLP) is an interdisciplinary field that enables machines to understand and gen-
erate human language. One of the crucial steps in several NLP tasks, such as emotion and sentiment analysis,
text similarity, summarization, and classification, is transforming textual data sources into numerical form, a
process called vectorization. This process can be grouped into traditional, semantic, and contextual vector-
ization methods. Despite their advantages, these high-dimensional vectors pose memory and computational
challenges. To address these issues, we employed a sliding window technique to partition high-dimensional
vectors, aiming not only to enhance computational efficiency but also to detect emotional information within
specific vector dimensions. Our experiments utilized emotion lexicon words and emotionally labeled sen-
tences in both English and Turkish. By systematically analyzing the vectors, we identified consistent patterns
with emotional clues. Our findings suggest that focusing on specific sub-vectors rather than entire high-
dimensional BERT vectors can capture emotional information effectively, without performance loss. With this
approach, we examined an increase in pairwise cosine similarity scores within emotion categories when using
only sub-vectors. The results highlight the potential of the use of sub-vector techniques, offering insights into
the nuanced integration of emotions in language and the applicability of these methods across different lan-
Natural language processing (NLP) is a field at the in-
tersection of computer science, artificial intelligence,
and linguistics that aims to enable machines to un-
derstand and generate human language. In text-based
natural language processing, the first step is to convert
the given textual content into a numerical format that
computers can process. These numerical represen-
tations are expected to reflect the complex elements
of language, including grammatical rules, vocabulary,
and various linguistic components. In the field, the
process of converting textual data into numerical rep-
resentations is commonly referred to as vectorization.
The combined representation of documents within a
common vector space is known as the vector space
model (Manning et al., 2008). This model, which is
grounded in linear algebra, allows for vector-based
operations like addition, subtraction, and similarity
We can examine vectorization methods in three
groups: traditional (i.e., one-hot encoding, TF, IDF),
semantic (i.e., Word2Vec (Mikolov et al., 2013)
and GloVe (Global Vectors for Word Representation)
(Pennington et al., 2014)), and contextual (i.e., BERT
(Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Trans-
formers) (Devlin et al., 2018), GPT (Generative pre-
trained transformers) (OpenAI, 2023), ELECTRA
(Clark et al., 2020)) methods. Traditional methods
represent words as discrete, sparse vectors without
capturing semantic meaning. Semantic methods gen-
erate dense vectors that are designed to capture se-
mantics but fail to account for word polysemy. Con-
textual methods create vectors that vary with context,
capturing deeper semantics and polysemy informa-
tion. Considering the problems with traditional meth-
ods, such as the increased computational demand as
the number of existing words increases and the lack
of semantic information, or in semantic vectors, the
neglect of polysemy information and having a sin-
gle vector for each word independent of its context
in a sentence, recently, contextual vectors are more
frequently used in NLP problems and achieve better
Aka Uymaz, H. and Kumova Metin, S.
Optimizing High-Dimensional Text Embeddings in Emotion Identification: A Sliding Window Approach.
DOI: 10.5220/0012899300003838
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 16th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2024) - Volume 1: KDIR, pages 258-266
ISBN: 978-989-758-716-0; ISSN: 2184-3228
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
Unlike static word embeddings, models such as
ELMO (Peters et al., 2018), BERT (Devlin et al.,
2018), and DistilBERT (Sanh et al., 2019) produce
embeddings that consider the word sense and poly-
semy by adapting to the specific context in which
a word is used. ELMO employs a bi-directional
long short-term memory architecture to create mul-
tiple vectors for words in different contexts, enhanc-
ing tasks such as question answering and sentiment
detection. BERT, introduced by Google, utilizes a
multi-layer bidirectional transformer encoder and a
masked language model approach, showing perfor-
mance in various NLP applications through transfer
learning. BERT’s significant potential and perfor-
mance have led to the development of efficient vari-
ants such as RoBERTa (Liu et al., 2019), ALBERT
(Lan et al., 2019), and DistilBERT (Sanh et al., 2019).
