Evaluating Sensor Placement and Feature Importance for Hurling
Movement Classification
Chloe Leddy
, Richard Bolger
, Paul J. Byrne
, Sharon Kinsella
and Lilibeth Zambrano
Department of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering, South East Technological University,
Kilkenny Road Campus, Carlow, Ireland
Department of Sport and Exercise Science, South East Technological University, Cork Road Campus, Waterford, Ireland
Department of Health and Sport Sciences, South East Technological University, Kilkenny Road Campus, Carlow, Ireland
Keywords: Machine Learning, Signal Processing, Inertial Measuring Unit, Feature Importance, Team Sport.
Abstract: Human Activity Recognition (HAR) involves recognising and classifying human activities from data
collected by sensors through machine learning (ML) techniques. The assessment of athletic movement via
HAR has benefited sport performance analysis by identifying technical and tactical performance indicators.
Hurling is a dynamic stick and ball invasion team sport that involves high-impact movements. Sensor
placement and feature selection in HAR tasks impact the classification accuracy of the ML model during
testing and training. This study aims to determine the optimal inertial measuring unit (IMU) sensor placement
for recognizing hurling movements and to identify the most important features for accurate classification.
Time-domain and frequency-domain features of accelerometer data were computed and were used to train
and test three classification models: Support Vector Machine (SVM), Random Forest (RF) and k-Nearest
Neighbour (k-NN). A RF model achieved the highest mean accuracy in the recognition of four hurling specific
movements, for sensors located at the forearm (86%) and the thigh (84%). Features extracted from the z-axis,
specifically zero crossing rate (ZCR), standard deviation (STD), and root mean square (RMS) were most
discriminative in classifying hurling sport movements with a RF model using a forearm-mounted IMU.
Hurling is a stick and ball team sport that is
predominantly played in Ireland and involves high
intensity, intermittent activity (Mullane et al., 2018).
The sport involves a multitude of advanced technical
skills and requires the proficient use of a stick (Hurl)
to control and strike a ball (sliotar) at high velocities
(Leddy et al., 2023). Hurling encompasses a broad
range of skills and physiological considerations such
as explosive power, striking a ball in the air, jumping,
and sprinting (Collins et al., 2022). Successful
performance outcomes in hurling match-play are
linked with an understanding and knowledge of
physical and physiological demands (Keane et al.,
2021). Activity monitoring of team sports leads to
increased knowledge of physical and physiological
in-game demands and assists in performance
profiling, training prescription and reduces the
likelihood of injury (Ribeiro et al., 2020). The
increased desire to understand sports motion has led
to motivated research in sports activity recognition
which has examined the frequency, intensity,
duration, and type of activity performed during
competitive and training events (Pfeiffer et al., 2023;
Ren et al., 2016).
Monitoring and automatic recognition of physical
activities is often referred to as a human activity
recognition (HAR) task (Bulling et al., 2014). HAR is
a challenging time-series task that has been used in
team sports such as Australian football (Cust et al.,
2021), field hockey (Shahar et al., 2020) and cricket
Leddy, C., Bolger, R., Byrne, P., Kinsella, S. and Zambrano, L.
Evaluating Sensor Placement and Feature Importance for Hurling Movement Classification.
DOI: 10.5220/0012904000003828
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support (icSPORTS 2024), pages 34-45
ISBN: 978-989-758-719-1; ISSN: 2184-3201
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
(McGrath et al., 2021) to detect and identify actions
of athletes. HAR in sports applications has been
shown to be beneficial for measuring training volume
(Hendry et al., 2020), player performance evaluation
and assessing biomechanical factors of sports
movement (McDevitt et al., 2022; Roslan & Ahmad,
2020). The continuous and coupled developments in
technology and artificial intelligence (AI) over the
past two decades has enabled sports activity
recognition that is robust, accurate and increasingly
automated (Chmait, & Westerbeek, 2021). An inertial
measuring unit (IMU) is a sensor system that
combines a gyroscope, accelerometer and often a
magnetometer for measurements of angular velocity,
acceleration, and orientation, and are commonly used
as data inputs for classification of human movement
(Kranzinger et al., 2023). A review of wearable
technology in sport reported that IMU and its
subcomponent accelerometer were the main
keywords featured in 2568 research articles which
were indexed in the Social Sciences Citation Index
(SSCI) or the Science Citation Index Expanded (SCI-
E) (Seçkin et al., 2023). Tri-axial accelerometers are
particularly suited to activity recognition due to their
ability to measure acceleration proportional to
external force allowing for measurements of dynamic
movements reflecting changes in activity intensity
and frequency (Twomey et al., 2018).
