This paper proposes a scalable substructure discov-
ery algorithm for HoMLNs using the decoupling-
based strategy. A generic Map/Reduce algorithm
was introduced for the parallel processing of lay-
ers and then composing the results, again, using a
Map/Reduce framework. The basic components of
substructure discovery - substructure expansion, com-
bining substructures from each layer to generate sub-
structures spanning layers (composition function),
duplicate elimination, and counting isomorphic sub-
structures - were incorporated into the Map/Reduce
framework. Empirical correctness was established.
Extensive experimental analysis was performed on di-
verse synthetic and real-world graph datasets.
This work was supported by NSF awards #1955798
and #1916084.
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MLN-Subdue: Substructure Discovery In Homogeneous Multilayer Networks