Beyond BERT-based models, approaches like ULM-
Fit and XLNet have also shown promising results in
tasks like sentiment and emotion analysis, further di-
versifying the landscape of contextual embeddings in
The vectors created to represent any text unit are
high-dimensional vectors (e.g., the vectors produced
from BERT-base and BERT-large models have dimen-
sions of 768 and 1024, respectively). When per-
forming classification, measuring similarity, and/or
running other procedures employing these high-
dimensional vectors, they can lead to significant
memory and computational costs, especially when
working with large datasets. Furthermore, feature
engineering holds great importance in classification
problems. Although high-dimensional vectors carry
detailed information, not all dimensions may be nec-
essary in the solution of a specific problem. Elimi-
nating irrelevant or low-information features can im-
prove the model’s performance and prevent over-
fitting. Additionally, feature selection can reduce the
computational costs and memory requirements of the
model, providing a significant advantage. In this con-
text, we investigated the following 3 research ques-
tions (RQ) for this study:
RQ1. How can we enhance the effectiveness of
vector representations by optimizing computational
Our goal was to tackle the computational chal-
lenges associated with high-dimensional vectors, par-
ticularly when handling large datasets. By employ-
ing a sliding window method, we systematically ex-
amined recurring patterns within these vectors to en-
hance computational efficiency.
RQ2. Can we have insights into the nuanced inte-
gration of emotions within language representations
of text units?
As detailed in Section 3, we investigated
whether the method we applied to BERT vectors
of words/sentences labeled with different emotions
could detect emotional information in specific parts
of the vector representations.
RQ3. What are the differences or similarities be-
tween the application of an optimization approach on
vectors in the English and Turkish languages?
In the literature, while many methods used in the
field of NLP on texts demonstrate success in the En-
glish language, it is observed that the same method
may not yield the same success or effects when ap-
plied to different languages. Therefore, both for this
reason and to make comparisons, we conducted ex-
periments for the proposed method in both English
and Turkish languages. The reason for choosing
Turkish as a second language is that it differs signif-
icantly from English in terms of grammar. Among
the general features of Turkish, its agglutinative struc-
ture, vowel harmony, and frequent usage of idioms
and proverbs can be counted. For example, the 22-
letter Turkish word Anlamlandıramadıklarım. can
be expressed in English as the 6-word sentence “What
I couldn’t make sense of.”.
In summary, we examined whether certain dimen-
sions within the representations of text units might in-
clude concealed information, such as emotions. This
led us to explore the possibility of detecting emotional
cues through a detailed analysis of these dimensions.
To achieve this goal, we employed a sliding window
approach to partition vectors and identify consistent
patterns, aiming to enhance computational efficiency
and gain a deeper understanding of the integration of
emotions within these vectors. Our experiments in-
volve emotion lexicon words and emotionally labeled
sentences, and we also utilized BERT as an embed-
ding model. Ultimately, this approach, which offers a
new perspective on emotional representation, can be
applied to any text unit, any embedding model, and
any hidden information that can be detected. The con-
tributions of the study can be listed as follows:
1. A dimensionality reduction technique through a
sliding window approach is introduced to parti-
tion high-dimensional vector representations of
texts into smaller sub-vectors, improving compu-
tational efficiency while maintaining or enhancing
the effectiveness of representations.
2. Specific sub-vectors within BERT vectors that
contain emotional information have been identi-
fied, suggesting that emotional clues are localized
within certain dimensions of the vectors.
3. Experiments utilizing only sub-vectors are con-
ducted in both English and Turkish, demonstrat-
ing the effectiveness of the proposed method for
Optimizing High-Dimensional Text Embeddings in Emotion Identification: A Sliding Window Approach
two languages with different grammatical struc-
In the subsequent sections of the paper, Section
2 provides a literature review, Section 3 details the
proposed method, Section 4 presents the experiments
and results, and Section 5 concludes with the findings
and implications.