The HAR framework is depicted in Figure 1.
Typically, the following steps are involved: data
acquisition, data preprocessing (signal processing and
segmentation techniques), feature extraction,
classification through AI techniques and performance
evaluation (Bento et al., 2022). The application of AI
in the form of a machine learning (ML) or deep
learning (DL) model for classification of activities
and an associated performance evaluation of said
model is an integral component of the HAR
framework (Kulsoom et al., 2022). Studies have
shown that each step of the ML modelling process are
iterative, and classification accuracy depends on the
specific characteristics of the movement being
analysed (Gil-Martín et al., 2020).
Traditional supervised ML models such as Support
Vector Machine (SVM), Random Forest (RF) and k-
nearest neighbour (k-NN) have been extensively
employed for activity recognition tasks based on
accelerometer data (Slim et al., 2019) and in the
classification of human motion data based on IMUs
in sports (Kranzinger et al., 2023). SVM is widely
reported in the literature for the classification of
spatiotemporal features into activity categories in
sensor-based sport activity recognition (Cust et al.,
2021). Naïve bayes (NB), Decision Tree (DT) and
Convolutional Neural Networks are also commonly
applied ML models in the HAR research area (Pajak
et al., 2022). The k-NN algorithm has demonstrated
strong performance in the classification of human
activities (Mohsen et al., 2022). A weighted k-NN
model achieved 82.5 ± 4.75% accuracy in the
prediction and classification of performance
indicators attributed to the shooting score in archery
(Muazu Musa et al., 2019). In HAR research, it is
common to apply several ML models to determine the
best fit for the recognition and classification of the
activities (Preatoni et al., 2020), as the classification
performance of the ML model will be dependent upon
the characteristics of the dataset under investigation.
Figure 1: Sports Activity Recognition Framework.
The data pre-processing is the second step in sport
activity recognition where the data is filtered and
segmented to define activity boundaries through
techniques such as overlapping windows. The
statistical and mathematical features are then
extracted from each window to prepare for use with
ML models. Feature extraction captures the relevant
information required to differentiate activities
represented by the sensor signals during sports
movement. Feature premutation refers to the
Evaluating Sensor Placement and Feature Importance for Hurling Movement Classification
assessment of the impact of feature relevance on a
model’s performance on given datasets (Vallance et
al., 2020). For HAR tasks from IMU data, features
are typically extracted from the time-domain and
frequency-domain (Gomaa & Kamas, 2023; Rosati et
al., 2018). Features extracted from the time domain
reveal statistical information about the signal and are
the most utilised method in HAR tasks (Rosati et al.,
2018). Studies have shown that time-domain features
may be sufficient to classify an activity class (Chong
et al., 2021). Frequency-domain features reveal
information about the signal’s periodicity, such as
underlying oscillations which is beneficial in the
recognition of activities with distinct periodic
patterns (Dehkordi et al., 2020). To obtain high
performance accuracy, the input features must be
representative of the movement being analyzed. The
selection of appropriate features has been of interest
in HAR research (Allik et al., 2019; Bennasar et al.,
2022). Studies have found that the number of features
(Brzostowski and Szwach, 2018) in addition to the
type of features (McGrath et al., 2021) have an
influence on the classification performance of ML
models in sport activity recognition tasks.
