The developed system, featuring advanced IMU sen-
sors and robust data processing techniques, represents
a significant breakthrough in the real-time analysis of
curling stone dynamics. This system not only mea-
sures rotational dynamics accurately, but also fea-
tures the innovative Stone Behavior Presentation Sys-
tem, which displays real-time data interactively on a
tablet device. This dual functionality enhances train-
ing effectiveness and strategic decision-making for
both coaches and players.
Future enhancements will focus on increasing the
sampling rate, improving system stability, and ex-
panding real-time processing capabilities, ensuring
the system remains cutting-edge. As for verification,
we plan to verify if the tablets affect the trajectory of
the stones and the players, and to test the two pro-
posed methods to see if they affect the training effec-
tiveness. Additionally, we plan to refine the Stone Be-
havior Presentation System to offer more customized
and user-friendly interfaces that can adapt dynami-
cally to different game scenarios and user preferences.
Through these advancements, our system promises to
revolutionize training methods and strategic planning
in the sport of curling.
This work was supported by the “The Enhancement of
HPSC Infrastructure through Technology Innovation
Project” of Japan Sports Agency.
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Design and Implementation of a Stone Rotation Measurement System with IMU Sensor and Stone Behavior Presentation System