Vector space models refer to the numerical represen-
tation of text units (like words or phrases) in a vector
space. As can be seen in Figure 1, the models can be
considered in two different groups: context-free and
contextual models.
Figure 1: Vector space models.
From the context-free models, traditional models
like one-hot encoding, tf-idf, and co-occurrence ma-
trix representation lack semantic understanding. For
instance, co-occurrence matrix representation counts
word occurrences but fails to capture the nuances of
word meanings and their semantic associations. Thus,
these models struggle to comprehend the deeper
meaning and context of language, which brings a
drawback in tasks requiring semantic understanding,
such as sentiment analysis and language translation.
Semantic embeddings like Word2Vec and GloVe pro-
vide the representation of words with similar mean-
ings close together in vector space. Capturing seman-
tic relationships between words helps these models
manage tasks like semantic similarity and word anal-
ogy. Although they have been a significant innovation
in the field of NLP for containing semantic informa-
tion, these models generate only a single static vector
for each word. In other words, these models that pro-
duce context-free vectors do not consider polysemy
and content.
Contextual models like BERT and ELMO produce
different embeddings based on the context in which
they are used, even for the same words with different
meanings. These contextual models are designed to
capture nuanced information in language and repre-
sent the complex relationships between words in var-
ious contexts. The representations are based on high-
dimensional embeddings, typically ranging from 512
to 1024 dimensions. For instance, BERT has two ver-
sions: BERT-base with 768 dimensions and BERT-
large with 1024 dimensions. Similarly, ELMO em-
beddings have 1024 dimensions. Two embedding
models from GPT, text-embedding-3-small, and text-
embedding-3-large, produce vectors with lengths of
1536 and 3072, respectively. While these high-
dimensional embeddings capture rich and detailed
linguistic information, they have challenges such as
increased computational complexity and memory re-
quirements. In the literature, dimensionality reduc-
tion techniques, such as PCA (Principal Component
Analysis) and t-SNE (t- Stochastic Neighbor Embed-
ding), are often used to address these issues while
preserving the performance in several tasks (Rau-
nak et al., 2019; Ayesha et al., 2020; George and
Sumathy, 2022;
Alvaro Huertas-Garc
ıa et al., 2022;
Zhang et al., 2024). For example, (Zhang et al., 2024)
study investigates the effects of reducing the dimen-
sionality of high-dimensional sentence embeddings.
The research assesses various unsupervised dimen-
sionality reduction techniques, such as PCA, SVD
( truncated Singular Value Decomposition), KPCA
(Kernel PCA), GRP (Gaussian Random Projections
), and autoencoders, to compress these embeddings.
The aim is to cut down on storage and computational
expenses while preserving performance in different
downstream NLP tasks. Their findings indicate that
PCA is the most efficient method, achieving a 50%
reduction in dimensionality with only a 1% perfor-
mance loss. Notably, for some sentence encoders,
reducing dimensionality even enhanced accuracy. In
the research conducted by (Su et al., 2021), they uti-
lize a technique referred to as “whitening”, which is
based on PCA (Principal Component Analysis), to
process BERT sentence representations. This method
reduces the embedding size to 256 and 384, aiming
to address the issue of anisotropy and diminish di-
mensionality. Experimental results on seven bench-
mark datasets demonstrate that their method substan-
tially enhances performance and reduces vector size,
optimizing memory storage and accelerating retrieval
KDIR 2024 - 16th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
Figure 2: Framework for vector partitioning with sliding window technique.
Although contextual embeddings effectively capture
both semantic and contextual knowledge, their high-
dimensional vectors can be both space-consuming
and computationally expensive, especially with large
datasets. Additionally, specific dimensions or seg-
ments of these vectors might capture information re-
lated to specific features of language or properties of
the text unit they represent. In this study, we proposed
an alternative approach that emphasizes identifying
patterns within vectors of any text unit, thereby re-
ducing the complexity of the analysis. This approach
is adaptable to any vectorization model.