Performance evaluation metrics are quantitative
methods used at the end of the HAR pipeline to
determine the effectiveness of the classification
model. Performance is generally assessed using
accuracy, which is a measure of the number of correct
predictions divided by the total number of predictions
and is derived from a confusion matrix (Ward et al.,
2011). Accuracy may be over predicted when the
classes in a dataset are imbalanced, or if there is
insufficient information on the instances of false
positives and false negatives. Precision and recall are
metrics which can be used to supplement accuracy
when evaluating a model’s classification
performance. Precision focuses on minimizing false
positives, while recall aims on minimizing false
negatives (Ward et al., 2011). The classification
accuracy is highly dependent on the incoming data,
and as such the sensor location should correspond
with the movement being analyzed. For example,
ankle-mounted IMUs produced high accuracy of 80-
83%, in the in-situ classification of Australian
football kick types (Cust et al., 2021). An
investigation into the optimal sensor placement for
badminton found that a sensor placed on the bottom
of the rackets grip provided the best recognition
accuracy when examining stroke types (Steels et al.,
2020). Other studies investigating the influence of
sensor location on the recognition of complex
movements found that a combination of sensors
achieved the highest performance of 96.7% accuracy
(Shahar et al., 2020) and 97.6% (Preatoni et al., 2020)
respectively. The placement of sensors at varying
body segments and sensor combinations should be
explored to determine classification accuracy for
optimised sport activity recognition (Xia & Sugiura,
Extensive research has been conducted on the use
of accelerometer data and ML techniques for accurate
sport activity recognition and classification (Cust et
al., 2019; Pfeiffer et al., 2023). However, to the best
of current knowledge, the investigation of HAR to
classify hurling movements has not yet been
conducted. This study aims to determine the optimal
IMU sensor placement for recognizing hurling
movements and to identify the most important
features for accurate classification using three ML
models; SVM, RF, k-NN.
2.1 Data Collection
A total of four hurling specific sport activities were
performed for 1-min each, over an 8-min period, with
1-min intervals of rest between each activity type.
Five hurling players (age 22.0 ± 5.61 years; height
178.4 ± 5.64 cm; body mass 83.6 ± 17.73 kg) with an
average training age (Myer at al., 2013) of 16.8±4.09
years participated in this study. The activities
included (1) jab lift, (2) overhead catch, (3) soloing,
and (4) striking. A description of these activities is
detailed in Table 1 below. Ethical approval was
obtained from the South East Technological
University Research Ethics Committee
(Ethical approval code: 332).
The dataset analysed in this study was a primary
dataset collected utilising the Xsens Motion
Visualization and Navigation (MVN) link inertial
measuring system (Movella Technologies B.V.,
Enschede, Netherlands). The Xsens MVN link is a 3D
motion capture system which consists of 17 IMUs
that are wired and tightly affixed to body segments in
a Lycra suit. The data used in this study was
accelerometer derived data obtained from the IMUs
located at the forearm, and right upper leg, which will
be referred to hereafter as ‘thigh’. The forearm sensor
is positioned on the dorsal (posterior) side of the
forearm, just above the wrist joint. The thigh sensor
is positioned a few centimetres above the mid-thigh,
or on the iliotibial band on the external side of the leg
(Movella, 2022). The 23 segments of the kinematic
model are defined according to the international
Society of Biomechanics (ISB) recommendations,
icSPORTS 2024 - 12th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support
and detailed sensor placement information can be
found in the MVN user manual (Movella, 2024).
The accelerometer range for Xsens MVN link
system is MTx: ± 160 m/s2 (16 g) MTw: ±160m/s2
(16g) (Movella, 2024). The movements were
simultaneously recorded by a Panasonic HX-WA20
camera with a resolution rate of 1920px X 1080px and
a frame rate of 30fps. The cameras, which were
mounted on stationary tripods, were used to establish
ground truth. All statistical and visual analysis were
conducted in a Python environment (Python, 3.8.12)
Table 1: Hurling Activities Description.
Activity Description
Jab Lift
Player slides the hurl under the
ball and scoops it into the hand in
one swift action.
Player positions themselves under
the flight path of the sliotar,
anticipating its descent. The
player then jumps into the air off
one leg, bending the opposite leg,
and the ball is caught with a
cupped hand.
Player balances the sliotar on top
of the hurl as they take steps. The
hurl is held out in front of the
Player positions their dominant
hand at the top of the handle and
their non-dominant hand further
down the handle. The hurl is
swung above the head until it
meets contact with the sliotar,
where it is struck.
2.2 Data Preprocessing
IMU sensors measuring dynamic movements may be
susceptible to noise and drift in the signals due to
magnetic disturbances and offset errors owing to the
participants’ unintentional shaking or movement.
These movements may present as slight and
potentially repetitive fluctuations which distort the
signal, affecting the quality of the movement data
captured and the classification performance of the
associated machine learning model (de Cheveigné &
Nelken, 2019).
