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The appendix contains the experiment results de-
scribed in the paper. Note that the results are rounded
to three decimals unless a higher grade of granularity
is required for comparisons (most often for the infi-
delity metrics).
Table 7: Mean results (Standard Deviation) for 100 repeated
experiments on case I data. Best-in-class values are marked
with *.
determination infidelity sensitivity
IG 0.186 0.0035 2.782*
(0.118) (0.0020) (0.822)
GSHAP 0.183 0.0037 21808.902
(0.118) (0.0021) (41842.360)
LIME 0.107 0.0025* 921.865
(0.093) (0.0012) (5259.562)
SVS 0.223 0.0028 142.402
(0.144) (0.0013) (87.815)
DeepLIFT 0.236* 0.0040 7.512
(0.114) (0.0019) (1.200)
Table 8: Mean results (Standard Deviation) for 100 repeated
experiments on the case II data. Best-in-class values are
marked with *.
determination infidelity sensitivity
IG 0.129 0.0033 2.872*
(0.108) (0.0018) (0.911)
GSHAP 0.126 0.0036 24776.439
(0.106) (0.0018) (118520.80)
LIME 0.101 0.0026* 434.697
(0.089) (0.0012) (545.340)
SVS 0.146 0.0029 144.623
(0.119) (0.0014) (79.661)
DeepLIFT 0.174* 0.0041 7.537
(0.108) (0.0020) (1.441)
Feature Importance for Deep Neural Networks: A Comparison of Predictive Power, Infidelity and Sensitivity