We conducted an experimental study to find sub-
vectors containing emotion information within BERT
vectors of sentences and words labeled with different
emotion categories (anger, fear, sadness, and joy) and
measured the performance of word and sentence rep-
resentations using only these sub-vectors. To perform
a comparative study and observe the method’s effec-
tiveness in different languages, we conducted the ex-
periments in both English and Turkish. Our proposed
methodology is summarized as follows:
1. A sliding window technique is employed to exam-
ine and extract meaningful patterns from BERT
vectors. This method divides the vectors into
smaller, fixed-size parts (windows), enabling us
to obtain local contextual information.
2. Cosine similarity between words (both for En-
glish and Turkish) labeled with the same emotion
category is measured using only certain windows
of BERT vectors for word representations. Here,
an increase in cosine similarity values is expected
if there is emotion-specific information in certain
windows of the vectors.
To determine the window size for the sliding win-
dow technique we referred to the study of (Su et al.,
2021). They proposed another dimensionality reduc-
tion technique to decrease BERT vectors to lengths
of 256 and 384. Thus, in our study, the window size
is selected as 256. Initially, BERT word vectors, la-
beled by 4 different emotion categories and having
a length of 768, are divided into sub-vectors with a
window size of 256. The slide size is determined
to be 64 to cover every dimension of the BERT vec-
tors. For example, the first sub-vector (window) starts
at dimension 1 and ends at dimension 256, and the
second one spans from dimension 65 to 321 as can
be seen detailly in Figure 2. To sum up, employing
the sliding window technique, we segmented the 768-
dimensional word BERT vectors into nine subvectors.
In this study, we utilized the NRC English emotion
lexicon (Mohammad and Turney, 2013) words and the
Turkish-translated NRC emotion lexicon (TT-NRC)
(Aka Uymaz and Kumova Metin, 2023). Both lex-
icons are annotated by Plutchick’s (Plutchik, 1980)
emotion categories. In the experimental study, we
considered the lexicon words labeled by four emotion
categories, namely anger, fear, sadness, and joy, for
both languages. The initial step was obtaining BERT
vectors of each lexicon word. Because BERT con-
structs vectors for words based on their surrounding
context, the words and the sentences constituting the
words should be given as parameters to BERT. We
Optimizing High-Dimensional Text Embeddings in Emotion Identification: A Sliding Window Approach
Table 1: Pairwise in-category cosine similarity results of English words while using only one window.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Anger-Anger 0.249 0.597 0.628 0.633 0.630 0.361 0.256 0.244 0.233
Fear-Fear 0.220 0.607 0.634 0.640 0.637 0.340 0.236 0.226 0.215
Sadness-Sadness 0.236 0.598 0.629 0.636 0.633 0.357 0.254 0.250 0.242
cosine similarity
Joy-Joy 0.285 0.665 0.687 0.692 0.690 0.403 0.311 0.305 0.283
Table 2: Pairwise in-category cosine similarity results of Turkish words while using only one window.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Anger-Anger 0.288 0.330 0.300 0.324 0.312 0.767 0.766 0.768 0.775
Fear-Fear 0.276 0.318 0.292 0.321 0.306 0.760 0.760 0.761 0.768
Sadness-Sadness 0.275 0.317 0.295 0.321 0.302 0.760 0.760 0.762 0.770
cosine similarity
Joy-Joy 0.276 0.318 0.316 0.342 0.341 0.797 0.796 0.798 0.805
followed the same technique as (Aka Uymaz and Ku-
mova Metin, 2023) for deriving BERT vectors utiliz-
ing the collection of three sentence datasets labeled by
emotion four emotion categories (anger, fear, sadness,
joy): TEI (Mohammad and Bravo-Marquez, 2017),
TEC (Mohammad, 2012), and TREMO (Tocoglu and
Alpkocak, 2018). After applying our proposed slid-
ing window technique, we divided each BERT vector
of lexicon words into 9 sub-vectors. Then, utilizing
these sub-vectors individually to represent each word
vector, we measured the pairwise cosine similarity
score between each word belonging to emotion cate-
gories (in-category cosine similarity). Cosine similar-
ity takes values between 0 and 1. 0 indicates that two
vectors are completely different, while 1 means they
are identical. In this study, a high cosine similarity
score may indicate that certain sub-vectors are bet-
ter at capturing that emotion category. For instance,
when assessing cosine similarity between two words
labeled with joy, we utilized only the subvectors span-
ning dimensions 1 to 256 and computed the cosine
similarity. This procedure was repeated for other win-
dows, resulting in nine cosine similarity experiments
for each word represented by a single subvector. The
outcomes were shown as heat maps in Tables 1 and 2
for English and Turkish lexicon words, respectively.