Correspondingly, the application of
lowpass filtering is an integral component of the
activity recognition framework following on from
data acquisition (Hsu et al., 2018). The purpose of a
filter is to remove interference noise, miscellaneous
signal fluctuations, and low-frequency components
(Yin et al., 2021). A low pass filter only allows lower
signal frequencies that are below its cutoff frequency
to pass through, while attenuating all signals above
the cut off frequency, effectively extracting the useful
components of the signal relating to physical activity
which lie within a specific frequency range (Shouran
& Elgamli, 2020). Fridolfsson et al. (2019) suggested
that accelerations related to human movements are
typically found between 1 and 10 Hz. The comparison
between filtered and unfiltered accelerometer data (x,
y, z axes) recorded from the forearm mounted IMU
of a participant during 60 seconds of striking is
displayed in Figure 2.
Figure 2: Comparison of Unfiltered (blue line) and Filtered
(red line) Acceleration Data for Striking Movement
obtained by the Forearm IMU sensor.
In this study, a low-pass 4th order Butterworth
filter with a cut-off frequency of 10 Hz using a
second-order filter two times to the time series was
implemented to smooth the signal by attenuating
frequencies higher than 10 Hz. A fourth-order
Butterworth filter is commonly used in
biomechanical applications (Crenna et al., 2021) and
in motion recognition (Liu et al., 2022). Additionally,
a moving average filter with a window size of 5
samples was applied to smooth the data. Once the
data has been filtered, it is segmented into
overlapping windows to facilitate feature extraction
and model training (Cero Dinarević et al., 2019). The
optimal window size and overlap depends on the
Evaluating Sensor Placement and Feature Importance for Hurling Movement Classification
specific characteristics and application of the dataset.
Bonomi et al. (2009) found that reducing the segment
size decreased the machine learning classification
accuracy for physical activity recognition.
Conversely, Brzostowski and Szwach (2018)
reported that increasing the window size to 80
samples improved the classification performance of
k-NN and Logistic Regression for classification of
stroke type in tennis.
Figure 3: Sport Activity Recognition Framework applied in
this research.
For this study, a sliding window approach of 2.5s
with a 50% overlap was applied. The 2.5s window
size demonstrates the most accurate detection
performance for common sports activity for
supervised machine learning models (Ghazali et al.,
2018). The features were extracted from each window
segment in both the time domain and frequency
domain for the x, y, and z axes. The extracted features
are detailed as follows: mean, standard deviation
(SD), root mean square (RMS), skewness, kurtosis,
zero crossing rate (ZCR), dominant frequency, and
total power. These features have been widely adopted
in previous studies examining accelerometer-based
activity recognition (Gomaa & Khamis, 2023). The
time-domain features in this study are simple features
extracted through basic statistical analysis providing
characteristics of the signal over time and are highly
effective in discriminating activities from
accelerometer signal (Erdaş et al., 2016). Simple
statistical features have shown outstanding
classification accuracy in differentiating static and
dynamic activities (Coelho et al., 2022). Frequency-
domain features are extracted through spectral
analysis and compliment time-domain features
(Erdaş et al., 2016) for robust feature representation
(Nguyen et al., 2021). The hurling activities
examined in this research exhibit a combination of
rotational and linear movements with varying
intensities and as such, features with high
discriminative abilities are required to accurately
recognise and classify different activities. For
example, striking movements often involve rapid,
intense movements leading to greater variability and
distinct skewness and kurtosis values compared to
more uniform activities. Additionally, frequency
domain features reveal underlying oscillations and
energy distributions in the data. Activities such as
jogging (soloing) and jumping (Overhead catch) have
indicative frequency components that can be detected
through these features.
The train/test split of the data was 80/20%, where
80% of the data was used to train the machine learning
models (SVM, RF, and k-NN), and the remaining 20%
was used for performance evaluation. In this study, a
5-fold cross validation was implemented. K-Fold cross
validation involves randomly partitioning the data in k-
equal subsets, training the data on k-1 subset, and using
a different fold for testing (Dehghani et al., 2019). This
process is repeated k times and when the k iterations
are completed, performance metrics such as accuracy,
precision and recall are calculated by averaging the
results of all k folds. The sport activity recognition
framework implemented in this study is shown in
Figure 3.
Each of the five participants performed each activity
for 1 minute, which corresponds to 240 s at a
sampling frequency of 240 Hz/s. For each activity,
14400 samples were collected per axis, resulting in
172800 samples per participant across all three axes.