The heat maps reveal that certain dimensions
within BERT vectors contain emotional clues. Con-
sequently, employing specific subsets of these vectors
in cosine similarity assessments yields higher similar-
ity compared to others. This implies that focusing on
subsets can be sufficient instead of utilizing all 768-
dimensional vectors. Specifically, our examination of
English word vectors identified emotional data within
windows 2, 3, 4, and 5, while in Turkish, emotional
intensity may also found within windows 6, 7, 8, and
Following analyzing the in-category cosine simi-
larity among lexicon words represented by a window-
based vector, we applied these findings to a specific
process in emotion identification: emotion enrich-
ment of text units. The experimental study on emo-
tion enrichment consists of two phases: sentence sub-
vector construction and emotion enrichment on sen-
tence vectors.
In this phase of the experimental study, we uti-
lize the TEI (Mohammad and Bravo-Marquez, 2017),
TEC (Mohammad, 2012), and TREMO (Tocoglu and
Alpkocak, 2018) datasets. Among these, TREMO is a
Turkish dataset, while the others are English datasets.
To enable experiments with both English and Turk-
ish, we translated the English datasets into Turkish
and the Turkish dataset into English. Subsequently,
we selected 500 sentences from each emotion cat-
egory (anger, fear, sadness, joy) randomly, to con-
struct the Emotion Sentence Dataset (ESD) used in
the sentence-based experiments. In order to construct
sentence sub-vectors, firstly, as an alternative to us-
ing the 768-dimensional BERT vectors for sentence
representations, we utilized the sub-parts identified
as having emotional information prior to word-based
experiments for both English and Turkish as can be
seen in detail in Figure 3. We combined the sub-
parts that yielded the best results in each language.
For instance, it was found that the English BERT vec-
tors had more emotive information in sub-vectors 2,
3, 4, and 5. These sub-parts were concatenated to
create a vector that spans from the start of the sec-
ond window’s dimensions to the end of the fifth win-
dow’s dimensions. The process for combining these
sub-vectors is illustrated in Figure 4.
Later, we observed the success of BERT vec-
tors and sub-vectors from sentences in both lan-
guages in the emotion enrichment process (EEP). In
studies on emotion classification or detection, emo-
tion/sentiment enrichment is a frequently researched
process in the literature (Agrawal et al., 2018; Wong-
patikaseree et al., 2021; Matsumoto et al., 2022). It
KDIR 2024 - 16th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
Figure 3: Flowchart for dimensionality reduction for word and sentence vectors.
Figure 4: Framework for extracting sub-vectors.
has been observed in studies that although semantic
and contextual embeddings demonstrate significant
success in representing any text unit, they have some
shortcomings in expressing emotional information.
Therefore, it has been suggested that these vectors be
enhanced by adding emotional information. Studies
using cosine similarity-based or classification-based
approaches with vectors containing emotional infor-
mation have shown higher success. Various methods
have been proposed in the literature. In this study,
we applied the emotion enrichment method proposed
by (Aka Uymaz and Kumova Metin, 2023) to our
English and Turkish sentence datasets. In summary,
this method works by comparing the vectors to be en-
riched with the vectors of emotion lexicon words. In
this comparison, the similarity (cosine similarity) of
each word to the emotional words in the lexicon is
calculated. The closest emotional words are identi-
fied, and their vectors are used to enhance the orig-
inal word’s vector by weighting and averaging them
based on their emotional relevance. Finally, a hybrid
word representation is constructed by integrating se-
mantic/contextual and emotional embeddings.
In the experiments involving the emotion enrich-
ment process, we used Turkish and English sentences
as the text units to be enriched with emotional infor-
mation. Then, we calculated pairwise in-category co-
sine similarity scores within every emotion category
before and after enrichment. For the vector repre-
sentation of the sentences, we used 768-dimensional
BERT vectors and the BERT sub-vectors obtained in
the previous stage. The lexicons we used in the emo-
tion enrichment process were the NRC and TT-NRC
lexicons. We followed the same procedure for the
vector representation of the lexicon words as we did
for the sentences. That is, we first represented the
lexicon words with BERT, then subjected the words
to the enrichment process as in (Aka Uymaz and Ku-
mova Metin, 2023), and finally obtained their sub-
Tables 3 and 4 present the emotion enrichment
process of English and Turkish sentences by repre-
senting them with BERT and BERT sub-vectors. The
first row in each table presents the average cosine sim-
ilarity results within emotion categories for sentences,
using BERT vectors of 768 lengths without additional
enrichment. We used these values as a baseline and
evaluated the outcomes of various enrichment com-
binations in comparison, showcasing the increments
as percentages in the tables. In the second row,
Optimizing High-Dimensional Text Embeddings in Emotion Identification: A Sliding Window Approach
Table 3: English Sentence embeddings enrichment with several combinations. (The best results are shown in bold.).
Enrichment by
In-category similarity (% improvement)
Anger Fear Joy Sadness Average
BERT - - 0,610 - 0,593 - 0,623 - 0,597 - 0,606 -
Emotion Lexicon
Words (BERT + EEP)
0,844 38,36% 0,838 41,32% 0,879 41,09% 0,845 41,54% 0,852 40,57%
BERT Subvector
Emotion Lexicon
Words Subvector
0,885 45,09% 0,880 48,44% 0,905 45,28% 0,883 47,88% 0,888 46,65%
Table 4: Turkish Sentence embeddings enrichment with several combinations. (The best results are shown in bold.).
Enrichment by
In-category similarity (% improvement)
Anger Fear Joy Sadness Average
BERT - - 0,752 - 0,747 - 0,758 - 0,747 - 0,751 -
Emotion Lexicon
Words (BERT + EEP)
0,922 22,61% 0,931 24,63% 0,943 24,41% 0,927 24,10% 0,931 23,93%
BERT Subvector
Emotion Lexicon
Words Subvector
0,953 26,67% 0,959 28,45% 0,966 27,45% 0,956 28,03% 0,959 27,65%
768-dimensional BERT vectors were subjected to the
emotion enrichment process with 768-dimensional
lexicon word vectors, while in the third line, alter-
natively, both sentence and lexicon word sub-vectors
were used to represent and subjected to the emotion
enrichment process. As can be seen, in both lan-
guages, the in-category cosine similarity results of
emotionally enriched sentence vectors have yielded
the best outcome when subvectors of both sentence
and lexicon words’ vectors are utilized for all four
emotions. The best results in both languages have
been observed in the joy emotion category with scores
of 0,905 for English and 0,956 for Turkish. These
results provide promising insights into the effective-
ness of using sub-vectors instead of high-dimensional
vectors, both for the emotion enrichment process and
potentially reducing computational costs due to de-
creased vector size.