The data was segmented into fixed sized windows of
2.5 s with a 50% overlap this translates to 600
samples per window with an overlap of 300 samples,
icSPORTS 2024 - 12th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support
this segmentation yielded 940 windows per sensor.
Each window was processed to extract various time-
domain and frequency-domain features. Three
supervised classification models, specifically SVM,
RF and k-NN were compared to determine the best
performance in terms of mean accuracy (A), mean
precision (P), and mean recall (R), these results are
displayed in Table 2. Figure 4 presents the confusion
matrices, while Tables 3 and 4 provide a detailed
breakdown of the TPs, TNs, FPs, and FNs for our
classification models using the forearm and thigh
sensors. Permutation feature importance with a cut-
off threshold of 0.05 was conducted to determine the
importance of different features across the time and
frequency domain for each of the sensor locations in
predicting the hurling activity classes.
Figure 4: The confusion matrix for Random Forest model
using the forearm sensor for the detection of four Hurling
sport specific activities.
Table 2: Performance metrics of SVM, RF, and k-NN
Models for the recognition and classification of four hurling
specific activities (A = mean accuracy, P = mean precision,
and R = mean recall. These metrics summarise the model
Model Mean A Mean P Mean R
Forearm SVM
0.848 0.850 0.848
k-NN 0.741
Thigh SVM 0.815
0.816 0.814
RF 0.842
0.845 0.844
k-NN 0.659
0.657 0.657
The confusion matrices from the RF model for the
forearm sensor and thigh sensor are displayed in
Figure 4 and Figure 5, respectively. The high values
on the diagonal (correctly classified instances)
suggest that the RF model is performing favourably
for the classification of hurling activities from both
sensor locations.
The analysis of two sensor locations revealed the
RF model as the best-performing classifier with mean
accuracy of 86% for the forearm, and 84% for the
thigh respectively.
Figure 5: The confusion matrix for Random Forest model
using the thigh sensor for the detection of four Hurling sport
specific activities.
Table 3: Mean True Positives (TPs), True Negatives (TNs),
False Positives (FPs) and False Negatives (FNs) for SVM,
RF and k-NN classifiers on Forearm Sensor Data.
Model Class Mean
SVM 0 42.4 ±
136.0 ±
5.0 ±
4.6 ±
1 43.2 ±
137.4 ±
3.6 ±
3.8 ±
2 39.4 ±
133.2 ±
7.8 ±
7.6 ±
3 34.6 ±
129.0 ±
12.0 ±
12.4 ±
RF 0 43.4 ±
136.4 ±
4.6 ±
3.6 ±
1 41.4 ±
138.2 ±
2.8 ±
5.6 ±
2 40.2 ±
135.0 ±
6.0 ±
6.8 ±
3 37.4 ±
128.8 ±
12.2 ±
6.6 ±
k-NN 0 40.0 ±
133.6 ±
7.4 ±
7.0 ±
Evaluating Sensor Placement and Feature Importance for Hurling Movement Classification
able 4: Mean True Positives (TPs), True Negatives (TNs),
alse Positives (FPs) and False Negatives (FNs) for SVM,
F and
-NN classifiers on Forearm Sensor Data.(cont.)
1 36.6 ±
133.2 ±
7.8 ±
10.4 ±
2 37.4 ±
121.2 ±
19.8 ±
9.6 ±
3 25.4 ±
127.4 ±
13.6 ±
21.6 ±
Table 3 and 4 summarize the TP (True Positives),
TN (True Negatives), FP (False Positives), and FN
(False Negatives) values for each classifier across both
forearm (Table 3) and thigh sensors (Table 4). TP are
the number of positive cases correctly identified as
positive; the activity is classified accurately. TN are the
number of negative cases correctly identified as
negative; the activity is classified accurately. FP are the
number of negative cases incorrectly identified as
positive; the activity is misclassified. FN are the
number of positive cases incorrectly identified as
negative; the activity is misclassified. (Bennasar et al.,
2022). For both sensor locations, SVM and RF models
showed a decline in performance as denoted by a
decrease in TPs and TNs, and an increase in FPs and
Table 5: Mean True Positives (TPs), True Negatives (TNs),
False Positives (FPs) and False Negatives (FNs) for SVM,
RF and k-NN classifiers on Thigh Sensor Data.
Model Class Mean
SVM 0 38.6 ±
134.2 ±
6.8 ±
8.4 ±
1 39.2 ±
130.8 ±
10.2 ±
7.8 ±
2 39.0 ±
135.4 ±
5.6 ±
8.0 ±
3 36.6 ±
129.0 ±
12.0 ±
10.4 ±
RF 0 40.2 ±
135.4 ±
6.0 ±
6.8 ±
1 42.6 ±
130.0 ±
11.0 ±
4.4 ±
2 39.8 ±
137.6 ±
3.4 ±
7.2 ±
3 35.8 ±
131.8 ±
9.2 ±
11.2 ±
k-NN 0 35.6 ±
125.0 ±
16.0 ±
11.4 ±
1 31.8 ±
119.6 ±
21.4 ±
15.2 ±
2 32.6 ±
130.0 ±
11.0 ±
14.4 ±
3 24.0 ±
125.4 ±
15.6 ±
23.0 ±
FNs, particularly in class 3. However, both SVM and
RF present as generally reliable with high mean TPs
and TNs values throughout. RF was revealed as the
better-performing classifier, showing notable
performance with the forearm sensor. In contrast, the
k-NN model had a significant drop in performance
across both sensor locations with higher FPs and FNs
lower TPs and TNs.
The importance of features based on their impact
on predictive performance of a RF model was
calculated for each of the sensor locations through
permutation feature importance, as displayed in
Figure 5 and Figure 6. The features that demonstrated
the greatest importance for the forearm mounted IMU
with the RF classifier were ZCR, STD, and RMS in
the z-axis, whereas total power from the x-axis, and
mean from the y axis were of little predictive power.
The most important features for the thigh mounted
IMU were STD from the y axis, mean from the z-axis,
and RMS from the y-axis. Features extracted from the
x-axis, specifically RMS and total power were of least
predictive power. Time-domain features, such as std,
mean and rms are particularly effective for capturing
the magnitude and variability of lower body
accelerations in activities such as jumping (overhead
catch) and jogging (soloing). Frequency domain
features, such as dominant frequency, are particularly
relevant for activities characterised by complex and
rhythmic motions, which are common in striking
activities. These features help in identifying activities
with prominent rhythmic components.
This study shows that the RF model achieved the
highest performance as denoted by the mean
accuracy, precision and recall in both sensor
locations. This result is synonymous with the work of
Hölzemann & Van Laerhoven (2018) who examined
the performance of ML models for classification of
basketball activities, reporting that a RF model
achieved the greatest mean accuracy of 87.5%
outperforming a k-NN model. Similarly, a RF
outperformed a k-NN and SVM models for the
classification of human daily activities, and in these
experiments, the highest accuracies of a RF model
were achieved when the classifier was fed with time-
domain features only (Erdaş et al., 2016) and a
combination of time-domain and frequency-domain
features (Nurwulan & Selamaj, 2020).
Random Forests are ensemble methods that
combine multiple random decision trees (in this study
the model consisted of 100 decision trees), each tree
is trained on a random subset of the data (Breiman,
2001). Thus, the random sampling and aggregation of
predictions results in a classifier that is scalable,
efficient and robust to overfitting, enabling it to
icSPORTS 2024 - 12th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support
capture a broad range of patterns and characteristics
from complex sporting activities. RF identifies the
most relevant features, and research has shown that
features extracted from the z-axis are of most
importance (Casale et al., 2019).
Figure 6: Permutation Feature Importance of Thigh
Mounted IMU Features for Random Forest Classifier in
Classifying four Hurling Movements.
Figure 7: Permutation Feature Importance of Forearm
Mounted IMU Features for Random Forest Classifier in
Classifying four Hurling Movements.
A novel activity recognition system which
combined nonparametric weighted feature extraction
(NWFE), principal component analysis (PCA) and
least squared support vector machine (LS-SVM) was
introduced by Hsu et al. (2018) for the recognition of
10 daily human activities and 11 sport activities and
reported an overall correct classification rate (CCR)
of between 98.33 – 99.55%. Research in HAR is
underpinned by the “No Free Lunch” theorem which
explains that there is no universal best fit algorithm
(Wolpert, & Macready, 1997). This is particularly
evident in HAR research whereby differences are
evident in data collection specifications, data pre-
processing techniques, machine learning modelling
and evaluation. As aforementioned, every step of the
HAR pipeline is iterative and should be considered in
alignment with the characteristics of the movement
being analysed.