Natural language processing stands as a bridge be-
tween computer science, artificial intelligence, and
linguistics, which focuses on machines that can com-
prehend and generate human language better through
extensive analyses in various domains such as senti-
ment analysis, text summarization, and classification.
One of the most important processes in NLP
studies is vectorization, which is simply the trans-
formation of textual data into numerical representa-
tions, for any computational analysis. Unlike tradi-
tional methods like TF-IDF, newer techniques such
as Word2Vec and BERT gained popularity because of
having semantic and contextual knowledge, respec-
tively, enriching the depth of linguistic representa-
tion. Especially, contextual models like BERT and its
derivatives not only capture word semantics but also
adapt to the nuanced contextual usage and polysemy,
thereby addressing the limitations of traditional and
semantic approaches.
However, the use of high-dimensional vectors
poses computational challenges, particularly in large
datasets. Feature selection and computational effi-
ciency enhancements emerged as considerations as
optimization strategies. In this context, we identified
three research questions for our study:
RQ1. How can we enhance the effectiveness of
vector representations by optimizing computational
RQ2. Can we have insights into the nuanced inte-
gration of emotions within language representations
of text units?
RQ3. What are the differences or similarities be-
tween the application of an optimization approach on
vectors in the English and Turkish languages?
Firstly, related to RQ1, we proposed a sliding win-
dow technique to partition vectors into smaller, fixed-
size parts, enabling the extraction of local contextual
information. This method was evaluated through pair-
wise cosine similarity metric among emotion lexicon
words which were annotated by four emotion cate-
gories, using both English and Turkish for addressing
Our experimental findings as an answer to RQ2
revealed that utilizing BERT vectors demonstrated
that certain dimensions are more informative regard-
ing emotional content. This suggests that using sub-
vectors may effectively capture emotional clues and
nuances in the languages, potentially reducing the
need to utilize entire high-dimensional vector repre-
In the subsequent phase, we applied our findings
to sentence vectors, constructing sentence sub-vectors
based on the identified emotional dimensions (accord-
ing to determined windows) from the word-based ex-
KDIR 2024 - 16th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
periments. Then, to test our hypothesis on the effec-
tiveness of using specific vector segments, we con-
ducted experiments with these subvectors in compari-
son to using the original vectors in a case study related
to the emotion enrichment process on vectors. This
process simply incorporates vectors with additional
emotional information. The comparative analysis be-
tween English and Turkish highlighted the adaptabil-
ity of our method to different languages, acknowl-
edging the grammatical and structural differences of
When we examined the experimental results, we
found that using specific sub-vectors instead of the
original BERT vectors was both sufficient and could
improve performance in cosine similarity calculations
within emotion categories at both the word and sen-
tence levels. As far as we know, this perspective and
method have not been previously studied in terms of
their applicability to any text unit represented by any
vectorization method. Additionally, this approach is
might be effective in capturing different types of in-
formation in vector representations and adapting to
different problems.
In future studies, similar experiments can be con-
ducted on other large language models (e.g., GPT
models (OpenAI, 2023), RoBERTa (Liu et al., 2019),
ELMO (Peters et al., 2018)) that have shown success-
ful results in the literature. This approach may en-
able the investigation of different sub-vectors contain-
ing emotional information in these models and to get
new perspectives. In our study, we carried out com-
parative analyses on English, a language rich in re-
sources, and Turkish, an agglutinative language with
fewer resources and a different grammatical structure.
This study can be expanded to include languages from
different language families and with various features.
Additionally, vectors can be reanalyzed for different
problems or information searches and the effective-
ness of the approach in various scenarios can be ex-
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emotion-enriched word representations. In Proceed-
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tational Linguistics, pages 950–961, Santa Fe, New
Mexico, USA. Association for Computational Lin-
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enriched word embeddings for Turkish. Expert Sys-
tems with Applications, 225:120011.
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and comparative study of dimensionality reduction
techniques for high dimensional data. Information Fu-
sion, 59:44–58.
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