The optimal sensor placement has been of
significant interest in HAR research (Davoudi et al.,
2021; Steels et al., 2020). In this study, it was
demonstrated that a single IMU mounted at the right
forearm coupled with a RF model achieved a
marginally higher accuracy compared to a thigh
mounted IMU sensor for the recognition and
classification of hurling activities. Shahar et al.
(2020) examined the influence of sensor combination
and location for activity recognition in field hockey
and reported that a left wrist mounted sensor achieved
86.2% accuracy with a cubic SVM compared to other
single sensor locations (waist, right wrist, and chest).
However, the highest accuracy (96.7%) in these
experiments was achieved when all 4 sensor locations
were combined.
By combining several sensors from varying body
segments, the classification performance of an ML
model may be improved (Davoudi et al., 2021), but
there are drawbacks including labour intensive post-
processing and increased computational load.
Moreover, considering the importance of ecological
validity in sport science, HAR research should take
place, where possible, in the athletes’ natural sporting
environment. Using multiple sensors in these training
and competitive environments may prove to be
cumbersome for athletes, and in such scenarios a
single body-mounted sensor may be more practical.
Permutation feature importance is a technique
used to determine the importance of different features
in a predictive model. It works by randomly shuffling
the value of each feature and measuring the resultant
decrease in the model’s performance, such as
prediction accuracy and area under the curve (AUC)
(Vallance et al., 2020). The larger the drop in ML
performance, the more important that feature is. The
analysis of feature importance in this study
highlighted that simple time-domain features,
particularly those extracted from the z-axis, were
generally most relevant. Other research on significant
features for HAR using tri-axial accelerometers
reported that simple time domain features were of
most significance (Bennasar et al., 2022).
comparison of two feature sets for HAR, showed that
a feature set comprised exclusively of time-domain
features achieved a performance of 96.7% compared
to a more complex feature set, containing both time-
domain and frequency-domain derived features
which obtained a slightly higher performance of
97.1% (Rosati et al., 2018). The previous research
suggest that time-domain features can be highly
effective for HAR tasks, but the addition of frequency
domain features can reveal underlying patterns and
oscillations in the data and contribute to the accurate
classification of complex sports movements
(Dehkordi et al., 2020; Tran et al., 2014).
Evaluating Sensor Placement and Feature Importance for Hurling Movement Classification
In this study, a sports activity recognition framework
is proposed for the classification of four hurling sport
specific movements. Accelerometer data were
collected from IMUs mounted on the forearm and
thigh of five hurling athletes. The performance of
SVM, RF and k-NN models for the recognition and
classification of Hurling activities was assessed for
each sensor location. Additionally, the most relevant
features for activity classification were examined
though permutation feature importance. According to
the study results, the RF achieved the best result in
both cases represented by a mean accuracy of 86% for
the forearm sensor, and 84% for the thigh sensor,
respectively. The analysis revealed that time-domain
features extracted from the y-axis and z-axis were of
most importance for the thigh sensor in their
contribution to the RF model’s predictive power.
Similarly, for the forearm sensor, time-domain
features extracted from the z-axis were most
important, specifically ZCR.
This study demonstrates that dynamic field sports
involving non-cyclical movements, such as hurling,
are amenable to human activity recognition research.
Traditional machine learning models, namely SVM,
RF and k-NN showed favourable results, as
demonstrated by mean accuracies between 74% -
86% for the forearm sensor location, and 65% - 84%
for the thigh sensor location. Future research in this
field may consider combining features from different
sensor locations for increased event detection and
model generalisability in future scenarios. But if one
sensor is preferred, a sensor mounted at the forearm
for recognition and classification of hurling activities
is recommended.
The limited sample size of 5 participants reflects
the specific inclusion criteria for hurling players and
the availability of participants at the time of testing.
The small sample size may affect the generalisability
and interpretation of the findings. However, given
that this is the first research examining activity
recognition in the sport of hurling, this research is
exploratory in nature and provides valuable insights.
Moreover, the methodology outlined in this research
did not include hyperparameter tuning for the selected
models. As a result, this may have affected the
generalisability and accuracy of the models. Future
research may consider hyperparameter tuning
techniques such as Grid Search or Bayesian
Optimization to enhance the performance and
generalisability of SVM, k-NN, and RF models.
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